HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1975-07-14IANE COUNTY 'ILDINGBUILDING i_ MH I PERMIT OR MOBILE HOA 'JSE PERMIT PERMIT NO. I7{ PRC I']ER'rY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PHONE & Marsaret tCal ker 7477 746-6428 CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY TOCATION _ INCTUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS 17 RANG E SECTIqN TAX LOT NO,,3,* P G_fO CODE CENSUS TRACT 20-1 00' same EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY none APPT. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS LEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY I7th. Place PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms Connect lo Existing Sewoge System ! New System ! SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBI.IC N SEPTIC TANK N OTHERE PI-UMBING INSTALTED BY OWNER E OTHER: NAME FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBLIC tr N OTHER BUITDING WASTE DISPOSAL PTUMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAII.ER TOTAL COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAI.. DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED uN. FT TRENcH wioitr ii. oR se. FT. Keep SDS I00 feet fi.on all wells TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBTIC UTIt. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT,SIDE EXT. USE CI,ASSIFICATION REAR /sl J. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE(".f DATE BTDG, PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PTUMBING _ CANARY BUITDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD 3 I Coll 687-4065 to schedule oll required inspections. All construc- tion sholl comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. stondords TMPORTANT: for subsurfoce sewoge disposol ond counly regulolions covering plumbing. All buildings require o cerlificole of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. Ar SITE) TANE COUNIY, DEPT. OF ENYIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, I35 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 9740Ironu l* 655- 13 $ i(a LANIi COTJNTY I]NVl.RONMEN'TA' Namc artd Address of G^rner \NAGIiI'1IiN'I'I'1,()'l'1,!,nN '['e1e:phone: Ttre building being.consEructed uttder thls permit wll-l be used for Date thls properEy was Prtrchased Do you now, or did you ever ov/n property adjacent to this tax lot? If so, please list those tax lot numbers or draw those propel't,i-es on the plot plan below._ Indicate on your drawing the locatj-on of all homes (inclu-ding mohlle homes) now on the property, as well as the location of the new building. lt ,l t //I r L T :l Ft ( ( )J , ( t ) I I ( l : \ ( I 7 n1, a. )t Name of Applicant (lf dlfferent from owner): Address Teleph one Ilap Tax Lot Applicantrs Interest: Buyer M74-99 Seller Agent Permit /l ( ,i ( b S ITE LUAT I ON ICATION NO". BU ILD ING PERI,I IT APPL ()SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION l. Zoning Ordinance Cornpliance: Zon, 2. Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance 3. Requi red Access4. Building Site (Area, t.,idth, Fron 5. 0ther (see cornments ) tl14-r 17 -03 sL ' I sUdlffi,z-#,l1ax Lor-\S/ t''lt t-]s L0T: BLOCK: APPL I CANT DATE Not Aool i cabl e4ry () taee) ( )() Ye CKID BYNofr6. Setbacks c o () () () () Front Side ExterioTQbI b ()Setbacks from interior lines: Side 5 Rear q N0(TTFPITEATMN# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain O. 0ther (see conrnents) Not I icable No Yes 1-I() () () T'T() () () COMMENTS: L'ATER POLUT ION CONTROL COI{}.IENTS: Not Aool icable Nor)ll. l{eets Department of Environmental Qual i ty Standards. 12. Other (see cornments)I()()CK'D B DATE TO APPLICANT: k Jour Building / Site lnsPecti -}rJ' can be aPproved.-( ) Cannot be aPProved at thi Questlons and further inf on: s time as indicated on item N0 ormation on items I through 5 con Questions and further informati above.,?rp tact t e LANE- on on iteillT N COUNTY D NG AND ATION DI ON ce until you can reso vet e probWill be held in this ls being returned. c55-28 () () Your buildin LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE:587-4t 85 ems S i cated. rmit a I i cati 135 Sixth Avenue PHONE:597-4065 COHilENTS: CKID BY:, 1,( ... .' ' "' ^ DATE f P INSTALLER: Complete top part r- .OSEO SEI.'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI REC form to signature and submit bou,, copies with app PERI{ IT NO lication", G All,4, ts z ,4DY llrx Purce No: es No pt c Ft. f rorn wel I Steel fJater Publ i c ns e mens ons: Len th u, i dth 0t., NAME Rnupx L. Walxen Jn t her-ist Foundat i on Side a er Be ov, ile tn. Concrete No. Compartments Gal . Capaci ty e s Posa D i ameter De t Distribution Box: Yes No t str t Oll-Pe t r }tAILING ADDRESS 4 vr ewuourura Feet f rorn ll t ne FrontSpntrueFtELD0n.r Lengt o nes- For Sanitarian Use Only: ln accordance with 1973 as evidence of satisfact I ocat i on. E[ Rpproved: Syst f_l Disapproved: Remarks: lsF em lnstallation conforms to current standards Does not conform to current standards 5 Oregon Laws Chapter 835, Section 214 ttris certificate is ory cornpletion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at te: iss the 7i{,7rued above Trench LJidth2 Total Sq. Ft. 4/ e Ft. Between L i nes ,/* Filler. woe/i- ru t s E r ,r RECEIVEM JUL2 6 19i6 f tANE, COUNTY g HauSE AL MGMT. {e I -r- ,0 Fl toF Tilt(r.t \///F * {lt /of rF FT {/<bf Ftlo o-B T tt hl ti rr ^t, Fr ,o Fr Si nat u re an an LANE COUNTY STATE OF OREGON OEPARTHENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL QUALITY c55-r1 re L T -.JJl. ..1, h lrf c,y PERMTT /r /7 /lns NOTE: NO PERMIT WIL. J ISSUED I]NTIL THIS APPLICATIO. \S BEEN APPROVED ION OWNER Name CONTEACTOR Name o.s. REc. /l Tvp o Subdlvls ion Exlsting Structures on Property MOBILE TIOME APPLICATION FOR: PLAN REVIEW p Address City r-p Tax Lot_Code_Census Trac ?roperty + Ote L-69e{ Sectlon AccEss ro PRoPERTY ,*"u *"r., 2v37 /qc<-/y(Ee Width , DeDth'q-R;/r-- {: Property Locatlon - Address/Directlons: ice Use Sq. Ft Arndt "rr0 SEIIAGE DISPOSAL: Slte Inspect lon /l WATER SI,]PPLY: I.Ie11 ho Y Spring Other Sewage sa1 System Pub1lc Comunlty or tem Required Name of. Coxmuni.ty or Public Systen Exis E FEES: B1dg. llaste Dlsp. Plumblng Plan Revlew Moblle Home 1Z Surcharge TOTAL PLTI,IBING: Installed by Otrner 0ther Narne 5O.:- PLITMBING FEES CASH Sewage Connection I'URNISHED YES Slgnature of Appl Fee Recelved By:. Water Connection FACILIfi PERMIT es o"re', 6-? A'4 Min. Septlc Tank Capaclty--€@lO-LO Dralnfleld Requlred - Llneal Fee t---2OA-*xtmum oep th---51-.$ - c55- 12 LANE COI'NTY D OF E}WIRONMENTAL MANAGE},IENT a._ DATE: Type of ConsEruction L Flre Zone L Use Classification Bldg Setbacks 1 from Center of Road Fronr h' slde rnt. 5' Right of Way: Side Exterior tu Rear DATE:DATE:BUII,DING:->ru I I r--1 NO t 7 t2-(-