HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-29I..RESIDE-ITIAL.. APPLTCATTON/PERMTT 225 rtorth |th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26 -37 53 SPHINGFTEI.D lour City Deoiqated Job Nwnber fo: DnYgAf,L INSPEIION: ?o be nwde AFte; dTfiyuatfta in ptaoe, but pnior to any taping. l!4EO!!-Bl: Stee|, Locatton, bond.Effiils?ou*ing on vertiiala in accotdanee vith A,B,C, Section ,d1< \)b Sjgredt bte:l--Y -<l It ia ti..e reoponaibility of tle permit holdev to aee that aLL inopectidna ate de at thc propcr tine, that ocoh cddrees ia readabie J'ron the atpeet, anC that the pcrnrit oard ie Located at the ft,ont of the ptopsrWr9uilding D.ivicior. approv'ed plan shcll renain on the Buildinlt Sttc at all- tiinee. 'r0N 7 xi L be nade the aone dcy, nequeste mcde SITE INSPECTION, etcavation, but : Tobe after pr.ior tc set up of forme. INERSL{A PLU\EINC, E ilECHn-ilICAL: lo be nade before any wt k io oortered, FOCTINC & FOUNDATICN: lo be tmCeefr;;- t r e /tcE;;i;;it c au a t e d and forna are erected, but ptiot, to pouring ccncrete. UNp,RCSOU!!D PLUM9INC, SSHEP, W.4TE3. DRAIIIACE: !'o be rpCe prion to fil-Tf,il-dinchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,IBINC,9 I,IECIIANICAL : o1 floon inaulation or decking. POSLIA? BEAM: To be tnadc priot toTieffiiffiof floon insulation ot decking. ROt_'At pr,u.!Buc. Er,EqBlcAL e ME2H- urttL thcse inspecttons have been naie and approoel. [I!.EPU!Z: Prior to plccirq facingmctetials atd before froning inapee- FRI|NC: l'tuet be requeoted aftet, approual of rough plwr,bing, electni-cal & mcclanical. AIL roofi.ttg braeing e chilrmcya, etc. rrust be ; cor:pletcd. llo ucrk ts to be con- . cecled until thio inspection lwa'been ttade anC appnoved. I N S U LA? I O N / VAPOR BAR R I ER I IISPE.CIION : rcquired vapor batrie?o @e in phoe but before any kth, Wpswn boatd, ot tnLL oovering ia apptiad, ctd. bef,one oty inaulation ie ooncealed. S Sanitary oetter oappeil it propefiy Line Septio totk paryed. anil, fi|,l,ed utth grawl, you be fov 26-3769 (recorder) state your City deei,gnateil lob nwrbet, iob aCdteee, type of inapeclictt inepeotion, Contraotore on Atnerg nane atd plone rutbu. Requeete rccaivail bef,ore ?:00 eraft* 7:00 on r,vLLL be nad.e the nect wrking ilag, @ Pinal - I{hen above itena are ccnrpleted and uhan denolttion ia oanpl,ete or atntc- ture npucd od, ptcwiaee .oleaneC up. l-y1 wooosrovt:lA *rrpO;a. After inatallation ta Slooking od Set-up Plwbing connectiona -- Bc..teu atd uater Elaotrtoal Coneotion -' Blookitrg, aet-ui atd pltubing connaotions nuat be apprc''^ed befo1o requeating eleTtrical inapec2ion Aoceaaozv* Builditq Final, - Aftot pcrchee, alolrting, deeks, eto. @e oanpleted, CUBP_!_APEB94qE_APR0]i: After forne at e at e;tAWW tu pourihg concrete. SIDEI\A,,K & DRTVE|'AY: Pot, all con-c"et. p"rr6ui;ifr etneat right- of-tey, to be nade after aLL exoa- oating canplete & forn tntk E ottb- base ru.tertal in place. lENCE: gatea P, U,8.,, hhen conplate -- ProoiCe on mooable aeotione throttgh ililAL PLU\IDIilC FIilAL t'tECilAilICAr, FI|IAL ELECIRICAL -.-- - ..- 'ALL pnoject cond'itiono, such ae the i'natallation of alteet treee, crtplotion of the ' re.quired Landsccping, eto., rntet be aatiefiod bafote the DU|WfNC PINA\can".be requeoted. FINAL DUI|DIN1: The Einal Building fnapaotion Dwat be requeotad altdr the Fin:al Plunbing Electrdcal, anC Meclwcical fnapeotiono hquo been nade ard appnoved Job Lacaticn: Aaaeaaora Map t Ta Iat fr Olnen: Phtme:\ zip:City: Deacy,Lbe L'otlt: Date o! Appliea c VaLue Yle,t fu-us-Aiditicn RenoCeL Cenera P lurnb 1n I.lechauicaL ecEr ca SuDerv l-n El"ec L r.i (: irt rr ( Pege 1 of ! / v v w lAt,r, HANUCL\S AND CLT:ANOUTS ilUST DE ACCESSTDLE, ADJUSTMENT T0 BE t't4DE A? NO C1ST l0 Cny E w u @ JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co Gor L r IlAw 0AREFULLy EXAMTNED tle conpleted application fon petmit., and do Qrg\V certif-y- tlut aLL infonmtion heneoit' ie true ai'd cbnrecti arrt t flnthen -cert?fy that any ard aLL wnk penfor-nad ahalt be done in acco?-funce tith the ordinancea of the city of bpringficld, atd the tasa of thastate of 0negon pertaining to tha urrk ceebribbd herein, otd tlnt No occu- PANcy Dill_ b^e nyce of a\! attuotupe without permioaion of the suilding N-viaio_n. I furthan centif;i that otly contractore atd, etployeea ut:a ar'; incatpliance uibh OnS ?01.0se uilt be-ueed on thie projec'tayl a? s^_y'zzr<- a/4ry .fiy4a-tl!= fu.2o4,@r,, r?t4 p />2tqr> - a7 @a2.,2> (--)q Lot Facea -T;tr.e P. L, toue TDT TYW .: ' i' 1r:r' fnteri,on'",',' Corttef .'t' Panlnnd,l,e Cyl-de-aao BeCroonsG .,: Iot Sq.'^ 71ia topogrcphy e.?7- Total tteisht -:14 / 7 of Lot Cwerage // I of Stortee / -- Peee --rTEN Va 40 \ A |UTAL YAWE -A Pard:/1.€a l:6e Building Vqlue & Perm ir fhia permit ia gnantcd on tha osjprooo cotditiott ttnL the ti,zid concttwc-Ltorta_lull, in.all.reapc-c_ta, conforn -l;o the 1rdinarit:c tdopta,l liy tlrc Ctty olsprinllfield' i.nc-luding th.e Soning crdinanca, rcaulcLtn:1 ilrL ccnctru'ctiZnand.uae o-f buildinge ,. and may b.a- aucpendcd or r-Luokec'it "r,y tinc upon uic-b.tion of arry prcuiaiona of iaid.Ordir.ances. .,'' Builling P*tttit ^ lotal, Clutgee. .State Fi.xturee Reaid.ential (1 tuth)4 Sani Seuen ?,-6 -> 7a aa 5-a a aa Plumbing Permit N9 pgreon ahall.conattuct, inalall, alter ot clnngc cnll nel cr existing ll4irrg ot drainage su*q in uhole or in part, inlesi such percon is- theLegal.poaacaaor of a ualid ylwbgr,a Liccns'e, etccpt bl:at a pietson nay dopltlbing wrk to pnope.z,ty ihich ie owted, Leaaed or openatei by tire "if,Li-cant. Plwbing Penrlt State 5? Nau,/Estetd, Cincuite Senoice -6 < S> Electricol Permit llhene statd ta,t re-quires tlat, the electrical uork be done by an Electricalcontractor, the electrical pontion of lhia pennit stull not'be ualic wtttlthe Label haa been aigned l:y the Electrical' Contractor. fotal a ilc. 4> blunet ltood * Vent F(,]^l>?- d4> /a6v* 38 , Meclla;ni.oal Partwft Permit fooua7ae I C\rbcu! Sidetntk T)?AL AM1Utr DUEI t A, faa.za I Signad A7t,e 4') a s,D.c, 1.5 x I I 5-a Pcrmit " RESlDEr.lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT zzs iov,th |th stt,eet Springfteld, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTINGFIELD lour City Deaigra.ted Job Nutnben fa: sigxedt frb Dato:l-'-<a It ia !i:e reaponoibility of the permit holder to aae that aLL inopectioha ar.e rude at the propcr tinc, that ocoh i:ildrees is l,eadab'.e ltonr thc ot!.eet, anC that the pclnrtt oayd ie Located at the frcnt of the propertyaBui!di::1 D.lvicior. ap7,or;cd plan shcll yemain on the Duilding Sitc at all'tinee.- PnOCsDUT:s ruR flSPtC?IONIFQ4ESJ.IOALL?25"=3?59frecorder,) et,lte yout C.ity d,zafgnated. job tt.s,.be-, jcb addteas, tgge of inspeclictteadyfo1inapaotion'coili"otoiailaonerg.na,l",i,,apn-,"nw,bq..RequeetarcL,e.{u7aa"font?:00.et t"iLL be nade the aone dcy, requests ncde after 7:00 cn tyLLL be rmde the nert tlcrrkini day. S Romri-ror! fnanonft' anq qTq N,.Job Loection: Aoaeaaort Map il \ ! De \ q 33 t3los Lot ll fiibdivision: ;; -Tryrrt,, u), lsoil Ua rt D Phrmc:\ Describe h'orl<: Date ol Applicaticn n ("Value Yu",l fu-us- RenoCel Conera P Iutnb lng l'lechanica Supervisin lilectrir:irtrt SII'E INSPEC?ION: To be nnde after ercavation, but ptior tc set up of forme, I NSU| i'Noil / VAPOR BARRIER IilS?ECEoil : required vapon borie?a @e in pla,oe but before aay Lath, Wpswn boatd, on r,uLL oouering io appl,iad, crd bef,oteay inoulation do oonoealed. &inila,V eaer caprped it propefis- Lir:e seitto tcrrk pwged.ad..fttl,ed, rtth gra:tel ?inal - llhen abooe itena are ccnpletcd and when denolition ie oatpl,cte o? atr.tt- tlloro tpoed ad, pl,.arrl,oeo .oleaneC up. INERSLAA PLUtErNc. EL ilECHnilICAL: lo be nade befote any l;ork ia aouet,ed, POc'?fNC 4 FOUNDATICN: To be naCeaftet trencics ar;iicauated and forna are erected, but prion to pouring ccncrete. uxpsR?ltoullD PLUu9INL, SSHEP, s.4tEn- DRAI\IACE: !'o be tpCe prior to fil-Tf,i{-ilinchee. UNDERFLOOR T'LUI.IBINC," TIECIIANICAL : o1 floor inaulction or decking, POST AND BQAM: To be nadc prior toTiidl-Tdffii-of floot insulbtion or decking. Rot-tcil Pl,u!|8!ilc. Er.E!ryllcAl E ttqcft- Zni c^ L --n;,ro*:7;T;-D;-;oa el;A-until thcse inspections haue been naie ard approvei, A!.EPL\QE Pyior to plccir4 facingncteyials and, befot'e franing inopec- tion. Fnil:INC: t'tuct be requcotecl aft.en approval of rough plwrbing, eleetni-cal E maclnnical. /tll roofing braeing C chimcya, etc. trust be : conpzetcd. llo ucrk io to be can- , cecled until thio inspebtion laa'becn nade anC approved. DnY$lAhf, INSPExION: ?o ba nadeAfter-;tt-6lt raft a in ptaoe, but prior to any taping. t'lASONtll: 3tee1, Location, boid,Eiffilgnouting or vertioale in aceot'dqnce uith U,B.C, Seotion 2415, f-,t1 vooosrow:lA *,,pWa. r After inetallation ia cuRD e LPIBQAqUIP:W: Aftat fotnsu,e ;ra;idfrTVdor to pourtng cono?ete. SfDEllAf,K $ DR|WI,'AY: Por all'cott: "ret. Wvfi-CTffi atveat right- of-txy, to be nade aften al.l eroa- oating oanplete & fotn rlrnk tl aub- base nateial in place. Itonea Blooking otil Sct-tp. PLtobhtg connectione -- dcltaa anC ualer El,aotrioal Conneotion -' Blookitq, aet-uV atd pltnbing canneot'ione trust be apprcr;ed beforc requeating eleolrical, inapeeliot:..\ Aooeesory Euilding Pittal, - llftot pcrahee, akirting, d,ecko, eto. oe oanpleted. v / x ( Paltc 1 ol J FTiIAL PLUI,IDIIIC HilAL t'tEcilAilICA|, FI|IAL ELECTSICAL ALL ptoject cond'itiono, such aa the i.netallation of o'lraet tr.ece, eetplotion o! the' ro.quircd Landsccpir.g, ato., tmtat be aatiofiod bofotc the DUfWfilC FINA\1qn,.b,e rs,quootod. FINAL B|ILDINC: Ihe Fi.nal Buitditrg fnapeotion nwet bb requeotad aftdr tha Final. Plunbing Electntcal, a>d Meclwrcical fnapeotiono hqxto beenr,a,de.9rd approved.' ,'. "-":. '- ' ": IAI,T, LTANIICLES AND CLI:AIIOUT: IIUST I]E ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTIIEN! TO 8E I'I4DE A? NO COST TO CI?Y Aiditicn o ..a,t ), r':r. I l'. tr l @ IENCE: Mten conplate -- ProoiCe O;7."r.* mooable' eeotions thtough nrl @ JOU NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co Gt' BeCt oons: I I|AW CAREFULLy EXAMINED tle completed application for permit, and doh3telV oertif.y tlat aLL infornation hereoit' ia true and cbnrect, od. I fl,t,then .certify that any ard aLL uonk perfontcd atatt be do:te in accot -dance trith the 1rdinancea of tha City of Springficld, and. the Laa of that state of 0regon pcrtaining 'to tha ur.ik ceo'crtbiod herZ:n, cttd llat ilo occu- PAI'lcr uill be rada of any atruotut e. uithout petmioaiot of the Building Di-uieion. r fut'then certifli ttrat o:tly contrac'Loro ai;d cnpioyeee uJ:o ar'e in caapl,ianco, uith )RS ?0t.?ss wilt be-uaed on thia projec'bbtu'r,4-Zs y't7pz- y-4ry ,4Zazx.Vza-.y ?q.zo.?fuzl*> ,V*qq ft- ,/>22-ryzi aV k*rzzt -.fi/qa.rD 6-zz,-62 , Lot Facea -?;tfe P. L.llouoe Ca Acccss,I of Etoriee Total lteight topogmphy tZ ?Aa I Cul-de-oao 7 of lot Cwenage Lot Sq. :///A'27* t, rTEN x 40 \ L VAWE s.D,c. I.5 r oA c Paid:/1.€a Receipt ll :6e Building Vqlue & Permif ?hio penrit ia granted on the arf)reoa condit;iott ttnl tlte t,zitl cottsitttc'Lioua_lall, -tn-<;-ll -ranpcctc, conlorn Lo thc 7rdtnanr:c adopte,l liy tlrc Ct!.y ofSptinllfield, including ihe Zontng Crdinancc, ne,jul<:Littl Lh-c ccttsLnicttZn and .uce o-f buildtnga, and may bo- auapendc,l. or rluokcC 'Lt ",.y tit:tc upon uic.Lo.tion of any prcuiaiona of aaid,Ordinances. .,,'BulHing P*ttit ?ota,l, Clangea.. .State Signed: Fi,sturea Reeid,enti.a,L (1 futh)2 tu Sani Seuen @,no -> 7a,4 fa aa Plumbing Pern'rit Ng pg1con ola.ll.conattnct, inalal!, a!!:er on clnngc aty neu cr e;istittgp-l**-trrS or drainage sltclc.lt in uhole or in parb, -urlcci such percon ie- thc Legal -poaacsyr. of a valid plwnbar'a Liccns'e, caccpt tl:r't a piorro,, na-u doplwbing.uotk to ptope.rty uhich ia oumcd, Ledsed o'r operatei by tt;c ai,p,Li-cdnt. PltnbiniT Pairrrlit State il60/Ertend, circuits Servioe .*e < Electricql Permit l{hete state Lan re^quirec tlat the clcctnical uork be done by ctt Elect,rieal contnacto_n, tha'electrical porLion of lhis patnit slnll not be ualic untilthe Labal laa bean aigned by the ElectticaL'Co,ttracbot. I fotul a FStr .rzD f:,lwnet llood, Vent P@r ?-.+ (r *36 Penrit leeuo:ll,e' Nr,cltani.oal Prt;clrrtt ', :j ,,1 -- EIICROACIIMENT .- Pcrmit Ctobcu! stdetntk -za To?tL lltauw DU*t €, faa.za tJ"A- Date a t ! Mechqnicql Permit ,t I To: C'ity of Springfield, Lane County,0regon. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION AND CONSENT TO ANNEXATION represents as o ows: Hl fo/andt Pet'i t'i (1)(b) The Petitionen,petitions, consents, Con se nt and ORS an 1. Real Property: The undersigned Petitioner(s) owns rea.l property located outsi de the City limits, but located within the adopted Urban Growth Boundany depicted in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Genera'l Plan, herein refenred to as the Property and more particularly described in Exh'ibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. I rrevocabl e Peti ti on and Consent to Conti guous Annexati on: The Petitioner(s) tion of the Property to the City of Springfield pursuant to ORS 222.L70. Petitioner(s)petitions, consents and agrees that the City Counci I in 'its sole discretion, now or at any time heneafter, ffdy adopt a nesolution initiating contiguous annexation under }RS 222.170 and ORS 199.490 (2) or any other state statute, a proceeding to annex the Property to the City. The Petitioner(s) consents to'includ'ing in such proceeding any other property the City Council may d'irect or which the owner(s) have petitioned and consented to the annexation. Petitioner(s) understands, consents, and agrees that this may be used by the City to meet the requ'irements of ORS 199.490 lee.4e0 (3)(b) & (c). New Use ol^nte if it on and & (c) Petitioner(s) also irrevocably authorizes the City to present this Petition and Consent to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission to'initiate any minor boundary change under ORS 199.490 (1) as an interim measure to provide service to the Property prior to its annexation to the City. In consideration for th'is Petition and Consent Agreement, the C'ity agrees that the Pet'it'ioner(s) Pnopenty may receive municipal services from the City and Petitioner(s) may undertake the development of the Property in accordance with the Springfield Development Code and other applicable City plans, policies and standards and with the requi rements of Lane County. 3. Binding on Successors: Petitioner(s) agree that Petitioner(s) and Petitionerin.interestinthePropertysha1lbeboundbythisPetition for Annexat'ion and Consent to Annexation wh'ich shal I nun with the Property, and that notice of this document will be recorded by the city in the deeds and records for Lane County. A copy of the notice has been executed by the Petitioner(s) and is presented herew'ith to the City. 4.of use,the use : Petiti onen(S ) must obta'in C'ity's approval for any new uSe, change nsification of use of the Propenty. The City wi'11 grant approval of is 'in compltance with the Springfield Development Code and other applicable plans, policies, and standards as interpreted by the City. J"dc llilgrt t , 5. agency Cost of Servi ce in the Event Annexation Denied: If an adm'inistrativeor court of compet ent Jurrsdiction determ'ines that the Property or part of itmay not be annexed to the C'ity or that the City may provide no service to theProperty or the part, the City may retain all consideration theretofore pa'id to theC'ity for serving the Propenty and may collect in addition thereto whatever additional consi derati ons a ne determi nati on that provide services to the City for services the City has provided prior to the Property may not be annexed to the C'ity or the City may not arks and re wi th'i n wal k'i n for storm w The City shall not levy assessments, taxes or fees againstnot applied to properties of s'im'i.lar character throughout DATED th'is zAzZ day of ,/o-u |s&_. one r Pet'i t i oner ACCEPTANCE BY CITY: due the'it. 6. No Limitation on Fi rst Amendment Rights: Although this Pet'ition forAnnexation Petitioner(s), and may be usedfor the purposes for which Pet'itioner(s) has agreed, nothing herein shal'l beconstrued as limiting olinf ringing upon Petitioner(s)' right to speak out, commentupon, or present arguments regarding the advisaoility of proceed'ing with theannexation proceeding. It is specif ical.ly understood by Petit'ioner(s) that inexecuting th'is Agreement, a situation may arise wherein Petitioner(s) may be opposectto the annexation and would have al1 r'ights under the Finst Amendment to articu'latethat opposition but the Pet'ition and Consent of Petitioner(s) as contained hereinwill be used for the purposes herein described by City in order to achieve and demonstrate compliance with ORS 199.490. 7. Provision of Services:In execut'ing this Petition and Consent'it is nexation sha'l'l be contingent in its application tot upon the annexing City, within a log'ical andurban f ac'ilities and services, 'including, where waste management, water serv'ice, fire protection, creat'ion pnograms, electrical serv'ice,'land usepub'lic schoo'ls on a district-wide basis (in other ng distance of all students served), paved streetsater nun-off and pedestrian trave'l. s peci fi ca I ly understood that any an ati on reques prov'ide key sewers, sol i d n f aci I 'it'ies , any parti cul ar annex reasonable time, to app I i cabl e, sani tary pol i ce pnotecti on, p control S, communi catio words, not necessarily with adequate provisio B. App I i cati on: the the c o n s e n t in g -Taiil-owne rrest of the C'ity. The C'ity of Spr"ingfield hereby acc Consent to Annexati on and by thi s meeting the requirements of Lane County epts Pet'itioner(s)Petitj for Annexation and acceptance acknowled e 10.183-05 throu s th 55. an e opment rec or an Agreement trt ?otwr)a, NOTICE OF AGREEMENT NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT andffito as "Petitioner(s)'t, and prr ng e cipal corporation of the State of 0regon, hereinafter Jac,L UJ,l<" the referred to as "Ci tyinto an agreement gove Tax Lot OIZ 0O i tl on the day of ente red rning an annexation to the rea p rope rty ified as- Assessor's Map l7-OZ-tg3a ,a legal description of whichis attached as Exhtbit "A" and incorporateO 6y rETerence herein. The use and development of the above property is governed by the terms and@nditions of the agreement signed by the parties. The agreement 'is filed in thecentral files of the C'ity, to which neference is hereby made fon all matters andthings therein contained. This Agreement is binding on the Petitioner(s)'heirs, assigns and successors in interest'in the property. 1 9_, i dent day IN of hlITNESS !^JHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand and seal th'is 19 By:By:1 ner Dat e By 0wne r Dat e SIATE OF OREGON SS. County of Lane 0n thi s day of 9r-* a e n ve opmen before me, the undensigned,ly appeared the'within named known to me to be the the same freely and a n Di ctor an , Bg.1_, pe rsona Ipub9n the said ebunty and state, and ca i ndi vi dua s descri bed herei n and who executed the vo1 untari 1y. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I aboi;e writ-ten. have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and y r last My Commission Exptres ,amun