HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-08-08PE RIVIIT TRS, Tt JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Contractor. ( ) Prefer to pick up. Cait /9"2ePartitioning #-----( ) Completed Subdivision Lot Bloc APPLICANT'S NAI\IE AND ADDRES pnon.(i35-t 3??* OWNER'S NAME AND ADDBESS Phone- -Phone--CONTRACTOR'S NAI\4E AND ADDR Mail permit to tfl Appticant ( ) Owner STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY I Yrs PERtVilT rS FOR * SEDROOI\4S- -# PLUIVIBING CCNNECTIOI\jS_S- WATEH SUPPLY SEWA r D JA THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF_---- PLUTVIBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the follor,ving legal interest in the property -contract purchaser;potential buyer;realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized record, and that said owner is aware approves of this action. I hereby ag!.ee to co with all applicable Ccdes relating to this Fee Paid $ *i* Date t *t{i"*l {'u Acreage or Lot Size J$ f,\ag: Contractor's O.S. # 55,Bt'i (owner. etc.) vuhen ready s.t. # -owner of record; to act for the owner of permit. Signature Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet l..4aximum Depth Type of Construction ___Group __--_Fire Zone ;*,"""* Use classifir:ation mments B Date By Date PLANNING REOUIH ETUENTS SATISFIED By:Date p ZONE PIL) LANE COUNTY DEPAHTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MIANAGEI\4ENT, 125 E AST 8TH AVE., EUG ENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLOG.PERI\4lT-\lJHITE; BUiLDiNG-'.GREEN; pL!]ttErNG--CANARy; SANtTATtTtN GOLDENROD; OFFICECOp,f __!!riiTE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROMI Ci L) INT. SIDE YARD r-55- I J ed PHONE:687-4394 l3*4 tB3-lf lq*l*o I t q l NEW ADDRESS i ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT,---)SPECIAL PlVlT. AREA. IVllN. ELEVATTON: ___ SANITATION LANE COUNTV DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT/' MANAGEMENT 125 tnST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON e7401 PIANNING DMSION Current Zoning Plrtlttonlng l-- lRend ing f]completed Parc.l No, Part I t lon (n i red Othcr t WA'EN POLLUTION CONTROL UGv Slt. Inspoctlon(t) I ol Slter_ AVERAGE PROCESSING M K 6DS Con.tructlon [-J Ney Nunb€r of Bedroonar Corutc rc I a l,/ I ndu lal -of loyee e Othcr CONSTRUCIION PERMITS AND INSPECTION(See abovc for I of bedroons/f of ernployeea) t] ."lobllc Hotlo S f] permanent A remporrry rI Renewa I Sg, ft. Valuatlon Total Vrluation ? pa 1r 9_ Subtota I s,/rftOO €Dth ,it ,r. tnc E'oH H In Ho ErJr.Hr) 'tHoz \ (^FEE \ s I r Plunbing fixtures at _ SeuerAater Conn. ^t {t St6t. Surch.rgG PIana Check Pcc Change of Occupancy E F' on, Each Dach .s I s s TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT FEE ltinlmun rtructural BGtbacks 3 Pron centerlinc of atreet: Front 40' tsflfl Ca.h 7rT- From intartor lot lines:ar f] Cona'l plans lheet to appllcanr Curb cut to aPpllcrnt PUBLIC TINDS t] Addrese ( *tnir-n Etevltion PUBLIC t"roRKS D Facillty pertrit A7 Roc'd AIFIDAVIT: If thls pernlt ls for an agrlculturrl building, I hereby declare thrt thls bulldlngsj,ll be used for agricultural purposes as all,osed by zoning and/or the State Building Code, andfor no other purpose. I further certify that the Etatemanta and other information submltted onthls application are true and accurate, and that I have the followlng legal inter.at in the ProPerty: _ouneraf recordi contract purchaseri Iessee; holder of an exclurive optlonto purchaafr-_47f,uly authorizeif-fo act for a person wE6-has the f6Tlowing legal lnterest! ,--_-.; or that the olmer of record is knowledgeable of thisaP9llc8tlon, if I am not the ownei I further agree teTompl ith al applicable codee relating E}ryIRON!{ENTAL Chocl I hne county to thl8 D€rnlt--. - /<-4tr Applicant'a Signa arrtaX THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO BUILD tOR INTOR}TATION AIOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERI'IIT CONTROL, 587-{357 (687-HELP) ?a?4F f h E'F ^ E Address q-27r,F Hinlmun Elevatlon c74-L70 il!t\I7 tl TOTAI, S l0 RrfAPPLTCAT|clnl ,'PLI ADORLSS (r.{ER (IF DIFFERE{T) owess-.Qfu;f __-M r--5 I? @AEf6qHEI<Hts .!, 9EIEIP It..t tF Bd e (DNTRAcToR P Y /*lL /<N St) ^l /E)rE_rA L. -_coriTR^c,rol,s ons. STAT! L ER/cor{TR cron (crRcLE oilE)Tl pnErEB To prcl< r,?.(rarldentlel;typa of frnlnj; coDrclal or todBtrl.ll v.c.nti atc. ADDrrEss 855f_q. Fll r{^tL coupt.ErED pER}trr I. PiESETT USE OF PROPERTY 2. DEscRllE STRUCTURES Nov on rrE pRopEnrr. Horr rxy srRrrcruREs ro rE DEroLrsnED.$ ,.HMEDIATE PI.INS TOR THIS PROPERTI (THIS APPLICATIOTI) 1 , FTITURE PIANS: GAP,,q9E 6(q PLOT PL N.n Ske,tch (a) a1l roadr (b) boudart i\^ pLbff*a *l*,r'i'!llil"l::;",t: vr- | or lndstrlrl. lhd fr"ertrndlnl r rrlrtlnB/propo.cd bu1ldta83 (d) cxlrttry/velh (f) erlrttn3/propoccd drl\f,r.y.other p.rtlnmt fc.tur... If coarilrl INDICATE DIXrrSIOXS. r. of property (c) ) cxlrtlng/propored trGaIt, crcekr, eny lIn., prrlln3 .r..a 5d Eroo,^ I I I i I I i i I I aI E q, ntnI ozq >lo :, EI oE 5 '.1Ho2L \ 6. TOI^L LOT SIZE OR rcN,,,," V5 X )A() ,. SITE INSPECTION TEST HOLES (DATE) . K BY L'ELL SPR INC srREAlr_ ux.E _Pr,8LrC, s,1/- tsl_D,A 8. !{rilHoD oF SE9ACE DISPO 9. PROPOSED YATER SI'PPLY IO. EI,LCTRICITY FUF.\ISIIED I I II I i I I I l: lil. li ,,1, l, I I II. NATURAL GAs BY I2. FIRE DISTRICT I l. scltooL DISTRICT I4. PLIJHBINC BY rartttt.rtrtrrrttrrtttrtlarrrtrr m NoT rnITE IELOIJ TIIIS LINE rratrrfirrrtrar*raaat.raltr...t !EmRE YoUR APPLICATIoN can'r BE PROCESSED YOU HUST rURNIstl: -*rll pLoT pLANs LEGAL DEscRIpTtOt (DrlcNsroNED) BY he co.rty &\TE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 \HAM E Y\./ i r t--D 12A'pH E m,, ADDTN& FANtty Tioottt t t : I i I I 't .t i I .{ .l I a. I 5. I I I ittit, FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Departrnent of Public Works.l25 East Bth Avenue Eugene,Oregon 687-41 95 TO: PERi.IIT PROCESS iNG PLAi'IN ING PUBLIC l^IORKS PERI.IIT NUMBER Bo38..?8 PARTITION NUMBER SUBDiVISION OTHER SiTE ADDRESS PERJVIIT VALUE iS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEI'IENT.YES N0 t-/ SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO SITE LOCATION IS I^IITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS I,{AY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE t^liLL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRO}1 FLOODING. SITE LOCATION IS I,IITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. I 2 3 MiNIMUI{ FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MINII4UI,I FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M,S.L. ) REQUIRED. (M.S.L. ) REQUIRED. MOBiLE H0ME TiE D0|.INS.REQUIRED IF GRoUND ELEVATI0N THAT MoBILE H0l4E WILL BE PLACED ON iS BELOW THE.REQUIRED MINiMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SiTE LOCATED I.'ITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMI'IENDATIONS: x t-O-{ bIJlooDATIa-19-16 BY C-rU I lo H IN kl, 1(},lrI / I +vo.oo' :t' ( a .v-, I .t ,-rl,.\ rl(zY-V ", irl"D(Otz?V F-'i.'?"{-,-'Pt-l fT- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ p r I I I I7 .1, I I I t I 'rn I I I +1 Itc0 6LV r I t kv (',/v ( is* 4- I I I I I I I I I t f 1 : Er ,! :' " . I Tt r I I I I I I I t =Efr .t ; J,\ ! I ii TRS, T &,e3cre Plot Plan Job Location (Street, mile post) Subdivision Lot- Block FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: Ef System Approved fl System Disapproved fl Needs Correction COMMENTS: 'I ure /(/Date7/{ Nr6 .l FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth Filler Depth Below Tile Tank Capacitv Ery-H'-Manufacturer Measured distance to well from tank from drainf rew 16' *%ZJn ( -?rL5 s7 fil' l2 T t) ,) l o t o t %-lo'I ",JN Lo$ l- \). I\ $ { il \ s an0 o)L E o) E (u o) E(oz J' PC(,o o-o. uJ c. z(, 6 m Lg GPoc t- /*=-Io l .l{d I o t'Nl I ? I o '7 , \\" F: t \ $tI + o-dl ?9 a co, '.!,a,s ^ a INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 Scale: css-1 1 . TRS, TL Acreage or Lot Si Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR -)mments By Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet i\,'laximum Depth Date PERIVIIT # JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Partitioning#----( )Completed Subdivision Lot -- Blo CONTRACTOR|S NAME AND ADDRESS- -_- Phon Phone Phone e PLUMB II\G CONNECTIO^,: -THIS PEBI\4IT IS FOR - - _- Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Calt-(owner', etc.) vuhen ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY-=- \J'JATER SUPPLY- SEWAGE DISPOSAL- S.I. # THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE IVIILE OF THE CITY OF- PLUIVIBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the {ollouJing legal interesl in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - f,otential buyer; - realtor or agent. I lurther certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signatu re Date { } NEW ADORESS l FAC!LITY PERMIT TO TFANSPORTATION DEPT.-- () SPECIAL PI\4T. AREA. I\,1IN. ELEVATION SANITATION BUILDING Type of Construction -__Group Fire Zone a"r,"-"* - Use classif i r:ation B Date PLANNING REOUIHEI\4E NTS SATISFIED, B SETBACKS: FRONT Date SIDE FACING STREET (FROtul C/L) lNT. StDE YABD te lssued ZONE REAF {FROIVI P/L) LANE couh*TY DEPARTI4ENT oF ENVTRoNMENTAL TvIANAGEMENT, 12s EAST 8TH AVE., EucENE, oREGoN 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG.PERI\4lT-U/HITE; BUILDiNG-GREEN: pLUMETNG,-.CANARV; SANTTATiON_GOLDENROD; OFFICECOpy _V,rtsliTE c55-1 3 PHONE:687-4394 trQa trcc PERMIT # TRS, TL JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRE ) Completed Subdivision Lot _-- B loc APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE SS Phone Phone---- Phone--- Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Calt_(owner. etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY_-- THIS PERMIT IS FOF * BEDROOI\4S-_# PLUI\iIB!NG CONNECTIONJS I CONTBACTOR'S NATME AND ADDRESS- \I/ATER SUPPLY- SEWAGE DISPOSAL THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF- PLUIVIBING BY I hereby cenify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the fotlowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that {if not the owner) I am authorized to act ror the owner ofrecord, and that said or /Ber ir aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signature Date { ) NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERI\4IT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.-- ( } SPECIAL PI\4T, AREA. I!'IIN. ELEVATION: SANITATION BUILD ING Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet l.laximum Depth s,t. # --_- rype of c";1s.t'J:::il".-,,o-n--Group ---Fire Zone Comments: B Date B Date PLANN ING REOU I R EI\4ENTS SATISF I ED. B Date lssued SETBACKS: FRONT '6 SIDE FACING STREET (FRO[/ CiL) INT. SIDE YARD 'REAR (FBOII4 PiL) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL TVIANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG. pERMIT - yJHITE; BUILDtNG - GREEN; pLUtv,iBlNG CANAR y; SANTTATTON GOLDENROD; OFFTCE Cop / wriirE c55-1 3 PHONE:687-4394 'rmments: ZON E: woy) STJItr FLOOR PLUMBING GROTJNUilORK APPRoVED E Drsrppnoveo Rexanx s oorr//- ?'Zf rHsprcron R* GAS PIPING GROUNCh/ORK AP PRov r o ReraRx s Dt slppRovro D Dar r I xsprcton ROUGI] PLUMB ING ApeRovro M Drsrppnovro D oorr_G_--VZ-t- REuanx s I NsprcroR frA- ROUG}I GA:, PIPING APPRovtD RrnaRx s Dr srppnovco Darr INSPt,..ToR F I NAI. PI-UMB ING Ap pRov E D Rruanx s Drsnppnovto ,fu-ZZ I HSpr r toRdDar rINAL GAS PIPING Ap pRov c o Rr Nlnx s Drsappaovro DrtE I ruspecron CIRTIT ICATI OF OCCUPANCY REaoy ro lssuE D Nor Rraoy ro lssur RruaRx s Darr I Nspr clon 'trL 4 PERh/IT # Block-- TRS, TL JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Si Partition ing Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAf\4E AND ADDRE qc CONTRACTORlS NATVIE AND ADDR Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Cal STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY--_- Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet l\.{aximum Depth Comments'omments ( ) Completed Subdivision Lot OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS-Phone--_.--- Phone--- Phone--- (owner. etc.) when ready r THtS PEHfl1tT rS FOR____= BEDROOI,nS . -+ PLUfVIBING CONr'iECTiOl'.jS*__ Type of Construction ____Group F ire Zone Use Classification II/ATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL-s.i. # THIS PROPERTY IS WITI-IIN ONE IUILE OF THE CITY OF_-PLUIVIB ING BY I hereby cenify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have lhe following legal interest in the property: -owner o{ record; -conlract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I lurther certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner oirecord, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Ccdes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signature lNEWADDRESS FACILITY PERIIIIT TO TRANSPO RTATION DEPT.-- () SPECIA L PMT. AR EA. I\1IN. ETEVATION: --SANITATION BU ILD ING B PLANN ING REOU I REMENTS SATI ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT By SIDE FACING STREET Date Date lssued (FROIVl CiL) INT. SIDE YARD REAR Date SFIED. By:Date (F ROM Pi L) LANE COUI\"TY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL N/IANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG. PERMIT -S/HITE; BUILDING - GREEN; pLUMBtNG - CANARy; SANITATTON , cOLDENROD; OFFTCE COp,/ _- wriiTE c55-1 3 PHONE:687,4394 trcq Date - S ITT INSPECTION AppRov r o Rrua nx s FOUNDATION INSPECTION Aepnov r o D r sappRovEo Itrspccton Rruanx s FRAMING INSPECTION APPRovEo Rruanx s Drslppnove o V'/Drtr NSPI: CTOR LATH OR SHEITROCK INSPECTION APpRovro Rruanx s DrsappnovEo f--Darr /-/a-77 Ir.rsprcTon ilNAL tNSPECTtO/1Appnovro /l/ / DrsappaovrD O^r, /-/_,,I ruspecron Re RKS CIRTIFICATT OF OCCUPANCY Reaoy ro lssue Rruanx s D Nor Rrrov ro lssur D Dare lHspecroR Dr srppnove o n onr, /0 --hJ*/- ,*rrrrro^$.y{_ n o^.,, [?-zZ-ffi /'\.an D CORRECTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONi,IENTAL MANAGEMENT Conslruclion Permifs & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to Lone County building regulolions, ordinonces or codes os noted below, a.-<*ta.ft. /--a4--*Laa. (&.--/L-a RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAT I nspectorc55 -7 3 Building Permit # Date-