HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-03-07ReceiPt #.. RESIFqNTIAL.. zzs North r"r, i"onlPPLrcA"'N /PERII, SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Plumbi Llechan ectr Elec tr:1an It ia the responsib,L Lity of tte permii holder to aee that aLLfton the st?ee*Building Date inspections ate nade at the ptopel, time, that 64.s11 :drlasss is neadabl:, Lnsu / >7'lo Sazri.tuy seuet eapped at propett! Li-ne Septic totk puttrped a;rd fi,Lled uith grate Final - h/hen aboue ttene are conpleted and uhen donolition is canplete bt st"uc tuz,e mooed otd. ptenises cleaneC up. SPFINGFIEL.D- k (-, P?OCEDUPE- FOn. INSqECTION R1QUESTTCaU Zrequested and uhen iiou uiLL be ready for',*LLL be nade the sane dcy, nequests mcde Diuisiott appro"^ed p t, atd that the permtt Lan shcl card ie Located at L renain on the Bui Lding site at aL the front of the prope"t!. L tines. 26-376 9 (recot'der ) state yout, City Cesigttated job nwnber" job aCitess tgpe of inspee;i-oiinspection, Contractars Or A,Sners rcne and phone nunbez,.P.equests z'eceixed befcte 7:00 c:iafter 7:00 on uyLLL be nade the neat aorking day You" Ci,tg Desigr,ated Job Nwnbe" fs:t7a /5a W* .tlotk ie cooeted. required oqor ban ie?s are in place but, _before ory Lath, Wpsun boal,C or tnLL -eooering is applied, ard. befoneotg insulation is concealed. fi po]nnc a ryunotrroy ?o be naCev t afte! trenches are edcazsated antd DRIHALL INSPECTI)N: Ic be madeaftet, aLL drywall is in place, but prior to any taping.forns. ate erected, but ptior topourtng ccncrete. lirq trenches. ; UNDIRFrcO,R PLU.MBING & MECHANICAL:robenode@of floon insulation or decking. PP. S? 4Al BEAM: To be made prLot, toinstallatian of floon insuT;tion or d.ecK1,ng. .utt-il these inspections ltaue beennade and. approueC.'FI..oEp4.nQl: prtor to plccitq facinqmaxe?Lals and before froning inepel_tion. SNE TNSPEC?ION: e.acauation, but fozns FTIIAL PLUMBINC PINAL MECITANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ' ?o be rade afterpr.tor tc set up of Io be IIAS2NRI: Steel beons, grouting accot dotce tlth 241 5. WOODS?OVE: ccnaGtd. u/ CURB & APP\CAC| A?RON: After fornsee eyecteC but ptior to pouring concrete. SIpEilALK &(?!IVEHAy: For aLL con_cr-ete pauing.-ffiFln street right_of-tx7, to be nade after aLL -etea_ oating conplete & fotn tsoz,k & sub_ base rateytal in pl,a,ee. Location, bond or uerticals in U,B.C. Section After installation is Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- aalte? ad uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and_ plwnbing connectione rrust bL- apprctL,before requeeting eleetrieal inspectiol Accessory Butldtng pcnckes, skirting, decks, Leted- AI{CE: When conplete -- prouiLe gatee or nottable sections through P,A.E. _-: ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street tz,ees, conpletion of thetequited landscaping, ate., mtst be satii1ied. t"filr"-ii"-iui'ioinc FrNAL can be requested. ?rNAL BaTLDTNG: The pinal Building rnspeetion n.,.et be t,equested aftet: the Firul plunbingELectricaL'ar,td,Mec1wnicaLInspectio;';i;;..unn^La2_i,a-"pp"i"a. Pitnl - Afteretc. are conp ,{/_Job Locaticn: '1c 3Aesessore Map # Sttbdhsision: A,mer: Addtess:6-o 7? aPhone: Descz.Lbe Hork:TI .-.)ValueDate of App Lieation Additicn RenoCel General *ALL MANH1LES AND cLEANou?s t\lus? BE A1IESSTBLE, ADJasnEM ?o BE MADE AT lto cosr ro CPY Pege 1 of 2 p) lrfa, Iat # C Ca"f"fr Jo B No.3r1 (15 )- soLAR ACCE S; TotaL I HAW CAREFULLy EXANINED the completed appli'cati'on for pennit' and do n"ilti iiriry il*;-;[i-;"i"rr*tibn hereoi is ttae ad. correct, and r'fi"ltl"*- i"rlliiy that'any ord olt uo.r,k penforned slwll be dote i.n accor' dance vLth the oraina),i"es- of the city of 'sprLngfi.eld, .and. the .Laas of the * State of lregon p";;;;;;;g-'to the uotrk Cescribbd herein, cnd tlnt N0 ocCU- pANCy uiLL be rud, ;v-';;;" "t;;,iur) uithout penntssi-on of the Buildtng DL- uision. I futthe, i*l.tifl that only cont?aciots od enplcyees uho ote in Lrrp1,l""i'rl.tt', ons 7u.0;5s uiLL be- used on this proiect L-COG^ )-=-e2TdE-- 7.? Zone: Sout ees Df House Carage Access No"th East il FirepLace South il Woodctou'e lWest Lot Faces - BeCtoomsGrou Co?nev Panhand.Le C'uL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Covenage # of Stortes ?otal Height Iopogrcphy LCT ?WE'I' _ Interior -- Fees -- ITEM FTG x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted on the erpress condition tlat the said,coltstrwction stwll', in all rZspeets, eonfortn io the 2t'dLrunce adopted 6y the Ci.ty 2fSpring.ield, ineluding' the Zoning Crdinance, tegulating the ccnstructicn and u-se of buildings, and may be euspended oy rettokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of eaid 1t'dinanees- I'tain A TOTAL VALUE eP S.D.C. 1.5 x ,( Building PernrLt d.o Date Paid -RStatet. lotal Clnrges v Signed ITEM NO LLL CHARCE Plumbing PermiPirtut'es Residmtial (1 bath)No pereon shall consttuct, install.,_ alter or elnttge -cny fiea-crr existing _ ;1r;L;A-";-anoiri.gu systan in ulol-e ot'i.n part, unless sueh peyson is the iijit p"o"""r"oo o7'o iLtfa pt*rtnr,s Lic-ensZ, e-e:cept tlat a pelsonnay Qo. ptiitlng uoyk to p"opuity ihi.h i" oaned, T,eased or operated by the appli.- eant. Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State IctaL NO Electricol Permit whet,e state Lan t,eEtiyes tlwt the electv"Lcal uork be done by -an Eleetrieal Cltno"to*, the el)etri.cal io*ion of th.is ,pernit s'ha.Ll not be ualiC until the Label -hae been sigtted iy the Electtieal cont?actor' Neu/Ectend Cit'cuits Set'uiee ca State Total NC FSE CIIARCE Mechq nicol Permit , Eshanst HooC Vent Fot Wcodsto'oe Permtt Issucrtce Meclwnictl PeYmtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sec.ri Per'mit Sidasalk MobiLe Hone ,IOTAL AMOI]NT DUE: *//e-r3 Date .n Wctet, fiinnoes C'utbcu!