HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1994-01-06REgIDENTIAL - COHI-IERCIAL - gIDEI,UALK / CURBCUT APPLICATION / PER|IIT SPFlINGF]ELO ??5 NORTH FIFTH gTREET SPRlt lG'FIELD, ORE6OI l 914'1"1 A.l3NEERING DlVlSlotlffitcE No. 12b-11>3 I\9P=CTION L lNE,'126 -3169 h, ioaADDREee, lloO N. 3ea *A99E99ORS HAP NO. gJBDIVI9ION, TAX LOT NO. o,J..hiER,Ge47 Rosarrn,4z / nnaea-loo M. 3Po CITY:SPL RECEIPT NO: \\M1cA9+{ CHECK L * CHECKED FOR DELNAUENCIEg SIGNED; UAIEI L!JK,-L! l: I.UORK TO BE FEFfuRTIED tsY: "ox.ea.ioR* o Ltn d{L 7la-)q 7) PHoNE No.a-?7zo cuRB grDE - gErBAc< X_ RESIDEI'{TIAL - COHIIERICAL - o,Jl\lER, o< UrORK t6{: SIDEUJA(: gECOND DRI\EIIJAY ( gEE TRAFFIC ,) R=aJlR=S AtFLlCATiof( FoR A *COND DRI\€UJAY(T-4.1a) OR A cOJNTY APPLICATION FOR FACILITY P=RiIT (C Ag.2@3) iF IN TH= IJ65. DATE G APFLICATION 4 qz V.X cohlTRAc'ioR *REGIgTRATIO}.I NO.EXFiRES, A-rLr:e=3 Pi.JONE, FFOCEDURE FOR IN9PECTIChI RE@IIE9T, CALL 12b.316A (E.C@ER ) 9TATE YOUR CITY D=gIGNAT=D JOts NLJ,Y3=R, JO7 ,LDDre.59,TYP= G IN9FECT|OT.I REAUESTED /J'{D TIHEN YOU UJILL B= READY FOR INSPECTIOII. CONTRACTOR9 OR OuN=R9 NAIII= AD P|Jo}.IE NuI'iBER R=AUEgT5 RECEI\ED B=rcRE lOO /)1 IUILL 9E HADE TI{= 'li"l: DAY, REAU=gTS #1ER, 1,O@ Ai1 UJILL BE I1ADE THE NEXT I.IJOR<ING DAY EXIgTII.IG tstIILDING PER|,IIT NO. ( IF AtrLICAts.L;. ) *YOI,]R CITY DESIGNA rED roaNo. rsf 4 q Oo t B9== BOOK gIDEIUALK / DRI\€IIJAY FOR ALL CONCRETE PAVING IUITHIN TI]E STREET RIG}-]T OF II.JAY, iO BE IIAD= AFTER ALL EXCAVATING 15 COIIPLETE AiD FORT [!OR< AND gUB.BAgE HATERIAL 19 IN PLACE CU@ / APPROACH APROI]: AFTER FO315 Are ERECTED 3UT PRIOR TO POURING coNcRETE. AfiJ- -1 1 I.,iJALK FEE9: SIDEUJALKS tg /'-l lPF.-al IT tg -tfrA4e\to .OO + uO.1>/LF.( X !1O.OO+*O.1->/LF.(X) G I]JALK .6 ?&T COI.1"1ERICAL DRI\,€IUAYg 9HALL HA\E 5'TO A'FLAIRS3'. @'STADARD$FERlllT FEE' I .]A\€ CAREFULLY EXAYI\ED TIJE COI.IPLETED APPLICATION FOR PEBIIT, AND DO I-.{ER=BY CERTIFY TI-{AT ALL INrc?IATION I-IEREON 15 TRJE A\D CORR=CT, AI.ID I FURTI]ER C=RTIFY fI..,I,4T A\Y AND ALL I!OR< PESOEiED 5']ALL BE DONE lN ACCORDANCE tLJlTH Tl{E ORDNANCE9 CF'l'llE CITY G SPRING'FIELD, Al.lD r,-1E lAug G Tl-jE 5TATE G OREGON PERTAINING TO THE IIJORK DE9CR,IBED IIEREIN, AND Ti-]AT NO OCCUPA\CY tIJiLL BE HADE4 ANY 9TR.JCTURE IIJITHOJT PEBll9SlOtl OF Tl{E BUILDIN6 DlVl9lOl{ I FURTI{ER CERTIFY TIIAT oNLY CONTRACToR9 II]I{O ARE IN COHPLIANCE IUITH ORj3 lOIO>b uJILL BE USED ON TI-.II9 PROJECTAD D DATE ( REAUIRED INSPECTIONS a APPLICATTON FOR A SECOND DRIVEVAY DATE:I APPLICANT (PROPERTY OIINER) : ADDRESS OF APPLICANT:/ltt() //: Z Jg & / ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEIJAY:9.2.'zn d APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NO.7 "ie - L/7 7-o The follovi.ng conditions must be ansvered affirmatively in order for this application to be considered for approval: 1). Property is either a single family residence or duplex. YES K. N0_ 2). The proposed drivevay vi1l take direct aecess from a minor street (not a collector or arterial street). YES X N0 _- 3). The drivevay vi11 have a mininum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersection (for eorner lots). YES I N0 4).The proposed drivevay (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 18 feet betveen the front property line and the garage, carport, fence or va1l, if any (identieal to setback for garage). YES v NO The second drivevay must have direct access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side yard vhere the vehicle, trailer or boat vill be stored. YES ( N0_. If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet betveen the stored vehicle and the side property 1ine. This setback is for fire fighting access and to comply vith the intent of the zoning eode. Setback satisfied? YES i< N0-. The proposed parking/sto,rage area must not create a vision obstruction to adjacent pro-perty drivevays or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied? YES X N0 s). 6). 7). This application shall include an 8 t/2" x 11rr draving shovi.ng existing drivevays, and the proposed drivevay. Please include dimensions, and measurements to road intersections and/or bordering drivevays. AII applications outside the city limits of Springfield that are vithin the Urban Grovth Boundary require a Lane County permit. Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested drivevay to City of Springfield standards. The apf,licant further agrees [o have 6" of concrete in the sidevalk area adjacent to tire proposed drivevay and further agrees to pave the area behind ihe back edge bf ihe sidevalk, or drivevay apron, adjacent to the dii..tr"""y vith a miiimum depth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or vith a minimum J"ptt oi 6u of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidevalk shall be paved to the prlperty line or for a distance of 4 feet which ever is greater. The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area behind the sidevalk vithin^30 days 6f cutting the curb opening, the City-of_springfield has the authority of close the diivevay access by the removal of the curb cut. A11 incurred costs sha1l be assumed by the applieant and if unpaid, said cost shal1 become a lien of the Property. Vhen this applieation is approved by the City, the applieant (p_roPerty ovner) must obtain'i drivevay permit from the Pub1ic l+Iorks Department Engineering Division. PERMIT FEE s12.00 PROPERTY O!trNER' S SIGNATTJRE: DATE: APPROVED BY DATE: a. 0n an improved street (existing curb): $10.00 plus $.15 per 1ineal foot of curb cut. b. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $12.00 c. 0n currently unimproved streets that are under construction: I +tJ-=-,2 Y$-2oD kq*s 3 / trc+&s 7ot4t- 1a.6/l l-s' Cutt? BUILDING PERMIT NO.: DATE: TRA 9_1 ATTACHMENT:City of Springfield Standard Draving No. 3-11 Dated l0/B/82