HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-05-12RuRjtryflb#P-m.m' i\ (D - La,ne Count Authori za,tion for, 3E:*i:';'""' l/; L/4 P 23 S'JBDIVIS I ITION apP PARCEL BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ftu=ia.ntiur [-lrndustrial I e,ruri..Commercial CIi'Y ZIP -77,ION OF DECI,ARXD S VALUE I.JA?ER SUPPLY -l Prooosed E Bxi.ltine AND ADDRESS NUMBER S NAME AND OSR NUMBER f-/z- 86 APPLICATION DATE rac:t. COTIPLETED APPLICATfON FOR PERMIT, arrd rlo he in the propert'1ffrnu, of record; {-1 ".,,,work perfomed shall be done in qccordaD,..c EAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE re ce rt t-hat lnall f orraLyfy ri hereonon true1S correand ct thatand I thehave nterestIegalfollowing rprrrchase authori zed tna9erf:rthe certi that allandfyany thetll OrdrDance Laneof and LawstheCowty theof ofState Oregontheworkhereinscr.ibed and NOthattoiningperta wlOCCUPANCY madebe aiof tx r rc tu re WI outth the ofon !he I furpemBuildivlDionng CEther rti that thewith Builder Boardfyregistration !nI5 ful andfo rce e a5 oRs 055701 that f trequiredby forthebasi.sexempfsnotedhereonthatandonubcontractorsild1yarewhonth70ORSwillenployeesbeonusedthisIHAVEproj ect READ AND c L, fron Yes Maximum Depth of Trenches Date ryPe - Date Notr COM}lENTS tr Ctorf, - Use CONDITIONS ! Parcel Si ""'?:* SANITATION: s. I. {+B. P. # LJ\ ZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING Installation Record Date fl planurucrzzoNrNG: PLANS EXA}IINATION: COMTIENTS: Minimum Se cot'T}lENTS interior Partition *Parcel * Installation callon Specifications: _ Tank Lineal Eeet of llrainfield READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR c S- rz-e DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMET.' -\F PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMEN- /ISION, 687-4061, 125 EAS. dTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATION a cL4..25 R* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SETBTICKS AND OTIIER CC\DITIOI-S OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVo- Cn?IoN oF TI,]IS PERMIT, CITATIO)I UNDgR PROVISIONS OF LAN.E COU:;TYI3 INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. !iHEN READY FoR r^-spECTroN, CALL 687-1055. A MrNr}luil oF AT LEAST 24 llouRs ADVANCE NoTrcE FoR rNsPEc- ffiel.-tra]rttretoI1owinginformationready:Permitnumber,jobaddres5,typeof inspeccion, when it uiII be ready, your nane and phone rumber, and any sPecial cirections to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED I\SPECTIONS: I. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when a11 ; f* l-L-a-f*ndation ale deliveled on the job. h'hele concrete flon a central' mixing plant (comonly lermed',transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the iob. 2. Concrete Slab o! Under-aloor rnsDection: To be made after all in-sIab or under-fIoor building ffi* "q-u+*mt, rcnEuic, piilng=-EZZ6ssories, and other ancillar!'equj'pment items are in pJ,ace but'beiore any concleti is pourea o! floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. l. Framinq & lnsulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, aIt framlng, fire blocking, and ;ffi ir*-]!*' arE E--Ir pipes, f irepraces, chinneys, and vents are complete and aIl rough electrlcal and plumbing are appioved. A11 walI insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4.Lathand/orGypsumBoardlnspection:Tobenadeafteratllathingandgypsumboard,interior and exterror, rs rh-Ffre-EFb€f6ie any plastering is applj.ed and beiore gypsm board joints and fasteners are taped and finished- 5.Fj.na].InsPeclion.Tobemadeafterthebui].dingj-sconpleteandbeforeoccupancy. AppRovAL REOUIRED. No work shall be done on any Part of the building or structure beyond the point indj-caLed in each successive inspection without first obtaining the aPProval of the building official irar, "ppror.f shall be gi-ven cnly after an inspection shalL have been made of each successive slep in the;onstruction as indicated by each of the insPections required' NOTE: A1I buj-Iding permits require inspections fox the rork authorized, such as buL not timited to: A. BLock WaIt: To be mace after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is Poured.- This i "p*Ii6f, is reguired fo! each bond bean pour. There ui11 be no approval until the plumbing and electrical insPections have been made and aPproved. B. tlood stsove: To be made after comPletion of masonry (j.f applicable) anq when installatlon is ..^,rf"a* rnstalfation shalL be in accordance with an approved, natidir\IIy recognized testing agency and the manufacturerrs inslallation instructions' c. Hobile Bome: An inspection i-s required after the nobile home is connected to an approved #or-ueptic systln for seebacli lequj-renents, blocking, footing connection, tj.edowns, skirt j.ng, and plubing connecti.ons. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation lequirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. Mobile home minj-mum finish floor efevation shaII be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be insLalled and ready for j.nspec- tion with.in aL least 30 days ifter occupa^.y. Tiedowns and skirting sha}l be j-nsLall'ed per enclosure. swiminq when pool pool: Below grade when Steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade -ls installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WTLL EXPIRE IE WORK DOES NOT BEGIN TTITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i4AY OCCUR IP THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BAS1S OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK' SUBSURFACE ANp ALTERNATTVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL !:SfEI!' I. Pernits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit' has been issued, Lhe permit holder shall notify tir. Lane County Departrent of PLanning and Comunity Development by submitting the j.nstallation record form. The Department shatL inspect the construction to determine if i.t compli.es with the rules contai.ned in this divisj.on. If the conslruclion does comply with- such ruILs, the Department shaLl issue a cer!ificate of satisfactory completion to.the Permi.ti holder- If lhe construction does not comply with such rules, the Departrent shalI notify the permit holder and shall requlre satrsfictory comple!i.on before i.ssuinq the certificate. Failure to meet the requirenenis for satisfactory compLetion wi-thin a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lacion of oRs 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe DisPosal Septic Tank Drainfield Interior proPerty f ]nes Edge ot' road riqi)t-of-waY Burloing founcation l,ieIls, other watcr sources I. 2, 3. From i t0' 10' 50' TO 'r0 | 10' 100 | ACTIVITY INFORI\{ATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ilI' - I .\-le^*' L Tncko -Den,u-==!-=-JZ+rr PROPERTY OWNER -9€z?ola ILI 5'pBrr/(F)e/J op. c7?77 -9 t,t/6 t?2 77 OE DE * 16- O 7-a HOME TELEPHONE # 7?6 a7><m 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ffi HOME TELEPHONE # ( IF DIFFERENT F RE 3 rvra,rr B PAFIEEL NIJMEIEFI ( REQUTREp INFORI4ATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) /'> 03 -zi-r7,MTNSEIP MNGE SETTMN -<,/ oo3ob, TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ffi 7ON'ING_-- MuINSHTP FTNCE SETT-IOII ZONING TOWNSH i P RANGE'SETTMN ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES + SUAOf rllSf ON (if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) lJlr'z / tr,t'St'rt t tn'S lri lle J 6 DIRECTIONS T0 SiTE: // e,t,7A PL ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: ].4-33 LAND IVIANAGEMENT DIVISi / I25 E. Bth AVE., LUGENE, U )7401 / 687-4061 TRS#17-03-24.3.4-306 DATE ISSUED. 5-12-86 PERMTT# l4>4-aG OHNER'S-NAME DEAN L. JACKA PHONE NUM-B ER 7 46-0775 CONTRA CTOR'S I,lAl,lE PHONE NUMBER ISXTURPLUMB#TS S i NTER I OREnICL BD PY RRE SDS APPROVAL RET ATSNI EIEFLLLACI REP SN TR IREDQU DI NS To north on 19th Street to the end - turn left on Yolanda 1st house on the left SIT DDRESS 1881 Yolanda Springfield, 0R. 97477 TING /TI ON Approve d Date EMENT D I SP Correcti on Date ILE H I nspector PLUI'lBING G NDI.JORK INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Da te I nspector UNDERSLAB .D /UNDERFLR PLBG:E-INSPECTION App roved 0ate Correcti on Da te I nspec tor OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date I n s pector LUMB I NG INSP Approved Date Correct'ion Da te I nspector roved Date Correction lDa te ins pe ctor OIffiEAIEIIITilil r0 t-/a4b /Correction IDate I nspector INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTiONApproved Date /Correcti on Da te I nspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM RD INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Date i nspe c tor /w000 s pproved Da te *t?t?L /Correction lDa te Ins pe ctor FiNAL PLUMBING I PECTION App rove d Date Correcti on Da te Inspector FINAL iNSPEC Approved TION BUILDING D /MOBILE HOME E /AG PLACEMENTIction DateDa te Corre Inspe ctor t17 4 -t97 Da te PANCY I nsp.Approved CERTIFICATE OF T PORARY CERTI FiCATE OF OCCUPANCYDate_Insp.Approved Lai'lE COUNTY I I,ISPECT I0N REC0RD ved l7-a3-Z 4.3.q WoJd 3*Q Stove Permi. Application * A PERMIT CANNOT BE APPROVED IJNTIL A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED .lL. cJ nc/<H PHoNE 7,/& * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATION -C ITY * NAME OF MANUFACTURER TlODE * INSTALLER . ORS # CIRCLE THE SKETCH I,IOST CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL Other (name) )1 11 I I I I I Il- l--CONSTRUCTION I * A. The unit is listed byl B. The floor protection is UL ICBO inches thick C. The wal1 protection wilI be: (llaterial) * D. Type of chimney:Factory [lM.ron"y (lined? Eb.r fln.l (Materi a l ) 0ther LL I I I E sht. mtl DIMENSIONS: ('in i nches ) l. Side of unl t to protected wrl l_(unprotected wal l-_; 2. Rear of unit to protected wall (unprotected wall ) 3r Floor protection at side of unlt_at rear _in front 4. Length of wall protection at rear of unlt_at side 5. Helght of wal I protectlorr_ 6. Edge of rall protection to nearest door or rindow 7. Air space behreen wall prrctectlon and rall_ 8. Dlameter of chimney and stove pipe(vent connecto{_ NOTES: (l) 0utside combustiqn air is reouired for all fuel burninq installations. A 7 Sq, inch (min. area)closab'le vent located within 24" 0f the fireplace or appliance on the floor or base of a wall.(2) A copy of the approved manufacturer's installatlon instructions must be on job site at the tim of inspection. tn-spectlon cannot be [Ede with out these instructions.(3) The 'Approved' plan/appllcation shall be kept on the Job site for use at the time of inspection.(4) t{ot all gllti ar-e approved for corner installatlons or reduced c'learances with wal'l protiction. (Refer to manufac-lurer's llsting..)(5) If masonry chimnev is to be used, itrust be lined lRequired by Law) Existing flues must 5e approved by'inspector - Drior tquse, Ylu mustjrayi4F acieii fo" tbE inspectnr(6) lr firep'lace insert is to be instal'led, verifrcation ot wall header'location tn relationshlp rto bieast of firep'lace'is reouired bv law.(f) firepiice-inilrts are not.pemltted ln factory-burtt or pretaDrtcated-mtal "0" clearance fireplaces, unlessspeclfically tested and'l lsted.(8) Fireplace-lnserts are not permltted ln masonry flreplaces with existing heat fom type nEtal flreboxes unlessspeclfic.lly tested and Ilsted,(9) thllsted units sha'll be lnstalled ln accord wlth the state i|echanlcal code, utlllzlng the materlals and clearancesset forth ln Chapter 5. c-L4-32 APPROVED AS NOTED By Date Type o,f stove pipe.: . nFu.tory f]ZOgu (or heavier) galv {venl connecIory t-r- Ll!'ll:tl --r I l- 3 t0 I r-it-. L .t-_ PERMIT # IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROViDE A PLAN AND ELEVATION ORAI,IING WITH DIMEN SIONS OF YOUE FROPOSAL. LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBLIC tl0RKS DEPT. I 125 E. 8th Ave., Eug. 0R 97401 (503)687-4061 fi A/fl r iLl )P PPr 1y1 s ffcTo,tl Tlffz,ree / u-rTnLL)uq tugiF'r S 5- 'e- BG ttlsu - Ab