HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1990-06-27k- /v77-PERMIT #?2 REPAIR SEPTIC SYSTEM 97 477 PPLICANT NAUE I ADOiEAA AS 7 46-5554 35289 turn right on YolandaMarcola Rd; turn left on 32nd St", nt HiI1, OR 97455 Bravado Con st. , fnc. Aro site addr Pleasant Hi11,, OR 97455BoP. O. Box 459 I have carefully read BOTH sldes of thts appl all lnformallon ls -z -70 e and correctBill Boyd READ CAREFULLYT Your Authorlzatlon ls Based On The Followl Condltlons APPROVED BY:FEES DUE: 9 DAfE 18O days unress inspectlons are current, year. LCAL INSPEFOR cTloNs CKBA(sEE FORMOF FORSEPTtcarepermltsforneogoodtheropermitsexpire BUCTTONS) 687-4065 DEI]N TD AI"DrFTTT REOUEST FOR: ALL v VIOLATIONS -SBTBACKS AND OTHER CONDIT|ONS OF ^P?ROVAL MUST BB STRICILY OBSE&\'P. VIOIATION CA}I N8$'LT N NBVOCATION OF TTIIII ERMIT. CITATIONS MAY BB ISSTJED UNDBR.THB ROVISIONS OFIJINEOOT'NTY'S INTRACTIONORDINANCBANDiON,OTIIERRBM@IBS AI-I-WED BYLAW. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPEETION REQt'ESTS Ilave the following information ready when you call: 6874C65 Permit number - Job address - Typ" of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone number - Any special directions to the site powaR.roENrrR.uFoNLAlrD. r*-ffi,:li"i,:1ffi#3ffiAH"fiH&Tlffi""ffilBH.BHff'*f*-r**oFrHBrRFUNcrIoNs.MAy B}.ITER IJPC'N ANY LA},ID AND MAKE EXAMINATIONS AND SURVEYS AND PI.ACE A}'ID MAINTAIN TIIE NEGSSARY MONI,'MENIS AND MARXERS THBREON. REQI.IIRED INSPECTIONS FOLJNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any requted reinforcing steel is in place. LJNDERGROUND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all underground piping has been installed, prior to any backfill. CoNCRETE SLAB OR LINDER-FLOOR INSpECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place butbefore any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installd' including the subfloor. ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducring and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing rough-in is in place, prior to being covered. FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fre blocking, bracing and roof are in place and all pipes' chimneys and vents re complete and the rough elecrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have been made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. LATH AND/OR GypSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before g1rysum board joints and fasteners zire taped and finished. ADDITIbNAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQTIIRED, zuch as but not limited to; BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is porr.ed. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour' The're will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and aprp'roved' FINAL MECHANICAL nrspEC,[ON: To be made just prior to the stnrcture or remodeled area being occupied and prior to operating rry eqipnenr FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made jusipri* to the building, strucure or remodeled aea being occupied' FINAL BT ILDING INSPECTION: To be made after iinish grading ana ttre uulaing, struchre oI rnlodeled area is completed and ready for occupancy' MOBILE/IVIANUFACTURED HOMES: An inspection is requirea-after the mobile home is connected to an aprp'roved sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirernents, blocking, tiedowrs and plumbing connections' Foothgs and piers to comply with State foundation-requiremene for mobile homes or as recommended by the marufacnrer' Minirnum finished floor eievation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowrs, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection witirin so days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure' APPROVAL REQI.IIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or stnrcture beyond tlre point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the irspections required. APPROVED PI.ANS MUST SITE AT ALL TMES DURING WORKING HOIJRS. OR IF WORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. THIS PERMTWILL E)(PIRE IFWORK DOES NOT SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCIJR THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMAfiON. WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. AI.{YONE PROCEEDINGP OF REQI.IIRED SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK From: Interior P,roPertY lines 10' Edge of road right-of-waY 10' Building foundation 5' Wells or other water sources 50' DRAINNELD 10' 10' 10' 100' rt ($*",R E F fNP^:r:l'lll?!0, o r M NAME ADDRESS tr APPLrcAr.{T tr owNER tr coNTRAcroR REASON FOR CANCELLATICII DATESIGNATURE Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site lnspections andor applications to install the septic tank and drainficld) are ordinarily nonrefundable. Refund may be on building, planni or plumbing portions according to the amount of the permiVapplication processed. FEES PAID %REFUND o/o Flood Plaln Feeo/o Bulldtng Permlt Foeo/o Moblle Home Fee % Plumblng Pormlt Feeo/o Mechanlcal Permlt Feeo/o Plan Check Feeo/o state surcharge Septlc Dlsposal Fee Slte lnspectlon Fee DEQ Surcharge o/o o/o o/o $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ o/o Land Use Appttcailon To Plannlng Dlrectoro/o Recordlng Feeso/o Partltlonso/o Copler & Ordlnances o/o surveyors Less Processlng Fee -25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED $---_--- Signature TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: Building Permit Refund State Surcharge Refund Septic Disposal Refund DEQ Surcharge Site lnspection Refund Land Use Application Planning Director Recording Fees Partitions Copies & Ordinances TOTAL AITTOUNT REFUNDED $ 2 4-067 4l Acct.421 20/Prog .020 4 -067 4 I Acct.421 23 I P r o 4 -0427 I Acct.421 33/Pro 4 -0427 I Accl.421 231 P r o _24 -0 427 I Acct.421 34 I p r o,4 - 067 4 I Acct.4 62021 P r o,4 -067 4 I Acct.421 50/ Pro,4-1 87 0l Acct.4621 1 lPro 24 -0 67 4 I Acct.4 62021 P r o 24 - 1 87 0 I Accl.4 4 41 9/P ro $ $ Receipt#--_Receipt#__Receipt#__Receipt#_-_Receipt#__ Receipt#_Receipt#__Receipt#__ Receipt#_ Receipt#-___ s $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.0 9.1 20 40 40 40 10 10 10 10 10 PLEASE MAXE CHECX PAYASLE TO NAME raDAEss z/-1/,()ox z 75 "4 /Zza-4f./zt7--../21 l(,V?-zz1'z"tz. M14-48 \ PERMIT#tq An +o l1 z- tq -5+rvl )At 4 <q \p-7 RFllt<J IJ ETDgb QrqsS Ne\^J DRRIU Tt€t> Nrt - rlA 7\ I 7r'tr l I t.... vl t o\-\s.\ I :k\ ______/ I I --, w ,d f, rH,'t +Ft-DIs t.]i.]t lPfir.!NL: I I i._.ftl' F. I h,n ;l l'i[:: {:i]Lir'.11'Y i) ";$s lq+l.' r*;T *Jr,** ,r, *illifi lSri I sLt Fr'A(ut\]0\ Infi I:,Fi- l. r-;i:li.t.i. i:ri.i .,, r J'1...,il, .i 'ii.i:il i tJ,1{rii---iti:'iffir--- ljttrlltllHl,iHl:i tll,ii:. i', r'uru[i::iii;t: iii:il:'i. t''* Iji i:' $P r? F' BtrmfiT-E'-]JNl:+ I R,S1' 1.,$ r-lt I F'f :t fil'i tli 1'r i ;:jl.Ji'JFl I flI:' ':.:,t L.. t! . r.l {''r l:i .t,'riN l-, Y fll.;f'INIJ*h. -&U jii-l_r__,:i FrI;' l' hl{; li:' I [: r. t.JN:t T IU;I] tJ.il-.Uii'l l:r-]i\i Ir[:i:i H t::'-it,r .*--_- i T'l'l { qt ? qi (J i.} t' i\ q'ii r:"h.L ,Sldft: l- 1'. LJ"il,i: l"iL.Cl{erN l:ilAl.- F [iI :i1'A 1't1 ;;t.Ilti:; HAI'tSE: l;.L-AN {.:H[:*k: [:'h.[::J_, [: ,i ;I:5. {rc-.J I,l i.i ilA'f [ : drl-'F' sfi:tllj : I TAKH:H TTY ts[I rF' $ns ,:i: l:., ,i .l-- .-. .-.li:iiT " ufti4Ill.-[:.'i' ].i.iltl ilfi l'[:: F{::l: ril't'l .? llr.l.Jtitl I lf..d,i:l* . $ir L.!i Lr ,l rr- t..l \"s H L ntuf II qffil' , (0,a11: o,* . t? i.I . \tl t\*,\ ..N nA.r.l 440 \ rt{.'f,' 7 \ II.*-- i_<tr \ Vc*qNDA \ I I i I I I i'S 111{crtJ n : -.:1.) I ,.. , f '.-, i"':[D uE /o=27: ?:o- . TY I l r I ( :i'I I .JIlJ ! ! I I It \. fr) l i I 'F, 'g I .?: ,.?\\ ,l Vc/,$ N t) A I ( { I I -\ ( I I ll,ll , I dr\ utr fi-*zl:ru. I,Y I n:':;-:3\"':D ( N \ h.lr1J 1l 1 lI I 'Fvar, r'I1'f' IJ: 5 t ! VcLtNDA i ) \ I ( ( l I I \\ ,l rCIR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION usE oN["Y ,r/rnafrZ 2r,aZzzD 6-26- ?o l7 02 19 3 4 .-/-o/8 7,.-t7l'b/9 I/ 16 CORNERo l-- +) a (-rls -t =I bh !\.1 a, v 'J a Al \r I No L (L = trJtrl @ \./ fvt7 Lt--qt LoOtrl<Z F qf; A_1OaHj ti) .O?t ol v 3 b o 'o / a 0 o p Jj \rtob , t' c o c ,a r\1ot ^( hv €.l-- C.( 1 1o a .ra *,.d . (-tT" at N q 3 t t ., 4 dJ YOL 2at b q a 4t b Dct-r{oo vR\f I qs A<\ q o otoz o DhDo s l04 | rs'ar' . tlq7 'ot ,10 Ct p j o. o 4 1e,1 \ r03 ,v t $a h o v Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible. (- zL-?d IOUB UATETtzs Q)8o 7 /6 -flfsv PHONE oR '? rr f5 ztP PHONE ztP Exlstlng Builcilngs or lmprovements on Property ff+ouse EII Barn El Garage E ltAcbr'le. Home El Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED EE Yesl-I No Water District/L o ior,J 4/4 J* OWNERS nol $ma !3 3!mc Le Jo fr,,,LT ? MAP, PARCEL NUMBER H4#'^if:M"?PL Tornrhip B.ne. Sction lra S.ction Tu Lot E-'fiiF- lffiF ffi;- riiffi-n- -ffEi- Dlrectlons to site from Courthouse ,r//art'qla K \ zz4 'n7R o.,., U J< ft d7L strE ADDRESS, lt y _f f 5 MAIL PERMIT TO:-G"ii' Bo Bor For Moblle Home Placement Only No. of Tip-outs- No. of Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size Land Management Dlv. stafl can not be held responsibte for evaluatlons or recommendatlons based on false, lnaccurate or incomplete inlormailon D TCo--T- I ?: a o 1 I I.