HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-08-20.. RESIL -NTIAL... APPLICATION/PERI4IT 225 Notth ith Stv,eet Sprtngfield, 2r'egon 97477 Buil&ing Diuision 7 26-37 53 t# SPFINGFTELD L T ry0 ST tas Iot # Phone 3 r,3 v -3 1-) ob Locaticn: lssessore Map # Subditsision: Asner: Addtess:o Additian RenoCel Date of App C o na t mt c t! o n__L era!g!- Deecribe Hoyk:"C;uUid^4'f-b"M 6,^d hr-&Leg,*) fi 4,27o t -(z-tr;Date: Value Page I of 2 ci zip: GeneraL 3a #n) It io the responsibility of the pentit lptderJ,y._tJy at?eet, and, that the pezwit eatl, ie* Bui ldirq Diu i c iot approx e d p t'*, in"fi-rZ^i,t" ' to $ee that aLL inaoectiotts ave nade at the p?oFte? tine, that each a4,lness is ren4ahielocated at the frcnt of the proo*kt: - - - on tlu Bunlding sitc'at "1t'irfrnr."'PnoclDUPE' FoR rNsPEc?rott -BIQWS|"CALL 726-3769(z'ecord.et) state youz, city d.esigra-ted. iob nmbet,, job acizess, tgpe of inspec=.Lcnnequested' and ahen uou .aiLL be t'eady for inspection, i;;;"";;;;- oi atnez.s- nctte Lnd ptnre number. pequests receixed. befcre ?:00 ant"iLZ be nade the sdte dag' tequests-nZd.e aftet ?:00- ant ,,nli tL-,,nae the nest wz.king'day- KD 8/b W,, .aotk ie cottered. PO_q?rNc & F)UNDA?rCN: lo be ntadea_yxet trenches are eteauated and,forms ate erected., but prior iipour-ing ccncrete. Lirq trenehe".Vqfn/ erdZ fonns floor insuTz.tion or decking. FTilAL PLUAAING FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL E E#*ffi;"ii,u,Lx:"Dut ppLor to an! tapirq. IUS)NRL: Steel location, bondbeons,- grouting or oez,ticals inaeeord@tce LrLth U.B.C. Section 24L 5. You? City Desigzated Job Nwnbez, fs: WOODS?OI,/E: ccnpT;i7. Aftez' installation ie DEI,IOLTTTOTI OR Dft Sanitaty saser capped at propetfu Lir:e Ilcnes Septic totk ptol,ped and filted vith gra;sel fingl - hhten abctte itane are eonpleted,and uhen CarcLition is conplete Zo it o"_tttre mooed od. pretisee clbaneC up. SITE INSPECiION eocanlation, but .: ?o be rm.de pr4ot tc set after uP of of fR p:o. S? ANp BEAM: To be mad.e w*tot, tofJ tnstallaticn of floor insuT,ation otdeeking. until these inspeetior,s hanse beer, mad.e and. appnoued., FIiEPr,.ACg pr.Lor to pkcirq fasinqnc.te?LaLs and before froning inspeZ_tion. FRAIIING: ttust be tequested afterapproual of rough plwrbing, eiectri_caL e- mechanical. ALZ toofirqb"a7nS &- chinmeys, etc. rrust" be. eornp-Le-ted. Ilo ucyk is to be eon_..cealed until this inspection lneDeen made anC appto.rsed. CURB & APPRgACH App.O!: After foznsee erecteC but priot, to pourtnganerete. STDWALK & DRfIE|AI: Fot aLL con_crete paoirg within st?eet right_of-yA, to be made after aLL -ecea_ oatLng conplete & fotn tnrk & sub-base nw.tez-Lal in place. Bloeking otd, Set-up Plwnbing connections _- aa)te? o.td. uatet Ele-ctrical Connection - Bloeking, set_upand plwnbing connections ,rust tL'apprci:eabeibre requesting eleclrLcal inspebtiol Aecessory Building fi,ruL - After-pcrches, skirting, d,ecks, ]etc. @e cotrpleted. tr iE E m lEIIIE:gates When complete -- protsiCe or motsable seetions through P. A.E ALL pt'oiect eonditione' such ae the 'tnstal^Latign of str.eet ttees, coraletion of tierequited Landseaping' ete" naat be eatisfiiiL"rZ:"."iiZ BUTLDTN'| ilNiL ean be requested. or FrNAL BtlrLDrNG: the Einal Build,ing. rnspection nl4et be requested, aftet the Final plunbingK:,/ Electrical, *,a u"it*rl,iii 17"fi"i;.", 'h"r; ;;;;-;"dZ- ird oppnounc.tr *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS UUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN? ?O BE M4DE AT ilO CCST IO CNY u- ,i'P^\ 0p r T P-L JOB NO. Lot Faees - Setbaeks Df House Cdz,age Aceess North East South Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotteraga # of Stories Total Eei.ght Iopogrqhg LCT TWE O.<E VaLueI?EM F?C x fntericr Cormer Panhandle CuL-de-sac West lhin Coaoe Carport Aceessot t.,t ?z ?e,-btrrav 2?q TOTAL VALUE .(l s.D.c. L,5 0 DO Date Pai.d Receipt #: z, SLgnea: FEE CHARCE Plumbing PerrnitFiztutes Residenti-al (1 bath)No pereorl shall constntet, inatal?.'- alter- or clunge-any neu-cr erist|ng - ;1r;rtrQ ";-drairage systan in ulnie o-r'. in part, inless such petson is tle iujil, p"o"rr""oo of o r:Lll.i ptirn"'s Li'c-ensZ' esgept tlnt a pe?san nai| {o. pt*rAljrg uork to poopnity ittl.cn ls outned, Leased or opetated by the cppli'- e.ant. Seaer Plutabi.ng PenrLt State ITE14 Electricol Permit WheleStateLaurequirestl"'attheelectricaluot,kbedonebyanEleetr'Lcal ;*t;;t;;; lin nil.t";"at pl,tt'on of this -pernit shall not be talil' until lie Label -\as been signed by the Electti'cal contractot"Nea/Extend Circuits Setntice State -6'a Iotal * ITSM FEE CIIARCE Mecharnicql Permit I bltanst HooC d>'> Vent ETt llcodstote PermLt fssudlea Meclwnical Peririt cb Fo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec'ri Permit Cutbcut Sida,talk lenee LabeL Mobile Hone SOLAR A 'ESS REQ, -- Eees -- L-co c Zone:Bedrooms Ileat Lace Building Volue & Permit lhis perntt is granted on the erpress eondition tlnt the said_constraction slwlL', in all rbspects, eonform to the Ordinattce edopted |iy the city o-f SpringfieLd, ino|uding the 2oning Cndinance, regulating the ccnsttueticn a"t uie of buildings, and way be suspended or retsokec at cna tine upon oic- Lation of dtty prcttisione of said ordinances. Building Perwit State Total Clnrgea Iotal a f HAW CAREFULLL EXNLINED the completed applieation for pennit' @td da t*;;La iirTtra tn i-fi,i-i"iirr*ttb" t n"nii i.e true ard ebrrect, and I';;t1;"" eentZ'1y that iig ird aLL tsotk perforned slnl-L be dote in accor- 'd";;i;;;; ti"" o"i"i)"."*of lin cita 'of-bpz'insfield, .and' the .Lct;s of the * State of ,tegon p"";,;;;;1;g-'to-the uoik CesZribbd herein, anL tlnt N0 ,CCU- PANC1 r,rill be nade ;7";;;;'";;;iwe uitttout permtseion of the Buildins DL- oision. I fu,ther;'*t;7;;h"l-otly.ont*ociors a.d anplcyees uho are in ;;;1;;";'ritt, oas zot.b-ss uiLL be- used on tttts proiect E TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*fl Trce Date -70-89 N,4 - v .P lJcten Total Chcraes IE.E L I IE.E L F LitI TYP zlr "+oz n*." 254 It OF 91 E CLERR 5PHN PITCH . T( (sL+DL) EC ( L.L+DL ) C. D.I{. REDr itFx . s/a SPF(|NE E CEI =TCa, lXt{ gL 7L ECelXt{ l{EE= 2 X tl E T. FT. NOTES:q.g/lz i.2sE 3Z.E PSF= lB.g PSF= r 5.9 PsF D. r{. cE tL. ztl.g! t i5.g 7 NO I DF TT] 32- I{ NgZ DF 55T HF TE 3g- IE NtI I HF NO I DF TE 32- LI NOZ DF 55T HF Tt] 32- q NO ! HF sTD DF OR HF TI] 32... LI PsF SNOlt UIHD. TO 29- 7 CON DF TII 28- I I NI]? HF TO Zg-i i CON DF TT] 29- LI NOZ HF 3H t.7 l g tE gE 73 EZ stl JL, I t a F= E-fi-f= 37 L 3.3 L l7o 21n g 5 ia E-. z5 ?Ll es 7,Tg Til riI TO t7 z.l qL gL gL 7L LT iE 13 T{TI sFL{q SPL| CE 2.5{ Z. S{ NT] sPL sLI sPL ICE 3r{ 37 3E 35 2. 55 3Ll z.5rl TII TO TTI TO Ti1 Til 32- L{ 3r- tgzE- 77.2- 3?i-. 5i7-- i i ,{. s r-_' ?r .L . _.t:L-ryP 32- q e.5'H 1,,i7 ._ $r5 OREGOI1I tt n. M. UN O(ffigrOR3: PCR ICIO ZfN. HUD ':I.(Il OR L.A. RR XU27, PLA]CEO SYNETRICAL A'OIJT "rc)II{T I'IILESS DITEXSIOIIED. SIZES$IOUII OOVER I|I'{ITUI STRI'CTURAL IIIEEG ATID TI'ST IE II{CREASED SIERE HAI'OLITG HIGHT CAI.EG .DIrT DATAGE. ALL.PIIJTS TO BE ACCURATELY CUT A'{D !E TIG}IT FITTIiIG. FURXISH GENERAL OffTRACTOi WITH THE ?LA|I F(N CO?LIA'{CE.3EE rullDlt{G ARCHITECT oR ENGINEER FoR EREcrloltl Ar{D PERIIAIETT BRlctrrre. THts Dcstcrit FoR Tit Ss FABRtcATtot{ilLY. XAilAX ON XAXAX EilGIXEERS I{OT RESAOTSIBLE FOR JOB COTtISTRtrcTIOil, ruILDITIG DESIGx. RooF sYsTET oR ArY 'ELATEDSYTTES' FILE N0: T -32 -t{.8 -Lrz*-( qi 3) DHTE: r/z3ill DRHr{rt{E ttE' i;F'tatatataaa &rltx +4 M GIF TEIUSS SPAN 3 MBFI.4 MBR. GlRDERgPAN I MER.Z MBFI. t6'-o-2t'- a' l(-'- J' _!E_-_o_'_ t4'-o"29'-O''-4?':4;-4<'-o" 7d-d-Zt--.a'--if:- ir' C''/g:_o__ t9 ,.) t2'-8'v:-{_lo-o-6:1',-- E-'-7L3-'la-c' 3, 24'-4 --'--'-'=':- 4 :-.+-o - - !6-er 7',-oL-4't2: q' _ao_-o:__ A?' a' -- '---tL' -' -- i .r' 'u --i!t c'''---=;!-47 " -j5Tr- -' -.:2i-A- -*:o- ,3-O'lz. E ZG-O' l1) ctec. suprczr rErs€ Ea Ev E.e..*x-v Q) srness!= @,MPurE:o rcR JF::r':A: a\rE- @ grr Je4 HEP, ctELE/:; ^; h"l&t-rs. n& FEK Pt"YEt- :.C.)oNEF'EHl€blt:'O: :i.,, . @ 8ptr*;E::)* 2Hi,!-'jl,)"1 -;^); :il',' .',2) EE |l!s-:-:-:i: lLtruE i:,EL9. At-'l'.''/rrl.tu ;apL'E, 24 lbuRS Af-rE k !.1:.L/ttt.- '6/ ol-ttt.;.:) @ rtaiorw ; tiy-NA;LED u//ie<i e i-i' tc.;r: ^ TC.S it: d. 4'o.. iU E.:., F,EID l.t,a:Li/JG j1. @ =a g'z' Ez,{c, =ic.Ats- crJt s,og or- ac. l,tfiu g,Ha Lr4ec. tNEi FOa g-c. 'fo Mtu /i' LorlcutrLl tbt4r 2N'tDF-lTtOp lrit ;OU Doll:D A&JVE FOE ,..b. Stt- Ttlts3r.'.- )38O. ali!-Lldr-rEan dtk € p-4q.. rora Y.E. ,h.id .E -a..!.a r- r. arl*iffi dqb + aalrrlr.Ar ratJrltB aab,Jir*.rrrl.. l,G-Jrd,Lil} ,r r el r-- 'i.DatEllI|lllc^flottrr.r.,Ott: r-' tr! ..tur aJt.a.Lbq -brd-bl-._+td rrplrqrj ,.-a -!elnCF J -rrb. lraaeor-L*i+ei r Frlea.erbF-arrbG-lC- Lll€It?C G'TW Ercx9Ara GR^D€ OF LUI'ERr xrl(r tP^N - rlxrrljrlslz€LOADS 9At T(P CIORo BOTTO{ CIIORD XEB IEISER! 4-?<-:fi XAI{,U( INDUSTRIES P.0. ts Dtl - lllnl.r, C.llLii m (ll$ ata'{t,.-fir*IOIA IOAD tOP O€lD LL + O.L -.'t** lO'IOlA O{OIO O'l'. --iar-Xf srca , - GCXIi& r€ral c(pc:-_- - . corrcrox PL^TES: lAl{AI LOJ3TtafS--l-QQ- Llrt. 20 6 - olrrr rtlrvr. *th.l - ,lY6,rd l.b .r. bd &Fl' .El, .. -er.d6JLy IlrlAL{ArSTnEl hGtlLlAIl(ll Plor.. tu.r L .n.r.ll.a n bt b....1 rv.. prr . clrrr ttzaa qt*4 - I'u.. r.6rr -.r b t.r.r.lr .n .nJ r'ah l,ft,!. Plr6 - d t. lf,r.LIJ .f ld.. ld bl.r r d,.rdta F6. LEATIOI L:a,r J ab... d L E -J a-, r-d.. .Fr..llr, o/e rr JroroJ rrf'r,ro.cd'.aEclro6.-aocl- Pir, r$ .rr,a l-d. oGSrGf. r. x.-5.. rrr t-o!*J G..ait lrb. t,hr6 L.L,, .ll-*b -ql'{ {-.E. b- b dE..a :t,-ld.rrr.rso,,r.r"J-l}1trr -5lY)rl rl.r mJ$6 S,ACE AI-O.C r At zs'd,A.ytz k P GTRDEK l0B rS|!;riril;qr YI ({ {,! ,lr';'lirl';;" i:l ,!@ @ Cr {L ,.1 f ,1O I Cc () litv "'-----er3;. in --=-i=-=l'r +4c t(- lel\rIr (J ./LI , tii{'J, - ".r! -\"t -.---" a \9 ,P% @ '&;,- Va" 7q 16:6" *" lE z'-'-c" Ya:t2' ,.lo SPLicE +SPLICE Liz '/,'(' -c-2.J' \/\C\4 ,1?, 9Lf$o\ Pr. L'6 /xtO UO. I D.tr'. oR 5.S. MC 15 H.F CAMBE K, @ @-\{\(\\ 5t - ..EE BRuG. i.lorE B (o.t t2 t't-" g E l!' c, c{ a =\9 N '!i1" ALT. Zy4 HEEL DETA:L