HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-08-19..RESIDENTIAL.. 2 2 s ltorth s th s; tre eAPPLT cA? rc, /PERl,rl Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building ?iuision 7 26-37 53 SPFI'NGFIEI..D c< Date: '/I/APC? BARRIZR IIISPICTIOII : ?o be naCe efter aLL insakticn ci required oqon ba,rie?a @e in pla.ce bat before otg l.a.th, W?slon baarC or tnLL cooering is qglie<i, od. before ory insulation is concealed. after lc be rwie in place, bltt pr'iot to ang tcpitt4. I4ASONR!: Steel Location, boni beone, groulin4 orterticals in oceordoee ,nLth U.ts.C. Seetion .I0ODST1'/E: After itstallation iselpleted.'- ?.ccei Cq,eraL Conslrrslicn_!endn!_ deck't ttg AtYl'-)-L: llo ur.atL inese naie cd.ryprcved. aia-f \ at , tion. ir€- D <CID (r r-l € L !^2 is the resgotaibi-lity of -the penrtJ itotder to see :hat aL! inspectio*t @e nad,e at lhe propet line, thct ecch cd,lness is ne^;abie ilon-t!1. street,. cnl, ihdt the-pennt_cd, ia taated at the fzott'of the propetfu.tSuiui:q )iui:iot cctror;ed p!.bt sic.Ll tettain on tle tsuildnnb site Zt aLL'tihes.' ?P1CtDU,?t- Fan. IllsPlrlcil.17?I:EST:CALL726-3769 (recorder) state,Jour City Cesigntted. job nurber, job aiitess, typer.ecttested a*i u:'ten Eou wiLL be readg fo-r tr.specriotr, Contnactcr" ci a.>te:s ncne LrrA pUle turrber.' -p"qun""" reLe;i;ied'-\.LL be tade the san;e Ccg, "equests ncd.e cfter ?:00 Gn utill be ruCe the n et..b"kirae da.i. of inspee'-icn befcre 7:00 an Si?! IllS?1C:ny: To be taCe aft* ezcauction, cut pricr tc set u? of 1'cnts. UIID!?SLA3 ?:L':BI:IC,''iEPIi,1I 1 |.EC'r!.;.ilICAL: 7o be nd.e beiore cny urcrt rs cotleyei, ?OO|I:iC 1 |0U:\DA!IC:1: To be nade di;-;;;C;;; ct ;-ezcanied arri fcrns ate erecced., but pliat topou*irq ccnctete. a u::ciacwt::o eluuz:tc. sitcp, :t.t:g:.'J Lirq trmci"ce. i ..{ uacep-.accR pt-i-t:.sr:c I )tEcxA}itc;i:,rt-t' I fo be r,oce aricr zo tnsval'a,tton cf floor rr.suitioz or deckirg. I ) ?CS? AllD 3Ef.!,1: To be naie oricr ;-o;V I TGiilGi-ioj 11oor insuiit;,on cn fttoo,,DDo^iar rrc^tt. a'; er.ec;A-ffi@ Aftet fornsfn potring S tO Ce CC;"€!2C :.n s,ect1:ors'n;il a. b e * conaTete- SID|UAL:< & 9R!,TiA!: For aLL cott- cl,ete pffi'ffifr st?eet r'ight-oi-txy, to be naCe after aL'!. esca- uating corolete I ioan u;otk & sub- inse nctei.al in plaee.bbr '.o 7kc'-r4 ;Zc.)no cr.d. before frottrq inspec- A*t,::u: itust be rec"testec af.-er |4 6??rc!;i of rcugh pltrbing, e'Leeti- caL 7 neciranical. AL! tcofirq braetng I chitoregs, ete. a;tst becotnpleted. !!o .scrk is to be ccfi--.ected uncll ;his insaecrf,cn \a,d'beea nale anC cpprot;eZ. ,4 rnt* ?!.a:.Er:rc /rtrot :.t*lltAitrcAL ,/4 ?IJAL iLic?Pl;;L ALL pro;ect cadi;ians, slic.t cs che installaticn oJ'street crees, ecn|-eiion c;'lie reqtired Lanisccoizg, ctc., r,Ltst be sat'Jsy'ieC beiore ie SUiLDIiiC !fiAL :an be reqaested- ?INAL tsAfLDIlc: 1*.e li.nal Buildir4. fnsoection i,rst be requested zi'ter the ?inal ?twlbingSleccr-ical, otl lfecicn'-cal ir.soecticns itqte been nccie arui cpcrouei. ,q - "ehcJob Locaticn:D6 Asseseorc !4ao ll SrtbCi:tisicn: C,zer (!VL Ad.&ess:Ploneot4 N-?d P.o---L+2- CtCity: D ae. *a ouT'ffff "tl-*e+c,,-\'{F Ir.+ c.rrro € ..ri+(- \4'( c.[<e^--r. z) e-.r<e.,r-qc bect1<oor,-- *a r<€LL) b o,'rt(Gt.,(,- , Slsoo m ValueDcte of A2p ACC|tion RencCel :JDEI,:OLI?IO!! CR Sanila1 saner cqtpeC ct progett! Lire Septic totk Vtqed e,n filled ttth gr*zi linal - ithen cbcue itens are ec.-,a7,eced, s.d uhen ienclltion ts earcLete br s*tc- tura noueC oi pre-r,ses cleared up. l,!ob,)tlc:Ees tsLocking otd 1at-up PltntbinX eonneczicns -- sdrre? otl, ua2et Eleetrical CcttzectrJon - Blockir4, ae;-u, and. plmbing cottnections m:st be apprctei before requeac'Jn-g eleclrical inscec=:-a;z Accesso?i Suillinq ?tr-zl - After :crekes, skir+-.Jna, Cec;"s, etc. @e c:r,o7,e;ed. ?=:e 1 or' 2'ALL "'!A:tl!cLls AttD cLEAilculS :!us! 3t .tccisi!31l, l/i"'i,'s:.'ii.yr ?o ss :.!4Di .'.! ::o ::s! ?c cr:y ,\ ;,N 7 ,,orrr" ron" Iour City' Desigra,teC Job thtnbet ,rr- g 3 /? ? ? l [-l -"gilcg; l,lhen conplate -- tuouiCelJ gatG or aouable'sections through nP.U,E. LJ JOB NO SOLAR -CESS REQ.- .--,----., ,--^,-. eb -q. t 4. z tf Lc'. Cs-terc-ce_ _ In=ericr L-CO G+ 3ectccns ieat -- lees -- Plumbing Permit No person eioa.ll ccnstruct, ins!cl!, alier ot eharr4e 6nA nea cr eristir.g plunbirq cr <ireinage sgstal in uiale or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid tlwnber's Licensa, ercept tlvt a petson nay do pltnbing aork to ppo?ert! ahich is ouzed, Leased or operated by the cppli- cdrt. I of Stcdes -^+-? !,.'-'-) :ccogx=Z:1 '3urbct! Co?v.e? :'Xnr.ctla L e CUL-ie-sac Building Volue & Permit ?hia perrrtt i-s granted on zhe etp?ess cottdttion thz.t the said.constntction sha.LL, in ell z.esoects, eonicre ,o the c?dinoice zdoated by the Ciil of Soz4ngiielC, lnclutitng =he ior.ing CrCinance, regulc:irto ;ke ccrst!'tct':cn crd. tse ol buili.in4s, azi n='g be sucoend.ed. or reuckei at cnA tine u2cn oic- l,ct't-cn oi ny prcui;tcns oi' saiC ar4irances. ?uildir4 ?ertrit lctcl Clz:ges )r.,-t-'n^ D-E + S',ate Sureh-arge CVct:es Pe=at fssu.crca !1eci"a1";.r1 ?et *-; -- a;ic?aAC:.!:.:z:!? -- Electricol Permit Were Stale Lan requires tl,at the eleetrical aoz,k be done by an llectt-ieal Contractor, the elec;rical portion of thia petnit sha.Ll rot be ualil until the l.abel i,as been signe<i by the Electr;-cal Cant"actor, Mechqnicol Permit f HAW Cl.RffALLy IXL\|II11 !!,e ccnp1"eted application fon ta-nnit, qrui Cc hereby certify tTct aLL it:fc7,7j;ion hereon is true anC. ectrect, enC. I f"ochez, cettiii that cny ari aLL uotk aerforned ehall.. be do;te i.n aeccr- dar,.ee tith the 1yd.rncnces cf tke Ci;U of Spr,)ngfielC, anC the Lc;s o! !h,e State of aregcn pertain'Jna to the aopk Cescy-)bed herein, dtd. tiai nO SCCI- P.tiiCI ili. be,rade of a.!" stflctta,a uithout permissiol. cJ'tite 3u:.iCing Dr.- tision. i ii;rther ce"raij t'nzt atly cont?aclops old ,;;alaAees ul"a are in conollance azxh CRS 70i.055 aiLL be used on th'r.s pt'ojecc t0 L I tlobile ilcne Lot ?eces - 3et':acks 2i ;-ccess iio!t4 ,i,:.s;?. So;tit Yest ::5...!.T ','aLue .*...\. Ae,ib,in \\c*.\ X=cce .icscss.:i'r aat.f .lt7l ? ;.D.C. 1.5 : 1EV 1, t3- PZan Check Fee: /< Date Paid.: 2 Receipt *, BG St'.e-ettq. \2- I?jy CFA?C.Z -Friir,ires Res.Zznt'.al (1 bcth) Scnitct l Seset Ttctey M\AS..'.rs\hcl\\\o's=--- \c). p \o t{o ?es. Sa. ftc. fla,t/Eztend. Ciretits 15 0" lancranT Sersice \5, oo .("b \5@ :7=1,1 j'i ^,r--^^ A4at, c *letat ilooC Veat ?at \j, oo Tcodstc:te \.w- -\z 1a. :lcintenare2 Side,saLk -J;At tu'-tO.t; JUa.f, 58. e'{ K :,o. ilecttical Pe*dt Stcte Sur='rwae a.1.f ar6;aa State Surcheqe I