HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-06-04..RESID {TIAL.. APPLTCATT)N/PERMrr 225 North ith Street Sptingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Recei Signed: )r { SPFIINGFIEI.D 9( \e ,td\q * q LO\, O Date:'- 'l' t4 PLwnbina ELectrical t4echonieal Consln clion_Lendg!* It io the responaibili.ty of tle petmtt hoZd* to aee that aLL inspections oe nade at the prope" time, that each adlress is rea.dab1-e ftutt tlu at?eet, atd tlut the p*not catd ie Located at the front of th.e Wope"ty.*guilding Dioicion appro"*ed plan slnll remain on tla Building Site at aLL- times. PR)CIDUPE FOR INSPECTI1I\ R\?WST;CALL726-3769(reeordet,) state yout, City Cesigrnted job ntmber,, job aClress, type of inspec;icn nequested and ahen gou uiLL be ready fot inspeetion, Contracta?s or A,ners na ne and phone nunber. P.equests receixed befcre 7 :00 an ',viLL be nade the eane dcg, ?eE)eets nade aftet ?:00 @n urLLL be nade the ner.t rtoz,king dag. Iour Cifu Desigaated Job Nu,nber Is:x Q o 3qz R e ouir c, r7 Tn sn e e ti ans ,-3str s s;"A-tJJob Loeaticn: 3a \I{)Assessots Map #Ic,z lot # Sttbdiuision: Phor.e: J </6 OZ Z7 Amer Addtess t'$338 s ?n L.tc rl zip: 9 7 q77city: Ir l/rn oon, l-t Neu L a(_ U ool^ xLieaticn Desct"ibe llork 'r,-"-:6Additicn ,L; 6 -/- 0.4 L4Date of App GeneraL Pege 1 of 2 SI?E INSPEC?ION e.rcauation, but ?o be made after prtar tc set up of forms. aNpERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELFCTETCAL & @Clll.llICAL: To be made befot,e any ffit-li-ioueved. FOOTING & FOUNDATfCN: lo be nsCe @;;ffines a"e ercauated and forns ar.e erected, but prior to pourLng ccnerete. !08! AND PEAM: To be nade prLot, to ffilfrTdlffof floot' insu1,ation ot decking. ROUCH PLU4BIIIG. ELECTRICAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooev'ed GliTthese inspections lwoe been nad.e ond approtsed. !f-o.EPLACE: PtLot to placirq faeingnatertals and befote franing inspec- tion. lEAI!zu: Itust be requeated after apptotsal of rough plwnbing, eleetri- oal & nechanical. ALt toofing btacing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be antpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eon- , cealed unti.L this inspectLan lae 'been made anC approoed. IN SULA?I2N /vAPoR B. RtslE! r !10Pxc!4)l!Io be made after aLL insulaticn and tequired oapor bmrie?s @e in plaee but before oty La.th, Wpsun baarC or tmLL cooering is applied, ard before oty ir*ulati.on is concealed. DRYWALL LNSPEC?f)N: Ic be made after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any tapins. I,\AS1NRY: Steel Location, bond frffilg?outing or oerticaLs in accordorce LtLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOI/E: enpT;T;a. After installation is OR !,!OW) BUILDI;ICS Sanitoty seuer capped at W,operfui Lire Septic tutk panped and filled uith gta;sel FinaL - l{hen abctse 'Ltens are ccrnpleted qnd uhen d.etytclttion is cornplete o! styuc- ture mozted utd. prer.rLses eleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking od, Set-up Plunbing eonnecti,ons -- aa)e? otd. uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-uD and plunbing conneetions rrust be apprc"^ed before requesting eT,ectz.Lcal inspection Aecessory Building tr tr V uNosacnoultD pLUMEJ!92_jEnElr_ w!!ER;,J Lirq trenches. 71 uaomtLolR pLUlErNG & I4EC*ANTzAL:tlof floor ineulation or decking, CURB & APPRCACH APPON, @'e2;;;t;A-frt p;.": After fortnsto pourLng conerete. SfDgtlALK & DRfW$|AI: For aLL con- ct etena'u@-nitnd stteet right- of-teA, to be made after aL! ecca- oating conplete & forn rtork & sub- base naterLal in place.Pirnl - After etc. are comp pcrches, skirting, decks, Leled. 4 K A a FTilAL PLUUAING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: When conPlete -- ProtsiCe gatee or motsable sections through P.U.E. ALL pnoject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stredt trees, conpletion-of the requined T,andeeeping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FfltAL can be tequested- FINAL BUfLDING: The Einal Buildittg fnspeetion mtst be requested after the Pinal Plumbi.ng Electz,ical, anC Mecharieal fnspections haue been nade attd approtseC. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN! TO BE I.L4DE A? NO CCST IO CIIY B ^+ (o,..* o1* t( cL ,O a-. eo*"-x Value 0 tr tr I JOB NO TotaL soLAR A -CESS REQ.-L-co * tseit,oons f HAW CAREFULLy EXA]LINED the eornpleted application for permit, arld dohereby certif_y that aLL infornation heyeoi is ttue atd cbrrect, and. t fut tket, .certify that ang ar.d aLL uoz,k perforned slnll be dote in aceor- dance tith the )rdinances of the Ci,ty of bpringfield, an"d. the La;,;s of theState of 1r,egon pertaining to the uork Cescyibed herein, dd. ttlat NO OCCA- P/,Nc-y tlill be nace of ana structl.?e uithout permission of the Buitding DL-uision. I funthet, certilE that only eontraetors otd anplcyees uho eL inco;npliance uith )RS ?01.0ss uiLL be used on this project uate Ileat Access Lace DT House Lot Faces -Lot Sq. ttg. 7 cf Lct Cooerage # of Stories ?otal Eeight ?opogrqhg LOT ?WE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac -- lees -- I?EM FTC x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt t is granted on the erpress eondition tlat the said constntction sLnLL, tn all respects, conforrn to the Crdinance adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinarrce, z'egulating the ccnsttuettcn otd use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of cny prcoisions of said Otdinances. Ct) TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Pevmit -Dr^Cheek State Paid:- ?otal Changes t4la ,( Signed: I?EM N0.FEE CHARGE Fiztures (El>Plumbing Permit Ng per.son sha_Ll consttact, install., alter or ehonge ang net) cr eristing glwnling or drainage systal in ulole on in part, unlesi sueh person is- the Le,gal _possessor of a oalid plurnber,s License, eseept th,at a p-erson na.g doplunbing uork to p?operty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the cppli- eant. Residztttial (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pemrit EC State vo Neu/Ertettd Circuits 4> Electricol Permit Were State Las requires tlnt the electrLcal uork be done by an Electtieal Contnactot,, the electtical porti,on of this pernit shall not be oalil. untilthe Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Conttacto?.Sezoice Stcte a ?otal Ot) I?EM NC.Mechonicol Permit -- ENCROACEMENT -- Vent Eot bhanst HooC Per'mLt fssuance Meclwnicel Permit Storage l,laintetunce Pernit Cvrbeut SidataLk Pence Electrieal Label a Mobile tlonte il Receipt #: TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:*Date 4bt L: