HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-04-25RURAL ADDRES eHECKED,iiirft ? ) ,tG GQ 4-la Lane County Authori za'trott for' SEPTIC SYSTEM REVIEW FOR LN. PURPOSES Application/Permit * OFFICE USE ONLY P 3.7 (2-TAX LOT S -'BDIVI S i).CEL BI,OCK ?ROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ffn6sldential fl rndustrral Cc,nmercial n p,ruri" ADDRESS L'I':'Y ZIP /?.7 477 STREET f 1d D:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - 3I] SPECIFIC Septic inspection DECI.ARED S VALUE = OF BEDROOMS f OF STORIES # OI] E}IPLOYECS I.,A?ER SUPPLY isti P O;INERIS NAME AND ADDRESS RXRFXTXX SorSCOTT - \/crn I 750 Yol anda TELEPHONE NT,I'IBER 7 46 0778 CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR #TELEPHONE NWBER SHEARSON LEHMAN, 1200 Exeuctive Pkwy, +220, Eugene 97401 P:RI'IIT TO BE I4AILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS)TULEPHONE N1JMBER I llAvE CAREFULLY EXAI.{INED THE COMPLETED APPLICA?IoN f'oR PER.I.IIT, arrd .lo hrre);y certi,fy that al} inforaation hereon is true and correct, ild that I have the folLowing legal interest i.n the property, Ior.". of record; ! ".r,tru.,t. p,rrchaseri Iauthorizetl agent. I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed shall be done in qccordan.,i kitli the ordrr)ances of Iane Couty and t-he Iaws of the State of Oregfipertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will fr nade of 3i] strrlctrrre without the pemission of the Building Division. f fu-ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as required by ORs 7O1.055, that if exeBpt the basis for exenptionis noteal hereon, and that only subcontractors ild enployees xho are in conpliance with ORS 701.055 wiIl. be used on this project- I HAVE READ AND CIIECKED TTIIS APPLICATION THOROT'GHLY. (+,vrq Lp'#f t?*$,,,, READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'IAS BEEN BASED ON TIIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: rnstallation Record rssued? ! Y." !,r" fl pr,exs EXAMINATION: COT1IIENTS: Date: col$lENTS Use front I cL, I senrtetrou: s. r. t*_B. P. * Parcel size_ t'linimrun Setbacks : cot4\1ENTS Soecifications: Tank haximrrm Depth of Date:4-2t-88 interLor rear I pr,atwrucrzzoNrNG: Installation Gallon Lineal Eeet of l)rainfieLd FOR LOAN PURPOSES ONLY---- D. c L, sr PLAI{NING ACTIONNO SP zone- Partition #- Parce1 *. 4-rrftr(Der oRs 456.805 (1) )DATE OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 OF'F LANE COUNTY DE 125 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION cL4-25 R* d?-nD/d I q€/88 DATE tr --J a SETB.iCKS AIiD OT:];R CC::DITIO:]S OF APPROVAL }11]ST BE STRICT:I O!S'R1,'ED. \IIOLATION CA:'R!JSOLT TT'T NEVO- C.:':IO:; Oa !liIS l:r'RllI?, CIT;TiO:i U:;D5R PIIOVISIOIS OF L;1rE iJ;::'iY'i INEF.;|CTION ORDi:i.q).iCI , irND,/OR OTIIER RE:'IEDTES ALLOIdED BY LAW. W}IETi RE.\DY :OR iIiSP!CTION, CA:-: 687-iOI;5. A }lINlilUiI OF i.'I L:;IST 2.1 IIOURS ADVA::'E r*OTICE POR INSPEC- -,l.lnraaaSTS-:i:-St--J- rlrVl::. ,r:-;c tne roll.owing ln:crn3tion ready: .ernit nunrber, lob address, rype of inspectlon, when it wllI ire ready, your nane and phoiL. nunber, and in)'spccial Crrcctions to site. BUILDIT-G DI!'ISlON: REQUIRSD I\SPECTIONS: I. FoundaLron Inspectron: To be made after trenches are excavateq and forms erected and when.all nffit-or--E?G-Tryidatlon are dclivercd on the job. lrhere concrete from a central mixing planE (comonly termed "transit nixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job, 2. concrete slab or Under-iloor Inspection: To be nade after alI in-slab or under-floor buj,Ldi.ng ffiire equrpmmt,_E6raui---muit, plpin(-EZEEssori.es, and other ancillar!,equipment j.rems are inplace but beiore any conclete is poured or floor sheathj.ng installed, including the 6ubfloor. 3. Framing & fnsulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, al1 franing, fire blocking, andbracing are in 3lace and al.I pipes, fireplaces, chinneys, and vents are conplete and alI rough -, electrical and plumbing are approved. AI1 waII rnsulalion and vipor barrj.er are in pLace. 4. Lath and,/or Gypsun Board Inspection: To be nade after alL Lathing and qypsum board, i.nceri.or and-exterf6rfls-in-p1rce-EutEe-io?e any pLastcring is applied ana Uetoii-gypsu board joints and fasteners are taDed ahd f.inished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the truildi-ng is complete and before occupancy. APPR9VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any parL of the buiLding or slructure beyond lhe pointindicated j.n each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the buiLding oif:cial,such approval shaLL be qiven cnly after an inspection shall have-been made.of each successile stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspecticns lequi.reC. NOTE: AII buil-ding permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as buL not limited to: A. Block l^taIl: To be mace after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout i.s poured. ThlsIi-prcEl6f is requj-red for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval untti the plumbinq and electrical inspections have been made lnd approved. B. I{ood stove: To be made after completion of masonr-v (if applicable) and when i.nstallation isconpfeE. Inslallation shall be in accordance with an appioved, nalionalJ.y recogni.zed ceslingagency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. c. llobiLe Hone: An l.spection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedsewer or septic s.\'stem:or sei,back requirements, blocking, :ootinq conoectici, tiedolins,ski-rtin9, and plwbrng connections. I. Footings and giers to comply with state foundatron requiremencs for mobrl-e homes or as' :lrecomended by the manuiacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevati.on skatl be certified when required by a flood-plain management letter. 3- Jobile home tiedouns, when lequired, and skirting shalt be installed and ready fcr inspec-tion within at Ieast 30 days ifter occupancy. Tiecowns and skirting shall be instalLed Per enclosure. D. swimj.ng-PooI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade,nen pool is instaIIcC. APPROVED pL\:lS:IUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURItr-G WORKING HOURS. THIS PERIIT IIILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHITi I3O DAYS, OR IF I4ORI( IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION llAY OCCUR IF TriIS PERTYIT WAS ISSUED ON TIIE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORIUATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PNST TIiE POI:iT OT REQUIRED INSPECT]O:JS V;ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN NISK. SUtsSURFACE AND ALTERNAT]VE SIT{AGE D]SPOSAL SYSTEUS: I. Permj.ts shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2 UPon completing the construction for which a permlt has been issued, the permit holder shalInotify the Lane County Depa!hent of Planning anC Comunity Developmcnt by subhitting theiasta.llation lecord folr. lhe Departrent shatl inspect the construction io determin; if itcomplies uith the ruLes contaj.ned in this civision. If the construction does comply with such .-.t.1,e9., lhe -DePartmen-t, shalL issuc a- certificate o(- sctisfact.ory completion ro the p;rmitt tolder.'-.rf -"th'e i5ns'tructiod )ioes n,it compJ.li with si:6tr iut'e-sf the oepartment'!tr.rt n6t-:iy; tiie'd^.'^ilholder and sha.I1 requrre satrsfactory conpletion before issuing thc ccrtj.t'i.Jt;. Faj.lure tomeet !he- requirements for satisfactory completron Hlthin a rcasonJble t.ime consfi.tutesil] vjq:,Iation of ORS {54.605 to 4:4.745 and this ruLe. 9uIESIo - Subsurfacc Sera.lc 9l!i)osa1 scptic rank Dlarjflls_lg l'.on: IrLclior prcpert;, iincs i0, 10,Eiqe oi road rr?irt-of-way 10' I0'Builrinq lcunclatlcn 10,iiclls, othcr uatc! sources 50' too t SKETGH ADDENDU}I _-.I CASE 02€a----- --- . /Cllent RANDY J. LABRAS 1750 Y0L PR I NGF IE REET SHEARS N Fami ly Room Vinyl 3.5 22.' Ga ra ge S lab AN MORTG HOUSE ToTAL SQ FT 1,727 Slale V iny I 72.5 tf', Code GA RAG E 22.5 x 22.5 506 SQ FT1' .5 14 32.5 5.5 x 22.5 = x11 x28 x 14.5 = tor.75 462 910 50.75 r- tr PATIO Dining Area Vinyl Living Room vt/w Vinyl iny I Bed room 14.5 56 ^r i--rlAl @ E Bedroom vt/w Bed room w/ut 13.5 ,2.5 5 [] o 0 22 .5 14 frF g,y,,Epl,rg"n.A.q"f/qlf ry,g F. Please provtde lnlornailon about T B SI/45 TL C : .r:: ::::: l yourself and the Please bll us what type of ass/stance you need property PEBMIT Dlrectlons to slte from Courthouse Lend Management DIv, atafl can notbr held reaponsible for evaluallonr or mcommendallons baged on falac, lnaccuratc or lncomptot. lnformatlon lnforma Zonlng STAFF EVALT,IATION TRS Vert Allowed Floodptai lfied l-]Yes No r-rUse El yes NoEtln AF l-rDF t-t RFI-| MAIL PERMIT TO: Partltlon / Subdivlslon O*rCOMMENTS / FOLLOW.UP Nonel-] Tltt ED Agqtrn lfl- -'-ritrrdri-