HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-07#.. RESIDENTIAL.. .)N/PERlLrT SPHINGFIELD- APPLICA,, 225 Nov.th |th StY'eet Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 General fr RP-tt-/-,'cL 8zA L)G77tt 6Z-At 3.za.7o 7%-/H Plurnbing Job Locaticn: T'cr Lot llAasessore llap il Subdiuision: O,mer: Phone: LL Addtess: ,2"c-/ L- lffi *-ze. Per+e6 Deser"ibe h'ov'k Additicn RenoCel ^48 7S9ao.:-sDate of Applicaticn nt ractors t-lm Value l.Iechanical ecEr ca1 Supe 1n ! T.nc f ir(tt)r/\t r, 1il. eicaoatton, lut Eleclrici;ttr rt ie the reaponaibility oi the peTrnit holdet, to see that all inspections ate nade at the proPe? tine' that ecch address is readaile frorn the street, anC that the permit eayd is Loeated at -lh-e fron-t of the-prope?ty.isuilding Nuicior ap;roxecl plan sfu:Ll remain on the BuilJln1t Sitc at all. tines. pjiOcEDUpE FoR TNS1EC!!9!!ryglEt!;CALL 726-3765(r,ecordey) state yout, City designa-ted iob nwtbet', iob aCdtess, lAP2of i.nspec=icrl uadyfot,inspection,co,7t/,actc?$oia,n","-,n,ne1,dphon"nurtber.Request8leceixedbefcle7:00gl'.tiil be made the sone dcy, r,equest$ mcde aftet, T:00 an urill be nade the ncst:mtking day. 'Io be nnde after pr,ict, tc set up of Iour City Desigrttted Job Nrnbet' Is B"o?7,/ INSI,II,A ION,t,oR OR !.:OVED BUILD- To naCe after aL fr1 u tclsncpou lt D pLUMt! Itp-!!wEf-!!!L \,zl - ->:#. LLrg t?enehee. i'] unomrtooR pL:)tErlc & t'tECttANrcAL:ltof floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEAl.l: ?o be nade Pniot to Ti|ldTTill}{of floor insulation on decking. / Blocktng otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- sane! anC ua'-er Eleetrical Cotnection - Blocking, set'u: and plwnbing conneetions rrust be apprcteC before requeating eleclrical inspecltot Aecesoory BuilCing forme. ! u aE! s !' 4 ! ]tr! aEM,_ t_Llii_8lM__4 MECHI\IfCAL: To be nade befot'e a.ny Git'EZooet ed. FAOTINC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe dfr e r' t rd".iii-ii eir c au at e d and forns are erected, but prior to pouz.ing ccncreta. required octpor bawiers al'e in place bul before any Lath, gApsurn board ov' tnLL aouering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. I_-;1 DRYHALL, INSP?CIION: TC lX I art"; At-AwAr* ;" but p?Lor to cna taplng MAS)NRI: Steel. Location, bond difrilgrouting or uev'ticcls in aceordance uith U.B.C. Seetion 2415, be made place, WOODSTOVE: ccnpTetA. After i.nstallation is CURB & APP 9lgl A!!'O!r: After forns ate er*64 iut p;v4o; to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEIIAY: For aLL con- crete pa,r6 itffi street right- of-tx:A, to be nade after all etea- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base material in Place. Sani'-ary easer capped at pnoperty Line Septic totk yaped artd fi.Lled uith gratei Final - I{hen abcrte itens ate ccnpleteC and uhen Cenolition i.s cotnplete ot' stt't^:- tuz,e noued and prenises cleaneC up. llobile Hcmes ANICAL ""llT to these irrcpectiors h,zue been made and approved. FIPEPLACE: Ptiot, to placirg facing,nct;;l;C and before franing inspe-c- tion. EE/$!!NC: ttust be requested aft.en apptoual of rough pluttbing, electri- cal & neclnnical. AL! r,oofitlg braeing E ehinmeys, etc. rntst be cornpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed unttl this inspectton lns 'been nade anC appno"*ed. PTNAL PLUI4BIiIG FINAL I,IECHANICAI, Firnl - After etc. are comp pcrches, akirting, decks, Leted. IENCE: htten comPlete -- ProuiCejfrG or nouable seetians thnough P. U. E. ALL pro;jeab aorulitions, such as the "i.rzstallation of slreet trees, conplition-of the requ'iyeid. Landsccpirg, ctc., tmtst be satisfied befote the BALLDINC FINAL can be nequested. .?INAL BUILDINC: The Final Buitding fnspection mtat be requeated alter the Ftnal Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechanical fnspections itqu,2 been made and appt'oueC Page 1 of J I FINAL ET,EC?!?ICAL *AI,T, ILAIIilCT,ES AND CLIiANOI)']'S I'IIJST BII ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIEIII TO BE I.I,4DE N.T NO COST TO'EI?Y fr*q& Date: @ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Bedroons L-CO CJOB NO Building Volue & Permit This perrntt is granted on the erpress eond-ition tha.t the s,tid.constmtetion shall', in all r"espeets, conform't;o the Crdinance edop'te'l biy the ?ity 2fipilrrgii.4, incllurlt-ng'the 2oning Crdinalrc-e, regulaL'i-tt11 tyrc ccnstvucticn tra "'iL of Luildings, and may be suspende,T or reuokeC at *'ty time upon uic- Lation of any pt'coteions of said 1tdirances' TOTAL VALUE FeeBuilding Permit Date Paid Total Chargea Access x VaFTGITEIiI ,| State S.D.C. 7.5 x Df llous". 'Io1to1;raphy Lot Sq. Ftg.Lot Faces - !!eat ter Se tbac C,T -- Fees -- llest /5.@ /5.75 .7< LOT ?YPE _ fntericr Co?ner Panlundle Cul-de-sac 1 cf Lot Cooerage_ I of Stories 'fotal !,eight Plumbing Permit No petson shall constmtcL, instalLr- alter- or cltange ,cny nev.cr etisting';Lr;it;A ,; irainage syste.z in uloie o-r' in pan't, inless sueh petson is the ingil p"o""n""on o7" o o"alid plunber"s Lic-ensZ, ergept th'at a pe"son '*, 4o- ptGti.irg uork to property ihi.h i" oumed' Leased ot' opet'ated by the appli'- cant. rEE CHARCE /5 Fi.ztures Reaidential (1 bath) Seuet, /5. OO 7{ Plwnbing Pernit State Electricol Permit Were State Lrnt requires tlat the ele.ctti.cal uork be done by _an Electt'ical contractor, the eleettical porti,on of this pernit shall rot be ualic until the Label tas been eigned by the Electrical Contractor' Neu/Ectend Circuits Seroice State TotaL NC.FEE Mechqnicol Permit khanst EooC Wcodstote Vent Fan Penrrit fssuance Meclwnical Permtt -- EI,ICROACHMENT -. Sec"u,it11 Deposit Storage Maintenanrce Permit Cut bcu! Sida,taLk Electrical tabel Mobile Hane ,IOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *2/ 50 t#: Sigted 7->-*e-TdEe- IHAWCAREFULLrEXNLhNEDthecompletedapplicationfo-t'pernit'anddoh"';;t; ;;rlif;-1h";-otl in1or oti'on hereoi- is true a*d eorrect, an'c r T"rlier cettiiy that any ord olt uork perforrned slall be dane in aceor' Ence vith th'e" 1rdinanc"es of the City of Springfield, .and th-e La';e of the stiTZ )i orLgin- pertaining io the uork Cesbribed he,ein, cnd tlnt N0 ,ccu- pLicy il.tt b'e nnZe of ang" structut,e uithout permission of the Building Di'- uision. I fut'ther cet'tif,; that otly contractor'l ai;d enpLcyees ttho ate Ln eazpliance ultt cns 701.05s ui-LL be used on this project TotaL f\tnn.tao PTll ' S Tol:,al. Cfutraes State Surcharoe ?ence Jkk-