HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-05-20#.. RESIPqNTIAL.. 225 North Stt St effPLrCAl'!0N/PERI4r? Sprtngfield" 1regon 97477 ButLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Consjruct ion__Lander SPFINGFIET.D l. ,lUSl Cc- Date: rt ie the responaibility of-tle petmit ltolder to aee that aLL inapections ee nade at the prope! tine, that eaeh .d4nees is z,eoCqhie {m,*_-"t:.?.11,,^?-4-tl-t the-pebtrit eayd ie Loeated. at the frcni of the popetty. vvt'e' et'*e rsuilding Diuicion approxed plan shclL remain on ttte aunLdin'q site Zt aLL'tikes.' P:P'ocgDa,P'q ro{ rySPEc"ro[ P'QUES":CALL726-3769 (reeotd.et') state your Citg desigrnted job ntmbet,, job aciress, type of inspec=i.cntequested and uhen uou uiLT be readg fot'inspection, coiil.toii or Otmets nane cnd plone rurnber.' p.A;;t" z,eceixed befcre z:00 an'*tLL be nade the sdte dcq, "nq"niii"i"a" ij{* r,oo- * nLLL be nad.e the nert aotking day.gY?lsaIouz, Cifu Deeigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: . SNE INSPECTION: ezcansation, but forne ?o be made after pr"ioz, tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRTCAL &wclttrlrctr,: ioie-ffiZT7f&nny ttotk is couered. FOO?ING LFOUNDA?ICN: lo be maCe - afXer t"enehes a?e es.cauated and. forms_ are erected, but pz,ior to pou?it1S ccncreta. IlND9RGp)urlD PLL\METNG, SEWE?, r,t.ATER, D.R/,IIIAGE: To be naCe pr"ior to fil-Lirq trenches. !!PE&?LOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANI CAL : offloor insuT,a.tion or decking, P.OST AND BEAM: ?o be nade pz-Lot, toinstallaticn of floor insulation ot, decking. ROUGH PLUIBITIG, ELECTRICAL 4 MECH.ANICAL: N@ .until these inspections hnue been made and. appz.oueC. EIp.Zp\qC_E: Pttot to placirq facingmatenials and. before franing Zr"pnl.- xL0n- FRA.HIN1: l,tust be requested after app-z,oual of nough plunbing, eiectri_cal & mechanical. ALL roofing bractng & chinmeys, etc. rntst be . cottrpleted. lto ucrk is to be con_. cealed until this inspection lne'been nade anC approoed. INSIJLA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ad requiz,ed oapoz, ban ie?s @e in place but befone ory Lath, Wpsum baarC ortnLL couering is applied, and beforeoty ittsulation is concealed. DET{OLITIOT OR :.:O BUILDI;ICS Sanitaty eeuer eapped at p?ope"tr- Line Septic tank putrped and. filled uith gz,atel Final - Ilhen abcue itens are canoleted and uhen d.anclition is corplete br s*uc- tuz.e nooed and. g,enrises cleaneC up. Mobi Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- Ea,)e? otd. uatey Electu*ical Ccmnection - Bloeking, eet-ua ard plutnbing conneeti.ons mtst be apprcxbd befot,e requesting electrtcal inspectiol Accessot.g Bui.Hing r DRIWALL INSPEC?f)N: Tc be nadeafter aLL CquaLL is in plaee, but priot, to ang taping. ItLAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing or uez,ticals in accordsrce LlLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415. '/OODSTO"/E:AcmpTet;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACIT APPON: After fonnsoe etecteC but prion to pouring conc"ete. S!\E!,/ALK & DRTIEWAI: For aLL eon-erei;na,r@Alffi st?eet r.ight-of-uny, to be made aftet, aLL ecea-tating cattplete & forn uork & sub- base nuterial in place.Final - Afteretc. are conp pcrehes" ekirting, decks, Leted. FfiIAL PLUMBTNG FIilAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL V YglgEt tlhen cornplete -- tuot;iCe -!|) @es oy nouable' sections tltnough P. U.E. q\ ALL pnoject conditions, suck ae the installation of street tlees, co,:pletion of therequired Landseapir-g' etc., must be satisfied before tne aui-tiii'c prNAL can be requested. ?INAL BULLDING: The Einal hdlding. Inepection iaat be requested after the Einal plunbingElectrical, otd Meclnrical rnspectlons 'h4,e been ^ai.- ir.d'ippror:nd. -"i) 4ry -S,Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map # I 0735 3 OOTas lpt # Subdiuision: Otmer: Address Phone c/1- oa City: Describe Notk: Date of /e-+wl-'/--rLh/ex Yalue8- eo- Additian RemoCeL GeneraL Pege 1 of 2 *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCISSTBLE, ADJASNEilI TO BE T,L4DE A? NO CCST TO CIIY cont?acto?s Address L1,Rc ^Ea r u T 850 y'SasoLAR AccEss REe.-JOB NO.cL-CO Bedroorns: eat AceessDfHouse Lot Faees -Iat Sq. Ftg. 9 cf lot Couerage # of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy Intetior Corfler Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac LOr rwE -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the eq"ess condition tlot the said-constraction s?rall', in all rZspects, eonfonn to the ordinance adopted 6:y the City of Spt"ingfield, ineluding the Soning CYdinanee, regalating the ccnsttaeticn and use of buildtngs, and may be suspended ov' r'euokeC at cny time upon oic- lation of my prcoisions of said 0vdir,nnces. TOTAL VALUE ITEM flu x Va * Sigred: s.D.c, 1,5 x Building Pe"mtt Iotal Clwrges State DaXe PdLd-: Cheek Fee: Plumbing Perrnit No pe"eon stnll constmtet, instalL, alter ot cltange anY neD cr eristi.ng _pltinbing or drainage systan in uhole or in part, unlees sueh person is the Legal pbsses"or of a oalid plunber"s License, e.reept tlnt a pe"son nay Qo-plmbing uork to p?opert7 uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the aPpli.- cant. NO. * ITEM Ftbh*es Resid.etttial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perwit 1 Electricql Permit Ithere State Lan teEtires tlnt the electrical uork be done by rn Eleetrteal Contractor', the elietu'Lcal potti-on of this pernit stwll not be oalil until the Label lns been sig:ned by the Electtical Contractot'. Permit NO FEE Nets/Eotend Circuits Sentice State Iotal IEE CIIARCE Mecho nicol Permit llcodstoite Vent Fo'r bhanat ltooC BTU, S Permit fssuanee Mechanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,n ttu Deposit Storage Mainternnce Permit Clzbeut Sida,talk ?ence <,00 El-ectrieal Label Mobile Hane Receipt # PLan LlsanlneY Total f HAW CAREFULLy EXA]4.INED the completed application for penttt, and' do hereby cettify tlut aLL infornotibn heteoi- is true attd eorreet, amC f farthZr certily that crry ard aLL uopk petfortted slnll be done in aecor--dan e ,,tLth the- OrdinancZs of the city of Springfield, atd the Laa of the State of Oregon pertaining to the uoy,k Cescribed het,ei,n, and tlnt N0 OCCU- pANCy trtLL bL ,rade of any stntctute uithout pe?nission of the Building N- oision. f futther ierti"fy that only conttaeiot'e ad enplcgees uho are in cotrpli.ance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be ueed on this project tCt I 5-2c,'k( TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:*5 {o Date * .TEM NC. Date