HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-10-22" RESIDINTIAL" z,s ltorth rrn rro""APPLicAy r,N /PERI'ffr Springfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Constrtctic-n Leuier i1:: -loaa-lo be rrude after SPFI!h.lGF!ELI} |NSULATION/VAPOF tsARRIiR |IISPICTICII : lo be naCe after aLL insulatisn ed. req"Eted tqor ber.Je?s @e ln pla.ce but before ay La.th, Wpsutl bcatC cr unLL couering is copLied, ad before otA ,:nsuLa.tion is concealed, DRYWA-LL iilSPICfCN: Tc be naCe -.. aiter aLL anluall is ,Jn plaee, but prior to crry taPirt4. llAS1llRY: Steel Location, bond iffiiigroutirt4 or uerticcls in aceori.otee ,,nth U,ts.C. Section 2415, /1, p +%,/,5. oo.60 /e, oo Date:-ZZ It is lhe nesponeibility of tta penrit ioZdet to see thdt aL! incpections @e nade at '.he pz,oper tLne' that ecch ad&esa is rea;abie jron the stteet, anC thct the petwit cazd ie Lccated at the frc'nt of th,e ?toPettV.*?uilding tvi:iot appro"^ed plctt sitc.Ll remain on the tsuiidinq Siie at aLL tines. ?i?oclDttPg .coR IstsPrntuu R?Q|ES?.'CALL 726-3769 (recorCe ) state Aou! City Cesigr-tted iob nta'ber, iob aiiress, laOe- 9f inspec=icn @eaiyforinspection,conttdcta!soia,rnex's-r,cnecrd.plonenunben.P'equesxsreceitedbefcr".7:00a:l'.iLL be nade the sone Ccy, ?equests mcd,e aft* 7:00 ott v[LL be naCe the nestlsotkiry day. youv City'Desigra,ted Job lfu,ttbet Ic:YAA /b7- - u :t DiRc?c U:t 2 ? !Li.tz_!iG zg tjE p:_W!&J Lirq xrer.chcs. eccaattcn, but prior to se! ug of fotms. U il D SPS LI.3 ? L U !,8 I :I G aLi- -:1t,,tL a ilECi!).iliCAL: io oe narie be|'ore cny - lror< Ls ecoeted.. FCC!flC , !0U;tDAT:Ctl: To be rml.e;F;; cr"-rca a.r- ezcanated ard. forns are eteciei, but pz.io" to port-*ing ccnc?ete. decking. ^ntt..,t )trF,pf.tn ,,ia:9!c.!.t ,, 1!tc9- A1IIC).L: ):o ,otk .)s cc ce cocel'ed Gll-;hese ".rscee:'lars ltaue be-et noie crd zppt cl'ei.. FiP.!P!.A,)E: Prior lo plcctr4 !ce':.ngnccerials ard befcre frenng inspec- tion. FRa.llIilC: lhtst be recaesteC afler apgroval cf rottgh plwnbing, alectr,.J- cal & neciwnical. AL! rcof')rq btacing I chitmegs, etc. t"rsc be . ccnpleced. ]lo ';crk is to ba- con- . cealed until ihis irsoec:icn l",as'beet nade crzC aporo"^ed. FI|IAL PLU:/.8r:iC PT;IAL :|EC|LA:IICAL ?IIIAL ELEC!.O,ICAL cofiEtete. SIDEI,IA.LK & DRI',EIAI: ?or aLL car UIIDEPFLCOR ?'U:,3 i:IG T, !4!C!!ANICAL :Aftet irntallation is ?;-E;A;iicv to ristcli.at:.oa of floor insukxian or Ceeking. fi posr a:n eea:t: lo be naie pior lol:^t I insxcllatici of floor irst:ia,tior, or CUPB ,n APPRCACH 4?i2!: Aftet fornsa,eZ;A;;ZAt ViA to patr:na &w I FI cr"-te ?aufu-d;m st?eet right- of-t;cy, tc be naCe after aL! e*ca- ,dting sanolete d forn ',:otk I sub- base naterial in Place. ?ENCE: lthen cotnplate -- ProuiCejGii or notsable- aectians through Dil' ALL pro,iect conditions, suci cs the "-lnsxaLlaxton cf street crees, :c:plet'Jon_cf ;he r"qui."id. Land.scccing, etc. , trllst be satisiled befot,e tke AU|LDI:iG ?IilAL :cn be requested- Pil,lAL BUILDII\C: The Final Builditrg Ins-oeetion tust be reouesteC cfler the linal Plunbing llectrieal, aal !4echa,-.iccl inspecttcns tlQvc been nade atd e=arcued. iob Locaticn: Aasessors :'tap tt )'{ -O>-3</ - t 4 ?c, Iat # 7 ?@ Subdiuisicn: o-;; flrZ,,.., g 7,*L ^;;:7/.i lrl,lt --),E"rZ Phonetf zz-y??<ft.;/:A- - D-;vvrg zit: 77V77 T-7r',..',:: dooe gffi^4/'zz^'*tt ?o Vai.ue r Daxe of App ACdlticn RenoCel Et, traE6o 7o6o' fi tq Cenetal L tLnrclt 0R !.:cw) SurLDi;ics Sdrzilal sa.ser cqted .t p?cpe"4- Line leptie tozk pqed at filled oith gza::el linal - i',4zen abcue i'iens ee ccnolecei arC xhen .Tencliti-on ts eon=Le=e br s::''i:- atte r.oueC qrl. treises cleezei up. e icnes tsLocking od Set-ug Plmbing connecllcns -- sa)er al. ualat Electriccl Ccnrectioa - Blockin4, set-ri anC pltonbing eonr,ections nust be cpprcr;ed b e 7'or e r e qu e s t'Jng e'!. e c*-t i c aL'Jns ? e e : i ort Accessc,y Suiliirq Final - After tcrehes, ekirting, decT-s, etc. @e ccnoletaC. ?q:e 1 oi 2|ALL:4ATHCLES AIID CLZA:ICU?S:!US? 38,1C:ES3:3iE, .4DJUS|:S:,'I lO 3J,'.'AEE,-1.!:IC::S!:C CI?Y tu PLutnbino iLaotm',ctl ?zce 2 JOB NO. lpt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccueraga ! of Stor|es ?otal ?.eight logogryhg 2 soLAR *-CESS REQ.- CtoLtt: LCT TY?S _ fnxevi.ct _ Cormer _ Panitadle CUL-de-sac L-co * Sec.rcons: { Reeeipt # Sigzed: Electricql Permit llhere state Las requires tlu.t the eleetr.[eal aork be done by an lleetz-icalContractar, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be ualiC untilthe label itas been eigned by the Elech4cal- Contracto?. Mechqnicol Permit PetmL'. fssttotce l,lecivnicel Perrrit Lat leces -Sources ieat 'rlouse A,:ceas th fajtt K '/a ialAL "tA.LA| S.D.C. 7.5 c Plan Building Vqlue & Permit This oenit is granted on the eqress condiiicn tlu.t the said constntc;ionsiutl, in til tesoecis, .:onfcrn :o the )rdirance adoptaL by the iitg ci Spr,,-r,gfiel,l., '-ncliing the ioning CrCinat.ce, neoulctlng +-he ccns;ruci-.cn szti.use of butldings, cnd niy be ;uspertieC on reuckei at cr,1 tlne lecn uic- Latl-on of .my crcuisicns of satC Ctiirances. Zuildrng ?er,*t lotal Cl;araea State ;!o.CAEG4 listures Resi.dential (1 bath.) Sai Seaer Plumbing Permit No- perecn slu.ll consfiact, instal!, alter or chanqe anA rlea cz, eciscing p_Lunqin4 cr drainage sAste.n in uhole or in patt, ulesi such pet,son is- the Legal .posseesor of a uaLid plwnber,s License, e.eept th,at a pe:son nay dopltnbing xork to properb! ahich is ouned, Leaeed or operated by the qpli- caflt. Plwndng Perrit )io o^^ Nat/Ectend. Citcttits Sentice :?Z,U F!!ali I ca, bha/st ;looC Vent ?dt Tcocistote o -- i:lcPcAct;.!9:t? -- Seetri ilaintacr;ce Petttrit - JLAE'AL< TCTAL iLr!1U]E DUg:,%Go CtEbcut I IIAW CAREFULLY $LAINED tle conalated appLicatior,. for pezmit, a.nti dcheteby certif.y tlat aLL ilfo:nattbn hetecn'is ttae a;d. ez""ect', er,i I fur"-ket' cettif"- that any ard aLL uotk periocned shall be done in accor- danee vith the Ordinstees of the City cf 'Spt ingfield, ani :he La;s oJ- thestate of 1tegcn perinininc to tke uork cescribcc herein, sd. iltcc :io ccca-PlJlc.y uill_b3 ryde of d\! actwctute uithout permisaion of the zuitding Di-vLsian. i furtkez, zertil:; ti,tct o:zlg scnircctcps a-d. r.rplagees ,:na arZ incnpl,ianee tti.th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used. cn this pyej4, Mobile Honte Storaoe ?enze /o-22-t2-TdT-