HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-19.. RESIDt..ITIAL..t4 SPFlTNGFIEI.DAPPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North $th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job lacaticn:0 Aesessore Map # Svbdioision: A,>ter: Addtess: City: Describe L'ot k: Additicn RemoCel Date of Aco Lieaticn - 4=[ i:onx?acto?S Sf< h/ ffir**ffigrrl UG6 ,--Y VaLue (r.onc Ceneral L() t 1 /,a/n-^Cr1 Icz lpt #ac500 Phone: Cona Leruien rt i8 the respoas'ibilily of -tl1e petmit hotd.et to aee that ati- inspectiotts ee nade at the p?ope" tine, that s-411 a;,r*,sss is vsa)rhi;-fmn the ax?eet, anc tilat the-oirnit.card, ia Located. ct the lront'oy tite prooer\.'Euiuing Diuicio- cpproted ptan sicll vendan;;-r; Eiiz'i;"L'Z'i", o, aLL xines. ?:?ocsDUPE Fol? r\SPlorclt 4IQUE]T"CALL726-3769 (reeordet) state lour citg designa-ted job ntmber, job aiitess, type of ix.spee=icnrequesceri avxi u'i':en uou u{LL be ready for inspcetiott, co"*o"iii" or asners-nane Lni piane ni,o.nber, p.equests teceii;ed befcre ?:00 c;tiLL be nacie the sile dcs, ""q"Liii'ioi" "iiu z:00 on DiLL b;,*a" ti.i-)*;;;;"tr;"s''A. Qto5sIout City Decig:tu.ted Job Nwtber fsReouiInsoecticnsIcr?r rt'a:a^47^rr. eaca)acion, but prtor tc set up of Io be nw.de after 0R !:OW) B:.;i. Sanilaty seser eapped ct propertE Line Septic totk p';:ped and fnlled vith gra;seL Pinal - Lhen abcue itezs are eamleted and uhen Cqtclilion is complete bo "tn.r-ture moued od. pra:rtses cleanei up. I'lobile Ecnes rcquired oqoor barie?s @e in pl.a,cebttt befcre ozy l.a.th, Wpsun bcatC ottnLL cooering is applied, alnd beforeoty insulation is concealed. w I, To be insulcticn a y!?:Rt!.li PLUTP r! G, ELgcTP I r4tLli.;:':C;a: ?o be natie 'oefore anyDo"K Ls couered. \1 pc-crtnc t rou::olrrcn: ?o be np.Ce' I alter c?encnes are escauated and. forms are ereeted, but p"io" topout-Lrg ecnc?ete. E tt'enciee . ? ?LU: ne.6.e D?Lo? to insta of floor. tnsulction or decking. DRY\IALL ilSPtnI)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to cny taping. l,fAS)ltl?I: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outina or oetticals in accoy<iotce Lrith U.B.C. Seetion 241 5. ilOODSTOi/E: ;cnp|;;;a.After installation is SfDgtlALK & DRfr,WAy: Fo" aLL eotz-crete paoirq uithin stt,eet right-of-te!, to be maCe aftet aLL ecca-odtina eanolete & font oork & sub- base naterial in place. Blocking od. Set-up Pluttbing connectians -- aelte? od, uatet Eleetrical Cotnection - Bloekittg, eet-uc and plunbing conneetions nr-st bb apprc"^bC before request:.ng eleclrical inspee2io;t Accessot3* BuilCing Pinal - r',ften pcrckes, ski.rtingt declcs,etc. dre capleted. W.ATE- to 8 t^ ;^ \ pcsy 4-:,,t z:t:.:: To be nad.e prior to, 1 instal"a-.icn of floot insulation or d,ecKLn€. n1 R)Ltc;i ?LL::3r:tG. ELECT?ICA:, A ME:H_f\l antcti: ,:,cu@ - ur-c.il ti,t-ese inspections hante been_ ma-a.e at= coproue!. I fpgptl:z: prior to plceira fceinaI mccerials arui before'franin'g in"p"L_tior:. fi pp*:tt:c: Hust be requested aftenA I app-tots;Z of rough plunbing, electti_cat & mecranical. ALI roofingbracing E- ehin4sys, etc. must- be . eodpLetea. :lo Dcrk is to be con_--ceale<i until this inspection has'been made anC approued. ffi cuns a nppnucn nppon: Aftet formsl'' I ee erecteC but pr.ion to pouring conc?ete. !El!-!!: Men eonplete -- prouiCe gatei o? mouable seetions th?ough P. U. E. AIL project conditions, sueh ae tle i.nstallation of street ttees, eonolction of tierequired Landsccping, etc., tuat be eatisfied. befote the BL,rLDi;tc F1NAL canbe tequested. PINAL BttILDrilC: ,h" ,::1 S;!_!dyty tnslecrion mtet be reouesteC cfter the Fi.nal plunbingElectnical, otC ilectanical Inspect---ons 'illorttc been--ii- "i "iO"ira. fl rruet pLur.lBntc \ rrn* MEeHAtTcAL ff rtn* ET.ECRTIAL f x v 'ALL t'tAttItcLES AND 1LEAN1WS aus? BE AccEsSrBLE, ADras?llttl? ?o BE t-4DE A? t:o crs1 To epy Pagelof2: T I I I JOB NO. 3or.e: Lot Sq. Etg. i cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stories iotal P.eight Topogrqhy !?E:.! '.!ain TO?AI T'ALUE 5. U.L l.t4t u.4 Build'r-ng Pernit Total Chatges SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-J.L-CO G. Gro. -fnt aD? _ Intericr _ Cortter _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Eeitcors lleat ,L!,. aa -- Fees -- Building Vcrlue & Permit This pertn+t is gnanted on the ecpress eond.ition tlat the said.consttaetion shall', in atl r'espects, eonforTn to the ordirance tdopte,T i2y the city of Springfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance, negulathtg the ccnstrtcticn attd use of buildings, otd mey be suspetded ot retsokeC at crtu t;.ne upon uic- Tation of dtl! prcoisions of said 2rdinances.r{-:""n42 {re-< F€E ft7o^'z ('z'e 7-=- 7 =?3-65. ?trfan€z<a77 Aaz.6? /s )/** P='u.. i'r'.at;Plumbing Permit No person si1all consttuct, instal!, alter or chanzge -GnA neD cr ezisting plmAing or drainage s1lsten in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the 'Legal p"osses"or of a oaLid pluntber's Licens,e, eocept ti':at a.pe"son "a'l 49 oiina;ig uork to pt'ope"xy uitich is otsned, Leased or operated by the appli' cant. bcti:) c+-+^ q.,n^i---. [pt Faces -EnaroL Sounces S etbcci<: ol itous.Caraoe Access.htdte? !.a:.? tlortit East ,.,/aodatoL';'Sot;th llest se. rr;x L'aLuc RZ zo*Sz"4/5 7u7- /2n'17oa .'"4sa /,2?z.e27a{.>q</ga/a 778/d.e 75. zzo-* PLan Cheek Eee: /4AZ Date Paid k2/-a,t Reeeipt #: f47/".a Siateci: a 62€a Dv.r 22. o?/s.*/ ?6 '?a.4 /2Z.Sa 6. /3 / 29.6 3 t1 4d.r'd./l 62.fo 7.?2 =o.*o 1.,-. I --:- , -tljj::_____..l Eiectricol Permit vnere state Lan reauites xha.t xi\e electrical uork be done by an slectvical Cont?ector, the elecxri.ccl cortion of titis oet*:it siuLl r:oz be palii until tize i.abeL h,es 'oeen signei by xhe Eleea'ical Conxrdcxov. 'i zz,t / Ett enC Cit c'"ti t s It I *l ?otei 1 6.P //-5Dv?a7-2aa /.f, oot. 4a. s6/.)7 36.23 IVlechcr nicol Permit ).i1a$t HooC 'tent Fc1 lcotistote Pet rrt-t Tssucnen l'!ec'nat:ic;L Perit -- E::CACACH:.:i::)' --A:B'a7- TaLC Iatal Cncnaes uvbet) ide.taLk 'cbile Hane 7..*y >v f><- I HAW CAREFT)LLy EXAI|IN,D the eonpleted appli.cation for pernit, and' da i"i"ai eertify titot aLL infottati'on hereoi- is true arL ec*ect, a*7 f fur+hlr certiiy that any arl aLL uo.r,k perloraed siull be tiote in accot- liance vith thb- Ordinencls of thc City of SpringfieLd, and th: Lacs of thc State of Oregcn pcrtaining to the oork Cescribed herein' cnd that NC OCC".:' pLnCy *itt bZ ns'de of any- st"uctur.e uithout pcrmissi-on of the Suilding D.i- itsion. f further cettif.g the.t otly contvaetot,s ard ezplcyees uho are in cmpliance bitn ons 701.-05s aiLL be used on this project r/of= : /P/Z/aa/c Fa-- r=R {aez,l? 7afn. /4aPEz7-7a+ b/rt' Ve--Q-qu>.=l=. 7;i ,?t<'.or-, ,/z-s z|a,- tr7av7 ja-zezv&' / 8?.6? -.'At nliti)'Dui:^fl Z6z.ve I C"a,2 - /? - g 7 i DEVELOPMENTSEFI/'CES ADMINISTRNTION Pl./'NNING / BUILDING PUBLIC I/YORKS M ETROPOLITAI'I WASI EWAT ER MAN AGEM ENT i)',)'t I i!- I i I' ! L,t l :;Pl lli,,lci I t:i..i_) i, ti t :.t t.,, (503) /26 3 i5.J March 14, 1989 Mr. ano Mrs. James Henley 1440 Pleasant StreetSpringfielo, Oregon 97477 RE: Permit Extension Request Dear Mr. and Mrs. Henley: I have revieweo^your request to receive an extension on your permits for workbeing done at 3044 Yoianoa Street, Springfielo,0regon, tiiv 5oo Number 870551. This ietter is notify you that your request has been granted and a one time lg0day extension is granted which wiil expire on August 14, 1ggg. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726.3190. Si ncerely, Li sa Bui 1 Hopper oi ng Tec hni ci an th CITY OF OREGO'V ,34 0"r* hJt a.-?< -"6e? a /8o *J ,laf,b-r-.-* cr7! 4t<-rzt -/r..Zea F-*; zr-1- 3 ot/ frob-d< , Jnl # I7o-ss / r/ru ?b //Lb-a€n4>'. fu"-rl/3, /?87 NOTICE OF AGREEMENT ere na 3d1+ ?o lar,dtu sNOTCE IS GiVEN THAT ty pr ng e d , a munlct r i eferred to as "City", on the rati on of day ofnto an agreement governing an annexation to the tyTax Lot is attached as x it IN I./ day of By: ner srATE oF oREGoN ] ,.. County of Lane ) 0n *i, 202/ ipal corpo i/ c>*- oa rt'i;fl. g4!sz E tro '7 Ddte 19j7_, entered y identified as appeared the'wjthin named known to me to be the the ed the same freely and and ter e err to as e pe rs t , andetone r s e State of Ore gon, here'inafter - Assessor's Map l7-OL- n-.<3, a 1ega1 description of which "A" and incorporatEd-Erlef erence herein. rea propert es hereto have set thei r hand and seal thi The use and development of the above property is governed by the terms and condi ti ons of the agreement si gned by the parti es. The agreement i s fi I ed 'i n thecentral fjles of the C'ity, to which reference is heneby made for al'l matters andthings thenein conta'ined. This Agreement is binding on the Petitioner(s)' heins, ass'igns and successors in interest 'in the property. SS * By notary pub dentica n V UA esc By n VE 0pmen Di ct clJt' , 19 befone me, the undersigned, na ly 0F, the ,19 day of the sai dco n c and rib herein a who ec ut vol untari.ly. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commis i on Expi res:/-r-tr ) 4.h-/,- J PETITION FOR ANNEXATION AND CONSENT TO ANNEXATION To: City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. The Petitioner , Jomas {,/e /"-petiti ons, consents, 1. Sgql Property: The undersigned Petitioner(s) owns real property located outsi de the -Tity-TinlEs , but I ocated w'ithi n the adopted urban Growth Boundary depicted'in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General P1an, here'in referred toas the Property and more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, 2.I rrevocabl e Pet i t'i on and Consent to Cont'iguous Annexation:ThePetitioner(s) tion ofthe Property to the C'ity of Springfield pursuant to ORS 222.170. Petitioner(s)petitions, consents and agrees that the City Counc'il in its sole discretion, now orat any time hereaften, may adopt a resolution initiating contiguous annexation under ORS 222.170 and ORS 199.490 (2) or any other state statute, a proceeding to annex the Property to the City. The Petitioner(s) consents to including'in such proceeding anyother property the City Council may direct or wh'ich the owner(s) have petitioned and consented to the annexat'ion. t Petit'ioner(s) understands, consents, and agrees Consent may be used by the City to meet the requirements of and ORS lee.490 (3)(b) & (c). that th'is Petition and oRS 1ee.4e0 (1 )(o) & (c) Petitroner(s) also irrevocably authorizes the City to present th'is Petitionand Consent to the Lane County Loca.l Government Boundary Commission to initiate any minor boundary change under ORS 199.490 (i) as an'interim measure to provide service to the Property prior to its annexation to the City. In cons'idenat'ion for this Petit'ion and Consent Agreement, the City agreesthat the Petitioner(s) Property may receive munic'ipal services from the City and Petitioner(s) may undertake the development of the Property in accordance with the Springfie'ld Development Code and other applicable City p'lans, policies and standards and with the requi rements of Lane County. 3. Binding on Successors: Petit'ioner(s) agree that Petitioner(s) andPetitionerin.intenest.inthePropertysha11bePetition for Annexation and Consent to Annexation which shall run with and that notice of this document, will be recorded by the C'ity in records for Lane County. A copy of the notice has been executed by the and is presented henew'ith to the C'ity. bound by th'is the Property, the deeds and Petit'ioner(s) 4. New Use: Petitioner (s) must obtain City's approval for any new use, changeof use,or nten sification of use of the Property. The City will grant approval of the use 'if jt is 'in compl'rance with the Springfield Development Code and other applicable plans, policies, and standards as interpreted by the City. 5. Cost of Servi ce i n the Event Annexati on Deni ed: If an admi ni strati ve agency or court of competent jurisdiction determ'ines that the Pnoperty or part of it may not be annexed to the City or that the City may provide no service to the Property or the pant, the City may retain a.ll consideration theretofore paid to the City for serv'ing the Property and may co'llect in addition thereto whateven additional considerations are due the City for services the City has provided prior to the determination that the Property may not be annexed to the C'ity or the C'ity may not provide services to it. 6. No Limitation on Fi rst Amendment Rights: Althou Annexat i on and Consent to Annexat'ion is 0rnding upon Pet'itioner" h this Petit'ion for s ) , and may be usedfor the purposes for which Petitioner(s) has agneed, nothing herein shall be construed as limiting or infringing upon Petitioner(s)' r'ight to speak out, commentupon, or present arguments regarding the advisabi lity of proceeding with the annexation proceeding. It is specifical ly understood by Petitionen(s) that in executing this Agreement, a situation may arise wherein Petitioner(s) may be opposeclto the annexation and would have al1 nights unden the First Amendment to articulatethat opposition but the Petition and Consent of Petitioner(s) as contained hereinwill be used for the purposes herein described by City in order to achieve and demonstnate compliance with ORS 199.490. 7. Prov'ision of Services:In executing this Petition and Consent'it isspecifica1nnexat.ionshallbecontingentinitsapp1.icationto any part'icular annexation request upon the annexing City, w'ithin a logical anclreasonable time, to provide key urban facilities and serv'ices, including, where app I'i cabl e, sani tary sewers , sol i d waste management , water senvi ce, fi re protecti on ,pol'ice protect'ion, parks and recreation programs, electrical service, land usecontrols, communication facilities, public schoo.ls on a district-wide basis ('in other words, not necessarily within walking distance of all students served), paved streetswith adequate provision for storm water nun-off and pedestrian travel. 8. App I 'i cat'i on :The C'ity shall not levy assessments, taxes or fees against g ( the the consentTng-fandowner not applied to properties of similar character throughoutrest of the City. 19 er one r ACCEPTANCE BY CITY The C'ity of Springfield hereby accepts Petitioner(s) Petition for Annexation and Con se nt to Annexation and by this acceptance acknowledges this as an Agreement ng the requirements of Lane County Code 10.1 3-05 through -55. In c meeti ve op ent or DATED this _ day of _ , n { 226 North |th Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Di-tsisio.n 7 26-37 53 " RESIDENT lAL" APPLICATION /PERTIIT Descrtbe llork: UG& SPRINGFIEI.D 0Locaticn: essors MaP # diu:.sion: ef: i:less ,r1 : l Sr< Wfu**ffigr./ -1I lobile ltonei - 4=87)ate of APP & )nxlacxo!s tneraL 'eci,tdi,iccL : o "Sl, n e ti orr--L "*i9!- - Date: VaLue that aLL insPectiotts ee nade ct the front of tie--PrcPetf,!' Buildinc Siic at eLL xLmes' at the PtoPer tine, that.2slfi a'iAt2es is teolcb'te nu",ber, i ob ai;ress, tuue oj ir.spec=icn nwnbcr. Pequests receixed befcre 7 A t iB the resaonsibility of tle penrLt ho,ld.et sn the str;ei' an'C titat the pert-tt't edrd la'';;nr"q- I;;irio* qvno"'ed pLan s'rcll renain to aee Located on the ALL 726-3 769 (recorder) state Your CitY e redaa for insocction'Contaactcfs or Asne:s iLL be na<ie the sane dcg' requests maie afizr 7:00 on vLLL be tmde the ncst uotkinT i,c'g Cesigr'a-ted iob ncme cne pnDie "ar-a. D;ien 'iou D Qtois sI:9 I:tS?!::!0:!: eacdoaxicn' out lo be nade after priar tc se! uP of tr your Citl Deciar.ated Job Number Is: FINAL BUILDINC i. -The Einal sati.:uy sanet capryed =t ProPetfui Lire Septi.c tank p'aped atd fn'Lled uith gta;s.et Final - tfiten abcrse itats ate eryleted Ziiin"" carcLltiot is cotplete or stn/3' ture mooeC oti Prt'tLses cleanes u?' Builditq Ineoection InsPect'.ons itauc 62 OR ficmes tmtet be en made 1", - uonk is eoucred. AW##tr;":;"23*" - lor^" ote erected' but Ptior to - nPvtJtT.T. Tl:sPrnloN: Tc be made I N1r*iAaWrts in Ptace,u bu" priot ti anY taPing' tr 4 E K l r purirq ccne?eta. U N DS R G P O L' : : D P LIf '!'!9 I I ; C,, S 9 Yi, _,!,1 U*3 I Wlc:t ro be naie P?Lor to JLL- ffi-66n"iree. url pEPt::. ? ?LU: s r:: G 4 ]!Eela:!{Qii: o fIo be neae D"Lor to L fcoor insui.c.tion ot' deeking' POST AllD ltA!'!: To be made priot' to lnGiTiEl6i-of floor insulatton or t' 'J deckirtg. I"IASONRI: Steel locatton' bond ffiq"o"ting or oe?ticdls in Z"i":a&.n vitin u.B'c' seetion 241 5. W00DST0'/E: After instd'L|'ation i's ccmp Leted. CURB 8 AP?R.C C'|| AP?:ON: . Aftet ,!!nsTe erectec but Prior to Pout'Lng conz?ete- qfnur,tnt.t( P, DRflEtlAy: For aLL eon- ffi;*i6-Gfin atreet ri'sht- "-r-ir'. to'be nade after aLL esca- '-"Ltiil'"iplete & forn wt'k & sub- fuse natertal in Place' Blocking od. Set-uP Plwbing connections -' aa.ne:, otC ualer Electticcl Conection - Blockittg' ""t':!-,-"i7 pliai"g connections nast be dp?rcted f,,"fo:o, requ-estl,ng electrLcal inspeclio':t Fital - l,fter plrches, skirting' decl<s' etc. ar'e conPleted' l,c to oc urrti L tnese irapections luve beer a FIJIAL PLU!.IgIIIC I FIIIAL ME?HA:IICAL & nad.e afr qotoue!. FIPIPLAC!: Prtor to Plceir4 fccing #A"ls and befote froning insPee- tiart. FRA!':I1:C: ltust be requected aften ffiiouri of rough Plunbing' 3lect?L-HL & ,eci,e,riea1. ' AL! toofirq .-io.tw E chinmcYs, etc' nilst be . i"*t"ioa. ilo lurrk is to be con- . "Lfi"a un'.iL this insPection las 'been nde anC aPPtoued' hlren conP Lete -- Protsi-Ce gateB or motsable seetians tht'ough P.U.E. AIL Proj ect cortditions,such ae the i.nstallatian of street tfees'conoletion of tie required TanlsccPizg' etc., rntlt'be aati.sfied befone thE BUTLDII|G FIIiAL can be reques ted. reattes;;eC c!;er the fi'nal Ptunbiry ' atd'apptoveCElectri.eal, od MechanicaL Tdr Iat il Phone: v _l FINAL EIEERICAL .ALL I.IAIIHCLES AND CTI,ANOII'II I'TUS? BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUilIIIiII! ?O BE LINDE I'T T:O EST 7O EPY leay t of z 1 o*rrr", 1 nn^oant @ JOB NO. ;.lain TO?A!. I'.A,LUE tuc LCr ?v", _ Intcricr _ Corfier _ Panhand.le Cul-de-sac ieai Ratu:c LACr" -- Fces -- Building Volue & Permit This pen*t is granted an the ezp?ess eondition tlat the said.constrwction shall, in all respccts, confonn to the Ordirance adopted i2y the City of Springfield, inelud.tng the Soning CYdinanee, negulcting tite ccnstrtezicn and. use of buildittgs, otd mty be suspend.ed ot reookeC at cny tine upon vic- lation of cnA prcvieions of said 1rdinances. 71/ar€ \ lZrtty {ya-q ts€E *T-^'a oTzr€ ff,:a.^t d "a ?3. 6 S /)tFfY'r€ac € c'F 45-/.e? //5 lppea Pr<-u..s.D.c, 1.5 :6. 9,,-'1:"'-- D---; + State ?otal Cltanoes - f :..- -:i::u:"es Tesiizrtial bcti:) Plumbing Pernrit No percon sitall eonsttaet, instal!, alter or eiunge cny net cr e:isting plunbing or tirainaae sltsten in alole or in pan,t, unless sueh person is the Leaal possessot, of a valid plunber's License, eseeDi th,at c pe:son nay io plu::bing uork to proDerx'r uhich is ourted, Leased or operateci by the cppii- ccnt. soLAR AC^ESS REQ.- .,;F. J.L-CO G' Dearcoas: [,at Faces -EneraL Sources Setbcc'r. of iloust CaPaoe Aceess ildte" !ce:""llortil East South ttoodscot,: Uest x l'aLuc ",//S 7f.7-RZ zo** 4sa /2"q.qoa .'o 2?d {.%/t 2?Z.e7a/ga/a 3787d.e 75. zzo * aa2 PLan Check Fee: 1 Date Paid: A2/-a,U Receint #: tr//z.as 62 Sa VtC.Dtz 22. o? //u.* '.a#i?€-?a-4 z.O Z 6 1l ,/< ad> 62.fe 3-7e 7o.* Sa Eiectricol Permit Where Stdte Lan z,eouiyes ti,nt tize electrical uork be done by cn Slee'-yical Cont?actc", tite electrtccL tortion of titis Defrat sitLl nat be ;;alii until the i.abel ins been cig-ttei by the Eleca,ical Con--rcc',o?. 'i -t t / Ezt er,,l. C r. r cui t s Pe*i', Sulc'cslce ?otdZ Oatces 1 A.P /.Sav2aocZ?- t.,/,? oo 4/. 16/.?7 36.23 --:.1:C;;.i, J:I\4echonicql Permit?TU. 1=lunst Hool "ent Fct "'cotistozse 'totc.oe Perr,:Lt Issucnee lleciaricz! Per:it -- E:; CiiJACH.\.:.';r' -- nerl _F-/8's? I HAW CAREFULLy gXAiIINgD th.e eonoleted application for pernit, and, dc hereby certify that aLL irfo:nation hereon is true arl. ccrrecx, anl. f futther ce"+-ify thd.t an! arl aLL uork penforned siull be done in accor- dance tith the Ordinances of the City of SpringfielC, anC th: Lc;s of the State of oregcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribcd herein, cnC :ha..- l:C OCC!- P/.NCy tiill be rrudc of any sttuetur,e uithout pcrmission of the Building Di- uision. f further certif; thet otlu contracto?s and, enplcyecs uho are in ca:pliance ulth ORS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project t/of> : 7y'rryz7taaza Fz-e- r*./\ {a'e-.'7;r2-' 5;7r.. 29>7:r-, /v>pa==r-..a4- b/rc- B* r-7e-q-c-//,38-?. Fr-f ,F1..,.,r-= ./A-s /%7?{ da=-ry }a-aerY€:b' ct rtit latal Cna :sbcu: idesaLv. Labe 'cbile Hctne ?..*€tr*ly fr-< >7ru€. +.7 r' g?.6-l - .';r i.:i?:,;' ira: '4 zcz.ve I ("rr'* i:Mr.c", Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Cotseragc_ ! of Stortes ?otal !.eicht ?opqrqhy 6. /3 J ? - lt - g 7 . SP]lINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offrce of Community & Economic Development Itray ?0, 1987 Mr. Harold D. Gi I 1 i s Ninth Floor 975 Oak Street Suite 920 Eugene, 0regon 9140L subject: construction on Tax Lot 500, Assessor,s Map 17-02-19-33 Dear Mr. Gil'lis: In response to your letter of inquiry,dared SlLL/g7, the City of Springfield assumedIand use and Duilcling authority for ill lano within-Springrilrd', U.o.n GrowthBoundary (Uqq) on Januany 1, igaz. At tne same time this transfer ot auino.ity *u,effected' all land with'in the UGB was, 1) rezoned consistent w.ith the land usedesignation found on the Metropolitan Area General plan Di.g"ir, and Z)-a"sign.t"aw'ith the uF-10 Urbani zable Fninge Overlay District (rttuir,"o). ' The property-you have identlfied as Tax Lot 00500, Assessor's Map L7-02-Lg, is zonedLow Density Res'idential (LDR) UF-10. A buil;i;a oermit for a single family residence(excluding manufactureo homei) can oe 'issued-sro.iect to the following conditions: 1' A conceptual development plan must be submitted showing how the property wi'11 bedeveloped at urban density. This plan must be submitted even.if the propertyowner does not contemplate futune development. If the property'is not largeenough to allow further development th.is requirement is not necessary. ?. Verification from the Lane County Sanitarian that the site is suitable for aseptic sewer system. 3. signing of an Annexation agreement with the c.ity of spr.ingfie.ld. Your'letter indicates your property is contiguous to Spr.ingfield,s city limrts.According to our records, your property rs n6t contiguous to the city limits. Thec'ity limits ends about 570 feet soutrr br yotanda striet (with tne exception of yolanda Elementary School on the north). If you have additional questions, please feel free to call me at 726-3159. Cor0ia11y,,\ffi- Gregory S. Mott Development Cocte Admini stnator 225 North Sth Sheet\) o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 A Prorg3316;a. Eonrqp1719p HanoLo tr Eruurs Lrw Orrrcg NrxrH FLoot. sTs O^F Srarrr SutrE Sao EuBExE. OREoox g74rJ,l April 30, 1987 TELEPH o N E l5O3.aE}E-4ati Land Manaqement DivisionPublic Service Building L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97 401 Gent lemen: Enclosed 1s an Activity Informationproperty owners. Sheet. I represent the There is some confusion about the actual tax 1ot number. Thenumber on the tax statement is 00500. The large assessor niapidentifies the tract as Lot 00501. The assessor microfiche tndyour self-herp plot 436 identifies the parcer as 1600. rt isa parcel of land with 110 feet of frontage on Yolanda Avenue anda depth of 267 feet (from curb line). In the spring of 1981 my clients were i-ssued a site feasibilityreport for subsurface and alternative sewa-qe disposal under yournumber s.r. 81-0178. At that time the property hras 4.67 acresin size. After that the Baxendales sold the westerly four acres(filbert orchard) to an abutting owner, thus reducing their remain-ing ownership to about .68 acres. The westerly acreige is nowTax Lot 00501. The deed for that acreage was iecorded august 27 ,1984 on Reel 1312R, Reception No. 9434351. Th" subject property is on the border of the springfield citylimits, although still in the county. The aaxlndaies intend toserl the subject property to a buyei who wants to buird a homeon the subject property. Before proceeding wj.th that theBaxendales want to make sure: 1.That the site feasibility report issued in l9B1 remains va1id.There has been no change in the ground since that time. 2 being issued aThat is, aside bui Id- from That the subject property is capable ofing permit from a land use standpoint. tr Lanc Management Drv:. sror. April 30, 1987 Page 2 normar building reguirements that read to the issuance ofa buildlng permit, whether there are any current land userestrictions that wourd prevent the issuance of a building permi t. Best wishes. Yours truly, HAROLD D. GTLLIS HDG/dc Enclosure cc: Clients I A PRtrFEssroNAL EoRPoRATItrN HenELtr D. Err-uts LAw EFFTtrE NrNTH FLooR, s75 EIAK STREET SUITE gEE Euseue, EREEoN g74at TELEPH o N E (s03) 4El5-4ail May fI, L9B7 City of Springfield Plannlng and Development Department 225 North Fifth StreetSpringfield OR 97477 Gentlemen: Encl-osed is a copy of letter f wrote to the Land ManagementDivision of Lane county. A county representative tol-d rre r inresponse, that the county has transferred building and zoningauthority for this property to the City of Springfield. So, I would appreciate your answerj-ng my questions posed inthe l-etter. Best wishes. ours ruly D. GILL]S I vjh Enclosure cc: CIient -)n\-' l,*+t- \ 6tc tr _r.htr,--- f, (L*;I -Plaase complete all ltems above dotted line ACTtVtry tNF?RtiATtoN 9HEET I}{D *DATE a I to I et .-}rEri.a- F.tr FILLTNG ouT * LINES WILL GET YoU INFoRMATIoN oNLY AgTUAL PBOPERTl BAXENDALE, Herbert J.& Evelyn I.1. *PEBSON MAXNG FEOUEST Harold D. GiIlis ADDRESS Q7E Oak Strcet, Srr.i te e.O ADDRES 2725 PoIk StreetC crrY Eu ene TETEPHONE srrre OR 21p97 401 CITY 485- 42tI TArE rrD w 97 450 344-7744TELEPHONE * pnoPEBTY ADDRES OB of on olanda Avenue near North 31st MAP E PARCEL NUMBER (rouno on hx maps in rre Assessment & Taxaton Dept.) STAFF WILL DETERMINE _ 17S 2V; Pr n9 1e I9 00500Townshlp Range ( See letter comnrent ) Section Tar Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tar Lot Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTTGUOUS PBOPERTY tN SAME OvrtNEBSHtp: .69 ACRES * REQUESTlaescrtbe whsr you want ro do Construct residence dwelli ng. S.I. 81-0178 issued in lia y, 1981 when site was 4.57 aeres. Site now about .68 acres. Is 198I approval still va1id, and does site meet land use standards for resi dence constructlon? Directions to site N th si e of Yolanda Avenue,West of North 3lst stl eet of orchard rt ,rrfaaaurrtrruaJaIttstatf use onlytttJrrrtaauJfrrrtat. Comments: Land Management Division, public Works Department 125 E. Bth Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phor* 6g74061 .qi t nofiel rti s the