HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-12-15$il- t4-eJ f"lf-,n' Lane County Authori zattot:, for'FOR OFPICE USE ONLY Applicatio Permit # t'(P RANGEo3 SECTION 4 TAX OF LOTlPARCEL 6hA-o brCJ) CITY - aZlP Lold Ot,PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY 6sidentiar [-l rndustrj.ar l-l commercial I e,rurl. ION OF PROPOSED trrD VALUE #n stingsed ehn^l-rc *k PERMIT, and do hereby certify rhaL ))an infomation hereon is true and correct, and that I of recordi ! contract purchaser; ffiuthorized agent wj-th evidence of authority attached. I f:rther certify that a;y and all work perfomed pertaining to the work described herein, and that ther certify that registration with the Builder's 1s noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ed CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. shall be done in eccordance with the ordinances of Lane couty and the Laws of the state of oregon No occUpANcY will be nade of any structure without the pemission of the Building Division. r fur- Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exempti employees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND zti aLa;NAr.lE-l-pGretEi"il n{ fi* A n/oa rly { oiia have the following legalr,interest-in the property: !T":. I HAVE EXAMINED THE COI"IPLE?ED READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY fl plaNxrnc,zZoNrNG: zone Minimum Setbacks, CL, ftort Parcel # Parcel Size;*,zWbJ*#Esl / l- Partition # c ._L, slde-_I CO}TUENTS Installation Speci fications I s. r. * L LCI ,o I f'f.OOopf,af u: rn frooal hazard area?t-"f]Yes, sEE ATTACHED sHEEr. Date: Date: E/S"Ufgffp*'B. P. #qoo4 Installation Record rssued? ! v." fl ," GalIon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maximum Depth of Trenches YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ( COM}IENTS: Groupu/qlauq EXAMINATION: rype COM}IENTS: Date: Date; TOTAL VALUATION $CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THTS PERMIT Description Sq. + Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Eee $ l.1echlPlmbg Fee $ Pr ans Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ DEQ Surcharge $ ToTAL FEE $$ Q. -77Ve PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE (PCT ORS 456.805 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 1 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of PIot Plans Mech/Plumbing Checklist Legal fnterest Document PIan Check Info Sheet SPECIFIC : OL' BEDiIOOIVIS n"6 (JfIOF SI'ORIESEnO- D SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVND. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, C]TATION UNDER PROVfSIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION,CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM'OF AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR ]NSPEC- the following j-nformati'on re ady: permitroll nfQunsTs MUST BE GTVEN. Have of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any BUILDING DIVISIONS i REQU]RED INSPECTIQNS t number, special di job address, type rections to. site . t Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aII meterfaffi-for--EEe-foundation are delj-vered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonty termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete SIab or Under-Floor fnspection: To be made after all in-s1hb or under-floor building IpIig=a.ccessories, and other aincillary equipiment items are in is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.EEiTIce eqllpme-nt , conduit, p place but before any concrete 3 Framing & Insulation InspeclionJ-: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and b-r".I"g areTn pTace ;na;f elp-es, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents a::e complete and atl rough electrical and plumbing are apptoved. A11 walI insulation and vapor barrier are in place. Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be made after at1 lathing and gypsum board, interior anE-exEerlorl--IE-In pTace-Etrt EeTore any plastering is applied and befbre gypsum boartl joints and fasteners are taped ancl fj-nished" Final Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. 4 5 APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or Structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obLaining the approval of the building official Such approval shall be given only afr:er an inspection shali harze been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: A11 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limj-ted to: A. Block Wall: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This Lnspectfon is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) aad when installation is complete, Installation shall be 1n accordance with an appioved, naticinally recognized testing agency an,1 the.manufacturer's instal-Iation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and piumbing connections. 1. Footings ancl piers t-o comrrl-'.r r+it-h State foundatio.n requirements for mobile homes or as , recoranended $y i:he manufacl-,-tre::. 2. Mcbrle iorre ioinimum:i:-nj-sh floor elevation shall be cer:tified when required by a flood- nlain r..,..r.igemcnt- letter. 3. I,4obiIe home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tj-on within at l-east 30 da.ys after occupancy. 'Iiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swimming PooI: Belo-ur grade r'rhen steel is in place anC before concrete is poured. Above grade w-Een pool-is -in:talied. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TTMES DURING WORKING HOURS" THIS PERMIT Vi.f,LL EXPTRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK TS SUSPENDED.OR ABANDbNED FOR MORE.THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCAT]ON ltAY OCCUR IF THIS PEP.MIT I^7AS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. dNYous pRocEEDrllG'-pAST THE porNT or REouTRED TNSpECTToNS wrLL Do so AT THEIR owN RrsK. SUBSURFACE AND ALT]T-]RI.JATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS : Permits shal-l- bt effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon compler-.;.,ig Lhe construction for which a permit has be'en issueC, the permit holder sha1l notify the r-,anr: aounty Departxlent cf Flanning and Community Development by submitting the installati.:-rii rLco.rd form, The Dcpa;-i:rnr-:nt:;hall inspect the constrr:c'cicn to determine if it complies \r-:;r Lhe r:u1es contained in thr:; division. If the constru:'tion does comply with such rules, the Lopar'i.rnent shall issrie a certificat.e of satisfactory cornpletion to the permiti holder. If the consl::rr:.::ion does not comply with suci: ruIes, l:he Department shal1 notify the permit nolder ancl s1...:.'r require satisfactory completion before issuing the cr:rtificate. Failure to meet the resuilements for satisfactorl, completion within a reasonable lime constitutes a vio- Iation of OiiS 4!;4.605 to 454.745 and this .ru1e. Setbirp_ks - iL€:s*{:I.aSg Sewage qfEloggl Septic Tank 10r 10 r 5r 50' Drainfield From I 2 Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation We1Ls, other water sources C t4-25 10 | 10! L0! 100 r lane county APPLICANT INFORIVIATION: TRS, TL CHECKTIST PTUMBING /MECHANICAT ADDRESS OFFICIAL USE ONLY App1i./ Permit #- or rm-ase PLT]MBING CONTRACTOR fl ves Firm Address f] ivo D s"rr MEG]ANICAI CONTRACTOR N Yes Firm Address ,ICSS fl No I serr DIRECTIONS TO SITE or Cont. OSR# 1p Cont. OSR# PLTIMBING Type of Fixture Number of Each Fee On Each Total Sink $ s.oo va Bas 5. 00 Tub (with of without shower)5. 00 Shower, separate 5. 00aterSC15. 00 5.00 CI I 5. 00 W 7,\:tvt )5. 00 er 5.0 Floor Drain 5. 00Sewer-1st 50ft.1.5.0 e 100 fr.10.00 Water Service--1st 100 ft.15. 00itional 100 ft.10. 00 Storm and Rain Drain--lst 100 ft.15.00 each additional 100 ft.10. 00 Spec+e1 Waste Connection 5. 00 Sewage and Sump Prmp i ej ector 5. 00 e SUB-TOTAI (lt4inimum $10. 00) TOTAI FEE N{EO{ANICAL I certi hat aI I umbi n rk wi cordan i cabl p isi vi sed t Ch 7& 693 cabl ice Type of Equipment N\rmber of Each Fee on Each Total Mechanical Permit Base Fee $ ro. oo Furnace jlp to 100,000 BTU/H $ 6.00 Furnace over 100,000 BTU/H 7 .50 Clothes Dryer Vent 3. 00 Bathroom Ventilation Fan C Dlct 5. 00 - Range Hood with ltbchanical Exhaust 4.50 Wood Stove 6. 00 _ Air Conditioner Only 6. 00 - Heat Purnp 6. 0t) Floor Furnace 6.00 Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Outlet 50 9ther (specify) SI]B-TOTAL TOTAL FEE S I ess re wi th under 3 d be of Date in a a no e p 'r ss emp u1 'lxI 1 Wat.er t it ewer an(t(00 0ther lane county ACl ^ .TY INFORMATIOI JHEET 'o_ COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! I Lr- q.-l Zfo*--5.o*g T W Br^ a6ff frr o 0 t)aturL"yt)C rIY Oe 27rrP'lUZ C0DE 7f f- tl S\ ,4,-',-\ I BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE #ffi ' ^ / ''s-< HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FRO@ 3 rvlae e PAneEL NUMBEFI ( REQUIRED I NF0RI,IATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) U, 2 cg ffiq, I 4soo .ONING /a- TOWNSH I P 3Ja RA ZONINGMNGE SETTION MLOilS) OR P # T0ilNSH]P RTN-6E SEEMON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ffi ZONIne /,f ACRES 4 ,rrrUr-ON (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: -l € 3o u-a,;-b--d ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : -- DATE:_TIME i N:_ OUT :_ NUMBER DATE -lFa -{,l- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVTSION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 6- / //aa/Y MAILING ADDRESY lane countydOtID SLIP APPI.ICATION #Z/Z/-E? LOCAT I ON fr?6tr,NAME ADDRESSto J - "LrP foDE The above appfication is being held for the following reasons: il Wd/tW (ZlW* 4- n"&na gbauq nle 1t rya,r,t op*r.) ttl4qtL,ttry," An TE- htU+f* lAruttaut4 n"$M t#fl1lWfieA.rt *{€r tt- /,?-/? -fi? TURE AVAILABLE BY APPO TNTMENT 0NLY (nO Wnlr-trus) DATE 687-4061 E URS This app'lication will be held until If the information required above has not been furnished by thaTlate your'+pl'icatjon wjll be cancelled. RETURN TtIIS SLIP t^lI'iH THE ABoVE REQUESTED INFORMATI0N. BUILDING & SANlTATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue I Publ'ic Service guilding / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)697 -'''''''' LI 1 bnecorrty MINIMUM PLAN REQUIREMENTS IT)o sets of plans are required tO -\ow the fo]lowing:] A'l I Pl ans all include: 2. Name and address of property owner. Name and address of the person who prepared the plans. 3. The scale on al1 drawings.*4. An accurate description of the building use. @ I i Plot Plan to include:--*T. -Xioftf pornTlproperty bou2. Existing structures and d3. Proposed structures size,4. Locati on of sept'ic tank ,5. Location of water supply.6. Locat'ion and dimension of7. Location and dimensions o*8. Locat'ion of all s'igns (if 9. Township, range, sectjon not an entire tax lot.) Buildin Plans to include: Use of eac Locati on , Di recti on ndaries and dimensions. imensions, distances from boundaries and other structures. location and distance to boundaries and other structures. drainfield and rep'lacement area or sewage system hookup. utjl jty easenrents (if applicable).f vehicle access to the site; *and off street parking. appl icabl e) . and tax lot number (and metes and bounds description, if XftiltuF*Wfiuquw r Plan a-l?Affi..a*-a&. ach floor an s pace ize and type of all doors, windows and openingsf door swing. e h s 0 semen i ons r plan of new and existing building. b. Fi I ace wood stove drawi s and details (jf a pp1 i cabl e ialofallairducts,air.inlets,airoutlets,ventila. tion ai r open'ings and combustion a'ir openi ngs and ducts.b. Location of all fans, furnaces, heat pumps; and *boilers, condensers, absorp- tion units, refrfgerant compressors.c. Rate input and output capacity, in Btuh or Kl,l, for all furnaces, heat pumps; and *boi'lers, condensers, absorption units, refrigerant compressors, unit heaters, heat exchangers, etc.d. Location, size and material of al1 products of combustion vents and chimneys. e. Rated CFM at all exhaust fan, supply air and return a'ir openings.*f. Location of all air dampers and fire shutters.*g. Details of method of attaching fire dampers to construction hs well as size and gauge of materials. C]gr:lrSgt.i-g!-: *ln addition to other requ'ired plans, these plans are required with commerc'ial/industrial plans, when aopl icable. (i Z i. a b c d 5 caan i) r' T, tl i.; I t\r' L tj L'"