HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-07-18..RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs ltorzh sth s;:reeAP?L;cArr0N/PERMT! Sprir.gfield, Cregan 97477 Builiing Diuiaion 726-37 53 SPFlINGFTEL.D brq ,'ob locctica: Assescora :!d? I ?c; Lat # );ter: .\C&ess Phona iate of Appliea:lcn_ Desez4be ilot,k: 1 UNE?2L i!ecl,oiccL tatLar fi?^t, hD tlarE^ Sanita4 seset eq?ed .t ?"cp€?4- Lita Septic totk p'.i::ped ard fille<i sith EraLc-i linal - i',rhen cbcue itens ee caclecei arC uhen lencl)tior: is ecn>Le2e'cy st:-;:- tuve naued ai tr;r)ses clbened ut. 1!obiLe Blocking od. Sec-ug Plunbit4 cctneciacns -- sarer el, ue=er Electr.Jcal Ccnnection - Blcckir,4, set-u. and pltunbing eonnections n:.st be qprcted bei'ot,e requestirq electical inscee;'Ja:t Acsessot! Suiiilng :orekes, skiritng, ieci;,Final - Aftet ^+^ ?tie 1 oi 2 Constn cticn Lenier I! is lhe responcibility of tla penrit iplder to see that eL!- inspection:, a"e ::,arie at lhe proper tlne, ir.et n*7 a,],#ess is reai-'nie ;.ry._tP stTe'et, ar"C titct the perr*t c,,;'d, ie lccated at the fz<tzt of tlle gopez,tA.,?uilding luiczo- cg;roted ch,n shcll retwin on the Suii<iing Site bt aLL' tikes.' >Dn'?nt'rd =no r"a'=n?9!Li!2!!E'CALL 726-3769 (tccotdez') state lour Citg Cesigr"zted job nts;ber, job aCitess, type@eai.gfo-rinspeexion,Cot.lttactaiso?a.n.,,",,o,"bapn"7"ni,mber.PequestsreZei1c.edtiLL be rcd.e lhe sar.e icy, "equests nde aftx ?:00 an utill be nade the nezt -.mrking'd,aE. of ir-soec--")cn beicrz 7:CC ct 83tffi! -1 UxrlPsL;3 ?a:;':.8::tc, !LiC:?lC,tL I I | ,t::ar-.,tt-;-: tO O€ EdCe Ce:A!2 CnV :rrr.( ls ectatec. ci-c ?qc5--?-\r, - ECCUCILOf\, 3Ua foms canc!ete. io be naie af'-ar p?icr to set u? of rECe arrl, yau Ci,tl Desigra,ted Job lhtntbez, fs: I;|SL'LA!:':T1 /YAP?P 2 A.RRT!3 ills?lc!rcil : To be naie aftezt aLL insulaticn ed, reqa;,te<i tqor ba,rie?s @e in olace but cefore ory Lath, W?sunr bcari cr mLL eouez,ing is coplieci, ard. before d:J ,:nsulation is concealed. DRYIILLL i:'1SP!C?flt: To be naie afiet, aLL atguall is ,Jn place, but pt-iot to cny tapirq. ffi,,,,,f'lASCllR!: Steel --ce6ft, 93C4tLt14 accoraorce '"rith ,iCCDS!'"8:: location, bond or usrticcls in tt 2 ? a-^t-'as ,I _lI ylplBe?a u:!t ?.0'!.t3 r:;G, - Lir4'-rzrches. \-/z r)!t 9EPllCC ?. ?LUIS tlG I !t!C!! !.lt IC;L : lc be nzie pr"!.cr :o tnstaliav:.on of f"oor insukxion ot deckinc. ?0ST A;lD 3EAi,!: lo 'ce r.cCe t4oy '-oliiiZlGtf,ioi y'Loor irsu';tztzcti at C-eektng. =Att.! )?t^rD?.tF -r-4Dfft? I _,8,:i- f!;Z;: .lio ':crl '.s =c :c aoi:ered itt::''L :iese- ttscee;iors ncise beer mace zrd. Tprciel. FI?1?LACZ: ?r.Jor '.o pl:crr4 fcc.Jn_onc=erla;s cr.d befcre iroir4 inscec- !3X:!:!t: i,itst be rec,tecteC efler cTcrcval cf rngh pitr.bin4, electr-J- cal I ::tecianice!. ALI rcoijr"g btairg 1 chi,rt",cys, ete. rtsc beccnoleted. )lo .;cr< is to be eon- - cecled ur.xil :his inscecicn |z.s'been r,arje crd, cporcu-ei. II\IAL PLU:IgI:;A F T :iA L .',IEC i.I A :I T CA L ::.tAL ZLLo-.1::-^y After t)nstallatlon "Js CUPB E .A?PRCACH A?.DCN: Aftet fotns,ze erecteC but ptior to pcur)r4 eonez,ete. SIDEI|LLX d DRf':TiA'!: ?or aLL ccn- ;C;; p67,1s-;l;E,t stteet Ytght- oi-,'c;!, tc be ncCe a;'ter all. eccc- oatinc canoiete '1 fotn ,":ork & aub- base ncteial in plece. D tt ? !!NC!:;/het: conplate -- *oltlie or nooable sectians thrangh eet cor.it)e")ons, suci as the ")nsta!.lacicn of sireet trees, :c:cleeicr, cf ie 1-aniscaing, ctc. , nust be savisiied beicre tl""e tsUiiDI:lG ililAL :cn be reqested. ALL proj, required lI:lAL ilf:D;:lc: Tne Eincl Buildirq lnstecticn rtst be "eauestei ziler th.e iitt-zl ?Lur.birq \_/ Zlectrical, au: .tlecha.r-ac.zl Inspect'-cns 4euc ceen raCe ,ayi =tcrcuec. .ALL I4A:II|CLCS AND CLZT.NCUTS HUST BE,4C'ES1I?L1, .4DJAS?:E:;I:O 3Z ADE /.? !!O::S? ?C CTY qq) a&r\ r n ?::e 2 JOB NO. f^+ e- f.- 1 cf Lct C-.rogr- I of Stor-es Tcgogrq;r!t ?uilding ?enit State ?otal Clanges Perit lssuance Meciunzccl Perwit soLlrR AccEss REQ.- _ ir-tetior _ Cor*er _ Panhanile Cal-de-sac L-CO G* Seircons: Build ing Vq lue & Perm it This oertntt ts granted on lhe eq?ess eoruiiticn tha,t the said_ecnscttc--ion shall, in ail rescects, eonfctm lc xhe Srdinance aCocte,i. by the C')ty cf Spr.)ngftelci, :;ncluiing ;he iantrg Ctdinance, regulctt-rlg tke ccr.s:-tct'.cn and use of butZiiings, cnd ntu be ;usaetieC oz'reockei at c:n! tt:xe'i2ttil)ic- latian of .zr".y prcuisions of seiC Crdirances. Reeeiot fl: Mechonicol Permit * P LCn izqnlv-e? f HAW CAR9FULLy lXA!trilED tle eonolateC aoplicatictt iot petni=, cl,/i:c hereby ceftify thc.t aLL itfo:nation hetecn is true cnL ccrtec--, anl. I f.olher certiJi lhat ang etd. ail --vrk teriozned ahall be Cote in ecect- dance "tLth the 1rdinances of the Citg c! Spfingiield, ani --he ic;s o1' che State cf 1regan pertainrnc to tke uork Cescy-)beC herein, sL :hc.= ::0 :CCU- PlJCY trill be ,naie oi c.nl st?uctu2,a uithout permissiol of ihe Zuilciiry )t-uision. f f,pthen aertii.l tir'. o:tly scnztac.ors c.d. xplcyees ui.c atZ ia cci:p1.aonee ulth CRS 707-055 uiLL be used. cn this crcject 7-/g-F3 tobile llcne iat !3.ce6 -lnerrt Sotrces ).!^,, -^.;,acass :,/at2! ! 2n.2rilortn Ecs !:!,Jteo Lcce iooa3iote llest f-=1'K i.bin C.=t:ca LJ.A' i/.LU: cn^rc- Plumbing Permit Ilo pereon shc.ll casttact, inslall, alter or chatqe 6ny nea ct e=is;-Jng plwnbin4 cr dtainage systen in aiule or in part, unless such petscn is lhe legal possessor of a ualid plunbez,'s License, e.cept tl"at a patson naV do pLrnbing xork to p?ope?t! uhich is ouzed, Leased or aperated by the ,e?Li.- ?Lunbing Penit ;to,LLITUA Ll u cant Resiiatial (1 bc'"h) Seuel !ataL Electricol Permit Were State La,t reqtires tl"at the electrical aork be done by an Electtical Cont?eetar, the electrlcal portiort of this petnit slwll not be oalti untilthe Label ias been signed by the ELectrical Contractot,. ,,io L llau/Ezted Circyits larocrq Sentice :!:,4 ?tr,-ace ?TU'S *hast llooC 'lent ldt 'rlcoisvo:;e -- ::,lc?.cAC:\:.:z:!? - - C--,-'.., n-----'- Stoteoe ,'4ainterc:ree Sidaalk TCTA' A,I!OUiI? DUE:' s il o,qo SiEned Da:e !enee L !.eeal',Ce L LCte L ICfi<d