HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1991-09-04I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE OF LETTER September 4, 1991 APPLICANT McKay lnvestments 2300 Oakmont Way Suite 214 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PROPERTY OWNER SAME EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE APPLICATTON The applicant is requesting the Partition (division) of land into two parcels, LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY The property involved in this request is located at 2127 Yolanda Avenue (Assessor,s Map number 17-03-24-43, Tax lot 2300). The property is located outside of City limits but, withinthe Urban Growth Boundary (in December, 1986, Lane County and the City signed an lntergovernmentatAgreement granting the City Land Use and Building Permit authority outside of Springfield's City limits). DECISION Tentative Plan approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THIS LETTER None. BACKGROUND/ SITE INFORMATION The land area to be partitioned is approximately 1 ZA,AAg square feet. The property is bordered by residentially zoned property on the east, north and south. A vacant neighborhood commercial property exists to the west. Both parcels are essentially flai and areapproximately 3 acres total in size. Parcel t has a commercial building on it and was used asa grocery store. Parcel 2 is in use as a small convenience store and beauty shop. Theproperty is not part of any Refinement plan. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL Section 34.050 of the Springfield Development Code states: The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: Jo.No.91-07-103 Page 2 (1) THE REOUEST AS CONDITIONED FULLY CONFORMS WITH THE REOUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE PERTAINING TO: LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONS, THE EFFICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FAC!LITIES AND SERVICES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSIDERATION OF NATURAL FEATURES. SDC 18.030 states "The minimum lot size in all commercial districts shall be 6,000 square feet with a minimum of 50 feet of street frontage." Parcel 1 is approximately 88,210 square feet and provides 238.92 feet of street frontageonYolandaAvenueand3l0.43feetofstreetfrontageon2OthStreet. Parcel 2 is approximately 38,458 square feet and has approximately 230 feet of street frontage along Yolanda Avenue. Electricity, water, and storm sewer are available to Parcels 1 and 2. SDC 34.070(3) states: "The construction of sidewalks, the paving of driveways, connecting to utilities, fences and landscaping shall be required when necessary to satisfy the standards of Articles 31 ,32 and the appropriate zoning district." The street frontage along Yolanda Avenue, of Parcel 1 is a partially improved street with curb and gutter that are developed to County standards. There are no sidewalks installed along the length of Parcel 1 on Yolanda Avenue or 2oth Street. parcel 1 will require the installation of a 5 foot wide sidewalk along the frontage of 2Oth Street as well as the installation of 6 street trees. An lmprovement Agreement for parcel 1 will be required for the frontage along Yolanda Avenue. An lmprovement Agreement for Parcel 2 will be required for a 5 foot wide sidewalk, curb, gutter and street trees. There are no inventoried natural resources on this site (2) THE ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AND/OR APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAMS. The zoning of this property named in this application is Neighborhood Commercial. The property is designated Low Density Residential in the Metro Plan. The Metro plan does not have a specific designation for Neighborhood Commercial uses in residential areas. Properties on the east, south and north are designated Low Density Residential. Property to the west also is designated Neighborhood Commercial. (3) DEVELOPMENT OF ANY OF THE REMAINDER OF THE PROPERTY IN THE SAME OWNERSHIP CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVTSIONS OF THIS SAME CODE. Jo.No. 91-07-103 Page 3 Future development or a change in use of this property can occur under the standards established in this Code. Approval for the change in use of Parcel 1 under Neighborhood Commercial zoning requires submittal of a Minimum Development Standards Application. An occupancy inspection will also be required. The Minimum Development Standards Beview process will address landscape standards for Parcel 1 and lot coverage. (41 ADJACENT LAND CAN BE DEVELOPED OR IS PROVIDED ACCESS THAT WILL ALLOW ITS DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISTONS OF THIS CODE. All adjacent lots have access to a public street. This partition application will have no effect on adjacent land, as Parcel 2 has already been developed. For Partitions within the City's Urban Growth Boundary, the following standards of the SDC 29.070(1) and (5) apply: (1) GENERAL (a) THE OWNER OF ANY PROPERTY REOUIR|NG TYPE lt, ilt, OR tV DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL WITH RESPECT TO NEW SINGLE FAMTLY RESIDENCES AND SITE PLAN REVIEW, SHALL SIGN AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY. An annexation requirement will be required (b) THE LANE COUNTY SANITARIAN SHALL CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM MEETS D.E.O. STANDARDS PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL. A letter from the Lane County Sanitarian will be required stating that the Parcels have been approved for septic. (5Xc) ANY PROPOSED USE OF THE PARCEL LESS THAN 5 ACRES SHALL MEET, IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARDS OF SUBSECTION 5(b} OF THIS SECTION ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: 1. THAT THE PROPERTY TO BE PARTITIONED SHALL BE OWNED OR OPERATED BY A GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR PUBLIC UTILITY. The property is not owned by a Government Agency or a public utility. Jo.No. 91-07-103 Page 4 2. A MAJOBITY OF PARCELS LOCATED WITHIN 1OO FEET OF THE PROPERTY TO BE PARTITIONED SHALL BE SMALLEB THAN 5 ACRES. The following tax lots are within 100 feet of the subject property and are under 5 acres: Map Number 17-03-24-43, tax lots: 2316,1 13, 1og, 600, 7oo, 5oo, 400, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700,41 00, 4400,4300, 4200, 2301,231 g, 2915. Conditions of Aooroval The Director has determined that the Tentative Plan satisfies the requirements of theSpringfield Development Code and that the conditions are necessary to satisfy the intent ofthis Code. Primary Conditions (These conditions that must be completed prior to or as part of therecordation of the Partition plat): 1. The applicant will have up to one vear from the date of this letter to meet any of theattached conditions or Development Code standards to obtain partition plat approval. For partitions inside of the City limits, a separate application and fee will be required.The application packet will require three blueline copies of the partition plat, a titlereport and any other documents required as may be specified below. The applicationmust be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. The plat itself will be reviewed by the City Surveyor. Upon signature by the City Surveyor andthe Planning Manager, the Partition Plat mylar may be submitted to Lane County forrecordation. No property may be transferred until the Partition plat is recorded. 2. Parcel 1 will require installation of a 5 foot wide sidewalk and 6 approved street treesat 30 foot on center along 20th Street. 3. A statement of water Rights (this can be noted on the Final plat). 4. The following corrections shall be shown on the Final plat: - Hayden Bridge Road should be yolanda Avenue - Ranch Drive should be 20th Street - Gas lines serving Parcel 1 (re-check) - Re-check location and width of curb cuts shown on yolanda Avenue- Land use is Neighborhood Commercial - Water should be Rainbow - Power should be EWEB - Locate the drain field on parcel 2 The signing of an lmprovement Agreement for frontage along yolanda Avenue, parcels 1 and 2- The Improvement Agreement must be on City of Springfield forms and berecorded at Lane County at the applicant,s expense. 5 Jo.No.91-07-103 Page 5 b A letter form the Lane County Sanitarian stating that both parcels are approved for septic use. 7. A completed Annexation Agreernent ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria of approval are available for a free inspection and copies will be available at a cost of S0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAL lf you wish to appeal the decision of the Partition Preliminary Plan Approval, you must do so within 10 davs of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. OUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at 726-3759 if you have questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Lydia M. Neill Assistant Planner cc: Property owners and residents within 300 feet of the subject property. \ BLVD. :l ',.:- :, :. c CH,AD o rru TE rN1 fltLLO^A I ENZ, L") sa- IrtrIr\rr I -I t rf.rN Al,I'LI 9l-0'8'13 I I .c xtHGSw€s7 s, ,\l rlrtzaz tF 1 r+'$n*HA eita L)dE t€lFrrfr! Cf. vtEwMOttNf,^s.. a YE. r Yolanda Ave. r tL<L T. q o ( \;\rLA t t'€ sir! Oregon HA o 6 o( t L t U heaoo WS EY asr F TT G F , ,SL AN9 F ffi-6,o I i L' 6 o c I ra l: c s rGITY OF SPRIiTGFTELD ,l I Et IIN lvt- t4 TIONAL \