HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-07-18hre countyLAXE COUNTY BUILDING PEB}IIT POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC 1744-80 JOB ADDRESS: 1354 South Second Street, Springfielcl, 0regon '[RS, TL: 18-03-02. 2, 2200 SUBDIVISI0N: N/A CONSTRUCTION APPR0VID BY Tl-lIS PERMIT: wood slre<j - 1zB square feet C0NDITI0NS 0F APPR0VAL: The propr:sed site is on the rear one-half of thebuild'ing site. Maximum height shal I be 10 feet max'imum. Keep a1l structures at least i0 feet from any part of the ser+age riisposal system. Mjnimurn structural setbacks: from cerlier line of road, front, 40 feet;side'interior property 1ines,5 feet; rear property Iine,5 fdet. PF. RMI TTtE : Dav i d l"f i tchel I DATE ISSUED: July 18, l9B0 BY: Roger McGuckjn/Candi Hart DIRICTi0i'ls T0 SITE; Out South Second on right side. l.,tP 25421-5E-40 *********** **** ***** * SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAhl. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTI0N (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any spec'ia1 directions to site. OTHER QUESTIONS? Call 687-4394. 6t!r- - INVIH()NMENIAL MANA(;EMENl DEPARTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVFNUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 t -02'L 2zo Job Locatlon Pernlt ,l Permit Perml tlt r? 6 7^TRS, TL Subdivision Lor R, PlGrt Irlan For Permlt Permit Permlt It For ForFortf For For eb"xWl/rofrg"<:- S Pi *r €'''//',r\- (-\ __s \ /r3r oc/ >trf i I ,\ /^ 4'. /-U A'rrr ^-.,4rrA* )' t /hi ( ( /> L u,,L {i4 //,2 A ( \- \L \rVrllu*'ftu {f ''Y(/ t d\ t s.rl\ I( c74-150 Vlclnlty Map N #- ,\- ! l,trttdfhe.a a *-- ?''*/Y IErtbb; ,2 /li '7./rz /' bf{, / (? 0 I o' --- -e-arQ- I I t i,r aa-" l-Dl$I EGEIVE,Dl,o - I 2 e IAY 24 867aa'e'- u.{E ournr ilErtil DEP[. f C lD f.Dr,im tfillllY hdrr I rrl I.f,Hr I1H-TETU!!'TE, ff:--= --:-.-,--"_-sQ: tflr/rr0. E. ttltc,trell H-f t.*nl,I 53*- l?cl SWr ia4 strrrrrfu.tf re.hftr*r d ?ld dr:r*r * /'^Yr Et b ff' G' s' oe Gree alrhl**:lh X...,P4Tdtaa*li. l*fl \h.r. dno /a f,if. -Irer. rrdd lrdf n Jl--itt** il T I .U)\ * i I \ !*,yw,\ $ P+ rt L ir*c qgrvrd tr D *_?%_cz a <87-7:&l ur;hbu l-e, \ a^xrtanlat - , PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT PERMIT NIIMBER PARTITION NI'MBER SUBDIVISION Department of Environmental Management L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687 -43s7 TO I 4 *ffio OTHER APPLICANT' S NA},IE I?VIL I,l ,E 7-HE.LL SITE ADDRESS .} ND PERI"IIT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT YES i,'T NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA -PRECAUTIONS },IAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE i,IILLBE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. -SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. I 2 3 MINIMIJM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MINII.{UM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUTRED (M.S.L.) REQUTRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMIIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING -PROHIBITED.RECOMMENDATIONS : FE l* k troH DATE I c74-189 BY -5 6 !{ l0 t2 t6 lE- 20 22 2{ 26 28 _2q, 32 34 36 38 40 42 14 46 48 50 s2 54 56 58-_l i...r':il.l[. tjl-jt.Ji\i"l''!' Itli;::'; i::.tlU t4[;'i i:til:t]i:::j:i]l' ,',l i;r44iir:i i]A'I[:: i:!ir;1i::;[ir:i frllF't-..1. {..f+i'{T i'l I Ti:lj[:i..1.- , ilFrU:1. i... tr . rqi.itlit i .5:],1. ;i.:ijt.l'] ]-t :jt'{Ii , ;it}Fi:i:;ti;.ir':i: i::.t.. ii , i}tt'i1...*, 1i_t*3,:":l:?;10'3::::;lf;li.) -\t.tiJr)i:v |,i1!._l..FrHi:.1'l'Ii t-t[.i:i;t-i1's L-i]]' :l $t_t{: i'.i[:l,i iii...fit,:1.Y!]i:: fi{::i: LiSH i:t i.,iil f:r}!1i,1,:'/.i,* }.lt-i i.Jl.!I'i;::'.}ii1 i'iii Sl'ilft.iil]i: i.i* Fl._SfiS {..,'i.,1i{i{:iI}Ii AIjl}L.. l.{{.} i*rUTIi-lhl i}[ii;i:]i:ii:f:''i'l:r-ltl Sil FII LJI'{:t'i' tilji:l'i' 1,jf-1i-.LJS'Tl:fi|'i iIl:E: I]i:ii liii tjl.tiiliii!-tfi::ii .! :iii:i ri.I!i.i ii:5:ii !-" Ii t-' pi:' !': r" I i-. .i -1 I n 11 i': :r ! r" | ! !'i i"'! t'1 f'l ..1 J'r'9 - t'-r t'l tjt rult h. I l: r:rh't- i r{!! t rirIF.rt.t rttFil I -1 i_.tr.r ts.J..lr !{ ::;r t-. ti:...: i I l./i i r_rlil..Ll til_! A 1_.t.rtir\:L_1.. ! t,r!1li &tt- !'!--; !ui-- t'i--i-.-.-rr I I'-il-t t-- t-_ t-- 5llil ijTfi'i'i: ,'iiJFlili-l*i;ji:;i::, 4:i ii ".$* i:, i: !i fi i.. ii i'i Llii[. ii ii f'fir H i']:{ ; ! ; o z 8g-- 60 62 64 r1-f,Tf" Jl'r.l:'.Jl-l I U. rlt I .tF nll : { T AH F-N TY f,FI F'F, : r.Jt. J U,i ,! l. T UflHl-'LHl' I ilN Df,i'Il: tlTr-r r 5i; nT T{l'tr\l-. FEEn* !:'*H _{1 1 12 ll IO 1- 7 6 5 aM b'?7 Job Address 3 Appl ication Structures now on the property t/ DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI.IENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVTNUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I /-/ }wner /_t /_-/::ffis$ifsii: hereby certify that this information is true and accurate ..liilrFJ:l ilis$,i tion is for an cu tural building it will be used for purposes al1 e Chapter 10 (zoning)and for no other purpose. I have the followingf record;tract purchaser;I essee;hol der duly authoriz to ac r the InowiElgeabl e s appl tion. Si gnature/Address h Te1 ephone or If this appl ica Lane Cprrffy CodL owner o l,Jhen permit is ready notify: lZ6pl orner Orvil E. /4itrl^i cant,ll 17 Contractor !a: (zip) owed by the State Building Code and'lega1 interest in the property: of an exclusive option to purchase; Da te /-/ nail 1Tftlone pnone 74/, -3 Z Z 3 Con trac tor 9a tn, <.z1 o)Phone Contractor's OSR# If Corrunercial Residentia l : Plumbing by # of employees _:.,*...;u*1,.;$u&rqsii_ .#:'.:.Of,,ilrdffiffii - SI test holes ready /] Proposed, SI # !'l1"..,8€,,:, $oo€iffi;i1:iiiguilili:icrti: :ffi+ri .,#,','*:t,.,,s,it*i*,,, i$it:.Fee Total Valuation: $$ at $ at$ Subtota l eac h each rea r $ $ Recei ved t.Jater Supply Proposed Year InstaI Ied PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks r t , fron Cornments To be typed on permit CP&I Type $ (4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy By TOTAL Parcel #_ Parc int Use Cl 'ification Date /--2Ji-Er: $ $Ex n9_ Part. #e [*id. Group.Fire Zone To be typed on permi t By Da te Phone For plans Oinformation Di re ions te a rea /-/ sIEo Pl ans to:-,/ ,/cPdrffic_l/ Planning /-/ Public llorks 4fivatton /-/ n/a , Address /-/ F aci I i ty Permi t /l Environmental Health CP& I WPC _ set _ set Da te Requ i red Hold 51 ipto PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC (sl (s) FOR INF0RIIATI0N about progress of your application call C74.L7L Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) Affidavit: I, sting, Va'luation i 1 ,'7 p"!}3;qAdd res s Township, Ran , Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication 0 Structures now on the property Proposed use of Affi dav i t: I , DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I{ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EASI BTH AVEi']UE EUGEIiE, ORECON 9740'I Ci ty Lot 7,J 0r ock /_/ na ustr i al /-/ Publ ic hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. 1ding it wiII be used for purposes allowed by property: p i ea se n the the State Bu'ilding Code and nterest in the property: clusive option to purchase; If this applicat La4e lcutfty Codew owner of duly authori to S i gna ture/Add res s ion is for an agr cul tura'l bu Chapter l0 (zon i ng ) and for no other purpose. I have the fo'llowing 1ega1 i record;ntract purchaser;'lessee;holder of an ex EnowGZgeabl e a ppl tion. Te1 ephone 0r /-/ Owner /_/ Contractor !y: /-/ mail /jf-Fhone Phone 7+i-3227(z o) Da te When Owner permit is ready notify /-/ Appl icant tk i denti a'l Assigned Numbers ry Con trac to r 5o ru <.(zio)Phone Contractor's 0SR# If Corrnercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Plumbing by # of employees _#ofu SDS:7 Fee Sq. Ft. or # of Sites 17 Proposed, SI # Unit CostCode VaIuation Fee $ Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $ $_ $_ Subtota l TOTAL $ $ each each Check # Rece i ved Year Instal led ( $ $ $ Date PERMIT PROCESSING Zone l,linimum setbacks r t , fron Comments To be typed on perm i t Part. #Parcel # , side rea r Da te of WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal Iation spec ifications : int ft. o drainfiel Di i ons te tBP /go-62 gal. tank; To be typed on permit CP&I I,JPC set set s) Da te Requ i red Hoid Slip to PCC Da te Courpl eted Date to PCC/-l stro Plans to: ril ceSt'-ffi,, /_/ Planning l / Publplorks l,{Elevation / / n/a /_ / Address /-/ Faci I i ty Perm.i t /-/ Environmental Health FOR INF0RiIATI0N about progress of your appiication call Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) K Jt Application + -1 {-/! 7+^ /o t/ /ro// t/d/ ,7 7 Descri pti 9n q s $ /7L,e;t,*l //,4 hlater Supply Exigfing _ Parce'l-Si ze ( By Te1 ephone By Touch (l) to restart. 3) JOB ADDRESS IRS, TL: :;UBNIVISION CONSTRUCI' ION AI'I)II()V[D I!Y CONDITIONS OF AI'PROVAL: lils I)l tit'lil P E RI4I TTEE DATE ISSUED: wP 28305-5E-2 This is buildin Dictating Instructions 24-08-74, Program 0ll, extension rm #28305-5E-2, with 4 copies. Th CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ? BY ********************* g perm 0n ngwill need it (or them) by morning, -, dictating a bui ld ing permi t (or is is a final copy to be single-spaced. Please call me when completed. o Var i abl e Vari abl e Vari abl e Va ri abl e Var iabl e Va ri abl e Vari abl e Variable Var i abl e\ End of oermitffi, O' capital 4 canitat C ,ru." 9iq U trn"f o3 nvpn'n &pe"; (lf none, skip to next variable) Go to notes hyphen B0 (All caps TMH) oa Z period - comna spac " ?-?-O O /t wl ctf Go. to-notes J4 <A-Applicarrt's Name or ? )lt I (Day after dictat'ion date) "( tq Jack Boss slash (initials of PAC who took the application) VAR I ABLE NOTES: Vari ab l e Variable (CP&I) Capital T Type colon Capital .__ Capital ___ space Capital G Group colon CapitalCapital _-_ space Capital F Fire Capi-taT Z Tone n[m-eEcal space Capital U Use Capital C - Classification colon all caps period Text: Paragraph (WPC) (Depending on written text, add the following:) Subsurface sewage disposal system installation\peqj-f*ations colon numericai ga11on tanksemi-colon feet of drainfield semi-cql.d1-maximunr depth of trenches semi-colonperiod. feep araintield at least i0' fronirlf f\ndations and property Iines comma and-TODT from allwater sources peri6d, Keep septic tank at'least \ from building foundation comnra l0'from allproperty lines and 50' from all water sources peridd. (Go to text) Pa ra q r,l ph nurneri ca I property nurne r i ca.l ,hB# ) l4inintunr structural setbacks colon frorn ccnterline of road cornna front comntasenti-colonsid9interiorpro1lertylinesconlttanunter,ica'|.< nunrerical ( senti-colon (side exterior conma frorn-6riterl-'i ne of road cornrnaperiod. Paragraph Directjons to sjte co'lon (Go to appl ication) 454 1 ilol-d ( I Replay I 9 UG9)??- N POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC 1744.80 JOB ADDRESS: 1354 South Second Street, Springfield, Oregon TRS, TL: 18-03-02.2, 2200 SUBDIVISION: N/A CONSTRUCTION APPR0VED BY THIS PERMIT: Wood shed - 128 square feet CONDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: The proposed site is on the rear one-half of the building site. Maximum height shal I be 10 feet maximum. Keep all structures at least 10 feet from any part of the sewage disposal system. Minimum structural setbacks: from center line of road, front, 40 feet; side interior property lines, 5 feet; rear property line,5 feet. PERMITTEE: David Mi tchel I DATE ISSUED: July 18, 1980 BY: Roger McGuckin/Candi Hart DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: Out South Second on right side. wP 2542t-5E-40 ( ' TRS'", Plcrt PIan * 0 2,2-ltc Job Locatlon (Addr a "/,//^TL Pernit #For Permlt Permlt Permit For# Permit Permit For For For For Subdivisi.on ,.] I.il\l /'-'(-\ \S ,-1 \ Lor R-tr/ .',' -l*glosk iY// / 1^a!/< S)\Jr;,,7 {irl.{ \o, 7 ^,/ 'l/,vt, 1 t I I \ 1t : J/;:r/r }.\2,' r t- ,,/,ti / r,I ( \ ! A-. a\ (--- '* <r t:? l->,,\ty< / -\ t I t /t -i/\rl,tf f r Lu,- l((2 / J ^1 l, _1 c^ Vl clnlty ltap hr ( ,--*----/---\--- 1f ' . t. ,/)0+f t-.- ! t', 1,. It' 3 C: i I I I I I \J/' --\ PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT PERMIT NI]MBER PARTIT]ON NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER Department of Environmental Management L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687 -43s7 TO APPLICANT' S NA},IE SITE ADDRESS PERI"IIT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO il SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA -PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILLBE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. -SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1 2 3 MINIMIIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MINIMIIM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M. S.L. ) REQUTRED (M.S.L.) REQUTRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOI^INS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMTIM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING -PROHIBITED.RECOMMENDATIONS : FU H k tro FiI DATE A c74-189 BY f ( l. Site InsPect"iott 2. Foundation InsPection 3. Frarning Inspection 4. Lath or Sheetrock IrtsPection 5. Iirra] lnspcction INSPECT ION RECORD Approved Di saPProvcd Date Inspector {24=2t {4:9J 1-* z(.2t ,!lt r'C(. l. C.:.-.-7 2 6. 7. t). a l(). 11. Slab iloor, Plunrbing Gr"oundr^iork Gas P i pi ng Groundwork l{ough PlLirrtbing Rough Gas Piping ['inal Plurrtbing Firral 0as PiPing F'.enrarks: 12. Certj ficate of 0ccuPancY: _-- reacly to j ssue; --j not ready; --------,-.-date;inspector D4^< a