HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-08-06d OR MOBIIE HOt'..: USE PERMIT PERMIT NO,-75 LANE COUNT r BU ILDING BUILDING PERMIT MH fI PROPERTY OWNER MAITING ADDRESS AvEnv ,lortxsoN Oneoou ll+6BrB)+ PHONE CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY LOCATION _ INCIUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS RANG E SECTION TAX LOT NO.CODE CENSUS TRACT 'l 0 ?2.1+.1 1700 EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY , r I ri. APPI.. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS TEGAI, ACCESS TO PROPERTY l,/lvs I oE Loop PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connecl to Existing Se e TYPE CONSTRUCTION m New System BDRMS VALUATIONse. FT SEWAGE DISPOSAI. PUBTIC N SEPTIC TANK tr OTHERtr PLUMBING INSTAI-TED BY OWNER n OTHER: NAME BUITDING WASTE DISPOSAL PTUMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER q rEES WATER SUPPTY PUBr.rc tr N OTHER -21 TOTAL COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAI.. DRAIN FIEI-D REQUIRED I.IN. FT TRENCH WIDTH IT OR SQ. FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBTIC UTII.. EASEMENT BL G. SETBACKS FRONT FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CTASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE DATE BI.DG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLUMBING _ CANARY BUITDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD *l Coll 687-4065 ro schedule oll required inspections. All conslruc- tion sholl comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. stondords IfrIPORTANT: for subsurfoce sewoge disposol ond county regulolions covering plumbing. All buildings require o certificole of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) (posr THts pERMtT oN MAIN BLDG. AT SrrE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENIAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, I35 EAST 6Ih, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I FoRM =C55-13 7O so. e lJr IAI{E COI'NTY BNVIRONMENT. ^'IANAGE}'IENT Namc and Address of Owner t,l,ol' t,l,AN Telephone:=____ The building being.consEructed under thls permlt wt]1 be used for Date this property was P urchased Do you now, list those or did you ever own property adjacent to this tax lot? If so, please tax 1ot numbers or draw those properties on the plot plan below. Indicate on your drawing the location of all homes (including mobile homes) now on the property, as well as the location of ttre new building. \ .l t- I \ I r (, rI ,l '-1 7 t_ \ \ \ i- Z I 1 \I t\ Name of Appllcant (if different from owner): Address Teleph one Ilap Tax Lot Appllcantrs Interest: BuYer M74-99 Agent Permit /l tI 't \\)t \ \ I i , I I seller[J BUILDI G SITE EVALUATION dt T R s TAX LOT SUB0lVl- JN: LOT:BLOCK:( ) BUtLDtNG pERHtr AppLtcATtoN N0._ ( ) srrE rNsPEcrroN PLANNING DlVlSlON Not A I icabl No | " Zoning Ordinance Cornpl iance: Zone- 2o Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance 3. Requi red Access 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) 5. 0ther (see cornments ) D BY: Setbacks Frorn c Il of road: Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior lines: Side Rear APPL I CANT TE ( ( ( (( () () CO}IHENTS: ( T NO(rTFPITEMION# BUILDING INS t0N Dlvlsl0N 7. Plans Submitted 8. soi I Stabi I i ty (foot i ngs) 9. Flood Plain I O. 0ther (see conrnents) I) []CK. D BY C, A Not I icable No Yesr) aI() () () () () ()( COHHENTS: I.,ATER POLUTION CONTROL ll. l{eets Department of Environmental Qual ity Standards. 12. Other (see comments) Not Appl i cabl e ( () ) )(CKID BY: DATE COHHENTS: TO APPLICANT: q1', A ,a Your Building / Site lnsPection: () ()Can be approved. Cannot be aPProv ed at this time as indicated on item N0 Questions and fu rther information on items I through 5 " above. contact the LANE- PLANN I NG s l0N Questions and further informa tion on itefrE7 2 contact t NE CO ILDING SAN TAT I ON SION you can reso ve the prob fee is bein ENTAL 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene 0regon 97401 PHONE:597-4065 c55-28 t roug LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE:687-4r 85 ems nd I cated. ) Your bui ldi ce untWill be held in this ls being returned. it IANE COUNTY BUILDING - BUILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE HOIvrc USE PERMIT MH ! PERMIT NO. PROPERTY OWNER MAII.ING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR MAITING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY TOCATION _ INCTUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY LEGAT DESCRIPTION _ METES, BOUNDS RANG E SECTION TAX LOT NO COOE CENSUS TRACT EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTYAPP[. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS LEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existing Sewoge System TYPE CONSTRUCTION se. FT New m BDRMS VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBTIC I SEPTIC TANK !OTHERE PTUMBING INSTAI.I,ED BY OWNER ! OTHER: NAME BUILDING WASTE DISPOSAI PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAITER T EES WATER SUPPTY PUBUC n tr OTHER TOTAL COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. DRAIN FIETD REQUIRED TIN- FT TRENCH WIDTH FT,OR SQ. FT, TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTII. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CLASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE DATE BI.DG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING _ CANARY BUITDING - GREEN SANITATION _ GOTDENROD Coll 687-4065 to schedule oll required inspections. All construc' tion sholl comply with Uniform Building Code, D'E.Q. slondords IMPORTANT: for subsurfoce'sewoge disposol ond counly regulotions covering plumbing. All buildings require o certificote of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) (posT THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BIDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURIHOUSE ANNEX, I35 EAST 6Th, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ronut655-13 ( SITE INSPECTION Appnoveo RruaRx s D r sappRoveo Drr e I ruseecton FOUNDATION INSPECTION APPRov Eo Reuanx s D Drsappnovro Fl Dare I ruspecton FRAMING INSPECTION Appnov e o Re vanx s D Drsrppnoveo D Drr e I NsPEcroR LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap pnov e o Rrxa nx s D Drsappnove o Fa Dar e I NSPEcToR FINAL INSPECTI AppRoveo ReuaRxs DrsApPRovEo D I Nsee o CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro I ssuE Rruenx s D Nor Rraov ro lssuE D DorE_ d-?r 3/?d I HsprcroR 7 D oo,,t4--Id M / PERMTT #6Afi!25.AS BEEN APPROVEDNOTE: NO PERMIT WII .E ISSI,ED I,NTIL TIIIS APPLICATIC APPLICATION FOR: MOBILE HOME l,tr) z1P OWNER Name CONTRACTOR o.s. REG. /l Tvp. Subdlvlsion ACCESS T0 PROPERTY (Road Narne) Exlsting Structures on Property 3)s L Yzry Address Phone 4. / r,* rc,/7@ Phone Census Tract erty Acreage Width_Depth_ 44 Property Location - Address/Directions 3 J Below for Offlce SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Slte Inspectl.on #_ WATER SI'PPLY: Well B1dg. Waste Dlsp. Pluoblng Plan Revlew Moblle Home Sprlng 7, Other Exlstlng Sewage Dlsposal Publlc Comunl Installed by Or^rner PLIJMBING FEES o f Fixtures CHECK Name of Conmunlty or Publl,c System Name Sewage Water ConnectionConnectlon PI-A,NS FURNISHED FACILITY PERMIT NO YES Signature of Applicant Fee Recelved By: f surctraree ;71 TOTAL type of Construc Fire Zone Use Classiflca tion- Bldg Setbacks - from Center of Road Rlght of Way: Side Int Slde Exterlor Rear Zone PIANNING:DATE:SANITATION:DATE:/ Buur.prrq. 1 1 |pAifrL c55-12 I/,NE COT]NTY DEPARI},IENT OF ;;.**7 },IANAGEMENT r-1 ottrer f--] Min.Sept1cTankCapac1ty-Dra1nfie1dRequl.red-Linea1FeetMax1mumDePth-