HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-04-11SPFINGFIELD Job# 00-00069-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of4 TRANSil:01-*0001L?5 DATE:APH 11 ?OI]TI RHT RE[D:2 $ 47?8.8I UHHNtrh; IAEHiEfi:059 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 3496 Water Mark Dr Spr AssessorsMap#: 17021943 Lot:50 Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-00069-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 05000 Subdivision: Ambleside ctTY oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Owner: Bailey Jacobs Homes lnc Address: Po Box 41407 Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence Contractor Type GeneralContr Electrical Contr Mechanical Contr Plumbing Contr Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541-431-0550 Eugene, OR 97404 Value: $120,745 Kaye Bork took in an LDAP application also This is a same as2312 35lh Slreet Contractor Bailey Jacobs Homes lnc Po Box 41407, Eugene, OR 97404 Antone Electric 27514 Snyder Road, Junction City, OR Marshalls Heating 4110 Olympic Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Don Lewis Plumbing 500 Greenfield Street, Eugene, OR 97404 Registration # 125785 Expiration Date 1012112000 Phone 541-431-0550 541-688-4444 541-747-7445 541 -688-1 931 82835 33076 111011999 611012001 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: 3RNC 1 (V)Wood Frame Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: 3 Range: 'J ldings: 1 p: Dwelling To request an inspection callthe 24hour recording at726-3769. All ins a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m be working day NoIrctr. TI-,IS Required lnspections p..,ra 4ri I !.. Site Verify Ground Rod Footing Foundation Post and Beam Floor lnsulation Ceiling lnsulation -To -After forms ut prior - Prior to floor insulation or decking -Prior to decking. - Prior to cover. in conjuction with footing and/or foundation i forms placement. ,Q! /SS Shear Wall Nailing Framing Walllnsulation Drywall Vapor Barrier/lnsulation Final Building Temporary Power Underfloor Plumbing Underfloor Drain Rough Plumbing Water Line Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line FinalPlumbing Underfloor Mechanica! Rough Gas Rough Mechanical Gas Service FinalGas FinalMechanical Curbcut Street Improvement: Fully lmproved Curb Cut?f lmprovement Agr.? San Sewer Depth (Ft): 6 - 4 Storm Sewer Available? f SpecialReq.: Security Required: Job# 00-00069-01 Page 2 of 4 Required !nspections Buildin -Before covering sheathing with finish materials. - Prior to cover. -Prior to Cover - Prior to taping. -To be made after insulation and required vapor barriers are in place, but prior to any wall coveri -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Electrical -Approval required prior to SUB energizing pole. -Priortoinsuratio# - Prior to cover or placement of concrete. - Prior to cover. - Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. -When all plumbing work is complete. Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking - Prior to cover. -After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure ter -When all gas work is complete. -When all mechanicalwork is complete. Public Works -After forms are ereceted but prior to placement of concrete. 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Sidewalk Type: Additional ROW? Size Of Line (in): Downspouts/Drains: Enchroachment Permit: San Sewer Tee (in): Bond End DateTime: Curbside - 5' B To Curb and Gutter 6 00/00/0000 00:00 AMBond Begin DateTime: Special lnstructions: Other Utilities: Project Supervisor: Types Of Warning Devices Reqd. Construction Types(V) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 1 # Of Bedrooms: 3 Handicap Access? [ Area (Sq. # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): 18 Current Units:1 Proposed Units:1 Census Gode: New SF - detached Main: 1594 AccessoryS31 Total2125 Job# 00-00069-01 Page 3 of 4 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check 04t11t2000 1195 2Hourly Plan Review Total Plan Check $80.00 $80.00 Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Buildinq 0411112000 04t11t2000 0411112000 1 195 1 19s 1 195 120,745 $480.25 $33.62 $14.41 $528.28 Wiring Footage 1,000 Sq Ft or Less Wiring Footage Each Add'l 500 Sq Ft Temporary: 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge For Electrical Permit Electric Administrative Fee Total Electrical Electrical 0411112000 04t1112000 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 04t1112000 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 3 1 $85.00 $45.00 $40.00 $11.90 $5.1 0 $187.00 Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Two Bathrooms State Surcharge For Plumbing Permit Plumbing Administrative Fee Tota! Plumbing Plumbing 04t11t2000 0411112000 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 $.00 $160.00 $1 1.20 $4.80 $176.00 Mechanical Hood and Exhaust One to Four Outlets Minimum Mechanical Permit Mechanical Administrative Fee Less than 100,000 BTU Vent Fan to One Duct ApplianceVent (Not Covered in Schedult Gas Fireplace Dryer Vent Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge For Mechanical Permit Total Mechanical 04t11t2000 0411112000 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 04t1112000 04t11t2000 0411112000 04t1112000 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 0411112000 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 3 1 1 1 $4.50 $2.00 $.00 $1.01 $6.00 $9.00 $4,50 $4.50 $3.00 $10.00 $2.35 $46.86 Public Works 04t11t2000 1195 1New Curbcut Total Public Works $60.00 $60.00 Residential- Single Family - Storm Sanitary Sewer Residential Transportation Residential Sanitary MWMC Residential lmprovement MWMC MWMC Administrative Fee SDC Administrative Fee Property Annexed 1997 Total System Devetopment 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 04t11t2000 0411112000 04t11t2000 0411112000 o4t11t2000 0411112000 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 3,263 22 1 1 1 1 34 $757.07 $1,061.94 $491.60 $242.76 $22.05 $10.00 $128.60 $-13.34 $2,700.68 1 1 Svstem Development Job# 00-00069-01 Page 4 ot 4 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Willamalane SDC S.F. Residence - Willamalane TotalWillamalane SDC 04111t2000 1195 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Structural-Res Grand Total Checked By Bob Barnhart Steve Templin AlWard Wendy Stanley By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. lfurther ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each add that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the set NS on the all times during construction Date Date Completed 01t25t2000 01t26t2000 02116t2000 02t16t2000 $4,778.82 oo 1 CITY OF OFEGOA' The toltowing proJecl as submitted haszoning, and does not require specificapproval.225 TIFTE STREEf, SPRINGFTEID, oREGoN 97 INSPECTION REQUEST: 7 OFFICE: 726-3759 477 Zoning Authorized Signature 1. IOCATION OT INSTALI,ATI I,EGAL JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COI.ITRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contractor SP /GFIELEI the followtng lanci use EI.ECTRICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION ty Jo b Nu.nber SCEEDTII,E BELOS New Residential-Sing1e or l{ulti-Farnily per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost L--- $ 95.00 - ()?) Address 3 7gl4 Sn 4L.x-1 A 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf 'd llome. or Modular 'Dve1ling Service or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 arnps to 1000 amps_ 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL 3 g 1s.oo 6 $ 40.00 Sum 8S 7 Ci ty /\ Phone rv isor License Number J- s Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signa of ]'Clan rs Name Address o Ci ty Pho 6;lt-\4/- oSSo OVNER INST The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for saIe, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: c. D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation ;3? :Hi:':: l8a". *p" z 3 fl:33 & over 4b1 to 6oo ambs - $ Bo.oo 0ver 600 amps or fbOO voTTs see ngtt .ffi[f -Each installation Pump or irrigation - Sign/OutIine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res +2'K/O !-/eddo $ s0.00 $ 60.00 s100.00 s130. 00 $300.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 5 RECETVED --v/, ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEM JOURNAL ORJOBNUMBER 00-00069-01 DEVELOPMENT HARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY LOCATION TAX LOT NUMBER DEVELOPMENT TYPE DWELLING LTNITS Bailey Jacobs Homes Inc 3496 WATERMARKDRIVE 17021943-05000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I BUILDNG SIZE: 2125 LOT SIZE: 7086 I. STORM DRAINAGE TMPERVTOUS SQ. FT. 3263.3 x $0.232 PER SQ. FT s757.07 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY 22 x $48.27 PER PFU $ 1,061.94 3. TRANSPORTATION NUMBER OF TRIPS x TRIP RATE x COST PER PM PEAK HOUR TRIP I x l.0l x M86.73 PER TRIP x M86.73 PER TRIP $49 r.60 $0.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC $491.60 4. SANITARY SEWER- MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's I B.IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's I MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE x $242.76 PER FEU x $22.05 PER FEU TOTAL MWMC SDC s242.16 $22.0s ($13.34) $ 10.00 $261.47 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE)050 $ 128.60 $2,700.68 DATE/ TOTAL SDC CHARGES NUMBEROF PFU's (SEE REVERSE SIDE) x SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) | $2,572.08 | x PLUMBING FIXTURE UNIT (PFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT = PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS fNOrE, rOn nrUOOel PLUMBING FIXTURES LTNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD ALENT UNITS BATHTUB DRTNKING FOUNTAIN FLOORDRAIN INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIL/SOLIDS/ETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAUNDRY TUB/CLOTHESWASHEPvMOP SINK CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK/ DISHWASHER/ETC SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: BAR, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN URINAL, STALL/WALL WASH BASIN/LAVATORY, SINGLE OR DOUBLE TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: 42 0 2 I 2 3 6 2 6 6 I J 2 I 2 2 I 6 4 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 2I 0 2 0 2 0 8 2 2 0 0 TOTAL PLUMBING FIXTURE T,INITS:22 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATEL YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $ 4.47 $ 4.38 $ 4.32 $ 4.20 $ 4.03 $ 3.88 $ 3.68 $ 3.38 $ 3.03 $2.62 1989 1990 l99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1991 1998 $ 2.18 $ 1.75 $ 1.35 $ 1.17 $ r.03 $ 0.86 $ 0.7r $ 0.57 $ 0.39 $ 0.18 1979 or before 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE $0.39 IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) x x 34.200 $ 13.34 $0.00 $ 13.34CREDIT TOTAL I 0 Willamalane Park & Recreation District Job. No. c.}.xte-E)6l(Jl PHONE:S..-OEG o STATE:zrP: qlno \ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME: ADDRESS:t 1 LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address: Plat Name: \ DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check ype de{initions are on the back.} A. Single-Family Detached \^ Single Family home -NO. OF UNITS ment City of Springfietd - Tax Lot Number: CDE c-fcrP appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t Manufactured home not in a park CID X $1,000 per unit = $ \ tAJb ,- B. Single-Family Attached NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit $ C. Multi-Familv Aoartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 Per unit D. Manufac'tured Home Park NO. OF UNITS X $699 Per unit WILLAMALANE SDC 2. SDC CREDff ([ applicable) SDCpayer must (umlsh proof of Willamalane Credit approval. See SOC Credit Wotksheet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (if SDC reduced for Credit) IL $ $ $ Date $ $ Job# 00-00069-02 Paoe 1 ol2- TRANSS:01-0000569 DftTE:FEE il XOOO AHT RE[D:2 $ 108.00 IHAI'{EE: IAEH]ER:059 SPRINGFIELD RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Gommunity Services Division Building Safety 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 3496 Watermark Dr Spr AssessorsMap#: 17021943 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-00069-02 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 05000 Subdivision: clTY oF SPR7NGFTELD, OREGON Owner: Bailey Jacobs Homes lnc Address: Po Box 41407 Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence QUICK START for Job #00-00069-01 Phone Number: Gity/State/Zip: New 541-431-0550 Eugene, OR 97404 Value: $0 Contractor Type GeneralContr Contractor Bailey Jacobs Homes lnc Po Box 41407, Eugene, OR 97404 Registration # 12s785 Expiration Date 10t2112000 Phone 541431-0550 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Gode: Does not apply rea (Sq Main Accessory:Total: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount QuickStart Fee - Residential Total Permits w/o Srchg Permits Wo Srchg 02t1112000 569 1 $150.00 $150.00 Grand Total PIan Check Type Quick Start-Structural Ghecked By Don Moore Date Completed 02t11t2000 $150.00 Job# 00-00069-02 that all required inspections are that the permit card the site I times during construction. requested at the proper time, that each is located at the front of the property, and the Page 2 of 2 address is of 2-(l - oO Date &-0006?-o2- D EVELOP MENT SERVICES DE PART M E NT Division for issuance of certa improvements to be located at Oregon or vithin the City's Ur THIS AGREEHENT is entered into this betvien the City of Springfield, a hereinafter called. City, and the Applicant. S''':II. -FIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COHMUNTTY SERVICES DIVISIOI,I BUILDING SAFETY AUTHORI ZATION TO PROCEED AGREEMENT day of corpora t 225 FIFTH STREET SPB/NGF'ELD, OR 97477 (54 1 ) 726-375s FAX (s41) 726-s68s ono e aoo c, , 'O by and tate-6-f oregon, VHEREAS, the applicant has applied to the City Community Services Building truction permits for develop1n rovt ur ct ,, hereinafter ca1led men t Springfield, e County ization the ona Assess6r,s tlap and Tax Lot number JJD> t? 43 e-#aa VHEREAS, the applicant has asked the City to authorize the Applican-t to . . imrned.iately commence development improvements vithout a completed plan reviev or -subsequent approval as required by the Springfield Building Safety Code .Adnrinistrative Code section 303(a) SHEREAS,.the Applicant has submitted to the City a completed permit-application, 3 (thre;) sets of-.orrstruction dravings, specificaqions,, and other data required foi the Lity to complete the necessary plan reviev of the proposed development improvement. , VHEREAST the intendbd development improvement is of a nature that requires no other reviev apfroval from oiher Staie or local agencies and is exemPt- from the criteria established by the Building Safety Division; attached as Exhibit A of ;h::,".:"'.;ty has not revieved or approved the submitred -materiars. ro, .t," a"".f"pr"nt impr6vementr the City is thlrefore unable to confirm at this time vhether the permit applicatic:: submitted viII be approved, and t'hether the gequired construction permits can be issued. UH.dnSaS, the Epplicant has requested thi City to provide expedited to' pro"""d vitir'certain phasei of construction prior to the complet City's reviev of the permit application- au tho r ion ot VHEREAS, the City,s fee for the administrative services rendered in providing ex'pedi ted authorization is S150.00. NgV, THEREFSRE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and of the mutual promises contained herein, the City authorizes immediate commencement of the developrnent irnprovement specified in the permit application subject to the folloving terms and conditions: CITY OF OREGON' Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 2. 1. City agrees that the Applicant may immediately commence vith the development inprovements set forth in the permit application. City's authorization to proceed is conditione! hovever, upon Applicant's agreementthat the project vill be constructed as set forth in the attached submitted dravings and conply vith specifications, exceptall' appllcable lavs and as Eay be nodified by City, and viII ordinances.t's irurediate or coomencement of construc ls at t's ovn no assurance 2. City agrees to reviev Applicant's. p€rmit application in the normal reviev process and to thereafter: a) issue Applicant the appropriate construction permits; or b) advise Applicant of deficiencies in the proposed construction vhich must be renedied before permits can be issued; or c) advise Applicant of any statutes, ordinances or code provisions vith vhich Applicant must comply vith before City can issue the permit. 3. Applicant agrees that if City finds Applicant's permit application and submitted naterials inadequate or deficient in any nanner including.but notlinited to, the application or the proposed construction do not comply vithaII applicable statutes, ordinances or code provislons, Applicant viII expeditiously cure the deflclencies so that the City nay issue the requiredpernits. Should Appllcant fail to expeditiously correct subnltted materials,or should correction prove inpossible, City nay in it's discretion, take any or all of the .folloving actions: a) stop aII further construction of the project in the manner prescribedin the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code (BSCAC) 'sEcrroN 201 (d) b) order disconnection of serving utilities in a manner as prescribed in BSCAC, SECTToN 201 (f) c) issue a NOTICE -lj.) OADER for renoval of alL such vcr!: in a manner as prescribed in BSCAC, SECTION 204. ABATEHET{T OF IiNSAFE, SUBSTAI.IDARD 0R' DAI{GEROUS BUILDINGS, STRUCTTRES 0R BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMEM. Upon receipt of such notice, Applicant shal1 imrnediately remove. the vork specified in the Notice and 0rder 4. Applicant agrees, if the issuance of the permit is denied: a) to remove, at the Applicant's sole cost and expense, all completed construction or improvements; and b) to restore the site or structure to it's pre-agreement condition and free of all hazards or cons constntc 5 Applicant agrees that untilconstruction vi1l not to ceed plicant's pernit application is approved, beyond the point of authorization approved camtts tion is buildi ng issued. @(/ Ap by the City,s Bui Profic0f iaI 5. Applicant agrees thaaccessible and exposed.Official nor City shallreplacenent of. any nate ! all vork performed under.this agreenent shafl befor inspection purposes and tha't rieither the Buildingbe llab1e for the expense entailed in the removal oirlal necessary to allov .inspection. 7. Applicant agrees that-any or all'deficiencies identified during thenecessary inspections vitl be promptly renedied, at Applicant,s s6le costagrd expense before proceeding vith'any further construttion. Applicant alsoagrees that these inspections do not replace the required plan'ieviev nor dothey imply any approval of the subnitted ruaterials.' 8. Applicant agrees that no vork shall be done on any part of the buildingor structure beyon9 !h. point indicated in each succlsiive inspectionvithout first obtaining the approval of the Building 0fficial.'Such approvalshall be given only after an inspection has been nade of each suceessivestep in the construction as indiiated on the attached Exhibit n. 9. Notviths.tandi ng any other upon .lssuancesha1l terninate the. date of this Agreenen the projthat all vork on the City if this Agreenent terninates beforeThis agreement shall tenuinate on provisions of this Agreenent, this Agreenentof a bui Idtng pernit or thirty (30) days fromt, vhlchever flrst occurs Appllcant understandsect ihall isrnedlately cease without notlce fromanytis 10. Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold City harmless from anyand aII costs (including attorney fees),-liability or iam"g"s of any kini ornature vhatsoever, for personal injury and. properiy danage arising irom theApplicant's early connencement of conltruction-and-the v6rk underiaken orcompleted. 11- The terns of this Agreenent sha1l extend to and be binding upon theparties he.reto and tireir heirs, successors and assigns L2- rf any suit, action or other proceeding, or an appear therefrom, isinstituted to obtain, establish, enforce, or compel iiry right or-obiigationresulting from this Agreement, the prevailing paity stritt 6e entitled torecover fron the adverse party, in addition to- costs and dlsbursenentsr- suchadditionar sums as the courts, both triar and appelrater hay judge reasonable attorney fees. Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page, 3. t Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 4 BEFoRESIGNINGTHISAGRE_EI'iENT,PI,EAS_E-READANDUNDERSTANDTHE ttEANrNc oF EA.H pARAcRAp;--&- rnrs acnBnriNr ' rr - AFFEcrs YouR rNrEREsTs rN THE pRopERTy'Alr;, iii-rug-_nv-ENt-or. onras]'T' rr PLACES YOU PERSONAIJTJY AT RISK EiJ, T'TB 'U"'i-"* PNOBENTV AT RISK OF FoREcr,osrrRE ron costrs *r, - rxpnNg-g1 r-ri;unnrp 9-I-- TEE crrY rN ENF.R.TNG r'u rsru{s or rui! airisnusNr- -'i1v-rnu EvErr 'EAT You Do NOT UNDERSTA}'D onr, TER!'TS 6N 6ONOTTIONS Oi..rgiS AGREEI{EN*, PI'EASE sEEK ANv r,Ecil oR oursrDE 6irNroNs You ttAY DESTRE' CITY city of sPr ingfield APPLICANT Contractor Business N I ,L 't -\ /wE AGREE ro B E BOUND BY AI,L t4 tsy: 6 Qr Vc vAddresse7 Building official CC Registration # I,AND ,PROPERTY OWNER ( S I TlsE,EA\rE READ trEE ABOVE AUTEORIZATION TO PROCEED AGREEI.I,ENT tlwB RESS ES A}ID TEE RESPONSIBILIT IES Itr PLACES UNDERSTA}ID UPON US AS TERMS AND Name Addres WEAT TEE ct> VALIDATION: 00'Ao q -o>CITY JOB # RECETPT NUMB DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVED o 5o I oNS RECEIVED BY ds og 2 Puroose . The purpose of this agreement is to allov'certain development improvements to'occur prior to.obtaining plan reviev approval from the Springfieia co*runitvServices Division Scooe The use of this agreement shall be limited to certain one and tvo-familydvellings not complex in nature as deternined by the guiiding official andminor alterations or modifications to existing tommercial ani industrialbuildings vhich are of a non-structural'type ind do not adversely affect anystructural member of the building or any lirt of the building having fireresistant construction. One and tvo-fanily dvelling plans for structures that are complex in nature thathave been prepared.by an oiegon licensed architect or engineei and accompanied.by a letter of reviev prepar-d by said architect or engiieer, stating thit thesubnitted material is in compliance vith the one and tio-family uveliingspecialty code, may be considered erigible for this agreenent. BrHrBrT A The folloving itens include but are not liruited to certain conditlons ofdevelopment identified as inerigibre for tiris agreement: a) developnent requiring site approval vhich has not been obtained; b) nev development located on rand vith over six-percent srope; c) Iots having expansive (c1ay) soil; d) developnent located within flood hazard areas; e) development located vithin vetland areas; f) pole buildings or other such type of structure that is not of conventionalcons truct ion. EXHIBIT B Reguired Inspections To reguest an inspection, you must caII 726-3769. This is a 24 hour recording. All J.nspectiona reguested Lefore ?:OO a.m. will be made the sarne workJ'ng day, fnspectlonF reguested after 7:OO a.m. wlll be made the following work day. Ieuporary Electric l- site - To be made after excavatlon, but prLor to eetting forms l,/ Footing - After trenches are excavated l/ Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placemdht I Uaderfloor Plunbing - Prior to fllling trench l/ Uaderfloor Mechauical - Prior to insuLation or decking l/ Post & Beaur - Priirr to floor lnsulation or decklng L/Underfloor fusulatiou - Prior to deckl-ng l/ sauitary seerer - PrLor to fllll-ng trench L/ Storu sewer - Prl-or to fllllng trench // . WatdrLiue - Prlor to. filling trench a