HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-05-06a a RES ID ENTIAL..Reeei t# 22s North sth sttreeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMnSpz,ingfield, }z,egon gZ4ZZ BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 ,&" #A{/fu dr/-otL SPFTTNGFTELD 619 ' ttr I a/+\v Date: Plttnbin^o (t ((" lob Location: Assessors Map #0 3 ?c,s lot * C 2 S\bdioision: Q,tnet: 4 s a dAddz,ess Phone: citA Date of App Na,t n Val,ue-? Additicn RenoCeL Genetal Page 7 of 2 Con*rucI!on_!endet SI?E INSPEC?TON eccaoation, but FNIAL PLUUAING FINAL AWHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL forns floor insulation ot, decking, P)ST AND BEAA: To be made prior toffiZTffiVof floor insullation oy decking. ROUGH PLAIBITIG. ELECITRTCAL & MECE: ANICAL: No aork is to be couez,ed .utttil these inspections hntse been nad.e qtd approued. FIPEPLICE: Prion to plaeirq faeingmaterials and. before franing inspeb-tion. FRA].,!ING: liust be requested after approual of rough plunbing, electu'i-cal & neclnnical. AL! roofing btaeirq & ehinrnegs, etc, rntst be . cornpleted. Ito uotk is to be con- " cealed until this i,nspectton has?been made anC approued. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION :Io be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn e.d requiz,ed oapor burie?s tre in pZace but before ang Lath, Wpsum baarC oy, tnLL couering is applied, and. beforeaq iraulation is concealed. lr.1)/ DRIIIALL INSPECTIIN: rc be mad.kV , -. after aLL CtyuaLL ie in place, *,'yl but prior to anA taping. d - ILAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or tez,ticals in accordazee Lr|th U,B.C. Section 24L5. WOODST)VE: After installation is arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After fonnse.e eve.t;Tffind;" tu pottz,ing 0R :.:ow) Sanitaty saser capped at properag- Lire Septic tank purryed ard. filled trith gz,a"-eL tr Final - I{hen abcoe :utens at,e canp'l..eted and uhen d.atolition is cantplete or sttac- tuz,e norsed and. premises cleaneC up. aNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELFCIRTCAL &wcuLtttcWnywtk is cooeted. FOO?ING & FOUNDATICN: To be rraCe @;;'fi.nctes a"e eaeauated. and forns are erected, but prior to pout*ing ccncz,ete. AND|RGROUIID PLUMEING. SEWEP,, W.4TER, DRAINAGE: To be made g*Lor to fil-Lirq trenchee. V unomprooR pLutErtc & MECIANTGAL:tl of rt ia the tesponsibi-Lity .of -tle penrtt hold* to aee tlwt aLL inspeetions are nad.e at lhe p?ope? tine, tv,at each ad,iness is 7enC,lhleIy,!-tlp at"eet' ard, tha,t the-p*mit e,atd ie Loeated. at the r"o"i of the property.*auiaing D,ioicion appro"*ed plan svnlt remain on thi piial"b'lite at aLL times. PROCSDUPE, FOR INSPE?TI2II R1QWST;CALL 7requested and wken gou r,sill be ieady foruiLL be nade the s&e dcg, reqtests"mZde 26-376 9 ( recot det ) state your Citg designated job nwnbez,,inspection, Cont?aetc?s or A,tners rwne and phone nunbez,.after, 7:00 an mLLL be nade the neot aorkirg d.ag, you" CitA Designated Job Ntonbet, fs: g job aCi.ress, type P.equests reeeixed of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 an ?o be nade after priar tc set up of conc?ete. SfDEttALK & DRITWAI: For aLL eon- ct etenao@;ltffi street right- ef-uaA, to be made after aLL etea- oating conplete & forrn tnz,k & sub- base rm,terial i,n place. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- saie? otd. uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing conneetions m;st be apprcted before requeettlng electrical inspeetio,-t Aecessory Buitding Pirnl - Aftet, pcrckes, skiz.ting, d.ecks, etc. @e contpleted. IENCE: gates P.U.E h4ten conplete -- ProoiCe or motsable sections thtough ALL projeet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of tie required Landscaping, etc., rmtst be eatisfi.ed befot,e the BUfLDfNG FINAL can be requested. PINAL BULLDIN|: The Einal Build,ing Inspection mst be requested after the Final Plunbing \_,/ Electrical, ond Meclunical fnspections h*rse been made and approoed. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTI,1ENT TO BE t44DE A? NO COS? TO Crty -pil;ru/b,; *d ttuT rtr*z tr T T tr tr rage z JOB NO R EQ.- & SOLAR A^^E SS L-CO Bedtooms: LCT TWE _ Intetiot Corner Panhardle Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - % cf Lct Cwerage # of Stoz'tes DT House Access Total Height TopogrqhY -- Fees -' ITEM f ]u x VaLue Building Volue & Permit ThispernrLtisgranted.ontheetpt'esseonditionthatthesaid'consttuetionslnll, in alL t'espects,"';";;;;7"- tie. ordLna"ce adopted 6v the c:ta of sprirqfield, incLuding'tnZ''zlil'"g crdinanc.e' regulaiing the ec,nstruc-l:-":r^ -r;a ;"'" of Luildings," and mey be- susp.end.ed ot, reuokec at cng tLme upon olc- Lation of anA prcuisions of said 1rdinances' TOTAL VALUE DE s. D. c.7.5 a Euilding Permtt State Date ?aLd: Iotal CVnrges N0.FEE Plumbing Permit No person slnll consh'tLct, install,, alter ot c?wzge -aruJ neD-cr' existing -pt iatlng or dtainage sAstan in uhole oy in pa.rt' unless such peyson is tle iegol pbsses"oo oio u-olid plrrberts L'Lcense' et-cept that a!)?!son nay Qo- ptir,ttl,ng uork to proper4 ihieh is otmed" Leased ot' operated by the eppli'' eont. Fi,ctutes Resil.entia.L (1 bath) Seuet, Plunbing Penrut Na,t/Exterd Circ'uits Electricql Permit Where State Lau requiz,es tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contz'aetor, the elictrical portion of thie permit slnlL not be oaliC unt'Ll the Label ?ns been signed by the Electrical cont"actor.Ser.uice State ?otal 4 EiF CIIARCE I Mechonicol Permit Ezhanet Hood llcodstote Yent Fon PermLt fssuqnee Mee?nnical Petnn t -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,n'ity Deposit Storage Maintenaree Pentrtt Cvtbcat Sideualk ?enee ELectrieal Label Mobile Hone / 8,* ?otaL PLan Erantner uate I HAW CAREEULLY EXA-IIINED t?e cornpleted application for perrnit, and do hereby certify that aLL infolrnation hereon is tttte and. eorrect, anC f furtket' certify that any ard aLL uotk perfor'ned shall be done in accor- dance tLth the 0rdinances of the Citg of Spningfield, and the Las of the* state of oregon pertaining to the uolrk CesZribLd. hnoZin, en^d. tlat No occu- PANCY tLlL be mad,e of anA st?uetuve uithout permission of the Building Di--oision. f further eertify tlat only contracto?s and *nplcgees uho ate in conpliance uith ORS 701..055 uiLL be used on this project R"o.s-t - gf ?z'e &oLH) t..__-