HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-01Reeeipt #ft.. RESIDI'-- ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Spz'Lngfteld" 1regon 97477 Bur.Lding Dtuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn, I 0 0 EAJO A General A Plumbi l.lechanica ectriga Srr El-ectr 1an u6b /1 /0." SPFIINGFIELD ,dzl Date: <-/ -7/) It ia ttze rcepoaribilitg of tlo pemrit lolta b aee tlnt all inapectiot'rs ee nade at the p?oPet tine' th,at eceh addrees i" vsaCahle fian the etteZL and tttat the panrit catd ie. located qt.!hS fwnt of th9-Wape?tg.iAuitditg Dit:icion apprw^ed plbt s?tc.Ll remain on tlp Building Sitc at aLL times. of inspeelicnLL 726-3769 (vecorden) Etate youn Citg Cesi-gnated iob nwlbet',PR1C\DUPE FoR INSPECTI1N 49.0.W57:CAiecuA;i;A-A ahei you trill be ready job aCfuess' tgPe Requests recei.xed befcre 7:00 anfor inspection,Conttaetot's or A,lne?s nane and plnne nutnbet,. uiLL be rrude the eone dzg, "equests made aft* 7:00 on mLLL be made the nect wtking daY- Your CitA Deoigr,ated Job ltunbet fs Pemti-tai Tcp Iat #Assessoro Map # Subdio"ision: Cha,, kv E EeeseOtmer: /ed Lci ehone: I'o s {"{ Addtess: zip, Q1q11 r? >77pM,= stu/)//4 (tAo L7) Describe Hork: Date of App Lication L value 2Z- fG a'D Addition ors Page 1 of 2 SI?E INSPECTION:q;ao;rlon; but ?o be rade aftet pz"tot tc set up of INSI]LATION /VAPOR BARRTER IT\SPECTION : IoE nlaE after aLL insulaticn ed tequired oqor berie?s @e i,n Pl{tce bui be|ore otg Lath' Wpswn boarC ot' tnLL cooeting is applied, attd before oty insulation is concealed. DEI,IOLTT-OR !.:OWD BU Scniteg seser capped et ptoperfil Line Septic tutk y,t'tped atd filled trith gra:sel Final - h4ten abcoe i,tens are earpleted and uhen d.qnalition is eonplete o! stn)c- tuz,e moxed ad. ptenrises cleatteC ttp.x aN DERGR1U!] D PLUWI!!,__5EE!'_ !!EB,ffiffidE:--TiEnade prior to fil- Tfi-T-renches. I unoewnoon pzu]aBnc q. MEc?lwrclL' -l-) Io be nade prioz' to l,nstaLLatLon oI floor insulation ot decking. POS? AND BEAM: to be made Pt'Lot to ffiiffitan o7 floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU!Bfi|G. ELECTRTQAL & MECH= TN|UL: No-n;fr-is to be coxet'ed ,ffiiTthese iwpect'tons hante been nad.e and appnotted.. Prior to placirg faeing and before frontng inePee- tion. FRAIIING: lhtst be reqtested after @t of rough plttribing, electt"i- q.'1, & meclwnical. ALL roofittg bracitq E ehinmeye, etc. tntst be : eorrytleted. llo ucrk ie to be eon- . cealed unti,L thi.s inspectLon las 'beea nad.e anC approoed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: ?O bE NAdE @erdT@trts in place, but ptior to any taPing. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond. dffilg?outing or oerticals in accord.otce t'tLth U,B.C. Section 2415. l,t00DST0'lE: After installation is arnpleted. fozne. aNDE RS LAB P!,!t LB!!9,_!LECTE!!4L_! MECH{ilICAL: ?o be made before ang ffi'liiooered. PCOTING ,g FOUNDA?ICN: lo be tmCe aftet trenches are and forns are etected' but Ptiot to pot*tng ccncrete. FTPEPLACE: ^at;r.iali PIIIAL PLUfuIBIIIG FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH AP?ON: After forns d,e erectA@nfro" to pourLng orarete. SIDSWALK & DRf\EWAY: Fot'aLL con- er"et; palr@-frffi street right- of-rxA, to be made after aLL esca- uattng eonplete & fotn Lsork & sub- base naterLal in Place. aLL projebt conditions, such ae the installation of stteet tree-s-, corpletion-of the ,nq"7"L2- ti"a","qr)rg, Ltc., mtst be satisfied befor.e the BUILDINI F1NAL ean be requested' \INAL BUILDING: The Einal Buildittg Inepeetion mtst be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing b1;;1";;"L:''oth ileelnrical rnspections 114,e been made attd' app,otted' Ilcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plwnbing connectiane '- a€1ne? otd. uaten ELectrical Cotnection - Bloeking" set-up and plunbing conneetions m;st -be apprcted befoie requeeting eLeetrLcal inspeetion Aecelsory BuilCirq pa,ehes, s'rirting, decl<s, leied. Pinal - After etc. oe conp *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I'L4DE AT NO CCS? TO CIIY Siqned: T u T fa yffice, $tten conplete '- Ptotsil'e l) W or iottabli seetions through n -'p.u.e. L I tr X. * Zone JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Grot^ L-CO BeCroons: lleat Aceess.DT House Lot Faces -Lot Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Cooerage # of Stories Total Hei,ght !opography LOT TWE fnterior Co?ner Panltandle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Thi.s penttt is granted on the etpt,ess condition tlwt the said-eonstzuction slwll', in all r,"espeeti,- con\Lr-'to the cndtnance cdop.ted by the city gf Splingfield., inelluding- the Zoning Crdirunce, z,egulating the ccnstracticn *n "Zb of -bui,Ldirqs,- and may be suspended ot' re'ookeC at cny time upon oic- Tntion of ctty prcoiaions of said Ordinances- ?OTAL VALUE x VaFYG S.D.C. 7.5 c ITEM Main 2-2- te 990 ?3 )Signed: Reeeipt #: Date Paid: PLanBuitding PerwLt ?otal Clanges State No petson slnl'|., constmtet' inetall, alter ot clunge9ny neD-cr esisting -ptti*lng or drainage systan in ttltole or. in pa.tt, unless such person is the iegal pZsses"o, o7"a t:-alid plw,ber's Lic,ensb, escept that a P??son nag lo-ptimtl.ig uor.k to property uiich is otned, leased or opet'ated by the aPpli'- cant. CHARGEN0. * Fi.ztut,es Resil.zntial (1 bath) Seaen Plunbing Pernit State Plumbing Perrnit Electricol Permit Wlpy'e State La,t requires ttwt the electrieal uotk be ilone by _an Eleetrical Contractor, the electrLeal pottion of this permit shall not be taliC until the Label lns been eigned by the Electtical Contractor. ,'L Na,t/Ertend Cincuits Setnlice State ?otal NC FgE CILARCErT!M * Mechonicql Permit Ucodsto;te Vent Fol kltant HooC E?U, S PermLt Issucnee Meclnnical Penrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,o'itu Deposit Storaqe l,ta'intenanee Permit Cvtbcut Sideualk lence Eleettical Label Mobile Honte Date I HAW CAREFaLLy \XAMINED tlte cotrpleted application for per'mit, crld do hereby eertify that aLL infomation hereon ie true and. eotrect, atd f faz,ther certify that ang ard aLL uork perforrned slnll be done it accoz'- dance tith the 2vdinences of the city of Springfield' and' the Lans of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the rtork Ceseribed herein' emd tlat N0 occu- PANCY t'ritl be rmZe of any structwe tvLthout penntssion of the Building N- oision. I further eertiiy that only cont"actors ad enplcyees uho are in eor,pLianee uith oRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie proieet TotaL {- t- ?/ TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:'40,{3 Signed Date I I 2 q'"o /yonT h t ^1N na, H') < 'tl +,n ._ _.-._ ltt -,. 8 ,to i,-.ilt r:* F+ !t+r +*.' (< rn - i\ :--- s<\ €1, lo ' ^T-Sa- i^td CL -*L q I i IJ i 1 L :r I /t* - J'-+--'- ---v+- lo++lo,r 9;--< .1) h /(ex- qi ut \, Qr ls .s {t' rt\T7lLfi1) )oltu( sltu--rs ffi dffiE t'An>el ru= 4V-737, rffrl*e&afu6, -r5- I I I t-- -! 03 24 3 -(- Z? - ?f n,cl^J CrDQ€ Lnle I Po rTL<Zv / int is North letl'93' . Ag"i Z, >5'11,r ,//7.1O' t7 l/t6 coR. l-a -c+I h 6 5 .o7 81..&' €;?;:#i9 t--(o @ €;!73:"7../V. l'roa FcLx 'rg"e t Z 307 qt s 306 ttrtJraLPotnt *Z/a'. 97-O' 304 t{ tjII9 Al o :o( 1o il o 30 ,teZ.Jg i -.. T $ SZta' /dt' 5 N Nx 5 8 ?I'gP'tz'E s-ty-Uaa- of-i.ott {r. ALE' h' 5/ I