HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-25POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING Af SITE JOB ADDRESST 1362L South 2nd Street, Spfd, oregql CONSTBUCTTON pER[4tT* Lc-681-8 fq{ fl: L&O3-02.2 I 2604 Subdivision: ne This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved' Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation ol thi! p€rmit, citation under provisions o{ Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other remediB allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Tliomas Charpenter' Owneri Address: sarile Contractor/Address: / Contractor's OS * I Construction approved by this permit Water Supply city same as above. Total Construction Value: I Telephone Telephone Telephone Violation can 7 *6-837 t+ I 5t]6-9 93 7 ** same TEFIT}GITARY }fiT1968 }(lt 3 LZ x 50 single wide mobile home and cert. of adeq. Structures now on property: house. * Beclrooms: 2 * Plunrbing Fixtures: 2 * [mployees: na P[- AI-II.,JING DIV iSION Zcning: P,A Partitionir.:g + na Parcei 8a parcel Size: 157x158x134xl66 Minimum required structural sethacks, from: centerline of rcacl, front: 4lr ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ;interior orc,perty lines: 5r ;rear propertv line: 5t Special lnstructions: Pernit valid until L2l3L/8L or until hardship ceases, whichever occurs 1st, For information eall 687-4394, Susar"n N POLLL,'TION ROL DIVISION Site lnspection * na lnstallation sJ-:t,cificarions: na ns lineal feet of drainf ield required; n:ax. deoth of trenches: na SepticTarrk Drainfield gai. nrir":. septtc tank caoacity; Special ]i5tr'!!jic,rls: Syster,r is operating satisfactorily an<1 no evideirce of failing systen. Setbacks ;or of ling property lines road right-of-way foundation ln{er-i )e Bdird 10'-i-o-- 10' '!0' 100' For information call 6S7-3955 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Colleen All 10' 5', 3U 2Wells, other water sources CCNSTRUCTION PT NMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: HH Group: rlt{ Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: lnstructions. Footings and piers to comply witir state foundation requireuents for recormended by the mfg. Also, provide skirting as requireri. For plans information catl 587-3760 between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m., Ralph }Iough rnobile homes or as For inspections {see back of this permit) call 087-4ffi5 between 8:00 a.m. and b:00 Directions to Site Date lssued: c55-13 South Znd to Dorrls, then turn rlght. 04-15-80 hne cor:nty DEPAR?MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUiL,DING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGOI{ g74OI By JSS/lky p.m 6m\.ffi\ .JoD l-oca[le$ \r\ilole tt 4TBS, TL . trlot Plan Subdivision I,oE.-Block--- o3 -oa-- ) Pennlt t For Por Perait f Peruit f Penolt I For Perul r#Por Permlt I For For TL. euoL! 'ii Rrus e N * t*'" nN.Ilrr'a +rstJ lr o , De,rve,l,A/ fr .r.a J --:EL*alIt_-J "tt'r _ tt' 73" -3c,t, I /3; ,'. /. r -rd* .l rro bi t- .r 3rr..- t{ r\ .fr " Ytr'ctsitt ItcS ) {} .U '-J^ r i- JOB ADDRESS: TRS, TL: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE L362!4 South 2nd Street' Spfd' oregon CONSTRUCTION pERMIT +r L8-03-02.2 # 2604 Subdivision: oa Applicant/Address: Thomas Charpenter' same as above' Owner/Address: same Contractor/Address: / Contractor's OS + I Total Construction Value: I Construction approved by this permit:1968 Klt @ 12 x 50 slngle wlde mobiLe home and cert. of adeq. Structures now on ProPerty: house. *Bedrooms: 2 +Plumbing Fixtures: 2 LC-681-80-1r{H nVJ/th?a)d Gas-s?' r7lil_ T-, --L ^- -. 7 46-537 41686-9937:t*teteDnone: Telephone: ?*"Telephone: ' This permit for the referenced property is hereby aPPtoved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. dater Supply: clty TEI,IPORARY MII + Employees na PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: nA Partitioning + na Parcel #a Parcel Size: 167x158x134xl66 Minimum required structural setbacks, irom, centerline of road, front: 4lt ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5t Tear property line: 5t Special lnstructions: pernll vaitd tnltll- Lzl3LlSL oi until hardship ceases, whlchever occurs lst. For information call 687-4394, Susan WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + na lnstallation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches:na Special lnstructions: System Is operatfuig satlsfactorLly and no evldence of fatllng Septic Tank gystem. Drainfield -T0- 10' 10'100' For information call 687-3956 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Setbacks I nterio-r property I ines ldge of road right-of-way tli \iVel ldi ng foundation other water sources 10' 10' 5', 50'ColLeen Allison CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: lll{ Group: MI{ F-ire Zone: - 3 - Use Classification: - SFD lnstructions. Footings and plers to conply with state foundation requirenent,s for mobile homes or as recomrended by the mfg. Also, provide skirtlng as required. For plans information call68T-3760 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Ralph Hough For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. hne county Directions to Site: Date lssued: c5$13 South 2nd to Dorrls, then turn right. 04-15-80 6l!' -' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 JSS/1kyBy vl rj{ -: [r1 ri j. '<:J.--r3 06(J$ 00'ot, 19' t r*33J -M0.t t{AH3 i(0 :,{,v ,t.8 O":11.3-1'Jhlfi3 H{(IV ,1:l-13 flv:i AE N3XU.r-Id3 OJIS fifi fl oo'o l =, Hrur oo " r;:^, 6i:' crf ^.' i;.tV0 33.C N0IM]VA .tS0ll IIN lO0 "l:,tl-1fl BN S3IU01S 0N 100 ^, X.lfl l.U-I t3.tt) " 0J.Js ' 'rs 0N; 's e/ i 0s r'8[s *3]urr o8 ]89 * r ,JJ NV'],:l iicllrl I 11' lit ,lt Jr:lu r-r t./,- 5H AN3 Id30 A INnU,J HNU] 17 a CH ATZ ?E UTtrP-r PhoneName App lication /l fvl{ Type of Construction - n4H - GrouP Fire Zone S trD - Use Classificatlon fl-'for Tnl WORK SHEDT Constructlon Permits & Inspection a a ,ilsPEafoEr-S Pg lVrrf (a;ry. Tn RF TvpFn nN pFRMTT, lldetf til ES Anlt>I)rrtf)€- T',,t rrF,?v\PL! r*JtfH <fAr5 Reconannr rl El:) BY rll€ rv2nf,rttFAcf REP ^ Ar-so PRovlDlt I(rerr r^J(r 7 4-L64 Signature 3 6rrr r r,trr arl f?EAt, t fA F i4 c. d,\9 fr^arl.r r ti atl AE 6- Ae. l?F r=, r . il Date Job Address lsGzYz -o Appl ication for Structures now on the property Affidavi t If this app 'I i cati on i s for an cu ra ilding it wil1 Lane,,f,ounty Ci V owner ode Chapter l0 (z oning) and for no other purpos of record;tract purchaserl -- du1y 'ts knoill edgeabt e Si gnature/ DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENIAL I'IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740'I r$,it1'Ee= be used for purpose e. I have the fo'l l I es see 'I Ca i*t$iu:nrEdii.ll:{ii$$4,'i$ iltf#1-- L-l:i${#!istr,+}'.,tili r-r lfti$-iliilit+i hereby certify t,rat this information is true and accurate s al'lowed by the State Building Code and owing legal interest in the property: ,lder of an exclusive option to purchase; tion.rt! Hhen p 0wner Contrac ermit is Te1 ep or Da te noti fy:Appl i cant /_t 17 Contractor [r /_l nailer (zio) phone Phone Phone Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by SI test holes ready #i$#:iffi:tir*l,r '$USIi:i: ltl Existinq, BP #''''''''' =/_/ Proposed, SI # DO NOT WRI # of employees TE IFI,I THIS LINE If Commercial Residential:L ,1f*n:.: Stre*#$Bfi.qfif;frrr, :stitiii'tlU.t,...Ur., :iffi*i ii$s$ili Va'l uati on Fee ;A l.(r t- (J Total Va,l uati on $ b $ at at each $ each $/_/ l_/i:.F$$,Hiiiiiii;:iii:i:i: r.ifilistft:j:rril Subtota l Received by 4% State surcharge PIans check feeWater Suppiy Proposed _ Year Instal led ti ehar,e...orcE@a"cr &j+ ;r?f qo 5 PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Minimum setbacks:t, f"on Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si t, side i nt.rea r , Comments To be typed on it CP&I Type_ Gro Da te Fi re Zone Use Classification To be typed on permi t By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector t s to site 2 Pl ans to /7 Planning /-/ Public-l.lorks i,- -/ .;)/Lt?'E1evation -l( n/a /7 Address ---.\ /_/ Facil ity Permit // Environmental Health CP& I l,jPC set(s) set (s ) Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC * Qe*pr^5A> O* FOR INFORi1ATI0N about progress of your application ca c74-L7L Permi t Controt Center 687-HELp (687-4357) 5 'ltrYLCj-g-- y'Jt(*' ( ( I l FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Environmental Management L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687 -4357 TO PERMIT PROCESSING PERMIT NUMBER PLANNING PARTITION NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER APPLICANT'S NAME SITE ADDRESS PERI"IIT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA -PRECAUTIONS },IAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE T}IAT THE BUILDING SITE I,ILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. -SITE LOCAT.ION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. ) 7 (M. S.L. ) REQUTRED (M.S.L.) REQUTRED 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMTIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING -PROHIBITED.RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. MINIMIJM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 2. MINIMI]M FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF FU H k troH DATE 4*/ 4 c7 4-L89 BY \.J TP # Lc-6al- oo MAILOUT NOTIFICATION 0n Notification of Intent to Issue was majled to property owners within 300' of the property on which this temporary mobile home will be located. A copy of the mailing labe1s is attached. CSS ng c on Dept. o Envi ronmental Management 6''-/-.,70,Appeal edMai I ing Date Issuance Date ,a G!oo Gl lr, 8()N l} i 0 haF 'a - eo9z I Ir v I : t : ] I ^{sa,. O I y :v ) x-tlrl'"( -t T\cl -g I I T ,t 'rff,; q-'a[.ab$:t\- ar----r, \J-{Qn tri* ta) ooc Ti rt I trt .l ) ittlir 'r]-<-2 -oI r 1-lcJ UrI'f-'Ld oo @ 6T61-8 r{ E J o tcl UJ\ ) v.o ^!\>/ ) 2 J {^Io R/) _,6o No-T ot! F-au Bo!cio2aDg: ri^I itO-. *3ot I iI Ta t a .5 \\ \ S\\$ \ \SlL}a \\. F A o() NN\lrsl\urrr.\ \\-LS)\ G'I (n II r,qt#* g GI I t. ooot- fane.OBftTU8 4000 East 30th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 (503) 747-4501 March 18, 1980 Department of Environmental Management Lane County Public Servlce Bldg. Eugene, Oregon Ref.: Janet Dwyer 5005 Nectar l^lay Eugene, Oregon Dear Sirs: I have reviewed with Mr. Sorenson the situation regarding Janet Dwyer and concurr with his recomnendation that she be permitted to live in the sup- portive environment which can be provided by her daughter. Yours Truly, *h4 GJ.t^.6.r^, - f"*.t\ clh hn l{inquist, Ph.D. (Counseling Department) Counselor htii.R r ' 80 {ffi'ilf* .+ dur An Equal Opportunity Employer A fanet"tTtlt'8 4000 East 30th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 (503) 747-4501 Mareh 3, l-980 Department of Envlronmental Management Lane County Public Service B1dg. Eugene, Oregon Ref.: Janet Dwyer 5005 Nectar Way Eugene, Oregon Dear Sirs:/3Le'?' a*Jry'3- This letter is a strong recommendatlon that Janet Dwyer be permitted to live near her daughter, Mrs. Linda Charpentier, who Lives at L36Ll So, 2nd st., Eugene, Oregon. Janet Dwyer has had surgery. The information I have at this time about her physlcal and emotional health warrants that she live near her daughter who can be of assistance to her. Your consideration and approval of the request is appreciated. Y Truly, S. Sorenson or clh 3 -6 *to ,/4 '/*,%0'?/ I S,( An Equal Opportunity EmPloYer li/&1 /. )-v L, t (i l,arcl.rc:r, (i. & V l,l . I 4 50 ltir rbo r Dr Springfield, Oregon I,';r i rbanks 97477 Raymond & Pamel:r J. Alvarez % William A. McGeorge 121 Dorris Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Ellison E. & Sa1ly A. Garner 1375 South 2nd SEreet Springfield, Oregon 97477 Orvil E. & Doris J. 1354 Sourh 2nd Springfield, Oregon Mitchell 97477 J. B. & Carol N. Suit 1325 South 2nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Harold G. & J. L. Calvert 595 Dartmoor Drive Eugene, Oregon 9740L Randall G. & L.H. Lorenz 1250 South 2nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Raymond & Pamela J. % Earl D. & Frances 2045 Harbor Drive Springfield, Oregon Alvarez E. Forrest 97477 Robert B. & Ann Van Camp 1395 South 2nd Springfield, Oregon 97477 Willamalane Park & Rec. DisE. 765 North "A" Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Reynolds M. & Eva E. P .0. Box 11420 Springfield, Oregon Briggs 97477 ZZ,4ZZ ////4 kzz a t *7/-q4F'/%@d s @/zF €/-5/ )( /a7F,Z -9,ZzlZZ ,n).d z/'? 7a?ra -5/A,zcaz Z orun'42-ez-f/ 4 a3-4?-,,%z 9a7P/ F .f ry ryry-?az:ry: ry 717 X /f-/3z47-<4,2*a 3 I t fF-2 3 -a2 ,7 za./ 7"f -/ K 6,Y r ,,fu z *Zd"z/da Z4z?:ac, /r)-c@e?*r? tu C vz/z vzvse% --tZ?{ ,t/2 Ax * vz Zfra { v7# 77/72 ,* / 4@ /zfz7 EzAZza - DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I4ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 TAST 8TI1 AVENUE EUGI':NI, OREGC)N 9740I Job Address rl Ci ty Appl ication # Assigned Numbers Townsh'i p, Range, Sectr r-r,i , Iax Lot Subdivisic'n Appi ication for Structures now oil the property P ropos ed Affidavit use of prcperty idential /':/ Corlnrercial /_/ Industrial /-/ Public d b.r' tlre StaLe BLri lding Code and qal inlerr:st'in the property: an exclLrsive option to purchase; hereby certif.y that this ini'trrmation is true and accilrate p licatton js i,.rr' iit aglicultlira ea e Chapte,^ 1t-) (zoning) arrd f,tf recr:rd;con f r'ac c 0uil.1 iri\l lt w:li lri uSEd l n,j i.)Iilar' .-;r.l.,rrise. i ha urchdser', _, __-._._l essee; . . : i ...1.1 .I.r ,,',- : .. ,':!l-l-IL li .' for purposes al Iolre ve the following 1e holder of i tlIs-irr,r,t icrt iorr. n Lane,Gounty CooI Owner o-*-duly a,.i If this app 0wner' Con p th,:rt:e,.1 i., ii'f ',-,-',t' ffie i-],{li -j Srgna t[r[e/AddI esj Tel ephone I,Jhen perm it i s ready noti fy /-t nP a ?f) *: 0r I trac tor Da te /-/ nail hone ,1 p1 icant l_l rr i r: ) l)lr.rrr.'t,' - Phonr' Contractor's 05R#Pl Lrnibt ng by If Commercial lies.idential: Fee Code r of stor'ies # of ueor'ooms .--l S I tes t iilr les ('eril y Qescri p!! q4 f di erriplrrvsci + ot tirr i ts SDS Sq. Ft. or {p-r !i-t-e.:- ,, / Erist.inq, tlP ft ,'_l Pr'.tp.rse.l , sl fl Unit Co:, t Valuatiol f.eq. $ $ $ $ To t.r I Vl I u.r ti ()[ : l)lurrrbing fixtures ct Srtwct'/'rv.i tet' rtr)nn . d I $ $ $ e(t r- ll r',l a ll $ll casn t_/Check # Rece i ved Srrb t.o ta I IO IAI $ $ $ $ lJa ter Supp 1 y l: Stite sut'cir,rlqe ['lans clrt,cL le.r Cllarrge o t. 0ccupanc.yProposed _ Year Instal led Exi:ting __- _- (.t{x fl? $ PERMIT PROCESSING lnne Minimum setbacks: t, front Pirl't, #1',t t'C r' I tr l,,rr.t:t,l S i.,t, ; irr[- ; r't,iir!l \,side Comments To be typed on permit -$- €F*drT. LLNTf,{I Ill l)o Lt' Directions to site L t grO Pl ans ttr : /: / cP&r /-/ \rPC /J Planning /-/ euOlic Wcrks // Elevation 1-t nla /_7 AdOress 1-/ Faci I j t-y Permi t l7 Environnrentai Heal th I [.] ii tn CP&I L.IPC -set sct (s) (s) Da te Requ i red lloILl 5iI ip t0 ['(.(. I )a t.rr [.urrr1,Iel.erl Da te trr [)L(, * €:e**l*rr*rL)r'*"n:r'{ FOR INFoP.tlA:lril'l ehoui arcqrFes ri vruil ncp:i:atiln ia1l Ferrnrt Ccntrol Cent€r ,'87-HtLf 'f6?-i35Il Lot -- B'1 ocr --_ ii Rli E* B EL-ilr,J-T-t il S TiN-t lane county PERMTT + t.C.- 68t- 3O 6f!'-- NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT aatuL, M lq3o 0n iss t Date a 2-year temporary mobile home permit will be a family member disability situation forreneweto acc a tSbz raz r7 If you have reason to believe that (1) the family member disability claimed is not valid, or (2) 'if you have evidence that the septic system is failing and creat'ing a health hazard, you may appeal issuance of this permit in writing by subm'itting your'letter to the undersigned. Appeals must be received by 5:00 p.m.of the issuance date noted above. Please be advised that it will be up to youto prove tlg validity of your obiection. If your appeal is accepted, an appeal hearing will be scheduled before the Board of County Commissioners and allproperty owners within 300' of the subject property wi'11 be notified of thedate and p1ace. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C^,-l- A t Permit Processing Sec ion 687 -4394 ENVI RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATM DMSIoN / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, oREGON 9740t / (503)687-4394 0R l _800-452_6379 TRS TL iob Locatioo (Artdreeai '-'-"" -- r.r BPeruit I For PermLt I For Perrnlt For Pernlt For Perml rf For Permlt Forfrlcrt J,Ian Subdivision L'ot Tl-. JGoLIBlock 6 qrrc6. d )r,/Y )t) o't.\ 'Jn:,c ( /3< -.'. la - -((- 9 * leirrr &r+U + ---- - a_-- I o I t t .na i 'bq;ve,uAy 3o L<) o7,L' .---?-.- mobit- l{omc- {c- I 03 -. O>"- ) #-f- T- ) a Ytclntty llrp F. - .G DEPARTIlENT OF ENV I RONI4Ei'ITAL IIANAGEI'lENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVEIIUE EUGENI, OREGON 9740I fAIm ( Yz .J. 2Pg l>r Ci ty Assigned Numbeis z1 Job Address Subdivision {llidavit: if this app l3 6 L r- l' -iownship, Range, Section, Tax Lot Appl ication for Struc tures now on the proper Proposed use property:dential Lot _-- Block Cornmercial l7 lndustrial /-/ Public hereby certify that this information is true and accurate es allowed by the State Building Code and lowing Iegal interest in the property: lder of an exclusive cption to purchase; ea se licatiun is for ar. agriculturai Chapter l0 (zoning) anC for no c bu ldi ng the 'i t wi I I be used forr irurpose. I have p pu rpos the folLane County CoCe -_owner cf . _-du1y autn record;contract purchaser;lessee; to-act-For the owner, '^irr., -.!k[owTedgeabl e 5a Iicaticn. u-.0 5 i gna tu re/Add r a_S tlhen permit is ready notifY I icant /_/ Da te Contractor !y:/-/ nail Te1 ephone or r Owner Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR#P1 unrbi ng by (z in) Phone Phone If Corrnercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Code # of en,ployees __. -._.# of units Sq. Ft. or # of Sites /_1 Existlng, BP # ! Proposed, SI # Unit Cost Val uati on SDS Fee Fee $ CA Total Val uati orr : P'l umb ing f i xtures at Sewer/water conn. at $ $_ ( each $ each $/-/ Cash /:/Check # Received by l,Ja ter Su pp 1 y d, *-tr, ni, t"fl-.t*A 47 Statp',urchiirqe P) ari', r.let.l f t:e Cirorr!e of 0ccuparrcy Subtota l $--- $ $ Proposed _ Year Instal led Ex i sLi ng __ (_ I0TAL $_ PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Part. # Minimum setbacks t, r.onf Comments To be typed on perrnit I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal iation specifications : Parcel #Parcel Si ze !., side i nt.rea r uy Da te ( gal . tank;ft. of drainfie'l d:max. depth of trenches: To be typed on permit Tel ephone By Date 3- Z<( Directions to site /_/ s Pl ans to 1-/ CP&I /-/ t4PC /7 Planning /-/ Public liorks ! Elevation /-/ r't/a ! Address /-/ Fac;1 itY Ptrrrit /J Environmental liealth CP& I I"/PC sel(s) __ set(s) + Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC FOR INF0RI1ATI0N about progress of your appl ication ca1 1 :permit Control Center 687-HELp (687-4357) DO NOT Description ( q $ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOg ADDRESS: CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT # TRS, TL: Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby setbacks and other conditions of approval must be stricfly observed. violation canresult in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane county's lnrraction Ordinance, analoioit "i ,".-"a-l-", urroM/"a oy tu*. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Total Construr:tion Value: Construction this sup l'68 kft 0 12 r 5O rfugl rlda nD{lc k ed Gff.-tr cf edaqr tEEffntftI tff 6Ersccora3 Eor G pfopsrBys itorte..)' \ Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 746-ff3It/dl6-{r9tr*rGr+: I piv +* Bedrooms:+ Plumbing Fixtures:+r Emp loyees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: IL{ Minimum required stru side exterior: u* ; i Special lnstructions: For information call 687-4394, Partitioning + parcel n pa-,_el Sizr.,:ctrrral selbacks, from: centerlire of road, f rorrt: ; centerline o{ , ced,nterior property lines: ;r(.ar Droperty lire: ' WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specifications: i,.. gal. rnrn. septic tark capacit,y;, lineal feet of rJrainf ield required; max, depth of trenches: Special lnstructions Sytto. L op.ntfnf .latlrfrctct{Ly and. as lr;ldcuce of fclliag3rtcai. ,. -... '/ between 8:00 - 9:00 Setbacks hterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way $/ells, ng foundation other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' c 50' Drainf ield---10'- 10' 10' 100'For in[ormation call a. i'n., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Const I nstructions: ructicn: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classificar,,.:rr : For plans information cal For inspections (see back | : i. between B:00 a.m. and g:00 of this permit) call687-4O65 between 8:00 4.m., a.m. and 5:00 p,m. Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 DEPARTMENT oF ENVIRoNMENTAL MAi{AGEMENT BY; COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDiN(T 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE OBEGON 97401 hne county o rtL-/ ----uor.f,fdsN1'---:rv6 LJ lnssl or ^ovlu l-oN D svuvHlu lnssl or Aovlu AfNVcflfl0 JO llVllJllul) uollldsN I 3.r.v0 oSAOUddvsl0 s vuvr{ 3u o 3 Aoud dv cNldld sv9 lvNlJ ""-s yuYv.r lu o 3 ^ouddV .JN tSnnld lvN lJ -/a uolfldsN I ffi{$',,o LJ or^ouddvs'o }Z uorfldsN I rrv0 lJ oi^ouddYsrO D s vuvx 3iJ c r^Duddv 9Nldrd sv9 H9n0u uoJ, f, ld sN I 3 1v0 /J o3^ouddvsrO l- s vuv}lSu o f Aoudd v cNlSHntd HSnou uor)3dsN I s xuvNfu orAouddvl lvG /= or^ouddvsr0 /J yuoroNnouS 9Nldld svc uorr 3dsN I s lu vl{lu /J or^ouddvorAouddvsr0 vuorsoNnou9 9N lSNnld uoo-ll gv-ls r rv0 /J /J . JOB ADDRESS Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + Subdivision: Total Construction Value: TRS, TL: This permit for the referenced property is hereby Ati:ra.i),:' setbacks and other conditions o{ approval must bestrictly obseNed. violation can result in revocation of this permit, cit.tion under provisions of Lane County's ln{raction Ordinance, and/or othsr remedie6 allowed by law. Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: om arrd cettr )'Water Supply:+ Bedrooms:+r Plumbing Fixtures + Employees: na PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel * lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: For information call 687-4394, Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, rhl.chev Ha& WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection +r lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainf ield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: 6''erStei:-r. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' gai. min. septic tank capacity; ? Setbacks tnterior property lines , Edge of road right-of-way lBuildins foundation Wells, other water sources Drainf ield--lo,- 10' 10' 1 00' \ For information call between B:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: I nstructions: Group:Fire Zone: Use Classification nnbile'holne For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 Sorrth rid to 04-15880 rrrir, tirel:r tuxt rtght" JSS/lk DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county p.m. il!' - By: SITE INSPECTION Appnovro Rruanx s DtsappRoveo Dare I rspecron FOUNDATION I NSPECTION Ap pRov e o Rruanxs D r saepaoveo Drre I ruspecton FRAMI NG Appnov e o Re lrrnx s I NSPECT I ON D Dtsnppnoveo D Drr e I xsprcron LATH OR SHEETROCK Appnoveo ReMrnxs I NSPECT I ON Dr sappnoveo Dar r I Ns pe ctoR F I NAL I NSPECT ION Ap pRov r o Reuanx s DtsappRoveo CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DrrE 2=sbiL I rusprcron Rerov ro I ssuE Rru anx s D Nor Reaov ro lssue D Drr e I NSPEcToR D I l FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Environmental Management L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687 -43s7 TO PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT NIIMBER PARTITION NIIMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER APPLICANT' S NA},IE SITE ADDRESS ? PEBI.,IIT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT.YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA -PRECAUTIONS },IAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SI'iE IdILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE I{OME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS W]THIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMIIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 2. MINIMI'M FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DO!'INS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMTIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING -PROHIBITED.RECOMMENDATIONS : NO (M.S.L.) REQUTRED. (M.S.L.) REQUTRED. F E H k FroFl DATE 9 r,t c74-189 BY r J,.rb Locatlon (Addr Pernlt I Perolt ,- Perml t 6 qrurg tTRS, TL For Por Pernlt I Perolt Pezal-t Fo=, For ForFrlcIt Plan For Subdivision Lot l. i_. aGo\Block r/') ., -' )t) I"l J \\03 - O<- Z-- '-ln: - c C l+ltrr $rgU a+-<-*--< I o I 'bqrve.vAy - t J d t'' 73"L-, c 3o (, Tn4rbth i-{ama /3< _', /e i. -rcg * .. _rd H o -150 ii,-Il,cln1:::. _ _- 1. t, HeP sr ' :".: -:d..' ;-.-.....,., T ri t I i .e. a I