HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-17tl..RESIDENTIAL.. zzs North sth s;treeaPPLrcAT) /PERMrr SpringfieLd" )z,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPIIINGFIELD \r.- Date: Job Locaticn: Tc,a Lot ilAasessors Map # Anter: Addtess Phone: V-DQuAddition RemoCeL VaLue l--t Ned Date of r General P lutnb i l.Iechauica ectr lec tr C DE\\)LITI0l! 0R i.iowD Sanilary seser capped at propertg Line Septic tank pnped and filled urtth gta:sel Final - h4ten abcte items ate ecrnpleted and ahen Catolitton is conplete or struc- ture moued and premises cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plutnbing connectione -- la)ev attd uater pcrehes, akirting, decks, Leted. Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, sei-up and plwnbing eonnections rntst be apprct;ed before requesting electrical inspection Accessory Bui.Ld'i,ng Pirnl - After etc. are canp P4elofZ It ie the reeponsibility of permit holdet, to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope" tine, that each adlrees is req?abie fron the atreeb, and that the pernrit card ia Located at the fwnt of the property.*suilding Ditticion appro"*ed plan,shc,Ll renain on the Buildina Site at aLL times. PPaCEDUR| ?0F INSPEq!10!__889!!!!:CALL726-3769(recotder) state Aou! City designated job nwrbet,, job aCdress, t11pe of inspeclictt eadyfolinspection,Contr,|actol,soia,mnr,-,,o,,eZndp7aienwnber.-P,equestsreceit:.edbefcri7:00o.:tl'iLL be tade the sane dag, requeete made aftet, ?:00 on uiLL be made the natt aorking day,&ot 0r7 I SffE INSPECTI0N: To be made after eac"omon, T;; prior tc set ip of fonna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH+IIIICAL: ?o be made before anywrk ie cooet,ed. P))TIN} & F)UNDA?ICN: To be rruCe after trenches are escaoated and forns are ereeted, but prior to pouring ecnerete. FTNAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nwnbat' fs TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn and required oapor ban'iera ane in plaee but before any Lath, ggpsurn bcarC ot' rnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: ?c be made VFet, ZTT-EwiIt-ts in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond Gfrilgrouting or uerticals in aecordotce vLth U.B.C. Section 2415. l,l1oDSTOvE: After installation is anpLeted. UNDERCROUIID PLUMBING. SEWR, W,4TER. PSLM E: To be made prior to fil- T@-66nehee. UIIDERELOOR PLUI,,IBING & MECHANTCAL : of floor insulation or decking. lO !1!!rD BEAM: ?o be nade p?ior to ffiTaTlilffof floor insuT.ation or decktng. ROUGH PLU!-IBIIIC, ELECIRICLL & UEA: GiiTthese inspections haoe been mad.e and approoeC. PfPEPLACE: Pri.or to plaeirg faeingmaterials and before franing inspec- tion. PRAI.IINC: ltust be tequested aftet approoal of rough plwr'bing, electri-cal & mechanical, ALt t:oofing braeing & chinmcye, etc. rntst be eornpleted. Ito uork ie to be con-,cealed until this inspeetion lwe'been made anC apptotsed. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ote etectelT;t p;lo? After fornsto pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRfVEWAI: For aLL eon- e"et; paofiAffi street right- of-rxy, to be made aftet' aLL erea- rattng conplete & forn wrk & sub- base nwterial i.n plaee. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProutCe gates on motsable sections through P.U.E. ALL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion,of the reqiined Landscaping, etc,, tmtst be sati,sfied befote the BUfLDINC FINAL ean be requested. FLNAL BUILDING: The Final Building fnepection rruat be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, cnd Mechanical fnspections haDe been made and approueC. IAT,L MANI|CLES AND CLEANOI]TS MAS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I.I4DE A? NO CCST TO CIIY tr tl T l tr Pcge 2 OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co dJOB NO. Accegs.ItouseP.L bt Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooerage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Topogrrphy LOT ?WE _ Interiot' Cor'fler Panhanlle - *L-dn-ro" BeC,roons: Lot Faces - F?G v Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Pai.d: Reeeipt #: Building Vqlue & Permit This pernit i.s granteil on the er??ess cond'ition tl-,t lh", saidr-conetrwction shall', in all rZspeets, eonfonn to the Ordirnnce adopted 5y the city 2f lp"ingfiefi, inctiding'til'ziii"g cYdinance, regulating the cc,nsttucl:t:.,^ ,;rd ;" of -buildings'- and may be- suspertded or netsokeC at cna t'me upon DLc- Lation of my prcoisiona of sai.d ?t'dinaneee' * Building PermLt Iotal Clnrgea Stdte CHARGEFEE Fistutes Reeidettti.al (1 bath) Sanet, Plumbing Permit No petson sllall constraet' inatall,- alter or clange-ang nev-c? existing - ;ir;;brQ or drainage ayet'az in ulaie o1 in part' inleas such peraon ia the 'tigit-i'ori)""ii of"o ollii pt*,i"t's LiceneZ, eagept that a person,*V 40- plGtiirj ,o"k to propeity ,ht"n is ou,ted, Leaaed or operated by the appli'- cant. * Plwbing Penrit State Itett/tutend. Circuits Seruice Electricol Permit wheye state Lat reqttirea tlwt the electrical uotk be done by -an Eleatrical Ciit"".Li", iie elictrtcai iottion of this _pernit slnlt not be oaliC until the Label -lns been signed Oy the ElectrLcal cont"actor' *Iotal CIIARCENC. bhogt flood Vent Fot llcodetooe * Mechq nicol Permit Perrtrit fssuanee Meelwnicel Pe!'fiiit t Pernit C\tbcut Sideualk IabeL l,bbLle tome PLdn Eoaniner uace * I HAW CARE\ULLy EXAMINED tle conpleted applieation fo-r' pernit' and do nni"oy iit;.fa tlwt aLL infonnatibn heteoi- is true and eo*ect' and r furth"ey certi"yy that any ard aLL wrk perforned slnll, be done in accor'- d";;;;"fr; lh'"" ondirrn."es of the citv of -sprLngfield, and the Laae of the State of \tegon pertai-ning to the wrk Ceseribcd he?ein, cnd tlo't N0 ocCU- ieicy ohtt b"e ,aZe of any" stzacture uithout pernisaton of the BuiTdi,ng N- ttieion. I further cetti,fy that only conttaetot,s and. atrplcyees dho dxe Ln eanpliance u'i.tt ons 701.b55 uiLL be- ueed on thie proiect ?otaL TATAL AMOUNT DUE: * Signed Date ITEM lktt'n Catant t Acceasoru (DALUe) PLan Check Fee: Stg*ed: * llate-r Total Charqes Storaqe l*rinLannnea Fenze Rece'i Date lt.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAl- tV/PERILIT 225 North |th Street Springfie'Ld, Oregon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 PnocsDURE F o n I N SPE Cr I I N- 9@ r!-, C a ll 7 2 6 - 3 7 6 I requested and uhen you uiLL be ready for inspecti t"iLL be made the sone day, pequests made aftet' 7: SPRII\IGFIELIS- Iour City De:;igrnted Job Nwnbet' fs ,ION: To matle aj'tet' all It ia the responoibility of the pernrit holder to see that aLL inspections are nade at the properi time, that each addrees is readable from the street, anC that the pet'ttrtt cardis Located at th,e Ji'ont of the,property.lBuitding Nuision appro"*ed plan sltr:Ll remain on the Builtl'trrrj Siti at all tines. (yecoytler) s'tate your City designated iob nunber, iob aCdtess, lUee- 9f inspeclicn on, Conttyctor," o1, Oumet,s ru:nte and plnne nwnber,. Requests receiued befcre 7:00 an 00 an uiLL be nade the ncxt lnrking day. SITE INSPEC,!ION: er;""atlo", b"t To be made after pt"tot, tc set up of t Lcn forms UNDERSLAB PLU]4BTNC ELECTRICAL & MECHA.IIICAL: ?o be made before any GiETi-i)uered. P))TINC & F)ANDATICN: To be naCe after tranches are and forns ate erecte,l, but ptioz, to pouting ccncv'ete. UNDERGROUI,| D PLU M 3 r NL Sgl'IEl?, il.A',|',!:r) nnaillict: To be tp;le pr'iot' to fil-Tl{lrenchee. LIIDERFLOOR PLUIiBII'|G & !,,IECIIANICAL :'o7 floor insulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be rnade Priot' to TiitiTTilla{of floor insulatior, ot' decking. ROI]CH PI,U!,!BT[|C. ET.ECTR,!CAL ,t I|ECH- ANICAL: No uov'k is to bc cou'ered .diT-tho"r, inspect'ioris haue been made and approtsed. FIREPLACE: Pr,ior to plaetrq facittgmat;tr;G anrl before -franing inspeb- tion. $&!N9: l,tust be requested after apprcoal of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & meclnnical. ALl. roofing bracing & chinmeys" ete. rmtst be i completed. llo ucrk is to be con- , , cecled until this inspection ltas tbeen made anC apptoued. FIIIAL PLUI4BINC PTNAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELEC']'RICAL required oapot'L'atT iets dre tn place but before any Lath, gypslon bcat'C or *tLL couet'irtg 'i.s applied, and before uty insuLctb'ion is aoncealed, DRYTIALL INSPEC'I'T1N: '!c be made aFer att dryuall'is in place, but prior to crty taPing. I4ASONRI: SteeT Tocation, bond iiffiilgr'ottirq or uerticals tn accordance LlLth a.B,C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVF]: After installation is ecrnplet,ed. CURB & AP'PR)ACI! AAQlt: Aftet' fotmsat" e""";;{-i;t w;lo" to pouring concrete. SID\WALX .q DRlt'ttUAL: Fot' aLL con- ciete pap';v1g uithin street rtght- of-1"vzA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete .Q fonn uork & sub- base materia'L in Place. ?ENCE: Hhen conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe gates ot, nooablb sectians tltrough P, U. E. ALL projecb aonclitirsrL,;, t;uch as the-i.nstallation of stteet trees, conpletion-of the nnqrlinn"rl Land.sccping, Ltc, " rrust be sat'isfied befo,e the BUTLDTNG FINAL can be requested' ,IIN, L BIIILI)INC: Thr: Itinal Building Inapection mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electiical, and l,techrtnical fnspectlons itguc been made attd approoed' Prr:r I oJ' lr 7'1O t qooL,*N\6Job Location: Aesessors Map # lnOZZ$&e ---:y Llltt @A*a-<) Subditsision: JR.,.t,cz L^ L{e+*e-vAt^mer: /.4O rDo"ur.eUe !a--\*b- olo%Adds,ess:Phone <rre,rs:ca€w'D 1lilLCity Describe L'orl<: D?l/- t'7,- 114 PgAAB 4 ,100'Value Neu Date of App Licrztion .Additicn RemoCeL i'lobile Ilcne siln General K \ P luurb ing nica I EJec t r rcar Superv ising Elec I ric iit rr DEMOLTTIO!'] OR I.IOVED BUILDI:ICS Sanitary seuer capped at property Lit:e Septic tank punped ard filled uith gra:sel Ftnal - hhren abcoe itens are ccnpleted and ahen Cemclition is cotnplete o? strli3- ture moued attd. pterrLses eleaneC up. tt!,'i''tLe Hcnes Blocking ard Set-uP Plwnbing connections -- a€fu)e! qnC uatet tlectrical Connection - Blocking' let-uP and plurnbing connections mtst be apprc"^ed befot,e z,equeating eleclrical inspection Accessot,; Building pcrckes, skirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. a.re camp h(fi1 l u n u * ,t Zonc SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Bedrooms JOB NO. LOT TYPE _ Intet'ior Corner [,ot Faces -Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Couerage ! of Stortes Iotal Height Topography r) Iloti:;e Accesa. Panhandle CuL-de-sac Laee th tore West -- Fees -- ITEM t lu X Value Building Vqlue & Permit This permit; is 11ranl:ed on the eapress condition that the :;aid consttaction shall, tn atl resl,ccts,- io),ii*io tlle. 7t&tnance eclopted iiy Lhe C.ity of ,ip"liifi."u; i.nelltdtng'til 2""i"g Crdinanc-e, regulct't.ttg .t;'n tTltt-:.:r:":,^ ind u'i'n of Lui,Ldina:;,- and ne.y bc suspenrled or reuokeC at cnJ t'-me upon oLc- Lation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinances' Main TOTAI, VALUE DC *S.D.C 1.5 t Buildiryr PermLt ,o .50 PLan 2.53 Date Patd State Receipt ll: ?otal Chat'gee 53.a2 Signed ITEM NO.FF;E CNARCE Plumbing PermitFi-ttutes No Dp,rson slnll cottstt'uct, i-nstal!., alter or clunge cnY net.cr etisti'ng itfrL'Li t, arili".g) syst2n in alai.e o1 in part, unless euch person is the injol p"o"nn""o, oi'o,tllli ptw,An-r,s Licens'e, ergept that a pe"son ^a,l 40- ptiitL:ng r,tork to p"opnity iti."t, i" o'sned, Leased ot operated by the appli- cant. Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pem:it State Total Electricol Permit : wet,e state Lau requir:es tl.nt the electrical raork be done by _an Electri.cal Conttactor, the elictriial portion of thia permit stnll not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electri'cal Contractor' DCF L Nan/Eetend Cireuits Setttice State Total CIIARCEcErIT!M Ilcodstote Mechonicol Permit khanst Hood Vent l@1 Petmit rssuanee Mechanicel Permit -- ENCROACHIIENT -- Seanr-Ltu Deposit Storaqe llai.ntennnee- Permit; Cu?bcut Si-da';alk !ence Electz.ical label Mobile Home PLatT Eionl-txeT UALI) TotaL TATAL AMOUNT DUE: *53eB Date f8 Weter: Chnroes NC. fi\trntee BTll'S I HAVE CAREFULL. LXANINED the conpleted application fo_t, permit, and do ininty certify that aLL info,mati'on hereoi is true and eorrect, and' I futth"e, certiiy that any ard aLL aork perforned s.lall be done in accor'- 'dan e aith thL" Ordinanc"es of the CitU of bpringfield, .and th-e Laa of the * State of lregon pertai.ning to the uork Cescribcd herein, and tlnt N0 oCCU- pl.NCtt uiLL be nnde i1 ony" ut u"tu,e uithout permissi-on of the Building N- uision. r ftrther L'nritiil thet only contraciors and enployeee uho are in conpliance uith oRS 701.ass uiLL be used on this projeet