HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1973-09-174 IANE COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT OR MOBITE HOME 'ISE APPIICATION .PERMIT TYPE _ BUILDING MOBTLE HOME EOSC REG.# ADDRESS MAII.ING AD DRESS PERMIT z3 P owN TOCATION - INCI-UDE PHONE PHONE o 04*{..*/.a-) z.-?ia Uz&& ,3r'2 -/281 ;&;I-EGAI. DESCRIPTION v METES&BOUNDSEYES ATTACHED N NOTOT_BTOCK_SUBDIV. TWP/7 03RANGE SEC.-244/TAx ror #z Yz-ay'2 o -3ooCENSUS TRACI APPTICANI NAJ'AE AND MAII.ING ADDRESS RIBE EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY IF ANY ACCESS TO - ROAD NAME OR PROPERTY SIZE-WI DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMIT ONLY Number of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUITI THIS PERMIT Connect to Existing TYPE CONSTRUCTION m SQ, FT or New stem BEDROOMS VATUATION 4jaar.)a4-,*-tL,1--hh.@ T-ra. /// SEWAGE DISPOSAT PTUMBING INSTATTED BY PUBTIC SEPTIC OTHER OWNER PLANS FURNISHED OTHER NAME F EES WATER SUPPLY PUBUC tr YES f]NOn FACIIITY PERMIT YEsE NOnOTHER BTDG. WASTE DIS. PI,UMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRI.R. PTUMBING FEES - FIXTURES--77-.€o BY TECASH E CHECK FEE TOTAT PUBTIC WATER CONNECTION FEE 7zt-7J COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS AAIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAl.,r*n*^DRAIN FIEID REQUIRED TIN. FT. TRENCH WIDTH FT OR SQUARE FEET U TYPE OT STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY C-, RIGHT OF WAY SIDE EXT. ZONE REAR YARD USE CTASSIFICATION PU BT II-. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS _ TT. FROM CTR. OF ROADFRoNT BJt ffir ut,REAR torm # css-tl Property: Dote BLDG. INSP,DoleSAN IT Directions to F Dole PLANNING COPY I _ OFFICE COPY 2 -JOURNAL COPY 3 - AUDIT /7P.,fo I ! -'tt IANE CCUN- BUTLDTNG E BUILDING PERMIT OR MOBITE h. .E USE PERMIT MH I PERMIT NO. PROPERTY MAILING ADDRESS MAIIING ADDRESS leld School 0lstrlct l{o I PHONECONTRAC tOR 160 iladison St. Eugcnc, 0rcgon PHONE PROPERTY LOCATION _ INCLUDE POST OFFICE 2350 Yolanda PROPERTY TEGAI. DESCRIPTION _ METES,BOUNDS RANGE SECTION TAX LOT NO.CODE CENSUS TRACT tt 24.4t EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY APP[. NAME & MAII-ING ADDRESS LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE _ FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existi Sewoge TYPE CONSTRUCT Contract prlc€ $ 36lll New se. FT BDRMS VALUATION n Repa lr of firo dameee SEWAGE DISPOSAT PLUMBING INSTATTED BY PUBTIC BUITDING WASTE DISPOSAL Pt.UMBING PIAN REVIEW PARK TRAIIER SEPTIC TANK r 19.00 F EES OWNER OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPTY PUBUC tr n orHER TOTAL COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAt. DRAIN FIEID REQUIRED LIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT.OR SQ. FT. TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTIL. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CTASSIFICATION SchoolFRONTREAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE Sanitarlan DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WH ITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PTUMBING _ CANARY BUITDING - GREEN SANITATION _ GOTDENROD Construction lo comply with uniform building code ond county regulotions covering plumbing ond sewoge disposol. All buildings require o cerlificote of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Stotement on Reverse Side) (posT THrs PERMTT oN MArN BLDG. AT S!TE) IANE COUNTY, BTDG. & SAN. DIV., COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I roau t 955- 13 t 8U ILD ING S ITE EVALUAT ION Bu i lding Perm it &p I i cat ion No. S ite lnspect ion Pre-Permit lnvest igat ion TZZR CEi' 'S , a3s_TaX LOT TRACT ,x APPL I C ADDR PHONE DATE ( ) LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPART},IENT NOT NO YES NA},lE DrrTE aool icable*rT-( ) ( )Zon i ng 0rd i nance Comp I (Zone r ance ) ?. Subdivis ion 0rdinance Compl iance () ( () () ) )3. Requ i red Access 4. Building Site (Area, }Jidth, Frontage, Setback) 5. 0ther (see comments) ()( ) COIIT'IENTS: BUILDlNG INSPECTION SECTION 6. Plans Submitted 7. Soil Stability (footings) 8. Flood Plain 9. 0ther (see Conments) NOT NO YES E66'l icqble -({ NAI'IE DATE--rr-( ) () () () ) ) ) () () ( COHMENTS: 10. Sewage Disposal I l. Usable Area 12. Water Supply 13. 0ther (see Corments) NOT NO YES () NA}4E DATE I icable ( ( ( ) ) J ( ( ( () () () ()-71' COHIIENTS TO APPL ICANT: Your Building Permil / Site lnspection: D4 can be approved. 7- ( 7-73 WR( ) Cannot be approved at this time as- indicated on item N0. above. Quest ions and further informat ion on items I through S c6IEct-tle-Lane- C0UNTY PLANNING DEPARTHENT. Questions and further information on iffi 5 through l3 contact the Lane CounqlBui_Ldillqqd Saqitqlt ielr D iv is ion. Will be held in this off ice until you can resolve the problems indicated. ls being returned. Your building permit appl icat ion fee is being returned under separate cur'er. : LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTI'IENT LANE COUNTY BUILDING S SANITATION DIVISION 135 Sl.xtlr Avenue Eart, Eugerre, Or€gon 97401 135 Six[,h Averrue East, Etrqenr', 0regon 971+0t Pnonr 3{2.-lllr Ext.ztt pHoNr": 742-tlll EXT. 4ll () () () M55, rq pw _tr^/ >lnbt_ SANITATION SECTION KEN MORIN 503-345-840t AND ASSOCIATES . ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING I633 OAK STREET EUGENE. OREGON 974O1 taF lnl (ir rE {r wr F [R,.l AUG 27 1973 r$rrb uuurrlY flu{LlH uirll /72/'73 SCOPE OF THE WORK ANALYSIS FOR REHABILITATIoN oF IINIT ',8.' YOLANDA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT /I19 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .J SCOPE OF THE I^IORK ANALYSIS YOLAI{DA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT II19 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON I^IM. LEWELLYN, SUPERINTENDEM ROBERT BUSI1MLL, ASS'T. ST'PERIMENDENT FOR: I'NDERWRITERS ADJUSTING CO. 1155 OLIVE STREET EUGENE, OREGON ARCHITECTS: KEN MORIN & ASSOCIATES 1633 OAK STREET EUGENE, oREGON CONSULTANTS: MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS MARQUESS & MARqUESS AUGUST - L973 coMM. NO. 7310 A INVITATION TO BID NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received from interested contractors by: Springfleld School Dlstrict i/L9 at School District Administration Building, Itil1 & D Streets, Springfield, Oregon, until 2:00 P.M., PDST, 23 August, L973 for the General Contract, which includes Electrical work, for the rehabil,itation of the Adninistra- tion unit at Yolanda Avenue Elementary School. Bids received after the time fixed cannot be considered. B. BID OPENING Bids will be opened publicly at the above stated time and place, and read a1oud. Bidders and others, properly lnterested, are invited to be present at the bid opening. C. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In general, the project is comprised of the interior re-construction of fire danaged areas. D. CONSTRUCTION DOCI]MENTS Specifications, including bid and agreement documents, and drawings pa.y be examined at the foLlowing locations: Architects: Ken Morin & Associates, 1633 Oak Street, Eugene, Oregon. School District /lt9 Raminlstration Offices, Mill and D Streets, Oregon. Springfield, E. RIGHT TO REJECT BIDS The Owner reserves the right to reject any or al-l bids and to waive in- formalities. BY ORDER OF: BY: Springfiel-d School District /I19 Wm. Lewe11yn, Superintendent-Clerk I. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. LOCATION Yolanda Elementary School is loeated on Yolanda Avenue and 23rd Street in the northeast Springfield area. It is most easily reached taking Centennial Drive, east to Mohawk Road, north to Yolanda Avenue, east to School Site. B. PROJECT ARXA The school is a cluster development of approximately 31500 sq. ft.with the administration unit centrally located. This unit is des- cribed herei-n for lnterior rehabilitation. C. AUTHORITY School District //19 is the Owner. The Architect is retained by Underwriters Adjusting Co., as Agent of the Owner for the projeet. D. EXISTING CONDITIONS On 28 July 1973, a fire originating in the work area of the Admin-istration unit caused extensive interior damage to the resource center and work room. A11 other areas, excepting the mechanical room, were affected by smoke and heat in varying degrees. 0n 1 August an inspection was conducted by the Assistant Superintendent,Architect, Insurance Adjuster, original Contractor, PlasEerer, Mechanical contractor and Electrician. on 6 August an inspection by the County Building Inspector, Mechanical and ElecErical Engineers and state Electrical rnspector examined the damage. The scope of work described herein is the result of the combined observationsof the above Ageneies and Building Technicians. E. PROJECT INTENT rt is the intent of the owner and the rnsurance company that thebuilding be restored to its original condition -- in quality andusability. For purposes of Bidding, the Architect will provide drawings and specifications describing the original building, lessfurnishing and equipment. rt is also the intent that the work be accomplished as rapidly aspracti-cal and with minimum interference in the normal school func-tion and conforming to all applicable codes and 1ocal regulatj-ons. F. CLEAN-I]P A11 general el-ean-up of the danaged spaees and removal of equip- ment and furnishings will be accomplished by the School Dj.strlctpreparatory to work conrmencing by the Contractor. I GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Conr t) G. INSPECTION The Architect will ur,ake all interpretations of the drawings and specifications, and provide periodic inspectlons to insure con- formance with these documents. H. UNANTICIPATED WORK It is understood that'aI1 work, i.e. ducts, wiring, plumbing that are not currently visible but may become work directed during con- struction will be considered a sum negotiated in addition to the initial Contract. I. COMPLETION PRIORITY It is anEicipated that the project cannot be completed before the start of school activities. It is requested that spaces be com- pleted in the following order: 1. Business Office & Waiting 2. Principalts Office 3. Toilet Rooms 4, Work Area 5. Resource Center 6. Library II. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Proposals must be made in accordance with followlng instructlons: A. E}GMINATION OF SITE & CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Before submitting a proposal, bidder shall: (a) Carefully examine drawings and specificati-ons,(b) Visit site of work, (c) Fully inform himself of existing condltions and limitations.(d) Rely entirely upon o'wn judgnent in making proposal, and(e) Include in bid sum sufficient to cover all items required by contract. B. INTERPRETATIONS Questi-ons regarding drawings and specificati.ons should be addressed to Architect. They will be answered by addenda addressed to all bidders. Questions received less than 2 working days before bid opening cannot be answered. Neither Owner nor Architect will be responsibLe for oral interpretations. Addenda issued durlng time of bldding will be i.ncorporated into contract. Abide by Architectrs reasonabl-e decisions where discrepancies occur, and prebid instructions have not been obtained. FORM OF BID Submit bid in dupl-icate, on form furnished by Archltect, without alteratlon. Do not include any recapltulation of work to be done. Fi1l all spaces in form; sign in longhand. ORAL & TELEGRAPHIC BIDS Oral, telephonic or telegraphic bids, or modlfications of bids, cannot be considered. E. ALTERNATE BIDS c D Alternate bids, be consi.dered. of bid. other than those provided for in specificatlons, cannot Failure to bid upon all items ca11ed for may cause rejection II. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Con't) F. BID GUARANTEE Bid guarantee not required. Certifled check or bank cashierrs check or bid bond required with each bid. H. Equal to five percent (5%) of Base Bid pLus additive aLternates, if any. Make payable to SpringfieLd School, District tt1:g. Bid bond must be executed by licensed bonding comPany on A.I.A. Fo:m A-310. SUBMISSION OF BID Enclose bid and bid guarantee in opaque sealed enveJ-ope. Address to Springfield School, District /119. Deliver as required by invitation to bid. Bidder is responsibLe for delivery of bid at or before time set for bid opening. DISPOSITION OF BID GUARAMEES Successful bidderrs bid guarantee will be retained until he has entered into contract and furnlshed required performance and payment bonds. Right is reserved to hol-d bid guarantees of two next low bidders until he has done so, or for a period of 30 days, whlehever is shorter time. G Bid guarantees of all other bidders will be returned as soon as feasible after bid opening. J. FORI'EITURE OF BID GUARANTEE Should bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish performance and payment bonds within ten days (10) after his bid is accepted, his bid guarantee will be forfeited to Owner as 1-iquidated damages, but not as a penalty. K. EVIDENCE OF QUALIFICATION Bidder whose proposal is under consideration shal1, upon request, pronptly furnish satis.factory evidence of his financiaL resources, experience, and organizatlon and equipment he has availabLe for perfon&lnce of contract. II. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Conrt) L. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by written reguest, at any time prior to hour set for bid opening. No bid may be withdrawn or modified after time set for opening unless and until award of contract is delayed for period exceeding 30 days. III. REHABILITATION SCHEDI'LE RM. NO. SPACE REMARKS 1 [Iaiti 1 Clean & Pt. Cab. Office I Clean & Pt. Cab. Door Frame & Trirn Ha11 Re lace Mirrors EI ToileL Doors & Jambs Toilet th Rm. Pri a1 Repl.Door Frame WindowsTeachers Rm.1 S c. Ed Refinish Cabinets 11 Work Room Replace Cabinet Counters & Plumbin L2 Janitor 13 Mechanical o.K L4 Inst. Mrtls.Refinish N. E. Shel 1 Librarian Clean Cabinets 16 Conference Re lace Glass L7 Libra Clean Shelv. Electrical - Replace all wiring, light fixEures, switches and l-ow voltage wiring at clocks 7 intercom. Verify thermostat functj-on and repalr or replace. 2 Toilet3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WAILS TRIM FLOORS CEILINGS Clean & Paint Sand & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Sand & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace A11 Interiors and Cabinets o.K.o.K o.K o. K. Replace A11 Interiors and Cabinets Clean & Paint Replace Replace Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Clean & Paint Replace Clean Patch, Paint ) ) IV. FORM OF AGREEMENT The Form of Agreement os colled for in the SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS - Section l-c will be executed on A.l.A. Form A-101, o copy of which is herein included to inform bidders of its content ond wording. THIS AGREEMENT mode the doy of in the yeor Nineteen Hundred ond by ond between hereinofter colled the Controctor, ond hereinofter colled the Owner WITNESSETH, thot the Controctor ond the Owner for the considerotions hereinofter nomed ogree os follows: ARTICLE I. SCOPE OF THE WORK The Controctor sholl furnish ollof the moteriols ond perform oll of the work shown on the Drowings ond described in the Specificotions entitled scopE oF I^IoRK, ETC. (H ere insert the coption descrip: ri ve of the work qs used on the Drowings ond in the other Controct Documenti) prepored by octing os o nd in these Controct Documents ent itled the Arc hitect; ond thing required by this Agreement, the Generol Conditions of the Corit ficotions ond the Drowings. ARTICLE 2. TIME OF COMPLETION The work to be performed under this controct sholl be commenced ond sholl be substontiolly completed sholl do every- roct, the Speci- (H ere insert sti pulotion os to liquidoted domoget-lf ony.) t FORM OF AGREEMENT (cont'd.) ARTICLE 3. THE CONTRACT SUM The Owner sholl poy the Controctor for the performonce of the Controct, subiect to oddi- tions ond deduclions provided, therein, in current funds os follows: (Stote here the lump sum omount unit prices, or both, os deiired in inaividuol-coses.) Where the quontities originolly contemploted ore so chonged thot opplicotion of the ogre- ed unit price to the quontity of work performed is shown to creote o hordship to the Own- er or the Controctor, there sholl be on equitoble odiustment of the Controct to prevent such hordship. ARTICLE 4. PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Owner sholl molce poyments on occount of the Controct os provided therein, os follows: On or obout the do y of eoch month per cent of the volue, bosed on the Controct prices of lobor ond moteriols incorporoted in the worl< ond of mote- rio[s suitobly stored ot the site thereof or ot some other locotion ogreed upon in writingby the porties up to the doy of thot month, os estimoted by the Architect, less the oggregote of previous poyments; ond upon substontiol completion of the entire work, o sum sufficient to increose the totol poyments to per cent of the Controct P nce. (lnGrt-Eere ony provision mode for limiting or reducing the omount retoined ofter the worl< reoches o certoin stoge of completion.) ARTICLE 5, ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT Finol poyment sholl be due doys ofter substontiol co mpletion of the work pro- vided the worl< be then ful y comP eted ond the controct fully performed. Upon receipt of written notice thot the work is reody for finol inspection ond occeptonce, the Architect sholl promptly moke such inspection, ond when he finds the work occeptoble under the Controct ond the Controct fully performed he sholl promptly issue o finol certifi- cote, over his own signoture, stoting thot the work provided for in this Controct hos been completed ond is occepted by him under the terms ond conditions thereof, ond thot the en- tire bolonce found to be due the Controctor, ond noted in soid finol certificote , is due ond poyoble. IV. FORM OF AGREEMENT (cont'd.) ARTICLE 5, ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT (cont'd.) Before issuonce of finol certificote the Controctor sholl submit evidence sotisfoctory to the Architect thot oll poyrolls, moteriol bills, ond other indebtedness connected with the work hove been poid. lf ofter the work hos been substontiolly completed, full com- pletion thereof is moteriolly deloyed through no foult of the Controctor, ond the Archi- tect so certifies, the Owner sholl, upon certificote of the Architect, ond without ter- minoting the Controct, moke poyment of the bolonce due for ihot portion of the work fully completed ond occepted. Such poyment sholl be mode under the terms ond condi- tions governing finoI poyment, except ihot it sholl not constitute o woiver of cloims. ARTICLE 6. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Generol Conditions of the Controct, the Supplementory Generol Condirions, the Specificotions ond the Drowings, together with this Agreement, for the Controct, ond they ore os fully o port of the Controct os if hereto ottoched or herein repeoted. The following is on enumerotion of the Specificotions ond Drowings. lN WITNESS WHEREOF the porties hereto hove executed this Agreement, the doy ond yeor first obove written. i{ q -84o t- TO ALL PLANHOLDERS SCOPE OF THE WORK ANAIYSIS FOR REHABILITATION OF UNIT ''8,' YOLANDA ELEI"IENTARY SCHOOL . SPRINGFIELD SCHooL DISTRICT iI19 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BULLETIN NO. I 14 AUGUST 1973 I. INVITATION TO BID A. Notice t.o Contractors: 4orrection - u4ti1 2:00 P.M., PDT, Tuqsday, 21 August L913. II. GENERAI PROJECT DESCRIPTION F. Clean-Up Furn "'6" ishings, equipment and salvage wil-l be removed by the Orrner. Contractor other general clean-up. III. REHABILITATION SCHEDULE Waiting Room - Replace all broken wj-ndows. General: 4. // L' ,/2. v//3' 4. Sheetrock - all light fj.xtures that penetrate ceiling with 5/8" sheetrock sha1l be boxed to meet code. Replace clock tapes. Replace all un-repairable plumbing fi*trrr.", mirirs and paper hoLderg,-at toiLets . CLean aL1 classrooms in "Unit Att. Paint ceilings to door height and clean walIs, doors and frames. Ken Morin & Associates Architecture and Planning - LANE COUr- Y BUTLDING E BUITDING PERMII MHT OR MOBILE h,.rME USE PERMIT PERMIT NO' MAITING ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER PHONE I PHONE MAII.ING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR PROPERTY TOCA PROPERTY IEGAL APPI.. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS TION _ OESCR TNCIUOE POST OFFICE IPTION - METES, BOUNDS RANGE SECTION TAX LOT NO.cooE EXISTING STRUCTU RES ON PROPERTY LEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE _ FT. WIDTH DEPTH CENSUS TRACT AREA FOR MOBILE No. of Bedrooms SEWAGE DISPOSAI. HOME PERM IT5 ONLY Connect to Exist Sew New System BDRMS VALUATIONse. FTTYPE CONSTR UCTION STRUCTURES TO B ieurLr rHIs PERMIT PTUMBING INSTALTED BY owNER E OTHER: NAME PUBLIC N sEPTlc TANK tr oTHERn FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBLIC N N OTHER ( BUITDING WASTE DISPOSAT PI.UMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAI[ER TOTAT COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIF ICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. DRAIN FIETD REQUIRED I.IN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT OR SQ. FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBTIC UTIT. EASEMENT BI.DG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT. SIbE EXT. USE CLASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PTUMBING _ CANARY BUII.DING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOI.DENROD Conslruction to comply with uniform building code ond county covering plumbing ond sewoge disposol. All buildings require of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Stotement on Reverse Side) regulotions o certif icote (posT THls PERMTT ON MAIN BLDG. AT S|TE) IANE COUNTY, B[DG. & SAN. DIV., COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I 5 c5s- 13 E SITE INSPICTION AppRovEo Rruanx s D DrsappRovEo D Dare Ir.rsee croR FOUNDATION I NSPTCTION Ap pnov r o Reua Rx s / / DrsappRovEo V Darr I ruspecroa FRAMING INSPECTION Appnov r o ReuaRx s D Drsappnovc o fl Date I NSpEcroR LATH OR SHEET AppRov E o Rrltaax s I NSPECT I ON D r s appnovEo Darr q-2 ?-b I NSPEcToR FINAL INSPECTION Ap pRov e o Rruenxs E r,sAPPRovED D oorr_?2 K.^k-I Nspecron CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssuE Reuanx s - D Nor Rraov ro lssue D Dare I rusprcron \; \-.\S\\t &:td d llamond Don Ensn DGputy Pl,re Hsrrhall CIep*rtntat of {,mcfcc Stst6 Off,lsc Eulldlng Eugencl hc6on 976til \.-$\- \*I-s- August 23, 1$73 X.ea }iortn & /trcoctare* 1633 0rlr Stroet Eugene, &repon B,[,r Flr* I]eunge Repalr at. Yolrn& $ctrool. Thtc departsert could f lad rro Bf,ruetuRal deimge to Lhe ritfonlnlaLrative Sutldtng ot Yolsndc Schoot &rrtng our lnrpeetLer orr August 161 1973. thta dcprrtnent wlLl not requlr* tht rcpolr ts BGet otrs hsur flro re* tlttlve conatrsctlon ct*adntds. However, che !-lre Her*heli ires ladi- ert*d to thtr offlce thst he intendr io requtre tha rrG?, cosstrucrdor to sr${t oac hour f Lre rerltttve construet.lon rtanderdrr If r:hors rtll be any rmodelirg to the buLldtrr6, lrr ofher r*ordsr tf the bultdtag vlll be c,h,+nged frml {tg prevlour 6rra$Sqn3nt, shs$ trht tiGw eofftructlsfl u[,rtt Eset ene hour f lre re*lst,tve c,onrtructl,on aten- dafdtr A hrlldtrg pemlt rhall bo obt*l.ned fran chl* dcp*rtmoat bef,ore tha rcpalr r+o{Sa ntf btgln* PLmr n*d *pcclf lcatlonr rhould also be rub* r*tted to thr Flrc Hatth*ll for hlr rcqulrfiEsatt Smpllan+a rriththt L*a* Code dssr *ot proclude cocpltanca ?rtth ths Stege Ftr€ l{rrrhal I r r r*qrrlr$a*fitir If yorr have any quGttl{rar, pleere conteet thlr off lce. JSIII{ Ge STQilHB, B.S.p Dtra+tcr hrtldfq and $aniteltion l)lviaion 3Yr mH tffiSB, Arrlrtrut $lrtr* Exmlnor &rtldtng Stctlan Dt /JEb Johnffirt rs.S-J S*+--\ cct