HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-03-30#.. RESIDL JTIAL.. 22s North s*, i*nffPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Buil&tng Diuision 726-37 5s SPRINGFTEI.D U-rr EL Date 17 Z h,tooaC?eT Det,,,aJob Locaticn: Asseesore uap # [-l B ?+-l]l34cY)?as Iot # Qva* *tt*- Lot 1ltS'ubdiuiston: aaer: Blr<eel>g^l %@>, Tal c, Adt:.ess: 26 G A CtO d Phone: 686-7 +S t city: -EUGf,<l e.O tL zip: Q14o2- Qt *tGO/ fl,et,rc,( T+*t bNoZDescribe Nork: Additian RenoCel ooo IFI Nedn I T8aValue7Date of App Lication z7General Sardtug ea-ter capped. at ptoperfii Line Septic tank pnnped r,td. filled tith gra;sel Einal - lthten abcue itens ave canpleted a.nd uhen Cenclition is cottplete ot' stzuc- ture moued and. prenrLses cleaneC up. Mobi Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plutnbing connectiotte -- aare? otd, uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, aeL'-up ard plurnbing conneetions rn;st be apprc"^ed before requeeting el,eelrLeal i.nspecliot Acceaso?i auiEittg pcrches, skirting, decks, Le'"ed. Firnl - After etc. @e canp Page 1 of 2 PLmbi.ng LE MechanicaL (, Consjtuqlion_Lendg!_ .=- It io tha respons'ibility of the petmit holda to aee tlut all inspections ate nade at the E)tope! tisne, that ecch addrees is t'eaCable fln tlu atteet, and tlat the pernit eod ie Luated at the frcnt of the properfu.*suildiry Nuiciott cppro"^ed plan slwll remain on the Building Site at aLL t[mes. PR1C9DUPE FoR INSPECff)N M1WSL'CALL726-3769 (tecotdet) state your City designated job nrtnbet,, job aC&ess, type,of inspeeticn requestid-anZ ul"cn gou *LLL be ready for inspection, Contracto?s o? A,ttters twne and ptnne runbet,. Requests receit:ed befcre 7:00 att ,,vtLL be rrude the eane dcg, requests ncd.e after ?:00 on rtill be nwde the nett rmrking day, 5lols"- m m SI?E INSPEC?I1N: Io be nlade after ezcauatlon, but pt*tor tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLIMBING. ELE1TRIC4L & WCH{IIICAL: ?o be nade before any rrtotk ie eaeted. FA1TING & FOUNDATICN: To be rmCe @AAffi axe ezcatsated and forns ate etected, but ptior to purtng ecncreta. AilDERELOOR PLUT1BING & MECHANICAL: o7 floor ineuktion or decking. ?98!-4!P-PEAA: To be made prlot'toffi€ffildof floor iraulation ot deckittg. ROUGH PLU|BIIIG, ELEC?RICAL & MECH. Aurcar,: No uork is to be co.*eted wt Tthesn inspeeti-ons haoe beer, mode ard approueC. !!|EPLAQE: Prtor to plaeirg facingtnat;ifi; atd. befote -franing inspe-.- tion. F844!!G: litust be requested after @ifral of rough plitr,bing, electrt- eal & meclnni.cal. ALL z'oofirq btacLtlg & ehitmeys, etc. rrust be . conrpleted. tlo uork is to be con- - cealed until this inspection lus 'been node anC approved. FIIIAL PLUMBING PINAL I4ECHANICAL FITIAL ELECTRICAL K fT) DRYWALL illSPZCT1N: Ic be nade | ,xl;ftey,-AT@;A-ts in ptace, - but pt'ior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond 666lgvouting or oerticals in accotdance Lrith U,B.C, Section 24L5. You" ci,tA Desigr,ated Job Number fs: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPEC?ION : To be nade after aLL i-nsulaticn and required oapor baz,ie?s @e in pLace but before ang lath, Wpsutn bcaz,C or unLL couering 'Ls applied, and. before ay iwulation is concealed. DEI.IOLTTIO]] OR !,:OWD BUILDI\ICS W1 uNDERcRcutD pLUMD_gc2_fIWE!2_ wAIERtti5) lirq trenchee.I VOODSTOVE: empTetA. After inetallation is E tr CURB & APPRCACH APPON: d,e eG*Affinffi After fornsto pourittg con2rete. SfDEWALK & DRfWWAI: Fot aLL eon- e?etenffiAffi st?eet right- of-txy, to be nole after all eaea- oating eanplete & forn tnvk & sub- base tm.terLal in place. E d 7! !E!!E: When eotnplete -- ProttiCe gates or mooable sections tht'ough P.U.E. - --- ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of tie requ.h,ed Landscaping, etc., mtst be sati,sfied before the BUfLDfNG FLNAL can be requested. /7, FINAL BUILDTN7: The Final Buildittg fnspection mtst be requested after the Pinal Plunbing V/ Electrieal, and Meclnnical rnspectiona late been nade artd appt'oued. *ALL MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS t'tUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE WDE A? NO CCST r0 cITv 5zAa> Da'Ee I HAW CAREFALLy EXA].LINED the cornpleted application for pennit, and do hez'ebg certifg tttat aLL inforrnation hereon is ttue and. eorreet, attd. I futther eertify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be dane in aecor- dance tith the 2pdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon pertaining to the wrk Cesq,ibcd hey,ein, cnd tlnt No 1CCU- PANCY tlill be nnd.e of anA sttuctune uithout pemission of the Building N-uision. f further eertify that onLy cont?aeto?s a.d, e:nplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project IotaL Zone:LI SOLAR ACGESS REQ..c / L.CO Bedrooms Aceess.P. L.House Lot Faces - Ileat Soutces Lace toxe # of Stories Total Height Iopography ?4ry4 LOT TWE Y rntericn,+ _ Corner _ Panltandle _ Cul-de-sac a7' --> 2%Lot Sq. ?tg. Z of Lct Cooenaga -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pemnt is granted on the erpress condition tltat the said-constntction slnll', in aLL rZspects, confonn to the 7rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, i.nalu"d.ing the Zoning CYdinance, regalating the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of @tA prcoisions of said otdinances. SQ. FTG VaLue ?OTAL VALUE Signed: x Win & t J? rt S.D.C. L.5 c Building PetmLt ?otal *wrges State DaXe Paad.: #: Plumbing Permit No person slnll const?uct, install,, alter ot clange GflA neu cr ecisting plunbing or drainage sAsten in ulole or, 'Ln part, unless such pet,son is the Legal posseasoz, of a ualid plumber's License, escept tlnt a pe?son nag do pltznbing uork to p?ope"tA uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the 6ppli.- cant. Plunbing Petntt NO.FEE CHARGE / oe 4r> Fi.ctutes Resil.znti.al Saner AC> --A Electricol Permit I,lhere State La,t requires that the electrical uork be done by an Eleefu,ieal Contractor, the electrLcal portion of thie permit slsll not be ualil until the Label \ns been signed by the Eleetri.cal Cont?aeto?,aa> Na,t/Ectend Circuits Senice State Iotal NC PEE e <>2 *Z Mechqnicol PermitCILARCE b Ilcodstotse Vent Pa blruat EooC rs Permtt fssualee Mechanieel Pernat ZZ.{O.?o -- ENCROACTMEN? -. Sec,trit! Deposit Storage Maintenance Permtt lv79 Sida,talk _q8'/ 2.20 !enee Electrical Label Mobile Hqne TOTAL A]4OUN? DUE: *4ru*-0r--- 3 7 9 t-2.JOB NO.? State Cttrbcttt 2< | .. RESIDTNTIAL.. zzs No,th rrn r,rrnnaPPLrcATr,N/PERI,rr Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 otmet,: tsfe s, Tuc Addtess: aG d e_ c sPttNGFtFr r\ -7 3 ooo o (-C/(- l\\ I Phone \0 \ zip: Q -14O Q- Desct4be htotk:et aGce F4at"u-y W*t DeNoZ_ /v'A lFl ,*, Ad.ditian l--t RenoCeL Date of AppL icatian I a VaLue z7 {" (1L/ L-/ a-,c)lGeneraL 1:7 Z l'tl<'o bc?-HT De-'uaJob Locaticn: ?+ -la-t3lor>Iat Iot # EwV*- r.!lr r -f 4,Ltsubdiuision: t Plwnbi.ng L rr0 t4eclcr:icaL 14 UG Corsln .lion_Lerui9r I^t ie the respottsibi_Lila oi_tne penrit hotdet to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at lhe pyope! tine, that each cddress is renCnbl-e i.!g1!-tJp atreet, and tlu.t the-pennt cazd ie Loeated at the fuoni of the ptopey\.rBuiuing Diuicion appro"*ed plan shc.Ll remain on the Building site Zt aLL' tikes." Pnoc DUPE F04 II\SPECTI1I\ ,E-\AyEST:CALL 726-3769 (z,eeordet,) stdte Aou" City d.esignated job rutnbet,, job aCitess, type of inspec=icnreQuesteci anri uhen you uiLL be readg for inspection, contyactct,s o, oumers nctne Znd pnoie ntnbey. -r.eqr.s-cs relel.i;Za bLicre'Z:00 antiLL be made the sane day, requests nade after, 7:00 on ttLL be nad.e the nect toTkitta' d.aa. lrlolsz- SI7! I:IS?!C:IA|: To be nade after fT71acau&icn,-rE prtcr tc set up of l lrv-"'!\ I ANDERqLAB PLUIIBING, ELEC?RIC,1L & Iout, City Desigr,ated Nwnber fs: required oapor baniers tre in pl,ace but befoz,e oty Lath, gApsurn boatC or tnLL cooeting is cppLied, and before any insulation is concealed.,tt MAS2NR!: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing u oerticals in aceotdorce Llith U.B.C. Section 241 5. W00DST0'/E: After installation is ectnpleted. 4 L,\ CURB & APPROACIT APPON: After fornsaze erecteC but prior to pouring co?Lcrete. !', t srbtwALK & DRr,,IEWAy: For all con- crete paoing uithin styeet right- ?f-ucA, to be maCe after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base natertal in pLa,ce. DEN)LITI)I 0R !.!OWt Scnitaty seuer eapped ct Wope?Ls- Line Septic tank p;,ttlped and. filled wtth graxelilECHI-ilICAL: To be made befoz,e angwrk is couered.124J FC0TIN} & FOaNDATICN: To be rnaCe 4te" tyencnes ae-ercauated and fortns ate erected, but ptiot, to pour.[ng ccnerete.', o o* ri* hi! rr,* r r, .', {rrr, r ir-;, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be maie prtor to fiL-lirg trenehes. UIIDERILOOR PLUI,BTNG & I4ECIIANICAL : o1 floor insulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAI4: ?o be nade prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation or v1 m m x il w w w tr -A DRYWALL IilSPICTICN: Tc be made | .rl;ftez,;n-6aLzlT-is in ptace, - but prior to any taping. linal - hlten abcoe itens ote ecmpleted anci uhen Cenclitiot is cornolete or sttuc- tuye matsed and. premiaes cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sclrev qd. uater to Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ua and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprcxei befor e requesting eL eclrtcal inspec'-ioti Aecessory- BuilCing L these irspections hatse been nade and. approued. i?FfPEPLACE: Prior to$Lacirq faeingmateriaLs and befot,e froning inspec-tion' \"/2 FRAj.'lIllG: I4ust be requested after apptotsal of rough plwnbing, electti-cal & meclnnical. ALL roofing braeing & ehirnneys, etc. rntst be . cornpleted. tto ucnk is to be con-. cealed until this i,nspection has'been made anC apptotted. Pinal - After el;c. ale eomp pcrckes skirting, decks, E a 7! \4 1r1FTilAL PLUMAIilG ).Ct FINAL I4ECilANTCAL uo FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pro,jeet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion o1- the required Landsecping, ete., mtst be satis!'ied before the BUILDfNC FMAL can be requested. FINAL BULLDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested cfter the Fi.nal PlunbingElectrical, and Meclnnieal fnspeetions hate been made and approueC. D-^a ,: -; n*ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\1EI|\ TO BE I.\ADE !.T UO CSST TC Crly ,{ f) ruuet: h4ten comp\ete -- PtouiCelJ gatel or nooable'sectians throughP.U.E. L_J Aesessore uap # fil "W G& city: -ZU Gf,O e. Contrdctots Ad-dress f ,ise - \- LCT TWE Y rntericr.+ _ Cotner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac JOB NO. Zone: be a d 7='/n/>zo?a Access SOLAR A ESS REQ.- Df House L-CO Lot Faces -SourcesIot Sq. Ftg. 7. of Lct Couerage i of Stories Total Height ?opogz,aphy Beitoons: Building Volue & Permit This pertnit is granted on the exp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said-eonstruction sLnLL, in all respeets, conform to the Crdinance adopted bli bhe City of Springfield, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg tlze ccnstracticn and. use of buildi.rqs, and may be suspended ot' r'euokeC at cny tine upon oic- T,ation of dLA prcuisions of said 0t,dir,ances. Value TOTAL VALUE Building Permtt ?.28 ?otal Clnrges I?ET1 FTC X ae v)--7JStater-- * S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Paid: Signed: Reeeipt #: Plumbing Perrnit No person sLnll constt'uct, install, alter oz' elnnge anA nev cn etisting pLwnbin4 or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such pettson is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber"s License, eacept that a pe"son nag do plunbing uork to prope?ty uhich is otmed, Leased or openated by the appli.- cant. NA.FEE CHARGE / 6a o f D €> Resilzntial Seuer AC> 6A Electricol Permit Whez,e State Las requit,es tVwt the electtical uork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eleetrical poz,tion of thb pennit stnlL not be oaLiC until the Label lns been aigned by the Elech,ical Contracto".aa ,q * i'l eu/ E st end C ir cui t s Sensice Total ITiM NC at,,1Dat b O e c.>/:> t, State Z * Mechqnicol Permit Ezlta$t Hood l,lcodstoite Vent Fot PemrLt flsucnce Meehanical Pe"rit ZZ.Sb,?o -- E|ICROACI]MENT -- Secartty Deposit Storage Maintennnce Petm[t Cvtbeut /v7t Sida,talk q8'/ 2."2 EZeetnieal LabeL 5z_.<€-z- Total Mobt.Le Hcme f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED tlte cornpleted application fo? pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL inforrnation het,eon is true and cotrect, artd f further certify that any ard. aLL uork perforrned sLnLL be done in aecor,- dance rtLth the 1y,dinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lat;s of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uork Cescribed he?ein, cnd tlnt NO 1CCU- PANCY LnLIL be nwd.e of any st?ucture uithout permission of the Building Dt--\') r:ision. f further certiiy thet only contyactors anid e.nplcyees aho ate in . conpliance dith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project)! 3 'IOTAL AM)UllT DUE:*,f ru*.-7 I r?FM tlaf on I l-d<z- State S',tt'ch,atge Tctal C'hcrqe" i lence u^,