HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-15.. RESIDT. ,TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIlTT 225 llorth ith Street Springfteld, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 53 job Lpcaticn: losessore Map ll 0s aa Pcceict i SPFTINGFIEL.D Subdizsision: 'istter: iddress ?az Lot fl Phone: zip: -'fr,&-(- 0,,Describe lloyk:+ru*t r-"- C'r&1 Yalue Iour Ci,tg Desigr,ated Job Nunbe? fs: Io be aLL 1_ at lhe ptoper time, that eccft :),bssg is vsn)n;-." 1 ,roorrn ,o n FqnDate of AppL.iectian ,onxrac'-o?s jeneraL Sonstntetiott Lerder l _c Trn f il<Da^df n^r. escamaxion, but fotme. FTilAL PLIJI1BIIIC PTilAL I.I\CHA:IICAL FIIIAL ELSCIRICAL lo be nade afterprior tc set up of 7 -.t ia lhe responsibility of -tle permit holder to aee that aLL inspecttons ee nade'rqt tie st?eet, anc tizat the pentrit "*d;; Lxated ilinZ- rilt! o7 ttte D?oDe?tu.zui,ldiq D,iui:.iotz qpro"*ed pib shczl rZ^Z;"-oi'-ttrZ El;iiZ"lg'"siiic at azz- tines.- 2oclDuPl' FoP ilsP1nrott -EloWsr:CALL726-3769 (z'ecorden) stdte you? city desigrated. job ru.o;rber,?questea ar'a uizen uou uiLL be ready for ir.spectio", ioi*L"t;;;'o" a^te?s natte cnd p-none nunbst.iLL be nade the sdte dcy' tequests'm'die iller z:oo- a, utLLL be nnd.e the naztlntking'das-. job aCiress, tgae P.equesxs peceixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:0C ri Qra 1", 1 pcprrrlc , F?uvpArrcy ?o be nnCeI alyer x?encnes are ezeauated attd, forms ate etected, but ptiot topouing ccnerete. 1 Wgge=ruWLq IEWP. ,/trER.J q.?ltuAtL: 1.o be nnd,e p?ior tO fil_Lirq trenehee. )", floot insuktion ot deeking. I l0S? 4t!-p EEA\4: To be nade prLot to) inslallaticn of floor insuta,tion otd,eeklfq. 7 urxll these inspections iuue been_ maae ard cpOtouel. I frp*Ug: pr.Lor fa plecir4 facinq-r mc.te"LaLs and before franing inepeL_tLon. 1 Fpit:Ittc: ltust be requested. aftet) approual lf rough plttrbing, eiectrt_. cdL 6 meciunical. Att roofittgbraeiltg A. chinmcys, ete. rrust be. conp_Leted. !1o ucrk ie to be eon_.-eecled until thiB tnspection iii'bee.n made anC apyooed. tequired oqor berie?s @e in pl.a.ce b'ut _before oty Lath, Wpstn bcarC orLaLL .cooe_?ing is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DnfirALL=ltSlItrrON: ?c be mad,ealte? aLL arguall is in place,but ptior to an7 taping. UASONRY: Steel Loeation, bondbeons, g.nouting ot oertiicls inaccotdozce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTO|E: After itzstallation isanpLeted. CURB & APPR.CLCT! AppAN: Aftet forns@e e?ected. but ption to pountn{concrete. SIDEWALK 8 DRI\WAY: For aLL eon_c?-ete paDing uithtn st?eet night_of-yy, to be naCe aften aLL -ecca_ odtlng canplete & font t:o?k & sub_base natertal in pla.ce. r l ll l !E!Cg: llhet eonplete -- ptouiCe. gates or mooable aections throughP.a.E. -.-'ALL proieet conditiona, such as the instal.Latl.gn of street trees, csnoletion of tierequired Land'secping' ctc., rmtst t" ,ilill;na t"rol".-IlZ-ifiiiinc FilAL can be requested,. FritAL BllrLDrNC:- The Final Bui?'iling -rnspection mtet bc requested, clten the rinal plwtbirg\--l Eleetrical, -re u.ot-riiii l""fi.i';."" 'tu;;' b;,;;;'^"a2" irra approvec. DEI.IOLITIO!] OR Sanilaty setser capped ct property Lir.e Septie totk yanped atd fiZted uith graseZ linc.L - tthen abate itans ate ccnpteteC ar.d. uhen Cenclition is conplete iro ,t-"_ttze mooed od. ptetLees cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking ozd. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aalre? ozd. ua1et Ele_ctt"tcal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-u= and^ plwnbing connect,tons rust bL- apprct;iibeforc tequesting eleelrical inspei:iol Aeceasory BuilCing firal - After_pcretzes, skirting, d,ecl<s,etc. @e cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 .ALL TIAI]HCLES AIID CTEANOU?S TNS? BE A CCESSIBLT, ADJUS?ltEit? ?o BE t,ttDE A? t:O cgsl TO eM 1 Md;ticn-1 nr^oa.t __l O^^"rt BSimed: Date: t A'/ <-,?f tr T ,) JOB NO soLAR ACCcSS REQ.-L-co c _ Interict _ Corner - _ Panha.ndle CUL-de-sac Eearoons: Iat Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Ccuercge # of Stoies lotdl P.eiEh'- Topogrqhy ieet t Lrco toue -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pent t is qranted on the eipress eondition that the sail. consttaction slull, in all respects, conforn to the Ordinanee edopteC i2iy the City of Sptingfield, includ;-ng the \oning CYdtnance, regulcting the ccnstracticn and use of buildings, ord may be suspended or reuokeC at cty time upon oic- Ta,tion of otA prcoisions of said 2rdir,ances. Lot Faces - Setbaeks Df tlous e Caraoc Aceess Ho?tn Eost South tlest I?rtl Valuc llain Goace Cd?rc"t Aceessottt TOTAL VALUE LUeS.D.C. 1.5 a Pu'ilding Pendt ?otal. Cianges I &.s:z.rres i i Resiiznti^a.L (1 bath) Se-'er Plt"arbing Pernit Sta;e Sutelarae t * PLan Date Paid: Reeeipt f: Plumbing Permit No person shall cottstraet, i.ns!al!, alter or ehange dny neD cr ezistizg plttnbing or drainage systal in :,thole or in patt, unless such person ie th,e Legal possessor of a oalid plztnber's Li.cense, ercept th,at a pe"son nay do plunbing uoyk to p?operty uhich is or,med, leased ot operated by the q?Li- @nt. FEZ llctey i n azt / Ezxer,C Crncuit s Serttiee Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requires tha.t the eleettical uork be done by an 9lectrical Contractot, the electrLcal poz,tion of --his pernit shaLl not be uali.C. untii the 'Label has been sigmed bg tite ElectrLcal Contracto?. cal Pentrit Stcte lotal 4 a:a r . : : -ttv. I I e,i.-,.ru- I;C. I T;' I CIIARCE h.*raee 9TU'S /q.ao ("() a Mechcr nicql Permit bha8t HooC Vent Fa 'tlcodsto;se Pcrarr|t side"talk !en=e ELec ttobile Hane Pe"f;it Issuqrce Mechanieal Pernrit -- EitcRaAcu4llt? -- ?atal Charoes I Platt Exoniner Daie I EAW CAREFULLy 9X/rT1INED tle contpleted application for permit, dr1d. do hereby cettify that aLL infornation he*eon is tmte anC cotrect, anl f firther certify that any ard aLL uork perfor'ned slnll be dote in aecot' dance :^rLth the Ordinences of the City of Springfi-eld, and the Lase of the State of oreacn pertaining to the ttork Ceseribcd herein, c?d' that N0 occ!.;- PANCy titl bZ na,7e of any struetute uithout petmissiott of the Building Di' vision. I further iertif'g tlat only eontracto"s ard' enplcyees uho ote in earpliance utth CRS ?01.055 uill be used on this ptoject tr \\ L.- *. .rc.*:u-/; -t { a?OTAL AI'!CU\:? DW:.ls,bc Sr?"rd-\Date Rcs- So- lt:- I