HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-12-17Job Locaticn: Asseesors Map #?c,s Lot # Subdioision: Otmer: Addtess: LL u u!.7 # l,lechanical Page 1 of 2 aceel +4 <(o o..RESID--\TIAL.. . APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Descz.ibe h'otk: Additian RemoCeL Hone Date of AppL GeneraL Electrical Oo+/ M,r+yry SPFINGFIEI-D ra Date:t9-t7-g{ )tc E1s4e4 b It is the respottsibility of tle petmit llolder to aee tltat alt inspections ote nade at the ptope? tine, that ecch address is neadabi.e fron, +lE street, and that the permtt catd, is Located at the fiont of the properfit.*Building Diuiciot apptou^ed pllan shcll pemain on the Bunlding sitcbt aLL'ttmes.' PRocEDUpE.FoR IilSpECru)N R\?WST:CALLT26-3769 (recotdet) state yout, City desigrnted job ntrnbez,, iob aCiz,ess, type of inspecticn tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contraetcts o! Atners nane cnd phone number. Requests z,eceited befcte ?:00 c:t'*"iLL be nade the sane day, r,equeets made after ?:00 ott rttll be nade the neat aotking day. Constnrction Lende? Reouired fnsoecticns Iou? CitA Desigr,ated Job llutnbez, fs: I $I?E INSPECTI)N: ?o be nade after*;Aa$on;Tt prior tc set ip of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH4ilICAL: Io be made befoz,e any aork ie eotleyed. P1)?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be ns.Ce;f;et, tyencnesAt,e etcaated and forms are ereeted, but pti-or to pout itq ccncreta. UID.IFGROUIID PLUMBING, SEWER, WA?ER,pt[l!4-c!: Io be nade g"tor to fil-T@-66nehee. P0ST AND BEA!4: To be nade pn'tot, toGiaTffilffo| ftoor insulation or decking. R)ucH PLAnBIilG. ELE??RTCAL & TIECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be coueped GEiTthese inspeetions Twnse beer, nad.e atd approueC. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER N\SPECTION : To be made aftez, aLL insulaticn a"d. required oapon buriers @e in pl,ace but before oty Lath, gypswn boarC or rnLL eouering is applied, and. before oty insulation is eoncealed. IBYI,ULi.J!!!!!!l!tt: ?c be m,zde after aLL dt.yualL is in p|.a.ce, but prior to anA taping. I4AS0NJ?I: SteeL Location, bond Effijgrouting or oerticals in accordotce ttLth U.B.C. Section 2415. CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fonnsee erecteC but ptiot, to pourLng ancrete. SIDEIIALK & DRfIWAI: Eor aLL con- c"ete pao@ niiiil street right- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn ttotk & sttb- base natet"Lal in place. DEUOLrurcY OR }:OW) BUILDI1ICS Sani.tatg saser capped at Woperfui line Septic totk pro'ped ard filled trith gra;tel Ftnal - I,l|'zen aboue itens aae ccrnpLeteci cnd uhen Cqnclition ie cornplete o! strac- tute nooed otd. pz,etrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plurnbittg connections -- aaoe? otC aatet Electnical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up ard plunbing conneetions rntst be apprct;ed before nequeetlng eleclyLcal inspeclion Accessory BuitCing Pinal - After pcrehes, skit'ting, decks, etc. are cotnpleted. 7 uwenfiooR pLUr.EINc & MECHANT1AL: lVlfiODSTO,lE: After installation isi l of BJ cc,,aT;iA. floor insul,ation or decking. FIP.EPLACE: matAAC ti.on. FTilAL PLUMBING EINAL MECI|ANICAL PINAL ELEC?RICAL Pz"Lor to placirq and before froning f.acl,nn Lnspec- FRA].'!ING: ltust be requested aftet, appz.ooal of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & meclnnieal. ALL toofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be . eotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this .LnspectLon has'been made anC appto'ued. IENCE: I{hen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or norsable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the instaLlation of styeet tz.ees, eonpLeiion of the required Landseaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDLN? F|NAL can be requested. FINAL BaILDING: The Final Building Inspection nuat be requested after the Pinal Plunbing Electrical, and Meclnnical fnspections haue 6ssn nade ard appt'ooeC. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS t,tUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEt'ry T0 BE \L4DE LT IJO CCST T0 CIly tr I PV,one: JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ..L-COG* BeCroons PLcn L I ILAW CAREFULLY EXA]IINED the eornpleted applieation for permit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is tnte and cbwect, orC ffu,tke, certify that any ard aLL uotk perforned slnll be done in accot- danee ttth the Otdinances of the CitA bf Springfield, and the Las of the* State of )tegcn pertaining to the uork Ces-cribbd hnnb"r, cnd. ttnt no OCCa- P!.Ncr ttill be nace of ana sttactu?e uithout pernission of the Bui?,ding Di-uisio_n. f fw,they eertifg that only eonttactore ad. enplcyees uho at-e in eanpliance uith 2RS 707.0ss ui.LL be used on this project AccessDTHouse [at Faces - Lace tov'e % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stories LCT ?WE _ fntetior _ Cotmer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. Total Hei.ght ?opogrqhy Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the esp"ess eondition tlnt the said_eonsttuction s?nLL, in all reepects, eonform 1o the Zrdirance adopted \iy the City ofSptittgfield, incLuding the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulating the ccnstracticn ud. use of buildings, and ney be suspended or neuokeC at cnA time upon oic-lation of @tA prcoisione of eaid 1ydinances. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: ITEM x Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permit Total Clnrges State Plumbing Perrnit N9 pereon slwll consfuuct, install., alter ot eTonge anA neu cn eristingplttnbing or d.rainage systan in ultole ot in patt, unless sueh person ie- the Legal poseessot of a ualid plwnbet,'s Lieense, ercept tltat a pbtson nay dopltnbing uork to propertg uhich is onned, Leased or opetated by the appli- eant. N0.FEE CHARCEITEM Fi.rtutes Resid.ettti^a.L (1 bath) Sanet Plwbing Penrtt State Electricql Permit llhere State Las requites tlnt the eleetrical uotk be done bg ot Eleefu,ical Cont?aeto?, the electyLcal piortion of this pennit slnll not be oalil untilthe Label has been signed by the Electri.eal Contractor. -- ENCROACEMEN? -- FEE CIIARCE taI o Mechonicol Permit .Lo Neu/Ettend Cireuits Iarporey Sez"uiee State ?otal Eshanet ilood. llcodstotse Vent Eol Penmt fssuqnce Meclwnical Pernri.t SeeuritV Deposit t!9togn fulainternnce Permit Cttbcut Sida,taLk Penee Eleetz,ical Label Mobile Honte # TOTAL AMOUN? DI]E:*/s o Signed hz-'naee BIUTS Total Chanaes Stata udte