HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-01-19z2s North stit streeaPPLrcAr r,N /PERI,rr Spr'ingfield, 1tegon 97477 BuiLdin4 Diuision 7 26-37 s3 ?!?OC!DUPI F1R INS??ei1tt R?SUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recoydet) state !ou! City Cesiguted job requesxeC tti uhen gou ,,riLL be reaiy fon i4spection, Confuacic?s o? A,mets rwne cnd phonellLL be nade the sone Ccg, ?e6.,uests ncd.e aftet, 7:00 an tiLL be m:.Je the nezt:,nrkirg- daE. You? CitA Desigra.ted Job llunber Is: afier ..RESIDENTIAL..t: Date mn;iber, job aCiress, type of inspee:icn nurnber. P,equeszs z.eceixeC SPFIINGFIELIf TNSULA?iAN /V/.pap EARR|!3 ltS?|Cll0il : To be naae after aLL insu'taticn ad. tequired uapoz, ba,rie?s @e in place but befcre ory Lath, glpslnr bcatC or uaLL couering is coptied, and. before ozy insuiation is concc-aled.. DRYIIA.LL INS?ICT!)N: 7c be nade after aLL atluall is in p/,ace, but ptior to a7,.V taping, WSCIIP,I: Steel Location, bond 6ffijg"cutin4 or ueri:icdls in accorTd.ee\rvtn u, iJ. r'. ieex..on IIOODSTOT,E: -*; ^_ ^)avtily ue uos. Aftet .)nstalla'iion is CURB 1 TPPRCACH !.PP.1N: After formaee ereeiei but priar to poaz-tng concreta- aLL ean- right- Ll, erca- ,atino ccrnolete & fozn u:ork & sub- base naterLal in place. \ Cons*"tclici_!ede!_ I! is the rcsponsibility of the permit holdet to see tha.t aL! ins.oectiowa oze r,a,Ce at the propet !'ine, thct 4afi1 .'ihss6 is readnT-;e fron the st?eet, anC;ltat the pernrtt cqrd ia l,ccated at the fzottt of the pro-oerty.*guil-diq P|oiciot qpro"'eci pl^ot sitc.LL ren<zin on the tsualding Site at aLL'tines.- 11d- e*eauaxion, but prior tc se! ug of forns. lo be rmCe are ard pouz"tr4 ccncrete. '-tsoeeziors hars e b eer matie ard, agprctseC. : *i.or *-o plccirg itct-ng and before franir,4 inspec- l4ust be requested after h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe or nouable sectiane tlwough any forns cte erectei, but iA UTDSRGPOUIID ?LL'L!U!L-:IE?2-'r.4:I&,-) Lirg trenches. 7 t;ao*rLocR ?LUIBIJG d :4tc1A:trcAr:it@of floor rnaui)tian or deckir.g. POST AND tsEAi,,l: To be nad.e priot lo --- insxallacicn of f-Loor irsulation or ;a; /'\ ,1,x2 =XI lIilALt. PLUI4BIiIG i,!ECHAlIICAL D lt ? ALL cro;ect coniicior".s, such as che i.nstallacion of stteet trees, .:oryLe-"ion o;- tite required Lanl.sccpir.g' ctc. , rmtst be satisfied beiore tl".e tsUILDIiiG FItiAL can be reqyesteC. iillA.L tsUILDfttG: The ?i1al Building. fnsoecticn tast be reouested ci'ler the lir,al PlunbingileetrieaZ, otz Jlecinartcei inspecc'.ons 4eue been narje anri'a=crcue:.I Job Locaticn: ,It\eazbL+0D{fl)Assessore |ilag #Tcz Lpt # Subdioision: 71/7 3S?*Phone Cme'r: Ad<iyess: ,) n1"2 h / id, /tt ?n. . *;""ff*Jl' *n*.> tu *, BeTo--.* 5es-q4 kz/,y*<-, brylf^ hf nd> d *r/D //x F*7a Fta{*,(DP V/x6" t=<a7€? 7a V@-d; / il ?-7) rrl 6aVal-ue 'dDate of Additicn RenoCel GeneraL PLunbt-rq 9Lectrical 1 DE!.\1LEIA!! CR i:?Wt Scnilarg seaer eapoed zt properiry Lite Septic tank =r=ei ttd. ,'illei uith ctc:21, Pincl - i'lhen dccue itens ate cctoleted. cr,C uhen Cancl'-:ian ia eotrolete br str-^r- ttce nooeC ad. prarrises clZaned up, ticnes Blocking otd. Set-up Pl,wbi,n4 connections -- sa/ter al. aalay dZectrtcal Cc*.nection - Blcekir,g, set-ut and. plunbing cctrnections rnist be apprct;ed befot e z,equestinq eleelz-ical insaeclia- Accescot g BuiEing pcrcLzs, skit ting, decks, 1 ^:^) Fir,"e.L - After etc. ae etno ._l Frlnf:rea40fa^r *ALL i,rAllilCLES .4:tD CLEANOUTS :tUS? -qE .4CCtSSitsLE, .4DJlJS?:riiE lO Sf :.,"tDZ ,,.! :!C :3ST lC i:!y I a2frta-fod ln<no.f4 ana Daaa 9 JOB NO. IotaL soLAR pCESS REQ.-L-CO G* I EAW CA-REFULLy !XAh|IN1D '-!e cotr,.27.2Ssd d.oplicaticn fo? peti'tit, and do hereby ce"tiJ\ tl1a.i, aLL infcanattbn heteoi is trae etl, cbrreet', oz,C 1 futther eerlif,g that ory ard. aLL aopk Derfomeci slnll be done in accot- dance .,rtth the Ardinances of the City o! Sprtngfield, ad the La-;s of tha ' State of az,egcn pe?taining to tke ao"k d.escribcd hez,ein, c71d. :lnt :tO OCCU- Pl.tlcy utlll be nu,,Le of @ty stzacare xithout perrrission cf the 3uitCing Di-uision, i futther eertii-1 ittzt cnly colt"ac-tors and. ezolcyees ,th,c arA i?z cotpliance atth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject Ctsbeui Sld.eud.Lk Crouc:Bedrcons: tbt Sq. F4. Z cf l,ct Cooetaga LCT ?WE _ inter.ict _ Cormet _ Panhctrd.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Paces -Soutces Dt ilouseI of Stor')es lotal leight lopogrqhg EN x Building Vqlue & Permit This penr.t is gtunted on the esqees coruiition tha.t the said_constmctiotzshall, in all resoects, confcrn t-o the Crdinance zdogted 3:y the City ofSpr)ngfield, ineluiing the Zoning Cydinance, regulcting the ccnsttzeticn otd, use of bui,L,lings, and nay be susperuied or reuoked. dt cnA tane upotr uic- Ta.tian of oty ptcuiaions of saiC Crdirances. 4n4' r. V! f t:F S.D.C. I.5 e CE cto?ee: State ?otal Chatges c/o Receipt # CHAR.GE P lumbingFisturesr4c5 erm it Resid.ential (1 bath)fr9 person shail constz"tct, instal!, altet ot clw.4e cn! vca cr ezisting plumbiry or Crainage slot€1t in'ahole on in patt, unless such petson i.s tle Legal possessor of a talid plwtbet's License, escept that a pelson na,g do plto-tbing aork to p"ope"t! ahich is orntzed, Leased or operated by the appli,- @nt. Sani Sewer PLlnHng Penrit sq . ?e) 2a Electricol Permit tlhae State tan tequites tlnt the eleetrical uork be doae by an Electrieal Cantracto", the elec+.rical porlion of thie penrtt ehall nov be ualii untilthe ?.abeL has been signed bg th.e Slectrical Cantractot, ?otal N6u/Eetend. Ciz,atits Set-tice -Q /a- ?32 Mechq nicol Permit llcoisto;.te Vent Fdt bha$t HooC ,s Penntt fssu.awe Meehaniccl Pernit .- ZT|CRCAC:11'!E:]T -- Secarity Deoosit Storaoe ,',lainterattcc, Perltrit Eleettical Label TOTAL A,WUil? DUE:' PLcn ir.arinet Nobile Ecne f/,,,.*u /?,,lj ITZM I 'ietet ;!z:4 I /7.oo /v.5? .tlBState Sutehaae - To*al. Choraos !encz ?n t>( ,/cr( .