HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-08-10!I " RES'dENTlAL" 22s North stl'r streeAPPLrcAT r,N /PERldrr SprLn4field, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SP'?INGFIELD lo.ob .Ll o +g qlq [J, 3.4 Ra-c-c-,Job Locaticn: AecessoreMap# f7 -O3 -35'Z/O (a {Dr)?cs Lot # Subdiuision: \ohn {-Lok-tnst))ner tr q L). Z.a p). phone: 1ZA_q6ZAddtess SoPffro\LJA C)L, zzp, q1q\lCitg: Descz+be Hotk: 40Date of AppL t =! ,qone Ad&tticn RenoCel bo' 4Zror," Adiress Liac. #Ptone ueze?a L ELectrical Const?uction_!eru|e" It ia the respoatibility of tla perarit lolt* to see tllat aL! inspectionn @e nade at 1he proper tine, that acch ddtesa is reaicble fran the aireet, and, tlwt the perwit catd ie Laated at the frofi of the prop*ty.,?uiAiry viuicioz appror:ed plot sitcll remain on tle BuiLcinng Siic at aL! tines. PR)1IDUPE FoR rltsPgcttult R98,WST.'CALL726-3769(tecorder) state Aou" City Cesign*zted job rutrber, job oldress, type-of _inspec=icni@bereadyforinspectl.on'cont?acta?sc?a*telstgrneerd.p/anerunbel.Peque8tsreceitedbefcre7:00d:, ,viLL be nnde the tane dcg, ?equests nade after 7:00 on vill. be naCe the ne.ct:'nrking da'g. YolE CitA Deeigr,a.ted ,iob Mnbet fs 6ailbB 4Dfrta n.A Inanaaf. ara 4 gI?E INSPECII)N: Io be tmd.e after *cantation, but pr"ior tc set up of fomne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & iECH;:.tliCAL: ?o be nade before any wrk is eotleted. EC2!flG 1 ?1UNDATICN: ?o be tmde ffi e " ffi ;- a1, e -es, c a a t e d attd forns ote erecied, but prior to pourtng trenehee AUDEP,ILOCR PLA4BfiG E iIEC1ANTCAL:@offloor inauktion or deeking. ?gf!_4!D pE44: To be mad.e ptlot to #ilffioi iloor ittsuLaxion ov deckittg, ROIJGH ?!U!BI:IC. ILEC?RTCAL 3 ,"IECq- ffiTTthese insoectia'ris haue been nad.e and. optooeC. FI?E?LAjE: Prtor to plceir4 fcctngnaterials ard before fratrtng inspee- tiort. IRA].'!TNG: l,lust be reqtested aftet, approoal of rough plurbing, el.ectz4- cal E neclnnical. AL! zoofing btacing E ehirmeys, etc. nust be . conpleted. llo aa?k ie to be con- . cealed. until this inepection haa 'baen nade anC approtled. INSULA?ION/VI.POR BARRIER IilSP,C?ION : ?o be npde after aLL insuLaticn ed required. oqor berte?a @e in place bat before oty l,ath, Wpsun boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, crui before ay insuT,ation i-s concealed. DRWALL IilSP1CII)N: ?c be nade @-dT@it-ts in ptace, but prior to cng taVin4. I,1AS1NRI: Steel Location, bowi ffiijgtoutin4 or oetticals in accord.otce ulth A.B.C, Secticn 241 S. il)1DSI1Ye: After installatioa ie atrpleted. cuRB & L?!rcAeE APBP!: After fonns a,e 2CA;A-EIIE@.r to pourtna cofi,2rete. SIDWALi( & DR[',BIAI: For aLL con- e;t;@Gffi street mght- of-u)au, to be maCe aften all, ecca- uating cqnplete d for,a uvrk 3 eub- base ncterLal in Plaee. IENCE: hthen complete -- fuouiie gaxe6 or nottable sections through DIID t- IIIIAL PLU!{BIIIC FINAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL o ALL project conditions, such aa the instalLation of street t?ee€, ecn.oletion-of i;e required Landscqirg, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDI\IC ?!!lAL can be requested. ?fNAL BU7LDING: The Final Builditq fnspection r,rust be reqtested dite" the linal Pltnbing Eleetrtcal, anC Neclnrical fnspections hq,ue been nade arui approueC. *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEA\TOATS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, . DJUST:\E\E ?0 3E:44D8 L? !10:t5! yc cny Date Sanitcy sa.ser capped ct ?toper4i lire Septic totk paped anC filled uith gratel ?indl - f{hen abcoe itans ate cc;noleted. dvtd uhen Cqncli*.ion is cornpLete or st!,1i.2- hpe noued otd. prntises cleaneC up. Blocking otd. Sat-up Plutnbing connections -- sane! otd. aalet El,ectricaL Ccflnection - Blockin4, set-uo Md. pltnbing eonnections rnist be qprct:ed before requesting elec!rtcal inspec)io;: Accessory- BuiLCit4 Final - After pct:ches, skitt'lng, decks, etc. de conpleled. Page 1 of 2 l n T tr tr l JoB NoSJ Bedroons Lot Eaces -Enerqu Sou"ees Tuoe Setbacks I!eat DT House Catage Access l,/ate? :!eate?No?th East iiz.eoLace South Iloocistou-e bt Sq. ?tg. 1 of Lot Cotseraga LC? TWg _ Inte*tot _ Cormer _ Panhotd.Le _ Cul-de-sae I of Stories ?otal Height lopog"qfu llest IYTM VaLue Building Volue & Permit This perrn,t 'i.s gz,anted on the eq?ess eondition tlwt the said eonstptetion sha.Ll, i,n all tespeets, confcrrn to the Crditance zdopte,l. by the City cf Spfl:lqf1:eLd, inchuiing the Zoning Crdina.ce, reguleting the ccnstracticn and. _use of butldittgs, atzd nay ba suspend.ed oy, reuokei at cruJ tLme upon oic-Lation of cny prcuiaions of said CtCir,ances. ?O?AL VALUE cn^1a- Euilding Peni,t 7ee: State ?otal Clnrgee Sigted CEARCE Plumbing Permit No- person shall _constmtct, inslall, al.tet ot choqe dt7 neD cr ezistina ylwnbing or drainage sAatan in uiale or in pott,.inles-s such pet,son is- the LegaL _poesessor of a ualid plwtbetts Licensb, e.cept tt",at a pZtson nag doplunbing aotk to property ahich is otned, Leaeed or opetatei by tte ai;pli,- @nt. li*tutes ReeiCztrti^a.L ( 1 baxh) Seuer lo, Plunbing Perrr,tt Electricol Permit r,{lg"e state La requires tl"a.t the electrical uonk be done by an Electz.icalCont?actor,, the electrtcal portion of this pennit stta.Ll rat be :alil untilthe l,obel has been aigned b, the Electrical- Contractor. 7 I Neu/Ectetd Citcuits Sentice ivdL,T LL C|IARCE htrrace E?U I S blwgt HooC V€nt Fot 'rlcodsto;sa- Peqe 2 SOLA ,CC S REQ.-L-co * Reeeipt #: Mechonicol Permit Pentrit issuance Meclnnical Perrmt -- EilCR2ACHtlElt? -- >eaa4.tu tzcoglt Storage Perwtt L i,ta70 e s A)rbeu! Sinanalk T)TAL AiA1UNT DUE:a 10}+o P Lan ne?uate Total r IIAW 1AEEFULLY sxAilry9D. tlu conpleted application for pernit, c7td. dolereby certtla ttta.t aLL infornation heteoi ia tmte oi.d. obrro.t', inC. tfarther.certifg rhat oty ard. aLL aork perfo*ned shall be dote Z, o""or-darue trith the 2rtiinstcbs of the city of spyingfield., arui the L,a;i of theState of )regon pertaining to the uork cescrLbbd herein, cnd than No lcc}-Pl.llc,Y will_ b3 n _n4e of qa stT,nctl&e t"tithout oernrtsaion bi tt e Buitding Di-uision. r fut'ther eertifE that ottly contractors ad. enpicyees uko uZ ineotpliance aath CRS 201..055 uiLL be- used on this ptoject )/h k I i !'tobile Eone Signed /;u Date /Dt (tu, FEE State Suteh.eae Iotal C'iutqes Maintettance Pence Electrical Label (