HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-09-15re county/0 !' -7 AGR$ULTURAL PLACE,ME,NT 1;1;r '. AUTHORIZATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AUTHOR.l NU}fBER TWO COPIES OF PLOT PLANS T!)t!'\ISHIP/7 RANGEZ /7.5 3 TAX LOT 7aa flour oF SUBDIvISION/PARTITION (i f applicable)LOTlPARCEL BLOO( ,6zro,s TE # OF EMPIoYEES/Vzz{ TELEPHOTJE NUMBER 747- ?y6Z R srATE DEFrNrrroN: AGRTCULTURAL BUTLDTNG j-s a structure located on a far:m and r:sed in tie operation of such farm for thestorage, maintenance, or repair of farm machinery and equ-iprent or for the raising, harvesting, and serling of crops or in tl'lefeeding, breeding, managerEnt' ard sale of, or the produce of, l-ivestock, pourtry, furbearing animal-s or honeybees or fordairying and sale of dairy products or any combination thereof including the preparation and storage of products raised onsuch farm for human'se and animal Ee and disposal by marketing or otherwise. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING DOES NOT INCLUDE; (a) a dwelling; (b) a structure used for a purpose other than gro,ring plants inwhich persons perform more than fZT horr= of labor a week; (c) a structure regulated by tlre state Fire Marshall pursuant tooRS O:apter 476t @) a place r:sed by the public; or (e) a structure subject to sections 4oo1 to 4127, Title 42, united statescode (the NationaL Flood rnsurance Act of f968) as arEnded, and regulations promulqated thereunder. (oRs 456.758)r HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMTNED THE CoMPLETED APPLrcATroN, and do hereby cerlify that arl information herein is true and colrectand r further certify that any and all work performed shall be done j,n accordance with tre ord.inances of Lane courty and theLaws of the state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ar-rd that No q-IAliGE or us"-rii'i-u"-.ua.-'o, any structurewithout first obtaining the proper permj.t(s) from the Buil-ding Division. I HAVE READ AIID CHEQ(ED THIS APPLICATION I1IOROUGHLY AND I FURT}IER GRTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ITIE STATE DEFINITION FORAGRTCULTURAL BUILDING. only for the purpose of locating the structure to assure proper setbacks from road.s, please print) I uderstand this application inproperty 1ines, ad related facilities PLUMBING & }IEC}TANICAL CIIECKLIST ATTACHED IISSIJED BY: DATE: THIS IS NOT A BUILDTNG pERMrT. CalI for a placement inspectpouring concrete, setting pol or fram ing to verify I tistructure on the sire . b& Z_ €S, 40 AS MINIMUM SETBACKS: Road center line, front Property line, interior +- center line, side FACILITIE Proposed constr fieId. ti 'i11 not increase flow - Do not park on or rlrive over drain- MINIMUM SETBACKS: 5 feet from tank; 10 feet from existing and replacement sewigedisposal AUTHORIZATION BY:DA LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI N & COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT rior tothe proposed rear t r-tbG 125 East Eighth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon g74OL 2) !- ,p<rr j hne ca:nty ACTIVITY INFORMAI-ION SH EET COMPLETE TH IS SECT ION. I NCOMPLITE FORMS t.J I LL IJt RLJTCTI-O ! ffi (L-_ -E I ,/o /a (-€ P RI ,/*./o R b lo-l ILI fi.i.0 NER -7 S r, 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS S IP CODE fiq NESS PHON TEL #ffiffi 7"Z H ( IF DIFFERENT F ROM MAIL ING ADDRESS) 3 ruae e PAFIcEL ruuMBEF. ( REQIJ r REp i NF0R|4AT r 0N ) (from tax maps in Deparor from tax statement) tment of Assessment and Taxat.ion ZON I NG ZON I NIJ ACRES BLOCK sb /? 02 TOWNSH IP RAI.IGE o) TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME O!^II.IERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable) 5 REQUEST (state exact'ly what you plan to do) w{" - a;r.b__e1/-zlyw_c ECT rb-wnSiriP nnr,reT SrcTr-On T[[-r_o-I[SfIF-FIFeEm TOilNSE-Ttr MNCE SEI-rIO-ON M t 1 6 DI RECTIONS TO S ITE : ZON LAND USE: BY, _ DATE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** TIME I N OUT:_ NUMB ER DATE -{v(/', -{ LAND I-{ANAGT.MENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE.. EUGENE. OR 97401 / 687-4061 o t)a* w 1,1n1 irre'9tl dLU [#ii'4c, I sle i-'i' l tt ,i' *3Xla-_* lc i4!., \- t-i:' -) r--I I I | -- --- I i I I k--* - I t .: ,'al- i * l Il 2a6 --a - - -l t- rl TRS#DATE ISSUED:PERMIT P S C ET BACK REQU I FRONT L SI DE I Date REAR I # PLUMBING I XTURES Approved Date I NTERI OR Co ec ton \42 SDS APPROHAL REQIJIRED I nsp ector S TI I ION LP UMBING GROUNDI^I ORK INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Da te Ins pe ctor UNDERSLAB PLBG./UNDERFLR PLBG. E I-NSPEETTON Approved Date Correcti on Date I nspector CNHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspector I NSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Ins pector FRAMING INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspe ctor ROUGH MECHANICALApproved Date Correcti on Date Ins pe ctor INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTIONApproved Da te / Correcti on Date Inspector FINAL MECHANICALEApproved Date /I.IOOD STOVE E / Correcti on Date I nspe ctor FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved IDate Correcti on_l Date I nspector FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING f] /MOBILE H0ME [ /AG PLACEM Approved_)1i_Date Correcti on DateV Ins pe ctor CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I TEMPORARY CER FTEATE OF OCCUPANCY tr Approved Da M74-197 te Insp.Approve d_Date Ins p. LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD