HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-03-0604/75/96 14:30 SSor 726 3689 7Q6 3d8 7SPF'D DI'V. SDIT.lS ooz qr1>15 LOT BLOCK: JOB NUMBER TAX LOT: suBotvrsroN LOCATION OF PROPOSEO WOBK: ASSESSORS MAP: RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspectlons: 72A-9769 Offlce: 728-3759 .f35 S 3P S/fc0 225 Flfth Street Sprlng llold, Oregon 97 4?7 t 7 yZ - d?/5-Ttrrcu{c*PHONE: 97* ozAreZIP:STATE:Eua OWNER; Dr4l8 CITY, ADDRESS:tUber (s<_ )< 6rtt4c€S /7taOESCFIBE WORKI ADDITION OEMOLISH OTHERNEW- REMODEL GENEBAL: ELECTRICAL: . - ; coNsT. CONTRACTOR ' tV ADDRESS c EXPIRES PHONE r& CONTRA TOB'S NAME PLUMBING: MECHAN BANGE: , OF BDRMS; - oFFtcE usE - ZONING CODE: FLOOO PLAIN: SECONDABY HEAT; SQUARF. FOOTAGET QUAD AREA: r OF BLDGST LANO USE: OCCf GROUP: r OF STORIES; CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOUFCEI r OF UNITS: To r€quest an lnspecllon, you must call 726-3769. Thls ls a 24 hour recordlng. All lnspectlons roquested betors 7:00 a.m' wlll be mad€ tho sante worklng day, lnspeetlons requested afler 7:00 a.m. wtll be made the followlng work day. REQUTRED INSPECTIONS fl romnorarY Electrlo Rough Mechanloal - Prlor to Flnal Plumblng - When all plumblng worl( ls complete, [-l Slte lnopectlon - To be madoI-J alter exoavatlon. but prlor lo selllng forms. tl fl E tl tl tl tl Undcrclab Plumblng, ilectrlcall Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover. Footlng - After trench€8 are excavated. Ma6onry - Stsel locatlon, bond beams, 0routlng, Foundallon - After lorms aro erocted but prlor to concrete placemant. {nderground Plumblng - Prlor to lllllng trench, Underlloor Plumblng I Mechanlcal - Pllor to lnsulatlon or clecklng. Post and Beam - Prlor to lloor lnsulatlon or deoklng. Floor lngulallon - Prlor to docklng, Sanltary Sewer - Prlor to lllllng lrench, Slorm Sewer - Prlor to lllllng trench. Water Llne - Prlor to tllllng lrench. Fough Plumblno - Prlor lo cover. Elaclrlcal Servlce - Musl be approvod lo obtaln permanenl electrlcal power. J-] Flreplace - Prlor to faclng|J materlals and tramlng lnsp. l-l Framlng - Prlor to oover. ll WalllCblllng lneulatlon - Prlor lo - GOVer. fl DrVwall - Prlor to taplng, Rough Prlor to cover. Wood Slovo - Aller lnstallallon. lnrarl - Altor Ilreplace aPProvsl and lnstallatlon ol unlt. Curbcut & Alrproach - After forms are ciected but Prlor to placomonl of ooncrele. Sldewalk & DrlvewaY - After excavatlon l9 comPlote, {orms and sub-base materlal ln Place. Flnal Eleclrlcal - When all electrlcal work ls complete, Flnal Mechanlcal - When all mechanlcal worlg,l's complele.ftwz-Flnal Bulldlng - Whdn all requlred lnspectlons have been approved and bulldlng ls comploted, Othor - MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS tl W, tl n tl tl E tl [----1 Blocklno ancl Sel.Un - Wlren a!lu ulocxtnfr ls compleie. tl tl E E tl Plumblng ConnoctlonB - When homa has b€€n connected to waler and ggwer. Eleclrlcal Connecllon - When blocklns. sel-up, and pltrmblng lnspecllons have been approved and the homo ls connected lo lhe servlce Panel. n Fonce - When completed' E Slreet Treec - When all roqulred trees are planted. Flnal - After all requlred lnspecllong are approved and porches, sklrllng, decks, and venllng hava been lnstalled. aDl)io *: tl E n Lol faces Lot sq. ftg, Lot ooverage TopographY Total helght Lot Type - lnlerlor - Corner - Panhandle - Cul.de-sac GAR ACCP,L.HSE N S W E BUILDING PEBMITirerrr so. FT; x Maln $/so. FL VALUE (A) Total Value Total Feo Garago Carporl Bull<IlnO Pormlt Foo Slalo Surcharge SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (8) ITEM Flxtu16s FlesldenUal Bsth(s) Sanllary Sowor Water $lorm Sower Moblle Home FEE (c) Na FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plumblng Permlt stale surchar0e Total Charge ., FI, I WooO Stovo/tnsert/Flroptace UnI I Dryer Vent (D) No ta- Vsnl Fan Mechanlcal Pormll lgguanco Slals Surcharge Tolal Permll MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhausl Hood MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Moblle Home State lssuance Slat6 Surchargo Sldewalk - lt Curbcul --- ,t Oomollllon Slale Surcharge Total Mlscellanoous Perntts (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (oxctudlng cleclrlcat) (A, B, C, Q and E Comblnsd) o4/L5/96 14:30 6i503 726 3689 SPI'D DEV. SER.tA oo3 i ls rxe PRoPosEo woFtK fN THE"HtsToRrcAL DlSTFllCT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? - ll yes, lhls appllcallon musl be slgned and approved by the Hlstorlcal Coordlnator prlor to permlt lssuance. APPROVED, BUILDING AND BUIL E, PLAN CHECK PERMITDING Thls permll lo granled on lh6 oxpreso condltlon thal the sald conslructlon shall, ln all respocts, con(orm to the Ordlnance adoptcd by the Clty ol Sprlnglleld, lncludlng lhe Development Code, regulatlng the conslruotlon and us€ o[ bulldlngs, and may be ouspended or revoked al any tlme upon vlolatlon ol any provlslono ol sald ordlnanc€s, Plan Check Fee: Dale Pald: Becolpt Num Racelved Byl Plans Flovlowod By Dato Syslems Developmcnt Chargo ls duo on all undeveloped propotllos wlthln tho Clty llnrlts whtoh are betng lmproved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By slgnaturq I slato and agree, lhat I havs carolully examlned the compl€ted app,tcatlon and do hereby cetilly that all lnlormallon hereon ls true and correct,rlnd I lurther cerilly thal any and all work performed ehall be done ln accordance wlth the Ordlnanccs of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and rhe Lawsof lhe Stale of Oregon perlalnlng lo the work descrlbed heroln, and thal NO OCCUPANCy wlll ba made of any structure wlthout permlsslon of the Bulldlng Salety Dlvlslon, I furthdr certlry that only contractoro and employees whoaro ln compllance wlth ORS 701.O55 wlll be used on thlsprol€ct. I lurther agree to onsuro thal all requlred lnspeoilons ar6 roquest€d at lhe proper Ume, lhat each address ls roadable from tho street, that the pormlt card ls locatod al the fronlof the propert% and the approved s€t oa plans wlll remalnon the slte at all durlng ctlon, Slgnature Date ? VALIDATION: RECEIPT,N OATE PAIO AMOUNT RECETVE )qo>3 BECEIVED BY 2 CL O a