HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-12-136D!'--Lane County Authori za,tiott for,FOR OFTICE USE ONLY i2i.iz"t'"53s3-ry' RANGE /)z4/ i\3M;SHIP /7 LOTIPARCEL BLOCKS'.'BDIVISION,/PARTITION (if applicable) PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY [-] nesidential t] Comrnerc iaI f]euuric Industrial '/() ZLPctrl'Y ON PROPERTY f DECI,,ARED S VALUE ri OF ed= OF BEDROO},IS I # OF STORIES /ru/4 I /%f TELEPHONE NUMBER?42/a"q 4IS NAME + APPLICATION THOROUGHLY DATE ,tz/rs /s4 fLrtsher *,;ffi,t::ttit',iil:,:ii:" and Chatandlstruecorrectl'oRAPPLICATION PERMI arrd hedo re rtceHAVEIEXAMINEDCAREFULLYCOMPLETEDbyTHE C(rn I ra(i tofrrecord oevidence a uthori attachedPrrrchthehaveaninteres t the tyIegalfollowingpropertyIorr"the ofLaws Statethe of onINdoneawfdanc,:thc OregthataI1andworkshalbeceperfomedIrtifyany be ofnade sti uc w1ure theth out ml sf ofoa the vl lon ur-to describedwork INhere and NOthal wil arli'pc BuildingOCCUPANCYthepertaining itnforce effectd AS red 70oRs that if basthe forstrationtherhBu.i 1de r Board fulI by exempt ev,emptcerthertsirequithatfyregi aitt)1n ance thWI 70rC)RS will055 be oned this READIHAVEadsubcontractorswhoSprojectishenotedreonthatandIoyeeemPconplonly READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZAT]ON'IAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: c,^pEL u"5cr-oe.Narea{'\ragltq5YsrE2L Installation Specifications PLANS EXA.I,IINATION: COM}IENTS: Date: C L COM}IENTS Date a27Z B. P. *SANITATION: s. I. t V-N Date -/3 Parcel Size rear rnstatlation R€cord rssued? ! v"" f, n" interJ"orMinimum Se CO}L\IENTS I pmuurlrc/zoNrNG r Lineal reet of Ilrainfield I4aximum Depth of Trenches GaI10n Tank e L, Zone- Partilion #- Parcel * PER!{IT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFF SIGNEA (oer oRS 455 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OBEGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION IN!'ORI\4ATION cL4-25 R* !{ORK; BE-SPECIFIC -. ,/"," <Z 7,42 .4-Jt;-:,rf. 3 S-f,rZ V/_ NUMBER D n SETB'ICKS AND OTITER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLI- OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF TI]IS PERIIIT, C]TATIO:J UNDSR PROVIS-I9NSgF LANE COU):TYIS INFRACTION ORDINNNCE, AND/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAIi. !iHEN RE.\DY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687-t065. A I4INIIIU}I OF AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @EN:---T.aTE.-€EE-ToIIowin9informationready|Pernitnumber.jobaddre3s,type of inspeccion, when it wiII be ready, your nane and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDINC DIVISION: REQUIRED TNSPECTIONS: Foundation Inspection : naterials for the founda To be nade after lrenches are excavated and forms erected and shen al,l .tion are delivered on the job. trhere concrete fron a central mixing transit mixed") is lo be used, naterials need not be on the job.pLant (comonly termed " Concrete Slab or Under-iloor EEiifi recurpmm tl oau r t, p pLace but before any concrete Inspection: To be made after aII in-slab or under-floor buildingiping accessories, and other ancilLary equj-pment items are inis poured or floor Eheathing installed, includiog the subfloor. Framing & InsuLation Inspections: To be made after the roof, a11 framing, fire blocking, andbracing are in place and al-l pipes, fireplaces, chj,mneys, and vents are conplete and all roughe.Lectrical and plumbing are approved- AIl wall lnsuLalion and vapor barrier are in place. Lath and,/or Gvpsum Board InsDection: and exLerror, Is rn place but betore To be made after all laEhing and gypsun board, i.nterior any plastering is applied and before gypsm board Jointsand fasteners are Laped and fiirished 5. FinaL lnspection: To be nade after the buil.ding is complete and before occupancy lired after the mobile home is connected !o an approved requirenents, biocking, footing connection, tj.edoens, APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shalL be done on any parC of the buiLdj.ng or gtructure beyond the point indicaeed in each successive inspection wiehout first' obLainj.ng the approval of the building oificialsuch approval sha]1 be given only after an inspection shalI have been made of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: A]1 buj.Lding germi,ts require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limiLed Eo: .A. -Blck waII: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. Thisinspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will- be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections havg been made and approved. B. t\'ood Stove: To be made after. bonpletion of masonry (i.f appLicable) and when installation iscomplete' Installatj.on shalt':be in accordance witir an appiovea, nationaJ.ly recognized Lestingagency and the manufacturer'3 \Dstallatj,on instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is requ sewer or septic system for setback skirting, and plwbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to compl-y with state foundation requj-renencs for mobile homes or aslecomended by the manufacturer. 2- Mobile home mininum finish floor eLevation shall be cerrified when required by a flooal-plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedoHns, when required, and skirting shall be inscal.Led and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting sha1l be installedper enclosure. D. swiming.PgoI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool is installed. APPROVED PLI'NS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I,TILL EXPIREIE woRK DOES NOT BEGrN WTTHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF !{oRK IS SUSPENDED oR ABANDoNED FoR r'loRE THAN I8O DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i4AY OCCUR IP THIS PERTVIT wAS ISSUED ON THD tsASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFORMAIION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIO}IS i,JILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEHS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a pernit has been issued, the permit holder shalInoti.fy the Lane County Departsent of Ptanning and ComuniLy Developmen! by submitting thej'nstallation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction io detemi.n6 if:.tcomplies wilh the rules contained in this division. If the construction does conply with suchrules, the DeparLmen! shall- issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to ehe'plrmii;holderIf the construction does not compl.y with such ruIes, the oepartlent-shaIl notify t'ne permltholder and shall requj.re satisfactory compl.eti.on before isiuing the certifi.cate. Failure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.145 and this iule. Setbacks - Subsurfacc sewage Disposal Septic Tank Drainfj.eld 'Inberior p!operty lines Edge oi road rrqitt-of-way Building founda!-on' we 1.1-s ; other wa ter sourqes 10' 10, 10, It0 ' From :LO' 10' 50, I t l :ffi 492 East l3th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 * 484-5472 @AI- Brian Dwyer 444 lIood I-ane Drive, Springfield, OR 91477 w--rE-Len)pga L2/L2/84 726-2L33 3l+?-1?3L wrk oo-rD 50ff {*-.ft l1qr",te5 w?o=€, -Tb tr(rh.llsH ALr_Yb{€*tALS + LxAarz- ao @pLfJL 4+L Fott-owttF.lG -. Installation of a 3 pa.nel solar hot water heating system. Equipnent including:3 Strn Resource 4 x 8 black chrome collectors, 82 galron State tank and drainback module, Gnmdfos pwpr c-100 Independent energy controll_er, Ietro flow meter,'ature valve, Erybirg, 3/4" Imcoa flax pipe insularion.aII $4600 purnD. check valve. D.r. valve. 7i{z gate valves, sensor, aII plumbing and insulation.$ sso Proposal also includes all permits needed and soft Tech Homes 2 year cornplete warranty on alr parts and labor. TorAL DuE $s1so DOI,JI{ PAYMEI\IT /@ BAIANCE DUE $+50 l[l5TAU-NlON. ALu 1^7'pa1a <6 * %l? tN ^greorE,55lct.|N- l.4Al.ll.lER-.N-LoF+H{aegwlw & c+tx*tao- fr zdo nJ.l,9 F{ArEF-rAlrs f t €4-. b<l,ta{ ? tb w tltw >.( -tl+€ n7{ G-11.+L }4ohr+r Dt*EssCrtH*lwt€fr %1(S@. tx )( W1e, ^-/z-F., b1',o" Fcc-g6 lane county BUILDING AND SANITATION SOLAR SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS CHECK LIST 6l!' -Applicant:kfiil DwfiaL Site Address: Apptication Number z 3353-A* tnstaner: bff t*i+ lhfrlds 7/ ?Number of collectors (absorbtion, evaporative, solar panels, etc. ) Number of pumps (any pump used to convey any heat transfer fluidor potable water) Number of tanks (any solar heated storage tank, drain down ordrain back tank or expansion tank) ( '7 Total number of components) THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE ISSUED 1. A floor plan locating the new and/or existing storage tanks. Identifythe space in which it is installed by name. 2. A framingplan of the roof, showing the size, spacing and spans of theroof support system. 3. Installation details of the panel support, anchorage, connections and bracing system. 4. The maximum surface temperature of the panel. 5. A schematic diaqram of the proposedpiping system, showing aII gate, check and pressure valves, Iocation of air vents, Iocation of pumps and location of any other components of the system. PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING & SANITATION DIVISIONpuBl,rc sERVrcE BUTLDTNG/125 E. BTH AVEIEUGENE, OR. 974O1IPHONE 687 -4061 ?- SOLAR for December 13, 1984 Solar Hot Water Heating SYstem Brian Dwyer 444 Woodlane Dr. Springfield tel. 342-1234 492 East 13th Avenue 484-5472 Eugene, Oregon 97401 lone ccunty ACTIViTY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t4lILL BE REJECTED! 6n - I -Lrn,r flrtu<huS ffitdy Dwrpl_ PERSON MAKING REQUEST 4,a ( r{n t MAILING ADDRESS _fu?4{ oP.L ?fi,t1 PROPERTY OWNER H@ f- ry!. LI CITY STATE ZIP CODE 4q4- 54tuffi ?b:fin z+z-rye 4 HOME TELEPHONE #euffiffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DTFFERENT TnO 3 rvlae a pAFtcEL NIJMEIEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQUTREp r NF0RI4ATr0N)or from tax statement)i2 a3 e6; / TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION 3@" TAX L0T(S) 0R'PARCEL # TOINSFTP FTNGE SECTI0N ftII|SETF RAME SEe-rion TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ZON I NG W ZONING ACRES O ,UrrU,-ON ( i f appl icabl e)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) o /Ns 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY ' _ DATE:- TiME I N:- 0UT:-- NUMBER DATE -{nt/, --l LAND MANAGTMENT DIVTST0N / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD 0w TRS# \?-o: - K FRONT C1 SIDE DATE ISSUED:PERMIT# N SDS APPROTXAL REQUIRED INTERIOR REAR S ITE RESS NApproved IDate Correcti on Date FI EHL E I n spector N Approved Date Comection Date Inspe ctor UNDERSLAB PLBG. fIApproved Date /Correction Date I nsp ector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Insp ector ROUGH PLUMBING (TOP OUT) INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Ins ectorp F Approved ,.2 Da te t-z--t{ lCorrection Date Ins pe ctor ROUGH MECHANICALApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspe ctor INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Date /Correcti on Date_Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspector Approved ,/ Date poDt Comection Date Ins pector e-lLI -n- Approved Date -r-t{Correcti on Date I nspector FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING ET /MOBILE HOME ! /AG PLACEMENTN Approved r/ Dale t- t- q( /Correction Date-lnsp ector CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EApproved Date_Insp. NCY Tj--- M74-t97 TE proved_Date Insp -- r I