HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1973-07-24CIE:T OF SPH,:}SGFTEI-,I) sPRINGFIELD, OREGON S7 477 DEPAITTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JuLy 24, L973 CERTIFIED LETTER Insurance Salvage Company 280 South Second Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attention: ttPetet' Peterson Dear Sir: In previous conversation with you, I have discussed the fencing of the area in which you store wrecked automobiles. The enEire storage area must be enclosed with a fence six feet high that wilL limit the observation of any wrecked or stored vehicLes from without the premises. The fence must be provided with an operabLe gate. While provisions are made for Ehe fencing by maintained shrubs or hedges, Ehe use of wild growth, such as blackberries or deciduous trees, is not acceptable. State legislation that alLudes to this condition does not apPly within the jurisdiction of the City of Springfield. Therefore, notiee is hereby given that you shal1 within 90 days enclose your storage area with a fence that shall be constructed under a permit and spec- ificaEions as required by the City of Springfield. If you have any questions, please feel free to calL the Building DePartment at 747-422L. S incere ly , Wendell Bartholomew Environmental Control 1er 348 MAIN BTtsETiT 7 47 -4221 WB: sm l4EI,10 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC I^]ORKS March 6, L970 To:Hal Fleck, Director of Public Works Jack Mayer, Chief Building Inspector From:Dick Johnson, City Planner Subj ect:Trailer permit, holding tank and land use for Mr. Larry Bruhn 280 South 2nd Street Baclground Information The one year trailer permit and holding tank permit, granted to I4r. Larry Bruhn of 280 South 2nd Street officially expires on l(.arch 24, 1970. These permits rrere granted by the Conrnon C,ouncil for a one year period on March 24, t969. The property is leased by Mr. Bruhn from the Borden Chemical Company. The property is zoned M-2 Light Industrial District under the City Zoning 0rdinance. The property is being used for the storage of wrecked automobiles for display to various bidders. There are approximately 30 to 50 automobiles on the property at any given time. The property is located along the south bank of the Springfield Millrace between South Second Avenue and the Willamette River. Prob'l em The architectural firm of Lutes and Amundson has submitted a letter dated February 18, 1970 to the Springfield Planning Conrnission urging denial of renewal of the holding tank permit on this property. In their letter, Lutes and Amundson maintain that I the property is being used in a manner similar to an autowrecking yard and is therefore a non-conforming uset" Auto wrecking yards arenot permitred in M-2 Light rndustrial Districts in springfield. In addition, the architectural firm claims that fthe property in questionis detrimental to our business and to the entire visual quality of the ateal. The City Planner checked into the points raised by Lutes and Amundsonand found them to be essentially correct. The property certainly has the appearanceof a wrecking yard, which is not permitted in an M-2 District. Furthe*or", althoughwrecking yardsare permitted in the M-3 Heavy Industrial District, they are iequiredto be surrounded by a fence. This property is not surrounded by a fence. tLme ae tt takeb for the ctty eewer to be extended &r€€rr It was moved by l'1r. CourEright, wJ'th-second Rogers, that petrnissl-on be granted to lnstall a 8ep on-ltt. John $ictLlern's properly located at the corn l,iiu,,r., gIrtiut atrr] IIrrt'I,w-lto*rl to nt:rv<l t5o propooetl rharltet,. Motlon passed unanlmously' lnto the by I"1r. tlc tank Er of ttconvontoncoll 4. The CttY !4anager Pr esented to the Councll a requeot by Mr. LarrY Bruhn,who desires to oPera te a small buslnesa be nd the Borden Chernlca 1 CompanY, to Provlde hls own sewer eervice through the use of a holding tank raetrer than tie lnto the cltY sewer system beeause of the high cost lnvo lved.?he CitY Manager lndtcated that the reason for this request is prlmari ty that the busLness requl res a amall offlce, and the Lease wlth Borden Chemical ls for o ne year onty. Mr.Larry Bruhn aPPeare d before the Councll on his own behalf and s taced that he was invo lved as an Lnsur- ance adjuster for twenty-two insurance comPanles ln the Eugene- Sprlngfie ld metropolitan area,that thls area behind Borden Chemlcal Conpany trould be used for the storage of wreclced auto' moblles fdr disPlay to varloue bidders, and that Borden Chemical would only lease the ProPerty to him for a one-Year Period' It was moved by Mr. Rogers, wLth second bY Mr. Courtrlght, that Per' misslon bg granted to Mr. LarrY ln lteu of tYing dlrectlY lnEo mlt would be good for one Year unantmously. Bruhn to tnetall a holdlng tanlc, the clty sesretr, and that th18 Per' from thls date. Motion Passed 5 - nity Manager reviewed the origlnal petitlon to lmprove cen'l from ].8th Street east 250 feet, He lndlcated that t \J I\v- - LUTES AND AMUNDSON, A.I.A. . archirects and communiry planners p. o. bor "f," ZOO south mill streer, springfield, oiegon 97477 503 746-gZrL l8 Februory 1970 $ Springfield Plonning Commission 840 North 7th Springfield, Oregon 97477 & Attention: Plonning Director Gentlemen: It is our understonding thot the Springfietd Ciiy Council witt soon be oskedJo consider the renewol 9f o septic tonk permit on property presently being leosedfrom Borden Chemicol Co. This property, situoted otong the south bonk of fhe Millroce between secondAvenue ond the Willomette River, is presentty being used by the leosee for the PUrPose of storing wreck6d outomobiles, frucks, troilers onj mobite homes. We urge thot you recommend deniql of the permit renewol for the folowing reqsons: l' The. property is being used in o monner similor fo on quto-wrecking yord ond,is therefore, o non_-conforming use. tt does not conform to the ,"!rir"r"nt,of section Xll of the springfield Zoning ordinonce (ordinonc" No. 9og). This property is presently ctossified qs on M-2 Light lndusfriol Disfrict whichdoes nof rocdgnize oufo wrecking yords o, o prop-.r use. 2' The present use of .the property in question is detrimenfol fo our business ondto the enf ire visuol quotity oithe oreo. Our firm hos expended consideroble f ime ond money to develop the north bonkof the Millroce, so thot it is usobte.o.nd enioyobre by not onrf'or, "rptoy"",ond clients, buf olso the generot public. dy'controsi rhe unsightlylevelop-ment olong the south bonk of fhe Millroce is controry fo our efforts. 3' Porogroph Arlo,b of Section Xll in Ordinonce g0Bstipulotes thot,,if in theopinion of the plonning commission the oppeoron"" ("i; ,r;) i, oui""tionobte,o solid woll, evergreen hedge or o pointei boqrd fence sholl be constructedsround fhe development.,, we hove offered to the owner of the property, without cost, our ossisfonce inthe design ond selection of economicol moteriqls for the construction of o suit-oble screen if h-e would ogree to underwrite its instotlotion cost olong fhe Mill-roce. These offers hqve not been occepted. Springfield Plonning Commission l8 Februory 1970 Poge -2- Gronting the renewol of the septic tonk permit ond ollowing continued use of the property os o storoge yord for wrecked vehicles will only condone the continued visuql pollution of whot could be o very scenic ond unique oreo of Springfield. AIso, continuotion of this use sets o precedent for use of M-2 lond which could be defrimenfol to fhe entire city. We urge your recommendotion for deniol of the permit in question. Sincerely, LUTES AND AMUNDSON, AtA .<, hf3r/,./,(E- ld L. Smith, AIA Portner DLS: r./r cc: City Monoger Memo Ha1 Fleck, Director of Public l{orks Jack Mayer, Chief Building Inspector March 6, L970 Page 2. Plannins C ission Action This problem was brought before the Springfield Planning Conrnissionat the March 2, 1970 meeting, by Mr. John Amundson. The Planning Conrnission recommended that this problem be taken to the City Council since the Council hadauthorized the permits for the trailer and holding tank. The Planning Cournissionhad not authorized the land use either as Ehig had apparently been allowed throughinterpretation by the CiEy Building Department in 1968 based upon temporary storageof automobiles for insurance adjustments, never anticipating the appearance theoperation would present. Plannin g Staff Re conrnendat ion The Planning Staff reconunends that the permit for the trailer and holdingtank not be renewed. The Planner also must recournend that the present of theproPerty be disallowed and brought to an end with all due speed. Although theproperty is not being used as a wrecking yard per se (the dismantling of automobiles)it nonetheless has the appearance of a wrecking yard. In any event, it certainlydetracts from the appearance of the entrance \{ay to the City. Having an eyesoreat our front door does not enhance the Cityts image. Pictures are included with this memo for your information. Richard D, Johnson City Planner RDJ Enc :vo as stated LUTES AND AMUNDSON, A.I.A. . archirects and community planners p. o. box "f," 2oo south mill stleet, springfield, oregon 97477 ,01 746-82rL l8 Februory 1970 Springfield Plonning Commission 840 North 7th Springfield, Oregon 97477 Affention: Plonning Direcfor Gentlemen: If is our understonding thot the Springfield City Council will soon be osked fo consider the renewol of o septic ionk permif on properfy presently being leosed from Borden Chemicol Co. This property, sifuoted olong the south bonk of the Millroce between SecondAvenue ond the Willomefte River, is presently being used by the leosee for the PUrPose of storing wrecked outomobiles, trucks, troilers onj mobile homes. We urge thot you recommend deniol of the reosons: permit renewol for the following 2 The property is being used in o monner similor fo on outo-wrecking yord ond,is therefore, o non-conforming use. rt does not conform io the r"irir"runrcof secrion Xll of fhe springfierd Zoning ordinonce (ordinonce No. 9og).This property is presenrty crossified os on M-2 Lisht indu;;;;;G;Li*i,"1.,does nof recognize oufo wrecking yords o, o p-p"", ,r". The present use of .fhe p.roperfy in question is detrimentol fo our business ondfo the enf ire visuol quolity of the qreo. Our firm hos expended considerobte iime ond money to develop the north bqnkof the Millroce, so thot if is usoble ond enjoyoileLy not onry our employeesond clients, but olso rhe.generor pubric. dy'";;;;; ihe unsighrry deverop_ment olong the south bonk of the Mirrroce is controrf ro or.efforts. Porogroph Arlo,b of Secfion XIr in ordinonce g0gstipulotes thot ,,if in theopinion of the Plonning commission rh-e oppgoron""l;f " use) is obiecrionobre,o solid woll, evergreen hedge or o pointei boord fence sholt be constructedoround the developmenf .,, we hove offered to the owner of the properfy, wifhout cost, our ossistonce inthe design qnd selecf ion of economicol ,oteriols fo, th" construction of o suit-oble screen if he would ogree to underwrife its insfotlotion cost otong the Mill-roce. These offers hove not been occepfed. J. Springfield Plonning Commission 18 Februory 1970 Poge -2- Gronting the renewol of the septic tonk permit ond ollowing continued use of the property os o sforoge yord for wrecked vehicles will only condone the continued visuol pollution of whot could be o very scenic ond unique oreo of Springfield. AIso, continuotion of this use sets o precedent for use of M-2 Iond which could be detrimenfol to the entire city. We urge your recommendotion for deniol of the permif in question. S ince re I y, LUTES AND AMUNDSON, AIA L < ! -.lJ-<nold L. Smirh, AIA Portner DLS: dr cc: City Monoger MIN1ITES BOARD OF A?PEALS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I'leeting Room ?ublic Works Department 346 Main Street Monday August 20, L973 7:30 p,m. 2 1. RoII Call Present: Elmer Steege, Chairman; Eldon Shields, Conrad Roemer, Darrell Wilson, Ray Walter, Jack I'Iayer, secretary, and John Charles, Assistant City Attorney. The minutes of the July 2, 1973 Board of Appeals meeting were approved as mailed. 3. Lance G.Knowles Located at 156 Chapman Lane. Appeal of the Building Departmentts Notice and Order to Comply with the UniformBuilding Code, Volume W to repair or demolish a fire damaged residence at this locat ion. MOTION: It was moved by Mr. I,Ialter and seconded by Mr. Shields to appoint Mr. Steege as the Hearing Examiner for this case. The vote was unanimous in favorof the motion. Mr. Knowles r^ras not present at this time so Mr" Steege moved to the next orderof business to allow Mr. Knowles to appear. 4. Quentin Peterson Located at 280 South Second Street. Appeal of the Building Departmentts direetive to install a fence to enclosethe wrecked cars at the Insurance Salvage Service located at the above address. Jack Mayer, speaking for the City, explained the siLuation and circumsLances leading up to the Building Department t s leEter requirirg a fence to be installed.. Mr. Peterson ldas present and stated his reasons for not wanting to put up afence at t,his time. He felt that until he could renew his lease, he would not know how long he woul-d be aL this location. Discussion from the Board followed .@: Mr. VJilson moved that the Board grant an extension of the orderof the Building Department until November 15; if at that time, the lease is renewed, require I"1r. Peterson to comply with the order and erect a fence around the vehicle storage area within 30 days. Mr" Sheilds seconded themotion and it passed unanimously.