HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-01Job Locaticn: Ic,z Lot #4')Jd"-22 oAssessote Map # Aiaer: Addtess S7- Phone: City: Date of Val,ue Desct"Lbe l--t 4u,0 Additian RenoCeL ldechanical .. RESIL NTIAL.. APPLTCATT2N/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1r,egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision ( do-o / D5 SPFINGFTELD -1CCe!{ Date p",*{ ,fut{,-/*t/L @ Geneval Consfuuslion_Lendu, Reauit,ed r-t ie the tesponsibi_LilV oi tle penrit hotdez' to see that at! inspeetione are nade at the p?ope? tin., that each addtese is readn;ie f_!.n_tJg stteet,. and that the-pez.nrtt_c_ard is Located at the fzoni of the propetty.*Buildirq Noiciot appro,*ed plan shc.Ll vemain on the Building site'at aLL' tikes." ?-ROjYDUPE FoR. IySPECTT)N I:1yEST;CALL726-3769(reeotder) state Aour City Cesigrnted job nw;rber, iob aiiress, type of inspecti,cnt-equested and.ahen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contz.aetcrs o-r A^mers ncme Lnd piuie nunber. -Requests reLeii;'ed. bZ1cre' Z:Cg s,'*YLL be nade the sane dcg' ?equests nade after ?:00 Gn uyill be ma<ie the nect aorking day. Iout, Cifu Desigrnted Job Nunbey Is: SII! INSPECTfON: To be nade after excauation, but prtoz, tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUIIBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHA-I:IICAL: To be made before any aoyk is cooeted. F))TLNG & EOUIIDATfCN: ?o be truCe 4teF t?encG; at e -eicarsated and. forns ate erected, but prior to pour"tng ccncrete. TNSULATTOII/VAPOR BARRTER IT\SPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn atd required odpoz, burie?s @e in plaee but before oty Lath, gApslon baayC or unLL coueting is applied, and before any insulati-on is concealed. OP, ):CW) B-UiLDI;:CS Sanitas"y seuer eapped at ptopar4i Lize Septic totk y"r:ped and filled ttth gratei Pinal - l{hen abcue itans are ccrroleted. anri uhen iqnclition is eonplete by s*ac-ture moued and. pretrLses cleartei up. DRIWALL INSPXCTf)N: Tc be made aftet, aLL CrguaLL is in p'Lace, but prior to cng taping. I4ASONRI: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouti.ng or oerticals in aecoz,d.qree Dith U.B.C, Seetion 24L5. Page 1 of 2 I UNDIRG,1OUIID PLUMBINC, SEWP, W.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nade pr.Lor to fil-Lirry trenches. UIIDEP,FLOOR PLUI,EING & I4EC!]ANTCAL: o7 floot insulction or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be nad.e pri-ot tofrEliTil-i-of floot, insuLation ot, decking. FIIIAL PLUI4BII\G FINAL I.IECHAilTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ,/ooDSr0\/E: ;cnpTeteA. Aftez, installation is CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After forms "r," ""..i;Tfrrnio" to pour-t-ng conc?ete. SnDEWALK & DRf',EltAI: For aLL eon- crete pauing uithin street right- of-ucy, to be made after aLL erca- oating cornplete & for-n bprk & sub- base mater*Lal in p|.ace. Llobi Hcmes Bloeking od, Set-up Plutnbirry eonnections -- sare? and. aatet before requesting el,eclrical inspectio:t Accessory BuilCing ?i.rnl - After pct'ekes, skirting, decks, ete. are compleled. Electnical Ccmneetion - Bloekinz, set-ua and plurnbing eonneetions rn;st be dppncu*ei ROUGH PLAIBII|G. ELECTRICAL & t/tECE- ANICAL: No uoz,k is to be co"^ereti w*il these inspeetions lntse been nnd.e crd approoeC. FfPEPL.ACE: Pt*Lor to plaeirq facingmaterials and before frantng inspee-tion. FRA.|.'!ING: lhtst be tequested after approoal of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neclnnieal. ALL noofing bracing E ehinmegs, etc. rrust be eotnpleted. llo ucy,k is to be con- , cealed until this inspeetion has " been made anC appto,-ed.. ?ENCE: h1ten eonplete -- Prooide gates or mooable sections thtough P.U.E. ALL pz'oject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eonoletion of the required l,andsccpirg, etc., nast be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FfllAL can be requested. FINAL BAILD0NC: The Final Build.ing fnspeetion rmtst be t,equested cfte! the linal Plwnbing \J Electrical, anC tleclarical fnspections haoe been made and approoeC. Ir *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOT]?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?IIEIII TO BE I,|IDE 1t.? ilO CSST TO CI?Y e"N"{-o^ 0 Stbdittision: ) Uon'tractots Addtess I LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cotner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac SOLAR AC'^ESS REQ.-10{ Aceess. d th tlest JOB NO. DT House L-CO BeCtoons: Lot Faces - lleat Sout,ees Lace toDe Lot Sq. Ptg. % of lct Ccoerage # of StorLes Total Height Topogrqhy -- Faes -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis pertntt is granted on the ecpress eondition that the said consttaction slnll, in all respects, conform to the Crdirnnce adopted 6:y the City of SpringfieLd, ineluding the Zoning Ctdinance, regulating the ccnstzacticn and use of buiLdtn4s, otd may be suspend.ed oz. reuokeC at cnA tzme upon uic- La.tion of cnA prcoisions of said Ordirances. TOTAL VALUE ITEM X Value PLan CHARGE S.D.C. 1..5 c Building PeywLt Iotal Clnrgea State Fi.cttiz,es Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Sanitary Seuer Water CiIARG;:.to. Res. Sq. fto. tl eu /Eet end. Cit'ctti t s Tanpcreg Setoice /_s ESE o6 Mechqnicol Permit t-L-,-+ u^^s PTU, Vertt Eot I,lcodstote PermLt fssutrlee Mechanical Pey,mit -- EticR0ACHt"tE!'17 -- Sec"u.ttA Deposit Storage Maintenanee Permit Cutbcut Sida,taLk Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed Plunbing Penrit State Permit State lotal Plumbing Permit No person sttall consttuct, instal'!-, aLter or eltange cnA neD cr etistingplwnbing or drainage sAste-n in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal posseasor of a ualid plunber,'s License, etcept th.at a pe?son nay do plunbing uotk to p?ope?tA ahich is cnmed, Leased or operated by the 6ppli- cant. Electricol Permit Weve State Lan tequires tlmt the eleetrieal uork be done by an Electrical Cont?actor, the eleetrical portion of tftis perrnit slnll not be ualiC untilthe label lws been signed by the ELeetuical Contracto?. * PLan .ne? L f HAW CAREFALLy EXAILINED the cornpleted application fon perrnit, and dahereby certifg that aLL info:,tnation het,eon is true and cotrect, anC f further certify that any ard aLL aork perforned shall be done in accor,- dance urith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Laus of theState of O"egcn pertaining to the uork Cescy,ibed herein, cnd tVnt NO OCCU- Pl'Ncy Lrtll be mad.e of any st"ucture uithout permission of the Buitding Dr.-uision. f further eez:tify that only eonty,aitors ai;d enplcyees uho arle inconpliance uith ORS 707.055 ui.LL be used on this project uaxe Mobile Horne TOTAL AIIIOUII? DUE:'(S.bo Signed Date r?il4 iln EZeetz,ical Label