HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-06-06< : .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPL|CATION/PERTLI! SPFIINGFIEL.D 6 Lq€3o225 llorth ith Street Sprinqfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 7 I c Date: L Coastrrcticn_leru:g!_ b . Bluc., L ia 2he rescottgibili'.y of .ttu penrit ito-td,er to see tha! aL! inepectianst a?e ::.atie at --he ptoper tine, i,ta, 2"2,4i1 a;-;'sss is reai-'n..ty-rly stte'et' and :hzt tn. p*ntt ."ra i; r"""1;; J'iinZ'?i"i of tlte =rooertt.'zuiui-q t.tic'-o:"- @.irw^ed p'r.cn siczl renain in-tie i";idi"i'iii.'Lt.it'tirZ".'' ?no$DUP'g-'!cR, rlsPi :CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yottr Citu Cesigr-ated ;ob nta;ber, job ai&ess, tyge of izscec=.icnrequescea a'-i uicen i;ou uiLL bi teaiy i'on inspection, contrdctcis oi a;rr":s- ra,re l=d. pl"ie ruatbcr.' nA;;; r"Le;xZa rLfi"r'ir-o-o- -ziLL be nade the sdze ccy, ""q.iti"*i;L ift"o z,oo ott urtll t" r*i) ti';"L7;"7:"s"t:". e-^F 'rrer=-?.rr.to , e.xcactian, suc pricr rovns. Ail?|PSL;3 ?LU:.!BI:IG, ZLZq:?IC,\L 1 ;,rsci; ;!rc;;: 14 b;-&-@frnyt.pri ss eanrei. F0O!!JG t lOUitDA?iCit: ?o be ta.Ceayler trenches are escanated antd fctns are erectei, but ptlar .,o poum.ng ccnc:eta. i-iis -uLs.Tlail /vAp?R SARRrIR MS?!C!$il : ?o be naLe after aLL insttlcticn drequired ooor borie?s @e in gla.ce tat beJbre ory Lath, Wpsl)1l bcarC crtnLL covering is cpplieci, crti beioreag insuLc,tion is coacealed. you! Citl'Desigrated Job Nwtbet fs: WSC!I!?!: Steel Location, bond beans, gzvutin4 ot ve"ticcls in aecorclorce uith U,ts.C. Section 241 S. ,;inn<r^tE.After tnstcl'Lation is 0R :.:cwi Sard'-a1 se:,tet capped =t Fc?etq Lire Septie tank pzqeC ad fili,e<i uith gratz ,taaereS be tncie after tc se! ug of No Cecking. E FV pt'{r4.LL i:tSPlCrIo!: ?c be noCe /|! efter aLL ct-1uall is .in pla,ce, - buc pr'iot co cny tapirq. ?inal - llthen cbcve ite::s ee cqnleceia.d uhen laqcl'J=iot is cqrLe:e on si;-.,r:ttse naueC al, crerises cleaei u9. x x. lo be P.OST AitD 3AA!,t: ?o be nad.e pr|ot +-o instali;t'.cn of fZoor insuLaiia, or decking. FOuC:] ?atrgflc. lazrglcAt I :.ttc,l-Aitiil.a:mut:til :hese .Jnsceeliatcs i-tc'ue beende crd, q-orcv'e!. F!?!?L.AC1: llor- ..o p.Lc4,.S !.cctngnc=erials od before i'ra:rtr4 inspec_ tLO/2. lRr']lMC:_ ifust be rec.uested aflerapgroual cf rough plwrbing, e-LeetrJ-a,L I nechanical. AL! rooijrgbanq !- chinncya, etc. nrtsc- be..co,ipLercd. llo ,;crk is to be cor.-cecled w*it this insoee:icn t",aa'bee.n nod,e c,nC apor-sted. floor ".neu FT:UL PLU:EI:;C E I.IAL ?TilAL ?"icy to k-"ion or CUH A APPRCACI! APPTN:ae ereeee4 irut ptlot QtE?ete. SfDgilr'.LX d DRfr,TnAY: For" all cctt- c?ete pavirlg uixhtn st?eet mght- of-t;cA, to be naCe aJ'ter aL! ezca- uating caralete & fotn t:ork i sub- fu.se ncterial in pla,ce.\. !!NC!: ',then conplate -- ?rotiCe gates or novable sectians thr.otti.gh P. A. E. tcn2s tsLocking otd. Sac-.tg Planbing conneciic-ns -- sarer" od, ualer Eleciriccl Conectiott - Btcckit4, aei-u= an:i plunbrl,ng contecticns r.r;st be qprcti. bel'ore request':nq elec=ylcal insceciior: Accessot..l 9uiliin4 Einal - !.fter ;crekes, ak-Jrzing, dec23,etc. @e ccncle;ad. Aftet fornsto pcurJng @ 3Job bccticn: rcs t-ot # Z6O-aA'sesso,.s Ya? I qSubd.lu'Jsicn: o Oaren: DC,ld&ess.'Phonz:-q Desertbe h'ork: Value I'r I )lqs nDate of ApgL icaticn L ACditicn Exrc7y,1q /5@ ' 3.F. Fouqv DTto^{ .5oo {4i4, 4 (LATu-,g,g General b a a :EC\AxrcAL !:.f c:e!cAL 'ALE;'lA:tHCLes AIID CLZAilCU?S:tUS! tsE.1C9ZS3:31|, ADJL'57:lz::l:O 3i i!1i! !.! !:o::s! ?, c!:y ?:;e 1 oi 3 ) 8qo4 T oI' to tr _.: ALL pnoiect caci:"ions, suci cs the inseallacion cf slreet;rees, :c-lczicn c;'zierequited Zcniscqit4, ctc., ntult be saxisiici be;bre the eUiiDI:;6 ?lieL :cn le reqztes=ed. ?rilAL tsurLDrtc: The Fi.nal- Buitd,in4 lns.oection *tst be ,rnioJo :f2er ti.e iincl ?!.a+.biqElectrical, ot :!echa.:,iccl inspeccTcns ",avc ir""" idl"- t-;?;;;;rj. Po" OLAR CESS REQ.-t-coc* Building Vcllue & Permit This penrtt is granted on the etp"ess condition that the said eonstntetionstnll-, in aLL rbspects, conform to the 1r&inance adopted 6y the Ci,ty of Springfield, i,nclud.rng the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstraeticn anL use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC dt dtA time upon vic- lation of @1A prcuisions of said 1rdir,ances. Frcef @3 3y167D p4'.ral-1r4L}y aD/4/% fex). I tuaaaart*t) pbts,- ilz, Beircms: !!eat Range Lace Date Paid: Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttact, instalL, alter ot cltange ang net ct ezisting plutnbing or drainage syatal in uhole or in part, unless such person is the l,egal possessor of a oalid pltunbet's license, eseept tlnt a pe?son nay do plunbing uork to ptope?tA uhich ie otmed, Leased or opetated by the appli- @ttt. Electricol Permit 'i|ie"e SinLe Lan requires t|",at the electrLcal uotk be done by an Electrteal Cont?acto", the electrLeal portion of this petmit slnll rat be ualil until the label lns been signed by the Eleetrtcal Cont?acto?. Building Permit State ?otal Clanges Plumbing Pern:Lt State lotal Pettnit fssuorce Meclnniccl Permtt * Mechqnicol Permit f HAW CAREFULLY |XAIIINED t?e cornpleted application for perwit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is ttae and. conect, anC. I further certify that any at^d aLL aork perfomted slall be done in accot- dance',rith the 2r,dinances of the City of Springfield, and, the La,;s of the State of 0regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd. tlldt N0 OCCU- PANCY tlLll be rm.Ce of anl stractu?e tttthout permission of the Building Di-oision. f furthen eertifg tlat otly contraetore ad, erplcyeee uho are in canpliance uith oRS 701.055 ui,LL be used on thie project JOB NO. r.at Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cotteraga # of Stortes ?otal Height Topography Lot Faces -IiT TWE Intericr TilUt-t x Value Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac tb,in 6/1/s C,@ace 4ooo Caroont Accessom.l TOTAL VALUE 05#ts ao ch^1E- fr>?a /2./,- - CHARGENO.FEE Fi.Et1;"es Resil.zntia.L (1 bath)I z5* Sanitarzt Seuer llcte? lilL A*Ttt /o ao ?s a'o )to.FEE Res. so. ft". lqfi#aE@.9O Naa/Eztend Circuits lanpcrog Set"uiee /oaa 35 0n 140 ilc F?F h.rnzee ?TU'S Gfr Exhalet Eood.4€o Vent Fat 4-300 lza tlcodsto;te a^2.50 ,?o a3, y'-c -- ENCROACHMENT -- lqcaritg Deposit Storage l,laintenattce Pernrit C'urbcut Sid.asalk qoo *ec,/nq n-Fenee -T-ste etfieat zab eL Tful 564/rd ,2) Nobile Horne TOTAL /NOUTIT DUE:'lQ.,l2-v Date W I?!il 25O EDGEWOOD CENTER o 366 4OTH AVENUE EAST o EUGENE, OREGON 97405 . PHONE 686-9431 June 20, 1985 Don Moore Department of Public Works, Building DivisionCity Of Springfield 225 N 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 breeden bros., ine. Dear Mr. Moore, Enclosed_please find a signed copy of the revised permit for636 Woodcrest Drive, permit ntunber 850454. I{y accounting did not quite agree with yours. The differencein total amount due is $724.79 plus the difference in plan checkfee of $8.00 for a total of $fs2.Zg. Thank you for ygyl-prompt attention and cooperation in helpingus resolve our differences on this permit. Sincerely, BREEDEN BROS., INC. Robert Breeden RB/1b LIII I qgL'-'e @ - SPRINGFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Sprinqfield Centennial year July 19,1985 Breeden Brothers Inc. 366 40th Ave East Eugene, 0regon 97405 ATTN: Gary Reiber SUBJECT: New Residence at 636 Woodcrest Dr. Returned herewith is one copy of retaining wall calculations for the subject property. As discussed by phone, please provide addjtional information on the method of restraining the lateral forces on the elevated garage. Si ncerely, Azh*- Don Moore Building Inspector DM/cc 225 North Sth Street . Sprinqrfield, Oreqon 97477 o 503/726-3753 Jab +t6-tto +t L 4ULA T/eals bla8N# , ?R SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE - BY D/<6EDb/ E'€8$., //1 b i: 06 -?4,s t: lah tta Eaan/ .-+-. . t--- "*!*. -1- i 477a'1/*:,>2 -3 fr{:*t F2/< 867/' //-/tN(- w,Ai--L' ef A=-*r<A'aZ Schaudt, Stemm & Wild, '"". o INE. ii.ii':1 /,/,L ORE6O Y CONSUTTING ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS 388 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97,60I I ,Q E.?'; t .r? 8,6/e# .Z 3d, W?a,oa.ReST .,*7.:*-.--.-.* Dg. m UilI ( f;l:?*t 42b /AETA 1- /A-/A l/- c'? Aa<,AaE a e fl., ! A I tn'-o I p'-o L*|, 1 -r1 EX/57-//\/A )A/AL/- @< 7caat9/loa-.c y'anaa7 / ,<E VHF€D .9Y bz*,4y /<) ./2,/E- 7A Z-4.2r< a/= FAf>/a yt/t ..A</1tz2sP .AS 4.r\//7/Z-yrAt c-. /. 6./€c, */o<rz. afa<_, TFz-A.4€* < t" ., ..? /.2/2;/.2/9 Schaudt, Sternm & Wild, in". fl?{-<--, D/< SHEET NO PROJ 3< - zaz4- DATE ECT NO.,?/ t,/ii BY Pfictzala"r-1 s {- "d:q.' 49pp!r.henT */5etP"t,u4t a s.. ll>rFa,eatr{b t€7AtN Itt/G' -z#E F tol aq /a'4 '.,5 .3 f?t "-2./a -/./- a.- + 4*4 2 :o 22 f.L +22 -2-S r.s -.S + 5toZJ5 , €.rfl CONSULTING ENGINETRS. SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS /. <tz S- ,bl 388 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97,{OI t.1 I 1 1t )'" ( , m \J'V 2 a ./) t.ltel \ 8/<EL-.DA\/ .&%/; zz-'1,f,Ht -Aezztt,lr*A= I'/aU,<4r ooru'/,/ ?> ,, W.t tZ. .4?ru-ty' = 2.9 K ' *ea/ r,,*i, r:' Q;{;#,(r? ) r = (t+/r*.Azbv : .21e.fl */2 1r-ara,o /J" S. D. /?rr,.rrof) 4o=Z.9Yt. Z ' ,,L/r -:7' As= /4a e//.?4.4fF' €-KAr€ 42f;EEATZ 4,€aAe6e44 v{a r'- # /.t/zn) / +. {r S/ qp'-- i //a./- ,An H. + I t. ,t \ 4-f/e/@ 4<zr-E &z<rcza.q ru/vaFa< TO /P/N/z ' r'4A\/ L.>AO € eUZrS* -9. /. Zzvt at F,g=,/47aD BY t# XEo14rtx e ,l'/z 7 /"/2O P,/ 2L (z/tz* /qo + +) Z.L7/Z = ?t"/ ,f - -* ,fr/.zo/r 22b) 9n47 B/tz k Alffif|/t-r tl*jrsT 411.5 ZD/\/5tEt€ ,/_+{- ,e,a.=€;mAJT yt/At_C i /_.%Tq' coNl/eeran/ ra Elr.>TtNG rylEM)y CONSULTING ENGINETRS, SURVEYORS AND PI.ANNERS 4€5/37' z-z2z4urz-; ' ,Jry')," =2=,i/ /n., o - ry - 7*7i ;'E : rt# b c Tef,) F: 3ryu "'2 /- aot) Schaudt, Stemm & Wi!d, i"". SHEET NO Z PROJECT NO.Zh . ot*7 o'/ tr o/n 1.zt-t s l*. /ti E . 3Zo ), zy'Zfra .242 d7t-r{ . eH- ' l;1////,-e:rn'€=rEa /? )a#.J-l- t50 /, hh"e _t >o(Z-2,) /7775 tl 388 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 9740I m \q'V t)A EyllVNa u*€: F/zz) , . 77@ -rL ) t-=zs 4 y'nh= -€r>/a eoi=/z ?tz)y'/ : 5X3 -.-frXz/tV7Vg = /c X4- Dao : o' -'-- y -- 'r.')).' 2!, = 4/,/t L) - 7071*:, /]'7r = )us "// 1 = 3+z/ f,'r. n tj.r; mf;z/e/+) --) \I l' I t I ( Schaudt, Stemm & Wild, r"". E<r ,a PROJ DATE ' 7-r27VL t@srs747-''154; Tb dL/ Dz.t/G -=./3 3? i // aao ,24 3 3J- SHEET NO * ECT7/t N 2/-Aa>'o:3Z.a )* BY i t<t-) /J, -- 7fT - t/ru//aan =./9ot'(.^nt.//o*. ..f€'>t -{6 fu2*// zz@ p-r tr trv->*) t. 4//5A4 0tz @ 4e x zz"=t$ I'! t CONSUTTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PIANNERS 388 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 974OI ( m \9U ( i : b3Z- />{y'ru;4:?rT pztc-€ F?Z'4/N/-/A q' 6a+iZAG6 3o>a )7ir?, I /3,- ",.,!-.€....;.r + hI r breeden bfos., ine. 25O EDGEWOOD CENTER o 366 4OTH AVENUE EAST . EUGENE, OREGON 97405 o PHONE 646-9431 fune 5th, 1985 Lorne Plegar Building Division, City of Springfield 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Lorne, Attached is a copy of the receipt for the building Woodcrest Drive 1ot 110 River Hi11s subdivision. B/B/78 is for expired permit nurnber 78-72814. permit at 636 The receipt dated Breeden Bros., fnc. is applying for a new permit at this address. Please ncte that the sewer connection and sidewalk fee has beenpaid. I hope this will be of help in calculating the fees on the current permit application. Sincerely, BREEDEN BROS., INC. t"^(Sng.*r- Gary Reiber GR/1b C ITY OF SPRINGFIELD citY Holl Uf - l1 O Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT llo. B 41 Li 3 l9 (p ( ( Dote Rec'd From Address Received For: Amount Received ( .: BY L E. Brlr. &Bpry, IDc', Ew€D'' OffE aao?5r-! i r :l i.\'. : ._.:'..1. j. ,:: ., ;, ---... .-,: . _..: .j. '.t'_.1,, ;.1. ..r ''.,.- ,lo(, -r,fYe 6ANA;ff. E*n-*-, ) lr i:;f 1.; l,{ t L Ht{ ra':f,ti.i \s ..t0\I-\\\ '13. ,hy\_*1,'.r )'."b ;'tr{f//;N {n frA 4y_& .$t*rtNl fa'aytd*:, *, ft ft*a-*) Ufi ?I 12{--"/r TA / L# ,d tt+" 14 ZA ( e ffift13/+il ee_DF/b #9,r4)* <,'4x /b A/V lxb fd'-,T \1 tz I rlI ll :w#€/t)fuN56*bAA€ ,:/'!ltgt\ rl, ,-l N Ur t w \tu/--=?rOl =*l;1L- s-\J I c* I \0 tt!.t II /", /!fr, EEPEN ffi42,F;Vtu t{/ffs0ARe5f tr€"fl/eE.v€ schaudt, stemm & walter '".. a czeanr+)I AA Jut*'-t CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PTANNERS 503/485-8383 388 High Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 T/reA/vl t/V6 /! ,hr 4)2 WALL-*E€*, 4 ffi U^V SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE BY F/ C,A TI 01\ 5 S Fbre TA /NG i Z tr,qA /L'l lq E,FEEO&/\/ 3Lb ,f , fi, -/h D,aa5.I Etl 4 E,,Y E lEec?a4 y'""/ CONSUTTING ENGINEERS,388 HIGH STREET EUGENE OREGON 9740ISchaudt, Stemm & Wild,,"".SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS d") m U'V /2 ^n) ( ( QA..?/Y-E F/R.EcT No .4+'244 =:G?aYcD-^) SHEET NO PROJ DATE //qFA4T Lc>^ rY- z 7'92, 6eN4tQe:Vt-34oa LATaP-AL u4tl? E-aPn Pzzzz , )lAnlzZl ru,z-- #/^ZiL6/w lA Q /2" f/ZusSF > : /4/HC lraa ,*:D tl t4(\ E--e^eE ;r *o'u $n( a r-1 L )1' <-1J t, e )< 2<-?.) LL/ftU.< *vt z€l- c ///r.:t;;, '/-3€Q/,*. Sf.Zuaf D-L, laNf4ra)77r^u'o Te * D*b'(zor=4* #.b,(ruy4 f z(s)a tr fo. (i //zzxzz,S f" 9 po{': .a=): , #gx A._ = Og.g(ro*2. 59.3 fz.'-zx7.a3) ' aY.9Il, x(zz'fu*z-.7) 9f.2 ( 7-zx (7 ?/7-rz'-c7) J47/2'.7/06€4 =-4t '7/)/42b974 c- 7-rFt "r d?) /.1 ) CONSUTIING TNGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS ,/- ag * 388 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 9740tSchaudt, Stemm & Hfild,,n". lo'-e "-.-.. i _' @ \*$-- I ;={ -a_ I #EA{--'F l- ! ! , 1"[ ,<2 ( a#/a' /f,?a/\/T /d,a-/-L or, "*-o prt.dra)47 OL 7Z +/.57K/.?/'=1+"2 )/.2 /4 =rLfo - l7zc - fre-( (, (7f9) €r<a*ogry' R/r9 2 NO,n2-244 BY a / e'Y-a / Zeo / /a>p-.,f . b3/,-WA&8fzZ-SHEET NO. PROJ DATE<25aio&E F^.rt a4>1*- @t ayzYt It Ei,'tt=,a t>-z{40z' /2t" L*r fzZGozt ffb, %o xt s.fl " n 7, = 253 ,< parT4 Ta Ta- fffi,t-(; ,r).rebt, p2fts T atrS SrtDts,tzs W4L, Fe.-t7m .5.*/,O r /.s8Y/.37 € ffirclT @ utr**eE fib Le,,@ t€ e 5r 51-. dA F AF-/.s7 <2./L )Z ,c7ofrrJL, LArT e. "e = /so*/7v J,tiol*G {? /dA = DZd TtzV'a Rr*5p\./J4,t,l/ioxzl ,szrr)/.i71: /, 47 /" ) / oF* zzE. f a D-f /*rtZ-=9ZATt5t'Z .-4 L- aS rsl rE'4/t *ilD Y-,DP.aZe/-37 4/tt-c )57 -: x-fiPAc/Nb @62 = t t<4t,, r'/ F = 1?.?2" ,, p -itef tr. ( Z.?qF - z.ds€f = 4.9? * 4 ''- *'* 4=-" /7El v?3,inZ DFft-'= +.=/. *s? jz , 2.7 6E CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS 388 HIGH STREETSchaudt, Stemm & Wild,,"".EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ffi U'V o>,_, '25 ffr)z5{'4.2)/-a g /2 ,"rn€ = Ls,/l l3 4 Yb tz la | /as7(€),o +v t' - a I MfrE=1b /.= a l4z!tt2:-J*tg:;f ez;ft,"/i, G' y'- 5t4ra* (" an ol z.<./ -' / Z-4- A * n^- . //r. af .€*z-rs 26 PRorECr *o. E*'6:Z/=?? oor.7/zrrr* r, R.c-t. ' SHEET NO.3 Z-7+ r'#€2 -) CONSULIING ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS 389 HIGH STREET EUGENE, OREGON 9740I$chaudt, Stemm & Wlld,,"". m U,V kt!flH 2 I 2- y/.?V"r: 2-t or/z #3 C)Ea7z 7? 72-'aua *r? 4y A y'= 7.vv7' <- .a e.ja7 rr z /o c:65.ry'e07 t aS o ?F_. /. tt L ,h" /A 3#Fa7 L't' / /,tzlz 4y 4.. F€aes7*ts . Reatta€ a,,+*af EeltOt*ts lN /-attz .7:'Szse S/+t- o F"t'./h : , f 41- . //z)*/-y +/z (ct): 3.Srr al As . .'3. :tr:nr'z*/eq("r.2=l)- l/a) :- . 24e-,n" /l) ros :'" , 3/ ct/1 . /F5 l:+tz g *l z,r/ C,l) \t// "' re -/ /'elJ/re'a-f1oz/ €A'A 4rtb : ?.A U,/ a .= , 413 E/ htttr' : / otii' .'37o k 51/-,,surcl./,42 s A .zzs o ? 1 aa-) ,na fur.. ?411?1" f ytc- ir"?, :' /'d'/dw ..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ltorth sttt streeAPPLicATr2ll /PERMrr SprLngfield, Cregon 97477 EuLLdLno DLrl-s1.On 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIEI..D Date: 5 G'/€ 3o I a 5Job Loeaticn: laz tpt # ZAOOAssessore )4ap # DC -qAdfuess: 7824,4 (LATwog,g grrcrn-ta _-7 3, g(p . =4- va\.ue e*eL. -o Descmbe llork: Date of App Licaticn 5J,rn a6 ACditicn RenoCeL e, F. FouNv DrtoN ne GeneraL gr i.!eclwnicaL OR Sanilan1 seser ccpped at pz'cperfu Line Septic tank p"itTed ail. filLed aith gzatel Final - i,lten abcue itens ate ectaletei at:C uhen lencLitian ts ecn=Lele Zv' s:t-;:- tttye raued ci ore-',ses cleatei u:. e Ecnes ?L"unbir,q connec;icns -- s€iley sl. uater ELect?JccL Ccnrect:)on - Blcekir,4, set-u, and plunbi,ng connections rr;st be apprctxi before requestin4 electrical insceclior: Accesicl.! BuildJra Firal - lfter pct,ckes, skirting, decV-s, etc. de ecnolz:ad. tsLocking od Set-up ya:2 : ot i PROCtDtJPg ?OR IilSPatrI)N RSA.UEST;CALL 726-3769 (z.ecorCez,) state uour Citu desiqra,ted job @eaiyfortnspection,cont'l,dctc"soia-nn,"-,,o,eLndphaneliLL be nade the sone Ccg, requests nade aftaz, ?:00 on aLLL be naie the nect',nrking- daE. Consj@lcn Jeile!_ b, It ia lhe responcibility of the pendt holl,er to see that eLL ,i.nspectiarls @e nade at lhe propez, tLne , thdt aach aCfuesa is z.ea;ab|-e Jron tiu stteei, ad, tildt the penrit card. ie Lccaled at the fzcat of the wooetiet. '1ui!Cir4 Vivicror. zppnoxed VLut sitclL remain on the Eu:Lcinng iitc at aLL'times-- I nzoT,be?, iob al.iress, type of insrec=icn nt;nber. P.equests receit:ed befcre 7:A0 r, U\ID!?SL;.3 ?LU:.EI:IG, ZL|C??IC,IL 4 i.!ECi.{t;iiC;L: To- be r,acie before ang DO?R aS eCueted.. x??ncfze . ta oi fLoor insu or Cecking. P1SA AND 3EA!,1: ?o be nede prJoz, toditiTffiiof floor irsulaticn ot decking. D^t,.tJ .ft^ro-ttF arrMoT.Ar t .,.1!c:1_LA:lI:).:: .;a ,o?i,- i; tc :e eo--erei GIT-;kese tnscecliars haue been maie cnd q'prcle!. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Mmbet fs:a i s" S ULA? I a It /|APC R B A R R IER illSPIC ? fi lt : To be naCe aftet aLL in*tlcticn el z,equited oqot ba,riers de in alace but before ary 7.4th, Wpnlnl bcatC cr raLL cooering is cppLted, crui befor"- aq insuT.ction is eoncecleC. DRWALL illSPtCTI)y: Tc be nade after aLL irguaT.L is in pLace, but prioz'i;o cny taping, llASafiR!: Steel Location, bond beane, gYoutin4 or uerticals in accottiotce Ltith U.ts.C. Section 2415. itC1DSlCt/E: After installation is xtrale+.ed. CURB & .A?PRCACH AP.e.)N: After fotnsee erecteC but ptioz, to pa"u-Jrq conc"ete. SIDt|lr'IK & DRf',EIAY: 7or aLL ecn- crexe pauitq uixh:'n st"eet right- oI'-LcA, tc be naCe ai'tez, all- e*ca- xating cattplete & forn ,"prk & sub- base naterLal in pI.aee. crTr rvqra--7rrr. *cA;nar-',ut t:-12(LAt-L: ncxetl.d Ls To be ma<ie aftet prtar tc set up of X ICO!:IG ! |CUJDA!:C,U: ?o be naCe -7;f'-et )r"-ftc;;s ate eneancted and. IXJ f:rns ate erecxai, cu= pricr to -pouz4ng canc"eta,x I x. Nt2 Pfi:or to plcc:.rq ard. before frotrirg fcclng LnsPec- tion. FP-A.. !|C: i,htst be rec.uested ef--er cporou,;.L cf rough plur,bing, electr-i- cal I neehanieal. AL! rcoJJrg btaaing A chinmeys, etc. mtst be . cornpleted. llo rcrk is to be con-. cealed untiL this insoecicn la.s 'been made enC apgro"-ed. IT|AL PLU:/tsI:iG ITNAL ?TilAL llhe* conplete -- PycuiCe or nouable aections through ALL pro;ject cov.Ciiions, such cs the i.nstalLaxian cf street cr.ees, :c:rcl-eion cf a'ne required Landscqing, etc., nust be saxisf;-si bey'ore the SUiiDIiiG PliiAL ecn be requesteC- IINAL BUILDI\IG: Tne Einal Building lnspection rwst ba- requested cftez' the !*nL Plunbing Electtical, anC t4echariecl inspecttans tlaue been nede ad approuec. gates Dil' a /' 'zl--a--1 subdiu.Jsicn: Q-rcf-€-fttl-I-g 3,r6D ru r5roJ t,,+.lr1 lzf llo c*ter: beE,EoeJ beaz. T.r) r-. E-.", a.=Jr-ne-e- T fi) ,ALL !4AIIHCLES AIID CLEA.IIOUTS I,IUS? BE ACCESSItsL|, ADJUST:IZ:II lO 3E:,|iDE !.I:IO:'57 ?9 CI:Y P-ge 2 JOB NO.soLAF._,CESS REQ.- Lot Sq. Ptg. 7 cf Lct Couerage_ ! of Stor)es 2- Togogra2hy LCr ?y?, y' rnterion _ Cormet _ Panharuile Cul-de-sae n^+^ D-;). L-CO 1a'Le:lgpe/Cor.st 2eitcons:Cceacancl Croul: Lot ?cces -lnztor.,t Soul,ces lieai Dt 1^., - ^Ceyaqe !.ceess 'r/at e,! ! ac = zt ,8, e,-fllotth4. ?ireoLace t*fMrt-/-'llaociatoue I ilest -- Fzes -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penwt is gz,anted otz the e*p?ess eond:)tion tlat the said_construccionslnll, in tll tespects, eonfcrm to the Crdiranee adopted b:y the CiiT cf SpringfreT.d, incktiing ;he Zoning Crdlnance, reo.,tlctirtg tke ccnstl.tct':cn and use of bur.L,Lings, cnd nay be ;usperuieC or reuckei at crV t'-ne u:cn utc- 1-atian ,:1' ,my pycoisions of saiC Ct,dirances. a^Faf .rlf ttd Fee: Y 7a 4e go & a?olal Changea :r:i4 FZi caP.Gg !istutes Residzrttial (1 bath)I 25* Sa.itarl Seuer )lctey bL ar*/Dfr ,?-€@ No pereon shall eonstzttet, instal!, alter ot clange ety ned cr eristing plwnbin4 cz, dt'ainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such person is the LegaL passessor of a ualid plwtberts License, o:ce9t tha,t a petson nay do pltmbing xork to properfu uhich is ouned, Leased or opez,cted by the appli- cdflt. Plunbing Petrit State Plumbing Permi Electricol Permit I{here State Lan tequiz,es tha,t the electr-Jcal work be done bg an Electrical Contraetor, the electrtcal portion of this permit shall not be ualiC untilthe Label itas been signed by the Electz"ical lontracto?,o.o oo fr 3 ll a,t /Ezt end. Cincui t s Sezvice :!i:4 ,';C FiZ llj I Da, :.'*-^^ )qll I e 6@ blwlst lcoC I 4€o Vent ?al 3 3.o ?oo i,lcotisto:;e fo ,7b Sec.o.i -- a:tc.a.0Acij!r:t? -- Storaoe !4aintetanee Permit 87. e cxr.ic aL re:: e t 7fu1, -Wlhi F..@ /337,/6TOTAL A,\!OU:E DUE:' a€ Petmit fssu.ance Meciunical ?erfi:t Mechq nicql Permit *1** f HAW CAREFULLY 1XAAfNED lhe eotmleted copLieaxion for permit, cti da hereby eeriify that aLL itfo:rot:.on h.eyecn ls tmte anl. ebrrect, cnC I furtker cettify that any ard. aLL .totk cev,fonned sLaLL be dote tn tc=ot-dance,,ith the 1rdincnces of the Citg of Springfield, and the Laas of theState of aregcn pez,'taininc to tke aoz,k CescyibeC henein, ctd :itc.t |t0 1CCU- Pl.llcy urill be na.de of' dtLV stz,uctulz uithout perm"Jssion of the ZuitdinE Dt -uision. i futther certifi ihet onLy ecnttactcz.s a;d awlcgees uh-o arZ ln corpliance a:.th CRS 707.055 aiLL be use<i on this pt'oject b- w-Ka ltobile Hone taL 40, Z 4nvot(.?en=e CIIrY OI- SPF,II$GFIEI-,ID SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97 477 December 18, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER Breeden Brothers 366 East 40th Avenue Eugene, 0regon 9740L Dear Sirs: In going through our files we came across a build'ilng permit for: The project was Iast inspected on September 17, 1979 The 1979 0regon State Building Code, Section 303 (d), explains that any building permit for which work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days, the building permit shall expire by limita- tion and become nul I and void. Since the only verification this division has of work being done on a project is by the inspections performed, we do not know what the status of your project is. If you have proceeded on this proiect and are ready for inspection please call 726-3769 and request the necessary inspection. If conditions beyond your control have prevented you from proceeding on this project, please submit a Ietter stating the circumstances and if conditions warrant the Building Official may extend your application for a specified period of time. If this building permit is allowed to expire, it wil'l be necessary to obtain a new buildiing permit and a permit fee amounting to one-half of the original permit fee for such work wi'|1 be due. If we do not hear from you within the next ten days we will assume that you haVe cancelled this project and we will clear our files of all related material.If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. '. . Sincerely, G Tom Sheirbon . Permit Coordinatorcc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney TS/CPFile 6001.2 7 a single familv residence at 636 Woodcrest Drive, Building Permit No. 791033 ,' 00636 01-o?-tru I Ltr t N6 O?-14-$AN $EI,ER CONl.l o3- 13-SI DEUAt-hi o4-o5-FLUl.tltIN6 -Atl[TRESS- t^,OOtTCREST TIESCR i ATT GAft -OtlNER- BREETIEN BftO1'HHR$ 686.9431 366 EA$T 401'H AVENUE EUGENE r ORE60i{ ?74Ot -UESI6N TEAI.I- FRI}T. ST,/E- EL/E- Ptt/E- BUIL[rIN6 trIUlSlON J0B* 79t--a3 -LE6Ar-- LOT 110 BLOTN HIVEftHILI."S 0000000000000 -vAl-uE- -INt" o- 55ts01 .00 NEtl RE$l TIHN IAI.ltll BOOI lO / 80()9L'/ -STAT$.01 FLf6 Z0Htl R-I 0O liT(rRIEg, F IRI: ZCINE3 03 trEtrRl,l l- LUotTF LAINOOl UNITS V.I,I SG F'E E'T K Irhi -EN}.-HGY-Hl:A1'1- i)- H20- RAN6E- -uCIN'rRACr ORS- 6ENt-- FLltlt- ELECT- t{EcH- SECI-REAUIRETI F'ERI.I1'TS'-.----FEE---SURCHAR6E.EAlE-}IECETF''T..-}.'E'RI.IIT*--.VALUE....-- 19?.00 (r0 ?8 oo o0 6 35 1 a I '/,96 780808 0.o0 780BoB o, oo 7B080tt I .40 7t+0909 sEe-- I NSFECT I ONS-------COHHI:N'[ li------ ----trAl'E--*-Rtr$ULT-- I N$F--- O1-??-UNEF NRAIN O?.03.FT}UN}TAT I ON O3.03-F OUNTIATION 04-?6-SAN SEhlErl o5-3?-UNtrF ITRAIN O5.?1-UNNFFLU}.IB 07-3O.UND6 FLUHIT o8-91-SI nEHALtt o?-16-FR06ftH$SrVH tNSP N0 PR06RESgi 781030 7?O801'19080'j, 790906'/909()'7 '/?ovt? 7909 I 2't?09t'/ 800917 {JK olt tlN 0lt tJl\ 0li tlt\ 0K NOTOIi 03 01 o3 03 03 o3 03 (r? fu-*/ ? PUBLIC WORKS cc CIItrY C)F SPF,IIiIGIFIEIJD sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 January 6, 1980 -ituJ-fr-fuTom Sheirbon Permit Coordinator 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. John Breeden Breeden Brothers Inc. 366 40th Avenue East Eugene, Oregon 97405 Dear Mr. Breeden: Your request for an extension of Building Permit No. 791033 has been received by this office. The Building 0fficial has decided to extend this building permit to March L7, 1980, based lon the information you submitted 'in your request letter and in accordance with the 1979 0regon State Bui'lding Code, Section 302 (d). This extension does not exempt the permit holder for any required inspection when construction starts before the extended date. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. S'i ncerel y , Ronal d B. C'l ark Superi ntendent of Bui'ldi ng File 6001.2 cp -fr=* a_* h)4 ; il"'il r'e I -trff / , l(;,^_ a,-J*Loffi e"-*-*-/ '-"-Lj'<.r-^,t'- fr,ile=cw d 7q l9:s L+ra-a f nffi -4*LtL?z-^-'4!.rt/lru*-w )hb -{_d?4,L f-Ar*-* %-ft:^,L ,ur-'^J"'- 44 -4a*-'rt- a-'A l,v-o- ,----U J<- ,t '4%! &.a *""U /go zr*uA-7\* ++H-<--*-- *:1 J*-*f*r^ #" -Th-) ,*-t S"^^- M 00636 o I -o2-tru I Lt' 1N6 O?-14-SAN SEtrElt C0NN o3- 13-S r trEt'Al-l( o4-05-FLUl.ltr I N6 -AntrRESSi- t,0Ot|CRHSl' NESCR i A'T1' 6AR -otdNER- ETREEIIEN BROTHERs 686.94.{1 366 EAST 4OTH AVENUE EUGENEr OREBOI| ?74OL -NE$I6N TEA}T- FRtI'l- $T/E- EL/E- Ftl/E- f LlllNG IrIUlgiIOl{ J(|B*'7r,2" I.1R -LE6Ar-- L01' 110 EL0CI( RIUERHILLS 0000000000()00 -ENERGY.HhAl'1- 3- H20- RAN6t.- ACT I VI: .VAI.UE- -INTiO.:i$i501 Nl:l.l Hl:SItTENT IAI- 1t 11 ts00110 / 800917 -ti'tAI ri-01 BLL|6 Z0l.ll- R-L o0 s'roRlEri r- IRE zoNES03 E|EI.IRI,I F LOTITII-'LAIN 001 ul.lrTs u-N $Q |-'EEI' R -c0l{'rRAt:'r0R$- GENI-. F Lltlt- El-l:CI - HECH- {iEt{-RE({U I RELr F'EH}.i l T S----*-F EE---SUIICHAR$E-t'A'f E-RHCE I F T---}"ERl't 1T*-..----VAI-UE--- I 9? .00 100.00 6 r?8 35.00 96 780808 00 78080ts 00 780ts08 40 780808 7 I 55 r 501 0 0 i., 0. O.l. sEn-- I NSF EC"t IONS-------COl4lttrN'rS-..--- -----L|A'rE----RL:$ULT-- I NSI-'--- o1-?2-UNDF trftAlN O?-O3-FOUNIIATION O3-O3-FOUNITATION 04.?6-SAN SEUER Os-?2-UN[|F' TIRAIN o6-21-UNrrFPLUHlS O7-?O-UNLI6 PLUI,IB O8-91-S I IrEl,rAl-tt 09-16-FRT}6RE:SSIVE INSP NO I."ROSRE$S (+t*'^tI'A lsO L,.*Yt 781030 olt 7?0tr01 0t('/90ao'7 0li'/90?o6 '/90<t()'7 790V1?'/9()9t:J '1909t'/ BOO917 Nt]'l'Oli 0'J uti {J ]i ol( ON 0li 03 010t 03 03 03 03