HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-07-17Tc,z Lot ll 5rJob Location: Assessore MaP fl 6-7 Subdioision: Address:-a2, City: Descrtbe lt'onk: Date of App r-l Nct) tdditicnt4 L Value rrac General lt..RESID-\TIAL.. 22s North stt s;*effPLrcATtuV/P,Rttrr SprLngfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s SPHINGFIEI.D Yout City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnbet fs Io after Lati.cn required oapor batryiers ue in pla,ce t)6b Plurnbi l,lechauica lll.ec E r SrrDe It is lhe fron the s*9uilding Elec t-t:cLan ?o be nwde after prior tc se+- uP of Date re to aee that aLL inepections ate nade at lhe ptope" tine' that eaeh cddrees is realabieresponsibility of the petmit holdet' .tre'et. and that the permit card is Nuicion approt;ed plan ahcll remain Located at the front of the -ptoperfuon the BuildinX Sitc at aLL times. gITE INSPEC?ION: etcauaticn, but forne. UNDSRGPOUIlD UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & t"lecirtircnt: ?o be nade before any GtTiioeted. FoorfNG & POUNDATICN: Io be nPCe afi.r6ffiG6ixcauated and forns ate etected, but Prior to pout'ing ecnereta. bui before any Lath, rnLL couering is app ory inaulation is boncealed. nunber, i ob aCiress' tYPe of insPeelicn nwrbct. P,equests receixbd befcre 7:00 an OR Sani'-atg seset eapped et ProPert7 Lir'e Septic tank p;ntped attd filled trtth gra;;el Final - h\ten abcoe itens are ccrtpleted and uhen datolition is cornplete o" st?u3- ture noued artd' prenriaes cleaneC up' Le llcmes Bloeking otd Set-uP Pluttbiw connectione '- aefu)e! a,C' uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blockittg' set-uc . and olwnbinq connections trust be apprctec befote requ-esting eleclrtcal inspeelion Accessot'g BuilCing ggpswn boarC or Lied, and before DRY,'IALL INSPDCAION: TC bE NAdE AF", "n-6ruaTis -in place, but prior to cny tdPl'ng- MASINRY: Steel Location' bond fiiffiigtouting ot verticaLs in accordace tLth U.B.C. Section 24ls. I,IOODSTO\IE: After installation is ampleted.uttpERFLOoR PLUJ.EI\|G 4 ttEctlj-Nrc.lL: ^Io be nade prior to LnstaLLatlon oJ floor inauktion or decking. POST AND BEAtt: To be nade Priot to fiiffi{of floor insulation or decking. ROUCil PLU!,tBfitG. ELFCTRT?AL ?, MECH; ANICAL: No uot'k is to be cot*e?ed ffi-t:L these inspections harte been nade and approrted. Prior to Plaeir,g ard before fratning FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG PIIIAL I,IECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL :To to facing inspee- CURB & APPRCACH AP?,?N: After forns ar'. ""e"i;Tilt pio, to Pouring contrete. SIDEIIALK & DRIVEI'IAI: For aLL con- ere* pauAg uithin street right- of-unu-. to be nade after aLL exca- o;iln;'eanplete & fotn wt'k & sub' base nntenial in Place. Final _ .rtfter etc. ate comP'. pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted.FTPEPLACE: ^"tetAGtton. FRAI|ING: lttust be requeoted aften 66Gt of rough plttnbing, electni- cal 6 neclanieal. ALL toofitlg btaci.ttg E chinmeys, ete. nast be ) conpletod, lto ucrk is to be cot- ,cecled until this inspeetian las 'been nade anC approved. all. pnoi:eit conditions, auch as the inat-al-L-ation of street !lee-1: co1Plction-of the';;Ai';i L;"Zl"i"pi"g, Lti., mtst be satisfi.ed before the BurLDrNc FrtiAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection nast be reqtested after the Final Plwnbing El;;ir;;;1;-'t Mealnnical rnspections taoc been made ard approoec' *Ar,r, LtAtiltcLES AND CLEANOUT!; ttil!:T nE ACCESSIRLE, AD,lUsTltEttT To BE t!,4D8 A? N0 ccs? I0 cM Pagc I of 2 A.mer: requests 726-3769 (recordet) state Your CitY i.nspection, after 7:00 Conttactors ot 0umers on uvtll be nade the ncstbe made the 17 Ytnct: l,then conPlete -- ProuiCe lJ @"s or nouable- sectians thnough 'P.U.E. ,IJ.IUOJOB NO Zone: Lor rwE Intetior Lot Faces 'Iot So. Etc. Z of Lot Ccoeraqe ll of Stories Iotal Height TopograPhY Df Ilouse Co"ner Panhandle Cul-de-eac I?EM sQ. Frc x Building Volue & Permit Thispenritisgrantedontheesp"easconditiontllatthesaid.eonstmlcti,onslnll, in atl respecti,-'i,i|9'1'ti-lirc ordi'rance a.dopted 6v the c.itv of Springfield, inctud"Jng'ti"i'''ilil"g Ctdinanc-e' regulctitzg the cc,nstntcl:":.'^ lira i"o'" oi Luildings," anil nay be- susPended ot reuokeC at cna ti'ne upon otc- Lation of mV prculaions of said 2tdir'ances' TOTAL VALUE DC * S. D, C. Eui.Lding PermLt 5o ,g)Date Paid: State Total Clangea ,33 Signed: ITETI N0.FF:E CHARCE Plumbing Perrnit No De?con slnll constract, inataL'!,, all;er o? clnngc.cnlJ neD-CP e:isting ii,,il,i'ti*""i2"Zi"iZ- tirt*'ii-inoi" or in pa.rt, inlesi such pets.on is the 'Lesal poseessot' of " ;:"1;e"pi:;b;;;1;1i'n";" &cept that a pbrson na's do plunbing uork to p""pniW*"i':Zi-L" i""na' LeLsed or operated by the appli- cant. Fi.itw,es Resi.dential (1 bath) Sani Seuet, Plunbing Pent:it State ITEM Electricol Permit whete state Laut requires th,at the eleetrical uork be done by ,an Electt'ical cont"aeto", the electiZri';;*l;,;;"-_;7 ,i.i." -pn ^.i.t shall not be oalic until li;';1;t;1 'lws been signed tv the Eleetrical contracto"'Nan/Estend Circuits Seroice L Iotal CIIARCEITSM nrnace BTU'S bha$t HooC Vent l@1 llcodstooe J+ Mec.hq nicql Permit Permi.t fssuanee Meclwnicel Petmit' Sec'r't Stordge l.laintenance Permit dub@t Sida,talk Mobile Hane LAR AC^':SS REQ.'L-co * BaCvoona:PR IIIAWCAREFULL|EXAI,INEDthecompletedapplieationforpermit'addo hereby certify tt*t oii-i"iinitilon heteoi ie true attd cbnect' anl r further certifv *at aia-'iri all uotk pe.rfonred stull be dote in aceor- 'd;;;:;;t; tin" ona7""ii"""*ir ltZ itv .Zf 'sp*.i2lifiLlZoX! ":y "m' ,flf "r2:r- ili7Z if onngcn pertaintns to the lurl"k ceec: pt1cy tritl be nace "f";i;';',i;";i*"-it7i"1- iiit"rion of the suitdins N- utsion. I furthen ce'ltif'g that -only eontraitirs ad' anplcyees uho are in ;;;1;;"; LiTt oas rot.bss wiLL be- ueed on this p,oiect '.6,'rt'..t 1 1i!llg|,t? nltJ; i *51 ,33 * C, #/s/32- t Permit No Address: lssued Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 24 or 28: 1. T-l I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A.My general contractor is OR Signature of 'Permit Applicant CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD o24N 10t24189 F,,/ {+?,)t Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and do hire a general contractor. lwill contract with a contrattor'who is reoistered w-ith the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. '/ '..u-.'i:-,,--r-, "'' -,"' t': "i /./-7/r 7 / 72, Date COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE 1 COPY TO APPLICANT @s t 5?ng()