HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-08-19,)68- {ffto Lane County Authori za,ttott for' REINCATE Dfl STING DRAINFIELD FOR OFPICE USE ONLY ir""r- ' " 7Applica Permit ilwiisHtP t7 RAIIGE o3 24.3.3 SECTION TA}: LOT 2500 flour oF S'JBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable)LOTIPAir( x:BI,OCK 'RCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY l-lrndustrral f]e,.,uri. T,OCATIOIJ ADDRESS ztP 1424 Yolanda ,Y ON North to I-105 (-- I',l'Y fami dwelling east to Mohawk Road 1d, Oregon 97477 I{ATER SUPPLY ADDRESS OF na Rainbow D-SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED I"]ORK - BI] SPECIFIC Proposed Exisna O;INERIS NAME na otl !}.1P Edr/rard L. Guiley, Sarne as the job address above drain field TELEPHONE NUMBER 747-3279 CCNTRACTOR S NAME AND OSR # Burt l,Vatson I TELEPHONE NT]MBER None Given t to the o\.vner aboveIUail +l n t{.?ne TELEPHoNE NIJMBER aII infoiratiot) ttv pe authori zed of Lane r tlAvE CAREFULLY EXAMTNED THE cot'TpLETED Appl,rcATrou !'oR pERMrr, ar,J ,to r.rrcrr, DATE NA}IE (pLease print) use , that if exempt the basj.s for exemptid on this project. I HAVE READ AND fothe interestIegalllouing tn the property of reco d C(,Irr_Efo,r..certif:rther tha!andfy al workany perfomed s hal donebe an OI da:rr i:h tirta i theto deworkpening cribed herein thatand OCCUPANCYNO wi1 be nadecetherrti.thatfy regi s tration theth 1deBui r Board ln1S torceful I dnd ffect reqI5notedheonreandonthatubcontractorsildarewhoemployeesWInceoRsth 70compli CHECK.ED THI APPI,ICATIONS THOROUGHLY is true and correct, and that I the Laws of the State of Oregon Eduard L. Guiley of the BuiLding Division. I fur- ULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'IAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWTNG CONDTTIONS: 8/17 /88 rnstallation Record Issued? ! v." fl N" Installation Gallon I er,eus EXAMTNATToN:Use CO}4}!ENTS: DaLe: Date RLH T coll}tENTS t,*ffi tr Specifications: Tank &&^.t tuDatet /9 tu SANITATION: S. I. *B. P. # READ THIS SECTION CAREF UGB PRING'IELD. rear I pnnuruc,zzoNrNG Parcel size [&Zone na Lineal Feet of ttrai nfield l'laximun Depth of Trenches coi$lENrS: I(c PLAIINING ACTION REQ,UIHD. Partition #_ parcel # "o, =ida interrorMinimun Setbacks, CL, f.ort (, BY BUILDING ICIAL,/DESIGNEE Der ORS 80 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION PERMIT -4061, c14-25 R* lflnesidential [l cc,nnercial r swiminq pool: Below grade when steel i.s 1n place and before concrele is poured. ilhen poof as rnstalled. 3 t tL*I t- l I I SETtsNCiiS A:iD OT:I:R CC::DITIO::S O' APPROI,'AL }lUST B5 STRICT:,'J O!:9R,!.''D. VIOLATION CAT R]SULT IN REVO- c;,?ro:,1 oF iurs pi:lil1Ii, crT,iIro:i uND:R PRoVTSTO:iS Oi Ln\E aJU::iY',.l INFRACTTON OFDi:;.i\Cii, irr-D,/OR OTIiER REiiEDIES ALLOI^JED BY LAI''. !iHiI.: RE.\D\' 'CR i:iST''C?1ON, C.\:: 6gJ-;065. ]', }1I\I:IU:': OF .]T L:.'\ST 2{ IIOURS ADV.,l'::CE NOTICE FOR 'INSPEC- lrulliEtrr-==-:-li:.-- l, ,rIVL:i:-]:L-Lhe f ollokiit in:criation ready: Fcrmit number, job address, type of insptccron, when it wrll be ready, your iame and phcie aun.er, and 3i]'special Circctions to site- BUILDI:.iG DIVISION: . F.'QUIS,:D I:]SPECTiCNS :r- r Foundatiotr lnspectroni To be made after trenches are etcavated and forms erected and when all natertals !or tne rounoati-on are ciclivercd on the lob. iahcre colcretc from a certral nixing plant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") IS to be used, naterials need not be on the job. Concrete SLab or Under-:loor InsDection: To be maie afr-er al1 j.n-slab or under-floor building aeni:e equiFmot,cmuLt, piplirq a(rcssorres, and otrer ancil-lar!'equipment items a!e in place but-beiore any concretL is poured or floor sheathing lnstaIleC, rncluding the subfloor. Framino & Insulation InsDections: To be made after the roof, aI1 iraming, fire bl-ocking, and ffi arry :-1re Ji(rer-I pioes, f ireplaces, c:rimne!'s, and ve:ts are complete and alI rough electrical and plumbing are approved. A11 waIl rnsulation and vapor barrier are in p.Lace. La!h and/or Gvosum Board InSpectlon: To be made aI-ter aI1 Lathing and qypsun board. lnterior jro'es-rcr:orilT--Ln-t)lace E-u*- bu-re any piasEerinq rs applied and be:ore gypsw board joints and fasteners are Laped and finished. Fi.nal Inspection: To be nade after the building is comPlete and before occupancy. AppRovAL REQUIRED. ]lo work shall be <ione on any parL of'.he building or structure beyond the Point indicated in each successive lispecti.on without first obtsj-nlng lhe aPProval of tie bu.i.ldinq offlcial.-uan appror.t shaII be given cnly after an inspectj.on shall have been maie of each successive step in the ionstruction as incicated by each of the inspecticns requirec' NoTE: AIl building pernits require inspectj.ons for the Hork authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block \,ta1l-: TO be mace after reinforcing j.s in place, but before 3ny grout is poured- This fffi.il* is required f or each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the PLumbinq an.i electrical inspections have been made and approved' B. l,tood stove: To be made after completior of masonr!' (if applicable) and uhen installation is *efat* InsLaLlation shall be in accordance with an approved, natj"onally recognized testing agency and the nanufacturer's j.nstallation instructj.ols. C. UobiLe Bome: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved EEiE-rci--eptic systlm f or setbacli requirements , blocking, f ooting conDec tion, tiedowns , skirting, and plubing connections. Footings and piers io comPl-y wlth State foundation requirenents for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufactuler. Mobile homerminimum finj-sh floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. ijobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall, be installed and ready fcr inspec- tj.on ilirhin at leas! 30 days ifter occupancy. Tie.loHis and skirtrng shal'I be installed Per enclosure. I 2 2. 3. D.Above grade nppROVED PL\:JS itUST BE ON TIIE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURfr-G WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORR DOES NOT BEG]N I"IITHIN IBO DAYS, OR IF I,^]ORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR IIEVOCATION i,1AY OCCUR IF TII1S PEfuYIT WAS ISSUDD ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORM}TION. ANYONE PROCEEDING Pi-rST TilE POIIiT Or REQUIRED TNSPECTIO:IS HILL DO SO AT TIIEIR OwN nISK. SUtsSURFACE ]IND ALTERNA?IVE SEi{AGE DlSPOSAL SYSTEHS: I. Permits shall be effectrve for one year fron the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been rssued, the permit holder sha1l nbtify t-he Lane County Department of Planning and Comunit), Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shalI inspect' the construction to detcrmine if it complies with the rules contained in this Civision. If the constructlon does comply with such rules, the Department sitall issue a certlficate of salisfactory conpletion to.the permiti holder- If.the.consttuctiff dobs not comply with such ruIes, the'Department shaLl notlfy'thd petnit holder and shaIl require satlsfactory completion before issulnq the ccrtificate- Failure to neet lheJsguirements for satr5factory completron L'ithin a reasonable- ti.ne constitutes a vio-' l3:ron of ORS 154.605 to 154.145 and this rule. SeLbrcks _ Subsurfacc seraqe Dlsposal l I ron: I tterror proPerti' 1 rncs Ed.le o: road r1-ii)t-of-waY RurLciinq ioun.lat:on iieILs, other uatcr sources scpti.c Tank Dra i nf ield i0' 10 ' 1C' 100 | 10' 10' 50' F* I h] R EbN t\ l6 !!_ o' 0)a U; z 0) 3o eo o-o ooa Q\- =f @ !r_ 6-o- o €lo I roo =oozIoo 5 @ q)_ o dop =ofo Permit No.,346<t Twnshp. MUST BE IN BLACK lNK torm c55-11 Range e4.t3 Tax tot i@C Standard System tr Alternative tr Tvpe) Job Location (Street Address) Supdivision/Partition #Lot Block - DETAIL SYSTEM PLOIT PLAN AS CONSTRUCTED6 o{ t JI\, J L ilthH\e I sl l6 -)- c a rrt / i"'.g nttLl!tb t,FEB 1, 6198 ,*[ll*l$'L'on K€,roe/ E PP€ 4[ noz- tI a I ? ct -t Ir>(( \ o 0) o o 0) o Z2'b ,a.O .-I {l\, R ^l),1i.-^"Gr-,'rfi1"'9VICINITY MAP t)€Z*rt k*ec \l -(l N $t\lris-1 FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Dept:HSLBICI lNK oN Tank Capacity Manufacturer Measured Distance from Well to Tank 4 From Drainfield LY Gravel Depth Below Tile ;,, ,<DT Total Length of Lines l<I /ol'<-./a/COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PU P WAS USED ON THIS I LLATION r(installer's name'certify that a (Mfg.)(Model No.)Pump and Mercu (M have been installed with this sewage installation Signature Date- FOR SANITARIAN'S ONLY:System Approved tr System Disapproved E Needs Correction COMMENTS: 4 bn i \ \ d/^Date DateSystem Capacity 4rz gal./day Signature INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETTON When sig dence as per ORS 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal T To request inspection, return all three (3) copies of this form to: Lane County Environmental Health Services, located in thedasem€rit of the Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401. ( I ) I I I I I n the County Sanitarian, this cenificate is evi- at the above location. I FO 125 R ASS'S Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible.Extstlng Bulldings or lmprovements on Property F House Elf Barn El Garage E Mobile. Home E Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEDEI Yes ENo u^J crr-JL G-.,r CL^J JL vzr zz1? Y zlP OWNEB OF PBOPERTY (iI nol sma ra aboy.)PHONE OWNEBS ADORESS (il not rEmc s3 lboyc)ztPt-t t-lo-tsaN Iiacre rf Dlrections to slte from Courthousethrtte -Tto{ dt I ct N -Z foS' /rlc\/*,4 0(,t, Town3hip Rane. Scction 1/4 S.ction fax Lot rownsnrp Hangc Scctton l/4 Seclion Tax Lot SITE AD ztP MAIL PERMIT TO:For Mobtle Home Placement OnlyL- G--Brand /" rJ^-Year Size ..-)l €7 No. of Tip-outs - No. of BedrmsztP License #- io Land Management Div. staff can not be held responsible for evaluatlons or recommendations based on false, tnaccurate or lncompleto Informatlon ,+ NUMBER th.taI t ,/,rrafi- tt) AFFLTcANI $urLEy, EDTTARhANE c0l't'r]Y 'fiffi**flrl*lol[fifr1]'t*rtrfrfp?Efr,'8lEr8ft'TL* 170324330?500 SUBDIV [_0T BLKNEI,I BLDG TYF'E USE R EIPRNS O UNITS OOt STORIES *BLD6S OOl PHONE 747 3?0['INER Ni-18 GUILEY, EDI^,ARD ADDR { 4?4 Y0LANDA, SFRINGI.IELD, CIREGONCODE APF.L NO ACTION DESCRIF.TION SQ F UNIT COST VALUATION FEE D BP EP EF. T'F' EF. A-lr=llnliElo !B !a-,! .o9 .o .F L 6'6 N 3ao n ot 3It a l i o 3E !o I ,. .oo 6t B soN Bt" i?5.00 cK P2 o s 1 d 5 a TfJS 7f T s t=ln rD F,t_ i"IECH SUR Ffl( sD.$ SDEQ ' CATG: AF'F'SESU: { AKHN BY RLI"I *F'I X,/TIAT}{ : LC ?34588 SDAR S lrJR : frT . t^lTR : HEIHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE F.I.AN CHECK FEE F'II SDS SI FCK ? EST. f,OT,tF.LIiTIT}N DATH FT. RAIN: rss 3 DHF,T]SIT X* FT eatJlr 257, 90.00 5.00 RA CI1'H t'l,lgfttt'\ ,-.?C As e ,'1 c'\/ |rt T t)r fop OS a -,0 s*rtl (ir-:I t<r'ryQ fio(,'{,,', dq'I-ro I. 1t,. t'r. Io RCP 4c€ B !&J', ""{, tr r/o . tt t *) a J'f /'" I ,N a \ -.-xi! 4 /6 + *:'1 €-Y1s E! jt. --'I (,\( ?2 c Ktol{ ,4;, a f{'"/not-7 6a n,J 8y I I I I i I I I i I I I i l' i>'.c-(?,o 7./lt., , JJ,, /:ot ) i ir rF,i.. ' ''9 tuf {ic *-r, /,/ &r"r"6.rr./ artD ?,fp .f^:i\sor/ &.<Qt/ { a'3-l''" '1 *(<,*3e '_l ---- -\'.----5'>' *t,t il=4 - l-' l-l * - - 'l) I !' l\i\t ,i ii o.o 1\ l'- (( t7- 03-2Y.3,3 Il' 4soo %.^J )e{s-w lrf# i l I I I /, I l! )- =.d 5CA \ ^) {r&-16',&l J I _--...-."