HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1994-06-21:;t,IilN(it:lELt, NESIDENl IAL I'EIIMIT AI'PL'CAI ION IrtsIrut:llotrr;: /:'(r'370U OJlice: 7?b'lll'.tl Locn 11611.1 r)l' l'llo['()iil:l) ASSE$SO11S ti|AP: \\1 3 (C JO8 N('MtJEn 22li l:llllr tiltcol Slrr lrrg lleld, ()r e11<ttr'J / 47 7 TAX LOT: SUBDIVISlON:LOT: . ----.. .RLOCI(: NEW.._--..- NEMODEI. ADDII'ION DEMOLIS}I OTHER PIIONE:fb r(L <- +o f-bs-e DESCRIBE WORI(; S'IATE: OWNER: --.--.irr ADDIIESS: - CllY:....--- -. InsJ( col.trflAcloll's NAME At)D'lE[is GENEfIAL: PI IONEEXPIRES \,l\->1Y't - ? YYJ_ Er-ECrnrc/rL , .---y-! )-J-- e*_ -q *f '--v- (e L,Ltt CONST. CONTRACTOR / FLOOD PLAII'l: ZONING CODE: , OF BDRMS:----r--... SECONDARY HEAX QUAD AIIEA , OF BLDGS occY G,l(rul' ....-.- . tIANGE:---. - OFFICE USE - }IEAT SOURCE: r OF UNITS: , OF STORIEf;: .----- iW fEn llEAll:t]: : SOUARE FOOTAGE:-. . CONSIR. TYl'E: LAND USE: lo rurlur::ri ar irl$Jruull()n, you ilr,r!il cail r26 li16$. Tlrls !a a 24 lrcrir Iocor(!lJl{J. All lns;recllolrs loqueslctl holole 7:('o 'l ln' wlll b(: ,ratlu llr, r;irrrr' wotltllg rlay, llrsJrcr:llons rc.tlttesletl aller 7:OO a,tlr. wlll bo tttatlo llro followlrrg work day' I1EOUINED INSPECTIONS [-- | tcrrr 1,o r iu y E !ec lr lc I--l Slle tnsrrecllott - To bo lnadeU aller exi;avall<rn, llul ptl.r lo solllrlg lrrlllls. tl Undclslitb Plurrrbhlgl Eleclrlcal I Mochartlcnl - Ptlor lo covcr. Foolltrg - Allot lrencltos ttlo oxcavulrttl. Maeonry - Sleol locallol't, boltd bealrts, groullng. n Foundllton - Aller lornts oro erecled ltul Pllor lo cotrcrels placotrtcnl. l:l Undorgrottnd Plumblrrg - Prlor lo ,llllrtU ltencll' Undat ltoor Pturrrbllrgl Mochattlcal - l'rlol lo lnsulallolt ol tlocklng' l,osl otttl [lonltt - Prlor ltl llool Irrsulallon or tlr-'cklttq. Eleclrlcal Settrlcs - Musl be approvod lo oblaln Portnanenl eleclrlcal powoL lI Flroplaco - Ptlor lo laclrtglJ ntalorlals antl lralltlttg lttsp' Frarnlng - l'rlor lo cover. WalllCelllnO lneulallon - Prlor lo tlough Mccltanlcal - Ptlor lo cover. llouoh Eloclrlcnl - Pllor lo covor, cover. t:] l-l Flrral Bulldlrro - Wltort allL-J rotlulrod lnsJr<lcllolrs ltavo boolt ajr;xovod and bulldlltU ls cotnplole<1. tl ,t Flrrat Plunrbltrg'- Wlrcrr all plutnblng work ls ctrltt;rlelo, Flnal Electrlcal - Wlton all olectrlcal wotlt ls coltlPlols. Flnal Mecltattlcal - Wlton all rnscltanlcal wtllk ls, cotltplolu' Olhor --- I:| t_l Floor lrtstrlollotr - Ptlor lo decltlttg. Sartllnly Sewer - l'rlor lo lllllttg lrctl.:ll. !ilornr Sower - Prlor to lllllltt lronclt. Wolcr Llrte - l'tlor to lllllttg Irr:nclt. Ilouglt l'lulnblrrg - Ptlor lo covet, l:]Drywall - Prlol lo laPlng. l_l Wood Slovs - Allot lnslallallon. lnserl - Altor llroPlaco aP;rloval alrrl lnslallatlon ol unlt. t:l Curbcul & APProaclr - Allor lortts are orrlclotl bul ;tllor lo plucemonl ol concrele' l-l Sklowalk & DtlvowaY - AllttrlJ ox,:avallol ls corrrplolo, lotltts an<t sub'baso rll&l{rrlal llr placo' l----l Fonce - Wlren <:olnlrlole<l' Slteel Tteos - Whon all tstlulterl lreoB are ltlanlcd. MOBILE HOME INSPESTpNS Blocklrtg and Sel'Up - Whan ull blocklng ls corrtPlolo. ' 11. l-l Plunrblttg Colrttecllotts - WltuttlJ honte ltas ber:tt colrlloclo(l to walot attd aowor, Eloclrlcal Cottrtscllolt -- Wltott blor;klrrg, uol'tt;r, art<l ;rltllltlllttg llrs;roctlonu ltuvo troolr ulrprovrttl anci llre ltolrto ls cottnoclod lo llro sorvlco 3:anel. t:]l:] tl Flrral - Altor all retlulttttl Irrsrrocllons uto aPPtovod and llotcltos, sklrllng, tlecks, and ventlno ltavo been lrtstilllad. t*l l.r.rl lirccs Lol st1. llg. Lol covora0g Topograplry Total helghl t-rrl Ty1 -..--- ltllorlor _--* Cofitor - Panhanc.lle -.- Cul.do-sao Lt rs iltt- t,ilot)os[1) woHt( il.t lilt: I ilr; t()lilcAl- t.ltsl nlct, on ot, I I lE I llS IORICAl"" llEGlS f l:R? ll yoo, llrls apgrlk:allolr rnrrsl lro olgnorl and agrproverl by llrr: l.llslorlcal Coordlrral<.:r prl<lr lo p€rnrll lssuance. ACq APPNOVED: s W E BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CIlECI( AND BUILDING PERMIT l'ltls permlt ls Orarrletl on llto cxpress condlllott lltal llte sald construcllon sltall, ln all respects, conlortn lo tlte Orrlinitnce arloplecl by tlto Clly ol Sltrlrtgllclcl, ltrt;lutlitrg llle f)ovoloprnenl Corle, tagulaling llre conslrucllott ettrtl uso ol bulldlngs, and nlay bo suspetrclecl or tcvoketl al ;tny lltno Upon vlolatlon ol any plovlsions ol saicf orrlirrances. tjiiriri -rtovi owr:r t ny [);r lc l)lan Clrock Foo: -_.__._...___.. Dale Pald Rocelpl Nurnbor:-- Eocolvorl By; BUILDING PERMIT II'EM SQ. FT. Maln Gatage -- Carporl VAI.I.'E (At x $/so. FT. Tolal Valuo Bulldlng Psrmll Foo Slllo Sttrcltitr.t;o Tolal Foo Syslonts f)cv<.tlt>lltlortl Oltittllc ls tlttt-. on all rrrtrlcv(rl()l)c(l properlios wltlrlrr llr<,t City llttrils wlrlclt aro beirtg inrptovotl. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHANGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS .[,t. ^ --C--,^l^,t I 3 3 O:f----vvLr.5-7.-v o( l,*,r-*__ ITEM Flxlutos tlesldonllal Balh(sl Sanllary Sower Waler .ri* Storm Sewor ," Moirlls lloms PLUMBITIG PERMIT Nc FEE FT, FT. FT. (c) Plumblng Permll Slalo Srrrcltargo a Tolal Gharoo Wood Slove/ lnserllFlroplacs Unll Dryor Vcnl MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) Nc .#Meclranlcal P6rmll lssuance Slale Sttrcharge Tolal Parmlt Furnaco Exhausl llood Vanl Fan Ry slgnaluro, I slale atttl agree, llral I ltavo carelrrlly exatnlnetl lhe cotttplolcrl a;>llllcalloll and rJo lrereby cr:lllly lltal all Irrlortnatlon lrorcon ls ltuo an(l colrccl, and I lttrllrt:r cetlily lhal any and all work pcrlorlncd sltall br: dono ln ar:tlortlaltco wllh tlre Orcllnances ol lhc Clly ol Sprlnglleld, atttl lltc Laws of llro Slalo ol C)rr.'1;ort pettalrtlng lo tho wotlt tlosclibod Iroreln, ancl lltal NO OCCI.IPANCY will tro ttra<lo ol any slruclure wlllroul pertt.tlssion ol the Bulldlng S:tlely Divlslon. I lurther cerllly lltal only co,rlraclors and cnt;llgyecs wlto aro ln cornpllanco wlllt ORS 701.055 wlll bs ttsetl on lltls prolecl. I lurlher a0Iee lo ensule llrat all tequlred lnspecllons ate roqueslc<l al llrc ptoper llrtre, lhal caclt address ls readal)lo lrom lho slteel, llral the petlllll card ls localcd al llte llonl ol lhe properly, ancl llro approverl sel ol planll wlll Iolllal,l llrs slto al all lltrtos durlttg consl lo --.------. .-.. o MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Moblls llotns Slalo lssuanco 6lalo Eurclrarge Sldowalk - lt Curboul -- ll Dotrtollllott Slillo SuIcharoo Tolat Mlscollanoous Perlltlte (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (oxcludlng oleclrlcal) (A, B, C, Q and E Comblned) VALIDATION IIECEII'T NU ETI DATE PAII) AMOUNt nEo TItsCEIVED E}Y t) P.t. .Gnn N u9E. 2_D ^l CITY OF SPRIINGI;IEL4 C,RF..GO,fV yprrt*tol INST4LLATTp,N,^.U /(A<:2 SPB!T{GFIELE' ua(, EI,ESIRTCAL PERHTT APPLICATION City Job Nunber 3.FEE SCffiDIILE BELOV A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: I tems Cos t $ 8s.00i.000 sq. f t. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 1s.00 B Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or l-ess 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amPs_ Over 1000 amps/voIts - Reconnect 0n1Y D approval. 225 BTrTE STREBT sPRrNGrrELD, oREGoN INSPBCTION REQIIBST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1 20 tl ,4Sv LEGAL DESCRIPIION elr JOB Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTATI,ATION ONLY Electrica] Contractor Address \ Ci tv Phone Supervisor License Number Expi.rati.on Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician c One Circuit L-- $ 35.00 ?E' Bach Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) Temporary Services or Feeders Inslallation, Alteration or Refoeation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 ior uri," to 4oO amps - $ 55.00 0ver 600 amps or 1000-vofTs see I'B, above Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Sum Signa l*k^- ture:.,i K*td $ 40.00 @ =o llO s s0.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 /Name (P',*1Ovners Address JDdP-Lr//t7 P ilrn,! /l t+<z Ci ty f e/)Phone OIJNER INSTALLATION The instalfation is being made on property f ovn vhich is not intended for sale. ]ease or rent. Owners. (!r, lI -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ sign/outline Lighting- $ Limited Energy/Res - S Limited Energy/Comm $ 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL DATE: RECEIVED BY: /? 5 ) /1 w 5