HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1994-05-25SPRINGFIELP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Ilay 25 , 7994 Springfieid Police DePartment Springfield Fire DePartment U.S. Post 0ffice U. S. Uest Communications Northves t lilatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel- Service 225 FIFTH SIREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-3753 FAX (50s) 726 3689 #BP\Marylyn Heisler 212 Q Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 RE: Additional Street Address Notification Dear Ms. Heisler: At your request' the structure located at 21'2 Q Stre alst knovn as Reference Number 17032624, Tax Lot 015 addirional street address. The business address vil- tne residence vhich fronts North 2nd Street shall be ue vill notify the folloving companies and/or agencies of this address change by sending them a copy of tl-ris letter: Springfield UtilitY Board Lane Council of Governments Lane CountY Assessor Lane CountY Elections DePartment Sani pac Rainbov I,/ater District Springfield Nevs/Register Guard In order to ensure proper mail delivery and emergency response, please^ehange the street address nur'b"tt on your buiiCing and maif box by June 24, L994' If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3190' Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Services Representative cc: Residen t et, Springfield, Oregon, 01, has been assj.gned an f remain 212 Q Street, and h 2nd St 01,'0T.',rll r3:{o [au..ril ..v 'Y{v ADDRE$S CHANGE BEOUEST ProPar tY Ovnlr I fn A J HT IS n- fiei 11ng Addresst fr-te crrv: firu *:f:trP*---statet other than owner: Parson or Agency rsquestlng ehange ll Phena n'Jmber r'rhoro Y iretvrlen L:00 P'm' an ou ean be contacted 7 I Asstssor HaP{ ,t Pleast exPIaIn sPec ttlcally vhY You t _6c- d 5:00 P"m' t Addrass ol ProptrtY you arc requestlng to bl changedt R-t N 1 2tL Tax Lot fi o/5ot esl th€ address needs to be changed f, ' ?.Lpt q )v 11 J;A /tJ I LD qTl')I€CJF) Proposcd Addrosst $lgrr*ttlre: 1s-q4Date t 0fflct Uee Tsx Lotl Denled Date: 0t{al Reterenct Numbert If aPPro Rev{e',red BY r s s: t ( lrv ,ir ) sJ,xsHHoc tlv.tr.frHeNlIul srHr gn-rd ssovd .rvror ruflSHON XVt t flHI,t o ISIYO .r! rsrE ordQfr U5l f 'o'" I I I I t y r t I r 'r { r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r " "f::'l:::ffX:.:1.,, r, } r. r r y r r r r } + r + } r } } 65DI-t lt -EoE LL}L6 Noof,uo rolflrJoflruas rggurt *6, erz .lcilf,ov EdIlaIHd NrTruv]. I{HV.i flJV.Ignitrlrlrrllllttltllllrtlrr{trrrr+rr,rrrrrrrrrrrtrrrralrr.r.r.ry}vrrrrrrrrrrr -v4 L)/ rD?-