HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1982-06-02, ',tF-,/r
@MINUTES Lrrf of the
Springfield Plonning Commission
Council Chambers
225 North 5th Street
Springfield,0R 97477 10€?G
June 2, 1982
7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Gayle Decker, Rob Adams, Lee Beyer, Dick Gassman, Mel Suit, Steve Cornacchia,
Commission Members; Chris Larson, City Counci'l Representative;
Dick Johnson, Pauiine Moso, Greg Mott, Joe Leahy, Bob Barrett, Kevin Roberts,
Members of the Press and Audience.
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Chairperson Lee Beyer.
Mel Suit moved to approve the minutes, Dick Gassman seconded the motion and
the mot'ion carried.
No meeting had been held in regular session by the Council since the last Planning
Commission meeting. Mel Suit will represent the Planning Commission at the
June 7 Council meeting.
4. SiTE PLAN APPEAL (Cont. from May .l9, .I982)
Les Schwab Tire Center 3294 Main Street.
Applicant is proposing to construct an additional facility at his present location.
The appiicant is appealing #5 of the Site Plan Review conditions which requires
addi ti onal street 'l i ghti ng .
Kev'in Roberts presented the staff recornmendations on this proposal and made
rebuttal to some statements referring to city charges made at the May 19 meeting.
Kevin sa'id that the fees for extending the sidewalk and instaliing the'lights
would have been considerably less than the amounts quoted in the newspaper.
Kevin said that the city was now recommend'ing that condition #2 of the Site P'lan
Review Committee's recommendations be deleted even though the'light is still needed
but as it on the opposite side of the street from the business and the c'ity will
complete this coversion to a low sodium light.\H
The three conditions under #5 of the Site Plan Review Committee's recommendation
are as fol I ovrs:
'1. Insta'llation of a new 90 watt Low Pressure Sodium type iight fixture on the
existing pole located just north of your approach from North 33rd Street;
2. installation of a new .I80 watt L.P.S. light fixture on the existing pole
located near the intersection of l{orth 33rd and Main Streets:
3. Installation of a new .l80 watt L.P.S. light fixture on the existing po'le'located near the tire centers identity sign fronting on l4ain Street.
Mel Suit said that he had gone by to review the light situation at the tire center
and as there were two lights on the corner at Main Street he was not sure that
additional 'lighting would be necessary.
Steve Cornacchia stated that he was concerned with the discrepancy with proposed
fee charges and said that this factor might be a consideration in how he would
vote on the appeal.
Kevin Roberts again stated that the fees that the city wou'ld charge would not be
the $7500 anA $5OOO m'isquoted from the last meet'ing and that €ven though the sidewalk
extension was no longer required that the estimated cost for the extension would have
been approximately $750 and that the installation of the 3 lights would have been
approximatley $1500. Kevin said that the city wou'ld be installing the light at 33rd
and Main Street and would be reimbursed through a BPA grant as the app'licant would have
been i f he had i nstal I ed the 'l i ght.
M0TI0N: Gay1e Decker moved to deny the appeal of #5 of the Site Plan Review cond'itions as
modified with the deletion of #2 of Condition #5.
Dick Gassman seconded the motion. He said he had questions on how slight a remodelingof a business should be considered redevelopment. He fejt that in this instance the
remodeling was sign'ificant enough to impose city redevelopment standards.
Rob Adams said that as he had not attended the May lgth meeting he would not be vot'ing
on the issue but that he did wish to comment that it was part of the Conunission's job
to look at the c'ity as a whole and that street lighting was valuable to the city andthat vrhen there was significant additions to a property that there was justification
for imposing the city's development standards.
Steve Cornacchia said that he supported the motion on the grounds that installing thelights would benefit the property.
Mel felt that the applicant was justified in making the appeal as he feit that thelight on 33rd was sufficient.
Lee Beyer said that it was city policy to require the development standards and that
they should be imposed fairly for al1 applicants.
The motion to deny the appeal carried by a vote of 4:l with I abstaining. Lee Beyer,
Steve Cornacchia, Gayle Decker, Dick Gassman in favor of denying the appeal, Me1Suit opposed and Rob Adams abstaining.
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MINUTES, Planning Commission, 6/2/82 -------Page 2
The pub'lic hearing items were taken out of order as item "B" the Berean Assemblyof God CUP was requested to be continued at the applicants request.
B. BEREAN ASSEMBLY OF GOD (Journal No. 5-82-06-.I5)
Lee Beyer opened the public hearing on this item in order for a member of the
audience to provide testimony as she would not be able to attend theJuly 7th meeting where the request would be heard.
Judy Thornton I97 N. 73rd Street , said that her husband had prepared apetition that they had circulated in the neighborhood that stated their
opposition to granting the CUP. She said that their main concern was thetraffic that the church and school would generate and she wanted to knotryif they would be required to provide access to the church from l4ain Street.
Mrs. Thornton then inquired what a CUP meant. Dick Johnson repiied that
some uses such as churches and schools were allowed in low density res'idential
areas with certain conditions that had to be met in order for the church or
school to remain open. Joe Leahy said that under the new Zoning Code that
the app'licant's had the option of applying for a CUP or a SUP which would give
more permanent use for the property and thus provide more protection for the
appl i cant.
Mrs. Thornton was also told that an improvement agreement would have to be
signed for the church to take access to Main Street. This improvement agreement
wou'ld go into effect whenever enough traffic was generated to make the access
to Main Street necessary.
This item was then continued to July 7th when the public hearing portion wilistill be in effect for further test'imony. Joe Leahy said that if the appl'icant's
decided to seek a SUP that the item would have to be readvertised.
A. PAMELA D. WOOLFE (Journal No. 5-82-06-]4)
Assessor's Map I 7-03-35-
Applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit in the M-M Medium Industrial District
in order to operate a car repair service which will require some storage of used
vehicles and used vehicle parts.
Lee Beyer explain the process followed in a public hearing and then opened the
hearing.on this item.
Pamela and Richard Woolfe, the applicantg,both came forward to give testimony.
Mrs. Woolfe sa'id that the staff had indicated concern that there was a single
family house and an apartment in proximity of the property and that this was
'incompatible with the auto repair business. She said that she did not feel this
was a legitimate concern as there were other s'imilar businesses in the area.
Located at 325 S. 2nd Street on the east side of the street between the S.P.
ilroad and South 'C' Street.
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MINUTES, P'lanning Commission, 6/2/82 ------Page 3
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Mr. l.loolfe circulated some pictures he had taken of the area and at thelocation of his proposed business. He said that his business would not
be detrimental tb the area and that he would not be having a wrecking yard @but rather a garage to repair Saab automobiles. He said the oniy storageof cars outside of the garage would be those waiting to be repaiied or -
restored and not wrecked-out cars.
Mrs. l.loolfe said that they agreed that there was not enough room on theproperty for a wrecking yard but that this was not what the property wasgo'ing to be used for. She said that she also understood that the reason-
the]r had needed to apply for a CUP was so that if they did not comply withcertain conditions that it could be revoked but that this would not happen
unless there were complaints.
l/lrs. Woolfe said that there was adequate access to the apartments and thatthey wou'ld not be parking vehicles in the a11ey as'it was too narrol topark and stiil allow for another vehicle to pass. She said that since aggrage was permitted in that area that the staff was out of line in asking
them to obtain a cUP as they did not intend to have a wrecking yard asindicated in the staff report.
Mr. t^loolfe said that any car that would just be used for parts wou'ld be
disassembled inside the garage and the shell would be towed away and notstored outside. Also used parts would be stored inside and not outside.
Dick Johnson read two letters that the Planning Department had received onthe applicat'ion. Mr. James I. Carter of Cartei Drilling wrote that he hadno opinion to offer on the proposed CUP but that he did-take exception tothe request as presented as it included the property they presentiy had underlease from the Southern Pacific Railroad. The secona leitbr read ias from
Reed l.Iallace, the owner of a four-piex at 230 S. 'C' Street adjacent to theproperty in question saying that he was opposed to a'llowing the CUp as heconcerned that access would be restricted to his property.
in response to a question from Steve Cornacchia, Mrs. tloo]fe said that Volstadt
Volksvragen.owned the property and they had an option to purchase if the CUpwas,granted. Also the property they proposed to purchase'was immediate'ly adjacentto Carter Dril'ling and would not infringe on his property.
Mrs. Itli tchel l 1354 S. Znd Street, spoke in favor of granting the CUP. She saidthaEsle trave'led ihrou gh that area daily and that sh e did not feel that a repair
shop would be detrimen tai to the area.
llo one else from the audience spoke for or against the request.
Lee Beyer inquired why a CUP had been required if the request was for a garage
which was permitted in the area and not a wrecking yard and why the item wason the agenda.
Dick Johnson said that the staff felt that wrecked cars would be stored outsidethe building from the information they had received.
Rob Adams said that he did not see the need for a CUP if it was only for a guru€*'
and if no stripped cars were go'ing to be stored. He also asked if even if no
CUP were needed if the applicants could be required to build a fence. Joe Leahysaid that the applicants should be asked if they wouid be willing to put up a
MINUTES, Planning Comm'ission, 6/2/82 Page 4
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fence and they responded that they had intended to construct a fence anyway.
Rob Adams moved that the item be removed from the agenda and that the fee
for the CUP be refunded as it was not needed if the business was going to
be ran in the manner described by the app'licants.
Met Suit seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Assessor's Map 17-03-22 Tax Lot 2206
Located on the north side of Harlow Road between Gateway and Pheasant Streets.
The property is zoned R-M PUD Medium Density Planned Unit Development. The
applicant received a Conditional Use Permit on l4ay 19 to construct a racquetball
health club serving both this deve'lopment and the general public. The
app'licant is now submitt'ing a tentative subdivision plan for the netire deveiopment
which shows lot layout and a final site p1an.
Steve Cornacchia inqu'ired about the sprinkler system and Dick Johnson said that
a sprinkler system ulould be required for the open space.
The public hearing was opened.
Jim l,lagnon,
the owners a
'1065 High Street, of Wagnon and Associates, said that he represented
nd that he had come before the Commission twice before in the last
45 days. Conceptual approval of the site plan had been given and a CUP granted
for the proposed racquetball facility. He said that the site plan now showed
that density was reduced as on'ly 171 units instead of 218 units were proposed
to be built. He said that this density was more in keeping with what he had
heard the Commiss'ion say at an earlier hearing.
Following a short discussion r"rith the app'licant, the public hearing was closed.
MOTION:Rob Adams moved to approve the tentative subdivision p'lan. Steve Cornacchia
seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. A second motion
was made by Rob Adams to approve the site plan, Steve Cornacchia seconded this
motion and the motion carried unanimously.
A. J.D. BANDO (Journal llo. 5-79-03-27; ROI No. 79-89)
Located on the east side of S. 57th Street south of the Booth Ke1ly/Weyerhaeuser
Iogging road.
The property is under a Resolution of Intent to be rezoned from FF-20 Farm,
Foresty, to MHS Mobile Home Subdivision. Extensions were granted in '1980
and I 981 .
MOTiON:Dick Gassman moved to grant a one year extension. Steve Cornacchia seconded
the motion and the motion carried.
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MINUTES, Planning Commission, 5/2/82 Page 5