HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-02-113" RESID-r{TlAL" APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )z'egon 97477 Bu1-Ld1,ng DLOLSLO0 7 26-37 53 SPIIINGFIELB I * <m;^rhtrl O,kJob Locaticn: Aeeessors Map # _r W;ls h3 N0 svbdiuision: Q.*",,.i o.- /f L / 4soi11B Lrrfllr )0,tner: Phone ci Addtess: ,.lr Descttbe l,lot'knNeD Date of App w R*/ Lication )- Additian Wi*,oon, Liac. #,-Ad.dressContractors General Page 1 of 2 Date: ,- I l- t L It ie the respons.ibility of the pennt loll* to see that aLL inspections ee nade at lhe puope" tine' that each addtess is teadabl'e ftran tlu etnebL and tlnt the permit catd ie Located at lhg front of the_-property.iSuitding b|oiclot npprou'ed pLan shcll remain on tle Building Jltt at aLL times. PROCMUPE FOR INSPECTIOII RIO.UEST..CALL 7 requested and uhen gou uiLL be ready fot'uiLL be nnde the sane day, reqtests made 26-3769 (reeorder) state your Citg inspection, Contractot's cr A,mers after ?:00 an trill be made the nest l,wking dag Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnbez' Is:B Cesignated iob rwne cnd plnne job aCitess, tyPe Requests receii;ed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 an ntmbet,, nunbcr 5o/{/ Reattirerl Tnsn eeticns forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHT-IIICAL: To be nade before any ffiGZ5rtaed. P)1TING & F)UNDA?ICN: To be naCe @A tffis are ercauated attd forns are erected' but priot' to pou?ing ccne"ete. - UNDERGRIUUD PLUMETN1. SEWEP, rl.4TER,t I DRAIIIAGE:. To be made pn-or to J1,L- Lirq trenehee. 7 wnmruooR pLUtEItc & IlECttANrcAL:tlof floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAII: To be nade Pri,ot' to ffilffif,6Vof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLADilE, ELEC?RICAL & IIECH= ANICAL: No uotk is to be coDered ffiiTthese inspections haue been nnde and approtteC. !!!E!NL: PrLor to placirg facing,,tat;frd; and before f"rri"s inspeb- tion. FW!!Q: Ituet be requested after appr.ooal, of rough plrrrbing, electri- cal & nec?nnical. ALt roofing bracing & ehinmeys, ete. rrust be . eonrpleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this insPectLon las 'been made anC apptotsed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: TC bE MAdE afti-a.LI-&analri.s in place, but prior to anA taPing. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond diffijgroutlng ot oerticals in accotdotce TnLth U,B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTOI,/E: After inetall,ation is anrpleted. DEtl)Lrrroll 0R :.:owt Sanitaty seuer eapped ct properfil Line Septic tank punped ard filled trLth gra'sel Final - I{hen abctte itms ote cctnpleted and uhen d.atclition is eotnplete o! st!'uc- ture mooed atd prewises cleaneC up. llobile Hcnes SI?E INSPECTION: ei;"rr;rlo", il, FIIIAL PLUAAINC FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL To be made after pt iot, tc seL up of TNSULATIAN /VAPOP BARRTER II]SPIC?ION : Io be made aj-ter aLL insulaticn at"l required oapor burie?s @e in Place but before uty Lath, Wpsurn bcarC ot' tnLL cooering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. CURB & APPROACH APPON; d," *At;A W p;1"" Bloeking otd Sat-uP Plunbi-n4 connections '- aane? ad uatet Electrtcal Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plwnbing connections tn;st be apprc;-eC before requeeting eleelrlcal inspeetiott Accessory tui.LCing Final - After pcrchee' skirting' decks, etc. ate conrpleted. After fonnsto pourtng eonctete. SfDEWALK & DRI',ryVAY: For aLL con' a,eT; pd,rfrAffi" stteet right- of-txa, to be maCe after aLL esea- oating canplete & fonn wYk & sub- base materLal in Place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- PtooiCe gate6 or mottable seetions thnough P.U.E. ALL p?oject conditions, such as the installatton of street tr'?e-1,- conpletion-of tie onq"l,."La-i"d."o"plrg, Ltu." ,mtst be satisfied before the BUTLDTN? FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUfLDfNc: The Einal Building fnspection tast be requested dfter the linal Plwnbing Electnieal, ord uechanical rnspections laue been made and approrted"I LA,!*L T.TAIIHGLES AND CLEANOI]?S IMST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I'L4DE AT NO CCST TO CIIY ! P^\ L-(y Conslvrctton_Lendg!_ tr ?*P ,9 Value 2 JOB NO. Lot Faees - lleat DT House Aceess LOT TWE _ Interior _ Corile? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac dsoLAR t aESS REQ.-L-CO BeCvootns: I-ot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Coztenage_ # of Stoz"ies ?otal Height ?opogrqhy -- Fees --I?EM FTG x Value TOTAL VALUE ucS.D.C. 1..5 c o Fee: q Date Paid: Building Volue & Permit This penn:tt is granted on the etpress eond.ition tlat the said consttaetions-lwl.L, in,a-Ll -z.espects, eonform to the Ordirwrce adopted 6:y the City ofSpltttgtield, including the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating th-e ccnsttu-etilcnotl'.use of buildings, ord may be suspended or rbuokec Zt *ry time upon vic-LatLon of oty prcuisions of said 1rdinances. Building Penrut ?otal Chatgea State Signed: NO FEE CHARGE Fi.ctutes Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuet, Plumbing Permit Ng person slnll construet, install, alter ot, e?wnge anA ne, cr esisting ll**-lrrS or dz.ainage sAs-r? in ulale or in pant, iotn"-" sueh person is- theLegal -possesson of a oalid plttnber,s LicensZ, eccept that a pZrsonnay dopltnbing aork to p"operta uhich is ottned, Leased or opez,atei by the "ipl;-@ttt. Plunbing Penrit State NO Nau/Ectend. Circuits Sentiee FgE CIIARCE , Eslwnet Hood Vent Fan 9codstoise Pennt t fssucnee Mechanicel Penit Mechonicol Permit Seeurt Pernit ClEbcut Sida,talk Mobile Honte Electricql Permit l,llere state La't re,quires tlat the eleettical uork be done by qt Eleetz.iealcont"actor, the electrLcal portion of this permit shall not- be ualil untilthe l,abel \ns been signed by the Electrical'Conttactor. ?otal uate r HAW 1AREFULLv ExA]rlyED. tle eornpleted qplication for penrtt, aad d.oherebg cettif.y that aLL infornation hereoi is tuae ori ior""ti *rd tfaz'tker -certify that any ard aLL uork petforned shall be dote Zt acco?-dance rrith the ordinancb.s of the citg bf bpringlieid, irra ta" Lae of the* s_1ate ol Qrgeon pertaining io the uoit< 'cesLritZia i"iLi.,- *ra- tt-t no occu-PANcy DLLL be nade of ar-a sttactute trithout pemrissionZ7 tt. Bui.tdtng N-uision. r further eqtify that only cont,aciot,e c.d. enpioyeee uho are ineanpl.r.ance Dith zRS zol.oss uiLL be used on thie i"il""i " -- <.. TOTAL AI,IOAN? DUE: *4 Bt q,r Date I Itbin Goace CaroorL Aceessoru 31.1( Stotage Lbintenance Electrieal Label It rD-l6 Dc,r.F( r R/'-X EAll4E FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DArE: 2- {- I s' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Building Department Spri ngf i e'ld Fi re Department Structural Damage to Buiiding Address or location of building a34 < :A?o?d /at Name of otrrner Cfr- Ji*-,,cy'a.u-r1 Type of bu f 'ldi ng it)[)r9L ffi wirerrouse, etc.) Estimated value of building Estimated'loss to bui'lding $ r, fi? Date of fire 2- <- E{ Location of damage in building 6nnnre h)re //JG (Roof, Wa1l, Exteriorn Interior, etc.) Structura'l weakness as a result o f the f ire fuo,<t e (Burned rafters, Beams, Joi sts, etc. ) Add'itional pertinent information E'lectrical Hazard C o- 4 (t,li ri nq , 0ut] ets , etc . ) cc Signed