HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1982-02-19." RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB TNAT T O N APPLI C AT TO N /PEP.ILTT225 North |th Stueet Spnn4fi,eH, 1regon 974?? Bui,Lding Dtuision a6^ -Ba-/ dO-O / Ad sPRINGFIEL! Tcs Lat # I iob Locartcn: Subdiuision: Aaseggo?s [tbD fl *,",, tJ A nf, (- I Phoe: Date of Ap?Liatio'n_ Deectribe llotk: l8' tl Ie,) Additian L Value P7iveway inslzt/e*"on x3i,nE $e!dtiV6i 0L Date: jr Zt 4 Itrl d4h/ill + Tree, ,ry N€- -tt. Nt Cenatal PLwbittg Constmrction It ia ths respottibilitu of tlo per*tt lolle b see that aLL inspectto?1s ar.e nad.e at !18 p?qa" tirne, t!.,at each ;ddtese is teasbie iz.dn tlu st?eet, @td, t lat titt p*nrit cad ia i,eated at the fpnz of tln wopetan.izuilding Ditsiciott qrot;ed, ptbt alcll tetcin at tle atiTnAb sita'at aLL' tthea.' un job atrs-eae, tgpe P.eqEsts receixed finnbe?, mnbo. Yd., City Dccigactd Job llwiba fs: of inspectictt befcte 7:00 an S@ti'-rag eese cqcei :t Fope:fi iire Septic totk V.nped d, fili,ali sith gwlel littal -.i'ken citc'rse itana ,ze @Letedti uhsn Caoiitt-ot i; conclcte o? stzllc- tute noztcd ad, pr;rriaes clZan* up. ll l llobile llcnee Blocking od. Set-'a.o Plunbing cowtecticae -- aa)ar d. uater El,,ectrical Canecti.on - Blcckirq, set-uD otd plunbing cotnectiana atei 'ca epru*ecibefote rcqueatzng eleczrical )rspecziott Acceesot htiH:.tlg slirtinp, decks,zCTehea trr I l Pinal - Aftet etc. @e eq, lo be nad,a afterpriorbaotryof , lo be m,C,e after aLL inauktbn 64 teqzacd uqot b*tera oe in plz,cehtt befcrc ary Lath, g?t?s,tt boal or taLL ooe;rLng ia qplied,, od. bey'ote oty inaulatzbn is canceald.. DRWNL IDSPEdf)il: lc be nad,e aftet aLL dz,yl,ELL ia in placa, but priot to ary @ing. llAE1IlRI: Steel locatiotr, boad, beorc, gwtrting on oerti.ccls in accorlolae vtth A.B.C. Section 241 E. V vooosro,n:tt:I l$fioLeted.. After itutallation ia UNDERSUE PLUI,I?IfrG. ILEnRICAL & WCHAIrc!!: lo be nnde befone oq t,rolpk ta cooetd. FDOtING 1 P1UNDAIICil: lo be no.d,zafter trenchea ate sedoated od fona oe etected, but priot topuritq ccrtcueta. UNDNGPOUIID PLUI,|9IiTC, SflM. VMW. Lirq trencius. WDEPFLOOR PLUI,IBflC T, I.IECIANTCAL : @o1floor irculatiot or decking. PAII AND B1AM: lo be nade prtot bGidT'ffiof floon insuition or deckitg. ANnCA.L: ilo ,ork iB to be cot:ered- ,n, rhese insgecCons haue been ilad.e dd qrcveC. ?!-oELACE: fuior to plccirq :Zcirynctertals od. befone fwdtrg inepec- ti,on- .tRAl.lllc: lfil.st be rcozeotd aftet @gtotal of ruugh phtlbinq, electri- a,L & necltodeal. AL! toofing bructry E ehi;mteys, etc. ,.i|.iav becqtoleteti. llo tprk is to be con- "ecied until thia inaoectictt lrls been tmdz otd, appzoueZ. forna. ?iilAL PLIIMBIIIC FINAL Wil,NTCAL IIBAL ELEERICAL CURB & APPRCACE APPON: oe etecteC but ortor After forneb pouriflg SID$JALK d DRT;EIIAI: lor aLL cor cnete paoitq vithin et"eat frSht-of-ury, to be na.Ce aft* aLL ezca- uating conolete & font wk & cub- inse ncterial in plaea. W: 'ihen anplate -- Pr.ouil.e gaxe6 ar nouable sectiaas chtc.ugh Dil3 ALL qoject cottdi?ione, s,eh ae the installction of st?set Aees, cc::zolc;ion of ;hercquircd Lod.scqirg, etc., quat be satiafied befoie tl,a BUTLDT;C fi|il,t :ot !e' rcaueaxed,. ?IN.AL AAILDINC: TA,e Final AtiUittq Inqectiott nuet be recTueated af)at :he Finzl ?ktbingElectrical, od llecito:ical Inapeet-Jona -hsoe beea nade od'qprcved,. *AU I{ANECLES AND CLEATIOU?€ l|U1I 9E ,4CCESSI\LE, ADJASAIEN! ?O 9E WDE !.? NO CCST TO :I!Y F4e1of2 LDJ,Jlb -0b 7 ,rourr. r*" ! gou aoiefu nu,fu ttc tr tr LJ D trr r T I E E il D Pa4e 2 Jcb Nwtbet: I-ot Sq. Ftg. % oi Lct Cooetage. # of Stories lotal Eeight icpogrrylry guilding P&ttt State Total Clanges llcodstot:e L-COG #: Becirooms LOT TYPE _ fntet'icr _ Cormer _ Panltadle Cul-de-eac A Building Volue & Permit Thi.s pertmt is granted on the ezptess coTtdi,tion that tl? saiL eonst"uction' stult, in aLL rbspects, confonn to the 2tdinance adrpted la ttze City 2fSprLngfield, inctitiW the Zoning Cvdinanc,e, regalating the corstmtcticn ,;rd ;L o1 -aul.tdt:nge , otd nag be- suspettd'ed ot reool<eC at ana time upon aio- Ta,tton of oty prcuisions of said 2tC'rtloees. Electricol Permit where State Ia,t reqtiree thit iti electrical uotk be done bg an ET,eetrtcal Contru,cto", the electrical pontion of this pertrtt siu,Ll ttot be oali,C tmtil the Label hae been signed bg the ElectrLcal Contractor. DT Hause Lat Faces - Etc x VA ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x #: Signed: NO, Fistutes Resi.denti.dl (1 bdth) Seoe" Plumbing Permit No petson ehal|, constnot, inatall' altet ov chattge -cny nai-c? eristing pttinOing or dtainage sAstat in uhole o-t in pet' ur'Leas a,rch petson is the iegal pZsseaao, oY- o oalid pl*,bet's Lieertee' escept tlut a -p?"sof naA q- pir^tri"g aork to p"opertg iTrich is oued, Leased ot opetatd by the qpli- wtt. ,t Plrnbing Perwtt State Na,/Ertend. Circtti*s S*tsiee i,tc. I Ethatst HooC Vent Fa Mechonicol Permit Pemit isgltdtce Meehani-cal Perqrtt -- EITCR2ACHME!(r -- Cutbeut sida'nlk Mobile Hcne lLo I EAW CAREFULL( SXA|,ENED tle cornpleted. appltcation for pernrtt' atld' do iiilti ;;"7ifa that aLL itfo,nwtibn hereon^ i,e tt'ue and' correct, otd r y,tttit cetti"n that ory ard aLL uork pe^rforned slul1. be done in accor- 'darrc,e- rvtth th'e' OrdinonLe of the ci.tg bf Springfield, and' the Iass of the sit. of o,egcn pertaining to the uork CeecrLbed hetein, cnd' that N0 1ccu- peiCy ,in LL *2. of ang etmrctut e ttittout pemrLssion of_ the Bui,Lding Di- ,sieion. f fiitther certiig that onlg coflAacto?s otd atrplcyees uho @e in catqLiance dlxh CRS 707.055 trLLL be used on thie pz'oieet PLnT Eaafi.ne? z- /7- DateSigned T'aT- TO?AL ANOUNT DUE: * Refev,enee llwnbers: ue tld;-n /'?adca Cffio?f, Accesao?u (DcLue) gearitu D2nosit Storaae l,laint'cmo. 9erca- fll-eoi?;edl- rnhal,