HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-03-22zzs North stt, it nlP'LrcArr,N/PERIrr Spritryfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RES JENTIAL..SPFIIitGFTELD Job Locaticn:/ N )nd SreeeT Aesessoz,e Map #laa Lot # Subdiuision: /Amer:E tbt NAddtese:Phone 'e trtJ Descrtbe l'lork 4r-.,r- b VaLueDate of AppL tt llq") 1 qldditicn/-u)u, /"rA -J'ry{ CenetaL /0/ 14echa.ical t7^^t nD Sani:uy se;er captped at PtoPet4i Ltt:e Septic tank 7tped cr"d flllad r'rith gatel linaL - l(hen abcoe ttans aze catpleteC and uhen Cenall*.iott is eotnplete- o" st?L2- tie ^oueC od. prewLses cleaned up' Le ilcnes Blocking od' Set-ztP Plwtbinq conaections -- sate? od ualer Electrical Ccnnection' Blockirq' se!-up , aui olunbinq eonnectians raat 5e qp!.c'ec *b ;;";- ;;qr"eting eL eelrLcal insp ee2 ia- AccessorT BullCtng Pit.al - !,fter ;crel'-es' skitting, dec'xs' etc. de ecnoLe=ed' Pete 1 oi 2 Conelmrtlior-!"d"!- It ia the frqt respottcibiLitg of tlc penrit holdet 'trebt, and that the -permtt ear<i ia l)uiciat apprcted pi,or si'.cll randan Located. at the ftont of . on tle Building Slte at JLU p"opertl tLmes, to see tlat aLL inapeetiona @e r,ad.e at lhe p"oPe! tine' that ecch clltess is t'easai''e the 726-3769 (teeorder) state youn City Cesignated job nwtber, ieady for inspection,Con*actors cr )umet's nane atd ptane number d:g, requests made after 7:00 an vi,tl be rwLe the nest tnrkir'4 day ycut CitA Desigra,ted Job iluttbet Is:fr 24L To be rmde aftet prtor tc set uP of._1 SITE INSP1CIION: I I eccaaticn, but Iorng. UNpERSLAB ?LUMBIi\C, !L!C?Rr-C,11 e )CCH)-IIICAU 7o be naie beJ'o?e cng liot,k 1.s cooeled. FC}TING 1 IOUIIDATICN: ?o be rmCe after trenches dle erccldted ar14 1o" " *" erecteri, but PrLcr -"a pourLng ccne?eta. x ultpgRGPOUltD PtwrNc=, stq.EP', .V-AT!.I' inl,ninct: To be mae Pn'o! to iLL- @a-renettee. a1 a:',1"'qo-,', iL'!,jt!" 1;#3m' "fl-) To be moae Prtor floorJnsuic.tian or decktng' P1SI AND BEN"!: lo be nade Prlor to ffi;of ftoot' insuT'ation ot the s '-ding aou L be nade the sane decking. DRY1ALL I\ISPIC"IION: Tc be nade ;fterAT-@idll is .in Place' but ptior to d7u! taPlng' I,IAS0NRI: Steel Location' bond' ffirrr"titq or terticcls in i"oid&., uith u,B.c' sectian 2415. job aC&ess, tYPe Pequesil recelxed of inspee=i-cn befcre 7:00 a':t rtA^iCfr^rfr.ffiZ.After installation is 'thesc- insPections laue beer' CURB & APPRg 1H AP-o,oN: . Af!?:-,1-1t" ddeciec but PrLon t' Pal?'ng cofierete. ffi "'lrz""r"!rln,?:;- "-iir', to -be maCe after aL1' eoea' iLtlil"'carpLete d forn aoz'k & cub- base -rnaterLal in Place'nade atd. ,ryptated, FI?fiPLACE: Prior to PLacL""S facLng ffiG artd before iraring insPee- tion. pRA|IIC: I,tust be requeeted aftet ffi"t of rough pl;trai'ng' 3Leetri'h1 a nectwrrieal- - ALt roofittg Li"cirrs E chinmeYs, e.tc' nuat be irrrptnioa- :lo r,Ycrk i8 to be eort- -LL&.a untl:L this insPectLcn has 'been rade anC aPPto'sed' IENCE: lthen cotnolete .'- ?"ovtd'e ffi'oo ,irable sectians ihtough b.u.e. _.-- ALL w'oiect cotdi;ions, suck as tly tnltal-lacion of street trees' :c=t|'eticn of the required Lanl.sccpirg, Ztc., rrust a" ,otirliZi""t"iZl""'ii--autt'cilb lrliAL can be teq'uested' ?^NAL BUTLDTNG: Th,e Einal Build.inq. rnspecti.on mtst be requested af"er the tin'al Plwnbirq Electrical, *d u""tt'i'iZi n"pi"t:i"*'haue been made atd approuac' *ALL I,TANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I|UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE !'I NO CCST TO CITY KI FTIIAL PLUV,BITIG IINAL IIECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL U-Lv'bv' 4Yo Urunffi;* Z /ro.h .//0 /M,M Itto,4t t# Date u I fh,|? 2 dJOB NO. ,,J4L soLAR Acc s REQ.-L-CO tsedtoome Lot Face6 -inerqu Sources Tuoe Setbacks :leat DT House Ca?aqe Access 'iate" leate!llot,th TireoLace Sot;th 'eloocistou-e bt Sq. Etg. I of Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stories ?otal Height LC? lWE _ fntetiot _ Conte? _ Pcnhcruile CUL-de-aaciopography Weet -- Fees -- r?xt4 x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This penrut is granted on the eqress cond.ition that the said eonstntctions-tnll, in-all.respects, eonfcnt to the Crdirnnce adooted b,y the Ctty ofSp1tr,4fielC, including the Zoning Cydlnance, z,egulc+-i*g tk"e ccnstzuZticn anl..use o-f buiZiin4s, and nay be suspend.e,i. or rZuokeC Zt "r.g tine uicn uic-Lation of ory prcuiaions of saiC CrCirances. TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 c EULLdLna !z?nn-X Ptan State Total Clnrges Sigred: EEE rpa pn, listtses Plumbing permit No peteon slnll const?ucx, inslal!, altet ot change -cttg neu c? e:istingql^*fy Z drainage syotal in aiwie ot in-pa,t, -unlesl "r"n p"iron is th.eLegal possessor of a ua,.id plwnber,s LieensZ, escept tl,.at e pe:son nag do ffitlne uork to p"ope?t! ulhich ie "u""a, i"Zeea iln op,"iot)a. br-;;;" qpli_ Resid.zrtti.al (1 bath) Saner /o 0{ .00 PLznbtng Sutci:arge Electricol permit Na,t /Est end. Ciz,cui ts were state Lan veouite.a trnt the eleetr.cal uork be done by cn iLeetr-icalcont"aeto?, ttte el)ctrie1l.;;"i;;;;V1-niZ*i"r_it ahc,Ll not be ualit. untitthe l,abel tus been signed. ly ti- tilt"r.ZL(contractor.Seruias ?otal i?lM ilc F!E Mechqnicol permit Meclnnicel pennt khatst Hood Vent Pdt Penot fssuatge Ctttbeut SiCandLk TO?AL il4AUIE DIJE:A fr 0 Date Patd: #: ne? ! EAW CAREPULLY lx,4.aL!El t-!e eonpt,eted applteation fot, perris, dnn daryre?a certify tttat aLL irior itiZi-;;;";f ;, *ae ard coz,rect, anc r:u?th* certifs chat any oa- "it "iolt-iZii"ry"a ,\LL be Cote in acec?_dance tith the 0z.ciinanc-;;-;1lii;;;;.rV:sp;y.fi:Ld, ,and. th,e ic;s of thetffir"r lir?Zn:k Z"y"ons to the *ik a"",*.-oed. .herein, :nd. ,har lo ccca-,,,.sion.-;:--"":e;;b?i:;.*i"T,ir\::#"i;T"#*t*"X;*i"*: cqrvliance Dith cRS zot.bss "iiz-i",""2'i",ol."n " ptoject ?-.2 Mobile ilone Date