HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1986-08-25v(RU,ffruYI: Lane - CH EUK County Authori za,ttort for' SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LOAN RFVIEt^l FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 3:l*i:";'""'.4b 4/-f,^ t,oT/ CITY ZIP RANGE PROPOSED USE OP PROPER?Y Commercial I ndus tr ial Public ffisidential D 7 Se lnS fori oan WATER SUPPLY Proposedisti OF NUl,lBER CHECKID THIS APPLICATION SIGNATURE DATE tr- /7-t7 Ithat Oregon T fur- xempti AND READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION liAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ! COM}IENTS: Date: rnstallation Record rssued? fl Y." fl *" Specifications: Date: Date: X COIII.IIENTS UseGroun CO}trUENTS PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED B. P. *SANITATION: S. I. f lrnstallation Parcel #Parcel Size Minimum setbacks: EXAMINA interr-or rear Maximrm Depth of Trenches ca1lon Tank Lineal Eeet of Drainfield ONLY. NO SPECIATFOR LOAN REViEt^J PURPOSES cL, frort- fl pr,atlurtlc,z ZoNr NG :Zone- Partition *- ,r-af-fe,. LANE COUNW D r oRs 455 DATE ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIV]SION, 687.4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION cL4-.25 R* 72',at,? BLOC:z DECI,ARED i VALUE correctand andcert i allthat hereoninfolTation true1s authori zed agent.prrrchaser theand ofLaws StaEethe ofofLaneordtrnancestheCoutyIofDi vi s ionwithouts t r ucture the Bui Idingpemissionthe required by oRs 701.055 1SBoard ful11n andforce a5e ffectBuilder's withmdarewhoemployees ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis fortherthat registration with is noted hereon, and that D tr yt SETBiTCKS AND OTIIER CO:'iDlTIOllS OF APPROT,/AL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED, VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CiTION OF TIIIS PERI'II?, CIT;TIO:i UND5R PROVISIONS Oi LAil-E COUT"TY'.3 INFRACTION ORDI:;ANCE, AND,/OR OTHER REIIEDlES ALLO'!{ED BY LAW. !iHEN READY POR INSPECTION, CALL 687-1065. A }1INI}1U}1 OF AT LEAST 24 I]OURS ADVAI,]CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffiexl.lavE-Ttre-toIIowinginformationready:permitnumber,jobaddress,tyPeof inspection, when it will be ready, your nane and phonc number, anC any special Cirections ro site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUI RED IT.SPECTIONS : Foundation Insoection: naterials for the founda To be made after trenches tion are delivered on the are excavated and forms erected and when aIIjob. l{here concrete from a central ni.xing sed, materi.aLs need not be on the job.pl-ant (comonly terned "t!ans.it mixed'') is to be u 2. Concrete Slab or Under-aloor Inspection: To be made after alf j,n-s1ab or under-fLoor buildingsEivIIe equfpmmtl-ZonEuit, pfpiig ErcessorJ.es, and other ancill-ar! equipment itens are inplace but befole any concrete.is poured or floor sheathing instal.Ied, rncluding the subfloo!. 3. Praning & rnsul.alion rnspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fj.re blocking, andbraci-ng are in ir.l-ace aad all pipes, fireplaces, chj.mneys, and vents are complete and a1I roughe.Leclrical and plunbing are approved, AI1 waLl insulation and vapor barrier are i.n place. 1. Lath and/or G],psum Board Inspection: To be made after all- lathing and qypsum board, interior al;d-ei-t*i6rl--is-in-FIEEe-EIE-bero-e any plastering is applied ana feioie'gypsm board joint.s and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the buildi.ng or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive j.nspectj.on wi.Lhout first obtaining the approval of the buj.lding offrcial.such approval shall be given cnly after'an inspection shall have been maCe of each success-ive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections lequired. NoTE: Al1 building germits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not linited to: A. Block l^lall: To be maCe after reinforcing is ln place, but before any grout is poured. ThisirepectlEn is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval untii the plumbing and electrical inspectlons have been nade and approved. B. l,lood Stove: To be made after completion of nasonry (if applicable) and when installati-on iscorLplecq InstalLatron shall be in accordance with an appiovea, natj.onally recognized testj.ngagency and the nanufacturerrs instaLlaLion i-nstructions. C. Mobile tlome: An j.nspection is required after the nobile home is connected to an approvedEEi6i-oi-G6ptic system for selbacli requirements, bl-ocking, footing connecrion, tiebtwns.skirting, and plwbing connections. L. Footings and piers to comply wich state foundation requirements for hobile homes or asrecomended by the nanufacturer. 2. Mobj-le home minimum finish floor elevation sha1I be certified when requ.ired by a flood-plain managenent Letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for j-nspec- tion uithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirtinq shall be installedper enclosure. D. Swiming Pool: Below grade when steel j.s in p).ace and before concrete is poured. Above grade u.Een- p66I-=-i ns ta.l Icd . APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TrMES DURTN"G WOR(ING HOURS. THIS PERIIT WrLL EXPIREIE WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN }80 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i'lAY OCCUR IP THIS PERTYIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORIATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REQUIBED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THE]R OIIN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: t, Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify lhe Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by submittinq theinstallation record form. The Departfient shatl inspect the construction to determine if itcomPlies with the rules contained in thi.s division. If the construction does comply with suchruIes, the Department shaIl issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permiti holder.If the construction does not comply uith such rules, the Departsent shall notify the permi.tholder and shaIl requrre satj.sfactory complet.ion before issuing the certificate. Failure tomeet the requi"rements for satisfactory compLetron wrthi.n a reasonabl,e time constitutes a vio-Iation of ORS 454.605 to 454.'745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurfacc Sewage Dj.sposal Scptic Tank Drainfield Irrom: Interior property lrnes 1.0 , 1.0 , Edge of road rrqi)t-of-uay 10' l0 | Burldlnq foundation 10, liells, other water sources 50, 100 ' L .ICTIVITY INFORMAT rON SHEET ilI' - COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS 2.2'1 lnEsl ilgs €.o4,? D! /luss s,\. e o ? 7ta7 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS /'/ ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvlae B PAneEL NUMBEFI ( REQUIREp INFoRMATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) ?./? - / / ? z t):oo'iie 689-5/,qffim 2!LA3 SECTI ON JLQO 6t"t - gvvo BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 7 7a -a7o a HOME-TETEPFONET i7 TOI,JNSH IP o3 MNGE WEL # ZONING MINSEIP MNGE SEC]MN W# ZONING ffi ZONINGMINSHTP RNNGT SEETIIIU TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: t{rlrl ACRES rt*lt t; c,l *tr LOT 8 BLOCK L/a4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable) 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** 14-33 LAND MNAGTMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740] / 687-406I I -< *)+,-/onz4 ToPERTY 0WNER ZONE/LAND USE: - a'r'l'* I I ULrrt^J !.rl -u'Iluuvttlts'ar L'et 9v vlvr Blr---, fcet ::' irchc; @s Twp r(unqe/7 3' Fea/ 5c<-/,vn Li/ t(77 K. fq/ y'y tccl".y'rulcc'/,ad t 3 3 /S-- Zv l/a/utt'r fc Pzri /3 l_ 'E5 t {\{, r,-N i: :.'-it 'i3 l:l)!cATI Dore C1 - , - ( c'S:qr':iur': FOR USE OF SANITARIAN (l)iLy Srstem oPPorcntll rrll ''i rrli r: I Remorks: r;:'r'-l I ANT C^UNI'Y al LDote - jt{trrx if'2ut-, / :. ):ra',.-t rtt-t2*- S A!.1 . a, i .r/ Dirtonce lrorrr: Well feet. Ncore st Lot linc: Front S'dt' Peor TO TT EEMPLETED BY INSTALLER: lnrtotfer,r no^" C' . 11. - ?/-aoa ? zi z- PERAA|T ISSIIGD TO:114 aL .l ) )-t:! iii,-rr t-c, i,,,,., :.' ft fih di?orl field: Dirtribution bor? Yer kcgal c*h linc Total lsagtl \llUif, el treoch Totol sirorc hotsgc Di*caco Setueci lincr Typc of filter moteriol: Grovcl ol filtcr mstcriol over SIITC}| lh irrlrxtirrl: fee l. Other- - - -. Depth ol lriter rnoterrol !6r':3li ti!e ft. Ir. tr. fr. ft. , lncnet, ) o5' }JOFTHttL'r l: rICi' -'i