HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1981-02-04CIItrY ()3- SPF,II{IGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 47'' PUBLIC WORKS ls February 4, 1981 TO Housing Consultant for Lane County ATTENTI0N: Roberta FROM: David Puent, Building Inspector RE Courtesy Inspection at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield,0regon At the request of the tenant, Phyllis Guzman, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a Courtesy Inspec- tion of the dwel'ling located at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield, 0regon. The inspection revealed hazardous electrical, plumbing and structural violations of the Uniform Hous'ing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. As a result, the Springfield Bui'ldingy Divis'ion requests that Springfield Uti'lity Board disconnect elec- trica1 power from the above address. Disconnection will be made Thursday morning, February 5, 1981. ,\a\ {ovTP 346 I\4AIN STREET 726-3753 KATHRYN TASSINARI EMILY HEILERUN TASSINARI & HEITBRUN ATTORNEYS AT tAW 132 East Broadway Suite 634 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 345-31 13 November 23, 1981 Public Works Department City of Springfield 346 Main Street Springfield, oregon 97477 GreeLings: I am representing Phyllis Guzman of Sprinqfield regarding pr^oblems she experienced with a rental located at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield in the early part of this year. At the request of Ms. Guzman a courtesy inspection was con- ducted by t-he Buildinq Division. A letter dated February 4 ,IgBI indicates that. the. inspection reveal-ed "hazardous elec- tricaf , plumbing and str^ucturaI violat ions of the Uniform Housing Code as adopt:ed by the City of Spr:ingfield. " Discon- nection of the electricity was sub.sequently ordered. It may be helpful to you to know that David Puent' was the building inspect:or j-n this case. It j-s my underst-anding t-hat- a detailed report of the condi- tion of the premises is made after these inspections and I would fi-ke a copy of thj-s inspection r'eport. so that I can assi-st Ms. Guzman with her case. f would appreciat-e it if you would send me the relevant report at your earliest pos- .sible convenience. Thank you very much for your if additional informatlon is Very truly yours, assistance. Please let me know necessary. K4{l^W1a-.";,rn Kathryn' Tassinari KT ffi.iffi PUBLIC WORKS CIEY O:F- SPF,I}qGFIEI-D sPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 February 10, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. Bennie J. Schultz 125 East 29th Place Eugene, Oregon 97405 RE: Courtesy Inspection at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Schultz: At the request of the tenant, Phyllis Guzman, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a Courtesy Inspection of the dwelling located at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield, Oregon on Febnrary 4, 1981. STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY The following items do not neet the standards of the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) The foundation is inadequate for support of a permanent structure and fails to provide sufficient access or ground clearance for underfloor areas. U.H.C. 1001 (c) and S.S.C. 2sL7 (c) 2) The house flooring and floor supports have deteriorated due to excessive moisture contact and improper naintenance of plumbing fixtures. U.H.C. 1o01 (h) 3) The rise of every step shall be not more than 8 inches nor less than 9 inchesin run. Front entrance stairs shall also be secured against novenent and pro- vided with a handrail placed not Less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the nosing of the treads. U.H.C. 801 4) It shal1 be the responsibility of the owner to provide and install an oper-able smoke detector(s). Where sleeping areas are widely separated (i.e. two different floor levels) and where a single smoke detector will not ade-quately service all sleeping areas, there sha1l be a snoke detector installedadjacent to each sleeping area. U.H.C. 901 and Springfield Ordinance Number 3851 5) Every sleeping roon shall proved for emergency exit have a net cl,ear openable less than 22 inches, with the floor. U.H.C.80L have at least one openable window or exterior door ap-or rescue. Where windows are provided, they shal1 area of not less than 4 square feet with no dimension the maximum siLl height not to exceed 60 inches above 6) A11 bathrooms shal1 be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation by meansof windows, skylights or mechanical apparatus. Natural ventilation shal-l beprovided within an area of not less than one-tenth of the fLoor area of the roon with a mininum.of -3 square feet. Mechanical ventiLation shaLl be capableof providing five air changes per hour. U.H.C. S0S (a) (b) Mr. Bennie J. Schultz Courtesy InsPection 351 South 2nd Street February 10, 1981 Page 2, 7) 8) e) The clothes dryer shall be exhausted to an outside afea. U.H.C. 1001 (g) Replace or repair the defective furnace temperature control. U.H.C. 70t (a) The fireplace chinney is listing or settling due to defective naterials conse- quently Lausing excessive separation from str:ucture. U.H.C. 1001 (c) 6 Irnpropir maintenance and excessive moisture contact have allowed the front enir.nce deck support wal1 and support posts to list which inhibits these sustentative nemters to carry the imposed loads with safety. U.H.C. 1001 (c) 4 10) 11) The wood stove has not been installed according to the applicable laws in effect at the time of installation. Violations are as follows: a) The wood stove has only 3" of clearance fron combustibles. b) The stove vent connector is reduced from 8 inches to 6 inches. c) The wall penetration has no thimble. d) There is no provision for outside combustion air' ELECTRICAL SAFETY The electrical system has been improperly altered and naintained and constitutes hazardous wiring as described in Section 1001 (e) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical systen may have met the standards of the code that was in effect at the tine of its instal- lation, alterations, and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with boththe Unilorrn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring- field and the current Oregon State El.ectrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.). Oregon Electrical Safety Law Section 22-110 (b) states that electrical work performed on property that is for rent, sale or lease, sha1I be done by an electrical contractor. 1) The electrical service mast must be of rigid conduit. The service drop nust clear the roof by a minimum of 3 feet. E.S.C. 230'24 (i) 2) Grounding ty?e receptacles shaLl be used as replacement receptacLes only on grounded-cirluits. Where grounding means do not exist in the receptacle enclosure, a nongrounding type receptacle shall be used as a replacement. E.S.C. 270-7 (d); It is recornmended that grounding tfpe receptacles be in- stalled in the bathroom, utility room, and kitchen sink area and be bonded to the cold water system or the back of the service pane1. 3) Install at least one wall switched light or receptacle in each room, U.H.C. 7A7 (b) and E.S.C. 270-26 (a). It is recorunended that 3 way switching be in- stalled at the top and the botton of the stairway. 4) Repair or replace all defective light fixtures and install fixtures on the exist- ing open fixture outlet boxes. E.S.C. 110-3 (a) S) Replace defective light switches and install switches in an open switch box by the front door. E.S.C. 110-3 (a) Mr. Bennie J. Schultz Courtesy Inspection 351 South 2nd Street February 10, 1981 Page 3. 6) Replace defective duplex receptacles in all areas. E.S.C. 110-3 (a) 7) Install extension sleeves in switch and receptacle boxes in the paneled wa1ls. E.S.C. 570-10 and 410-56 (c) 8) Disconnect the wiring within and to the outside shed. Reinstall to current Oregon State Electrical Specialty Code Standards. E.S.C. 110-8 Replace all missing and defective switch and receptacle covers. E.S.C. 370-15 Repair the defective dryer cabLe conductor in the service panel. E.S.C. 110-3 (a) 6 The wiring (cables) nust be stapled to the floor joists or sills in the underfloor area. Non-metallic cables must be used in dry areas at all tines. E.S.C. 336-3 (a) e) 10) 11) SANITATION The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been improperly naintained and fa1ls into the categoly of hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfietd. Although the existing plumbing nay have net the standards of the code that was in existence at the time of its installation, alterations and/or inproper rnaintenance require cor- rections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon State Plunbing Specialty Code (P.s.c.). 1) The conplete pltrmbing drainage system is to be classified as hazardous plumbing and needs repair or replacement for these reasons: a) The bath and shower enclosures drain either to the floor or under the buiLding. b) The automatic washer drains into the shower stall, then onto the floor. c) The water closets are not secured to the floor, are broken, and are Leaking water onto the floor and under the house. d) The kitchen sink, lavatories and shower all. require repair of waste traps and supply faucets. e) Approximately 4 inches of sewage water is standing under the house. 2) The pressure relief valve on the hot water tank needs to be piped to exterior of house and turned downward. P.S.C. 1007 (e) Because of the hazardous conditions caused by the electrical and plumbing violationsin the dwelling, the house was posted 'TSUBSTANDARD BUILDING -- DO NOT OCCUPYTT on February 6, 1981, in accordance with Section 1001 (a) of the Unifor:n Housing Code. The Springfield Building Division has also requested that the electrical power sup- ply be disconnected effective Febnraty 6, 1981. Mr. Bennie J. Schultz Courtesy fnspection 351 South 2nd Street February 10, L981 Page 4. The above violations must be corrected by 30 days frorn the date of this letter (lrtarch 12, 1981). A11 necessary permits for repairs shal1 be obtained from this office and required inspections conducted. If corrections are not cornpleted within 30 days of this letter and required inspections conducted, the building is to be dernolished and debris cLeaned up within 45 days of the date of this letter (March 27, 1981). Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Dave Puent Building Inspector DPl1s Gerry David, R.S. Environmental Health Program Departnent of Comnunity Health and Social Service 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Ms. Roberta Roberts Housing 6 Community Developnent L77 Day Island Eugene, 0regon 9740L Ms. Phyllis Guzman cc , .-lr- Elec rrical Inspecrion Heport ( PI,l- Rev. 726-3 78) 3 l3J- 75 WIRTT'G INSTALLER Ac,E,RESS lCrrv on row N)A'OOFESS OF IIISTALLAYIOT. ?Y'E OF STFUCTURE LAAEL NOfiUSEOHT .^,./-3-P/ rvIRING ME'Hoo: NoN.METALLIC sHEA,THEo cABLE I--l A"*o REo .ABLE [-l "on or,, E _ porvER co OWNER AOOR€55 CHANGES ORc)EREE! (ctrv on to a f I I l, ) t ) o- I /0-3 covci ? Il.SPECTOF FINAL ACCOMPANIEO EY ) ,) vl PA,, a I ( a I i I I I ! IIt I I i /"yez ELECTRICAL IN SPECTION REPORT Cornty, lfiring lnsta tt--Address Addre ss of installation J,{/,J,2nJ Jt.(City or rown, Label No. (City or toml DateType of structure Used Height Wiring methodr Non-mgtallic sheathed caute il Armored caUte D Cooduit I Power company - Owner Odrt"o Changes ordered l 0 l1i / Cover Dr,r.Frr.- t'Inspector Final Accomya.uied by 8//,7.fnf , '-3-E/ a ,, f," r/,3 7o -/r rit,fre,-/trp /o/""t iro /rt'r.t.t t'ro f*r, op?'a t'u*o aonh".,/ . a CI:TY C)F SPH,II$G3-IEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 PUBLIC WORKS February 4, 1981 Housing Consultant for Lane County ATTENTI0N: Roberta FROM: David Puent, Bui'lding Inspector RE:Courtesy Inspection at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfie1d, 0regon At the request of the tenant, Phy'llis Guzman, the Building Division of the City of Springfie'ld conducted a Courtesy Inspec- tion of the dwe'l1ing located at 351 South 2nd Street, Springfield' 0regon. The inspection revealed hazardous electrical, plumbing and structural vio'lations of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. As a result, the Springfield Bui'lding Division requests that Springfield Utility Board disconnect elec-trical power from the above address. Disconnection will be made Thursday morning, February 5, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 TO 'ls COURTESY INSPECTICN APPLICATIO}I (RENTER REQUEST)p&\ ;?/ CF SPRI}{GFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE 3'$IE-D. ;.E}iTER. SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTERX- ADDRESS oF rNSpECrroN;|i.' -,-L,,c;,- 4.,*/-t*t t PHONE NO. PHoNE No. '7<-1/-rla, 7 / (,, l-- FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER TYPE OF DITIELLING: SINGLE FAMILY M DUPLEx tl MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date .$Dress - J 2- *z 11,,22.4-2,.