HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-03-27t.. RESI'-' ITIAL.." APPLICAI',T1N/PERItlrT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Ditsision ? 26-37 53 SPFINGFIEI.DI, OL Date: Job Locaticn: l( )Assessors Map #a t#3no Subdit;ision: A,mer: Addyess:,L//^a Ph.one:J32tr?/ /City: / t--t Date of App Licatian value ff?,tCIo tAddi.tian RemoCel Desq"Lbe Hot'k: GeneraL DEI.IOLITIO!] OR Sanitutl saser eapped et ptoperfu lir:e Septic tork p.otped dnd. fi,Lled tith .7aoel Final - I{hen abcoe itens are ccnpleted ard uhen Catclition is canrplete o! atlac- tuve nooed otl, pnertrLses cleatteC up. Mob Le Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Pltnbittg connections -- aarret otd, ttatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing connections mist be appra;ed befot,e requesting eleetricaL inspectio,-t Accesso?i euildnng Pinel - After pct'ches, skirting, decl<-s, etc. @e eornpleted. Page 1 of 2 Constmrctton_lender It, ie the teeponaibility of tle pe!ftit ttoldq to eee that aLL inapectiotts ee nade at the pro?e! tine' that ecch address i,s reaCable frun the at?eet, and that the pq'fti.t cod ie Located at the front of th.e yope*y.*ouil-ding Diuicion appro"*ed plan shall renain on the Building Site at aLL tinee. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECIIQ!_ry91ES!:CALL 726-3769 (tecoydet,) state yout City desigrutted iob 7n)riber, iob aCCt'ess, lUPe- of inspec!'icn eadyforitt,spection'Contyaetorsoiyameys-,tc,,,e-andpltonenwtb*,P.equestsreceixedbefcle7:00an ,>iLL be tmde the eane day, ?equests made aft* ?:00 @n uvlll be nwde the nect wrking day. Iout, Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnbez' Is X?o 16z TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IT|SPECTION: ?o be made after aLL insulaticn a"d required oqot berie?a @e in PTacebut before oty Lath, Wpsutn boorC or tnLL eooering is applied, cnd before otg insulation is concealed. V uaomrzooR zLUIETNG & MECIIANTGAL:D.. o1 floot insulation or decking. ?9f! Alp-pEAM: To be nade prior toffiTd|&f,dof floor iraulation ot decking. ROUGH PLT]?|BIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uotk ie to be cotset,ed ffiiTthese inspecti.ons hanse been nade cnd. apptooeC. CURB & APPROACH APPON: d,e .r.ecteAW p;G x x. sJlE flEPEllfAN: ?o be nwde aftere-;Aafion;Tt prtor tc set ip of fonne. WE&OI,A! PL.|WINq, ELE1IRTCAL & WCHA-\|ICAL: Io be nade before angtnrk ie eoteted. P)OTING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be nade Afier-rnenciles are ucatsated and forns are etected, but prior to pout"tttg ecncreta. ITLSBelguM Piw! N c, EEilEB,_!A!!&wfil- @-l-r,enchee. DRYWALL TNSPECITON: TC bE MAdE after aLL dnAuaLL is in place' but prior to any taptnS. I,\ASINRI: Steel Location, bond 66ilg?outi.ng ot oettieals in accovdotce Lltth a,B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO\/E: empT;m. After installation is After fornsto pourirtg PrLor to placirq ard befote froning conc?ete. SIDEVALK & DRfIEWAI: Fot aLL con- etete pc,rfuAffi stteet right- of-teA, to be made after aLL eaca- oating 66rplete & forn uot'k & sub- fu.se natertal in plaee.facing inspee- tion. FW,|fNG: l,lust be tequested aftet apFr.ooal of rungh plwrbing, electu"i- cal & mec?nnieal, ALL roofirq bracing & chimnega" ete. trust be , gonpleted. Ito wrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lustbeen made anC approoed. EIP.EPLACE: ^atei;C ?TilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL ?ENCE: Wen conPlete -- Pnooide S"tn" * mottable sectians tht'ough P.A.E- ALL projeet conditiora, such ae the installation of stueet trees' conpletion-of the o"qi;rna. Landscaping, -ete., mtet be satisfied befot,e the BULLDLNG FLNAL ean be requested- F.NAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inepection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing Eleetrical, md Meclunical fnspections laoe been made atd appt'oved'X *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASNIENI ?O BE !,'IADE AT NO CCST TO CITY il. ut/Aonpfu6a;nt PfuCI-tL tr T tr a Lot Faees -Enerctu Sources ?itoe Ileat DT House Caraqe Aceess.Water 4aolen North Easf-Eireplace South Woodstoxe llest LOT TWE _ fntericr _ Coravr _ Panlwndle _ CUl-de-sac soLAR ACCESS REQ.-cJOB NO. I-ot Sq. Ftg. L-CO Bedzoons:Grc lopogrqhy % of Lct Cotserage_ # of Stortes ?otal Height NEM F?C x Value Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erpress cot'tdition tlnt the said construction shall-, in all rbspects, conform to the h,dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ctdinance, regulcting the ccnstructicn urd. use of buildings, ord may be suspended ov, reookeC at cny tine upon uic- Ta.tion of dnA prcuisione of said }rdinances. TOTAL VALUE o DES.D.C. 1.5 t * Building Petrrtt 39,50 Cheek 0 State Date Paid o,0 Reeeipt #:Total Clwrges *Signed: UMfrUL Plumbing Permit No person slnll consfuuct, instal!, alter or ehange artA neD cr etisting plwnbi.ng or drainage syst*lt in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is tlw Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet's L'Lcense, e$cept that a pe?son nag do pltnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- caflt. Fistutes Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Seuen Plwnbing Pewit @ State Sutel"ange a 4 * Electricol Permit Where State Lan nequires tlwt the electtical uork be done bg an Eleetrieal Contractor, the electytcal portion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. FEE 5o o Nau/Eetend, Circuits Sezoice 22ra ?otal ITlM fLL CIIARCE h.entee ETU'S bhanet ilood Vent Eot //5aa llcodstotte Pet'nrit fssuanee Mechanicel Permit ao dO /5, Mechonicql Permit * -- ENCROACHMENT -. Secarit! Deposit Stotage Maintenanee Pernrit Cvtbcu! Sida'taLk ?ence Eleetrical Label Mobile Horne f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI|INED the cornpleted appli.cation for pennLt, ond. do hereby eerti,fy that aLL infolrnation het,eon is ttue and eotz,ect, cruC I futther certify that ang ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be done in aceor- danee trtth the Ordinances of the Ci,ty of SprLngfield, ard the La;s of the* State of 1z,egon pertaining to the uoyk described herein, €/td. tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY ?,/ill be nnd.e of any stl,uctune uithout perwLesion of the Buildi-ng N-oision. f further certify that only contractot,s ad. enplcyees uho are in eo,tpliartce uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptojeet 7+ TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:*?4 G Signed Date s/z s /szuatl / -AITtTRESS- ?9I5 I,IAYS ITIE LP 001-001-PLAN CHEr;l{ fEE OO?-OO?-BU ILN ING PERII IT 003-00:i*PLUi'ttl INfi O 04-OO4*ELECTR II]AL 0 0 5- 006 - t'.t HIHAN I CA L 00 1-00x-roCIT ING 00;l-003 - r0uNItAT ltlN OO3.OX 1 -UNTIERELOOR PLUI'IB OO4-O?3-Ri]UGH PLUI'IB ING OO5-04?-NilUGH ELEITft i[ OO6"O3 1 *ROU6I{ H[[HAN ICAI., 007-006-ERAi't INE 00u*01i-trRYtJAI"L OO9-OX9.T INAL T,tUHT{ INfi OlO.O39.EINAL HEEHANIIAL O1 1-049-T INAL ELECTR ICAL O1.T*019*E INAL BU ILNINfi 00I*005-PusT * EEAH 003-(103-f 0UNIrAT I0N O O3-0.]3 - ROUIJH PLUI.IB ING OO4-04:1.'RilL'{JH TLEf,TR IC OO5-006*FftAH INN 006-0 r. 1-nRYLJALL OO7-O?9*T INAI. PLIJ}.IB INTi OO8-039-T INAI" HECHAN ICAL O09-039-E Ii'.lAL FI"Ul,tt' ING O l O*049*T INAL ELECTR ICAL 011-019-r il.lAL EU ILnINfi O1?*049-T INAL ELECTR ICAL 013-0119-F INAt I'iEIHAN IUAL 014-OX9-E INAL FLUi'IT' INfi 01.5-r]39-*f INAL l"iEf,HAN IIAL 016-019-E INAL BLJ ILTIING HU II"t' INr: tt IU IS IoN .ICIt'+ 87016;? -LEGAL.LOT EL0u,. r]70413 870409 8704',J: 8704X1 B7 0432 i1704 33 880 I 07 880 I 07 BBOIl? 880I. 1? BU011t 880I. 13 B8O I I? 880113 s80113 8801r3 F INAL -V At.U E.. 3000 870409 B7 04 Xil 8704?? 8704?? 8704?3 B$0113 880113 880113 s80113 N|{ 09 aq 1n nq n r;i ?8 ?tl ?8 33 I8 :?8 ;}B 3B rj c. TJESCR i ATITIIT IT]N UNEAN fiROt,ITH EOUNTIARY -0tJNER- c INtrA M00N 747-t3?8 ?$15 h,AYS ITtE LfiOP S PR IHGF IELIr , 0R 97 477 - INr0- AI]N IT ION RES ITIENT IAL 11.1.1. i 703?x4 1 03000 87il3?,7 / fi80113 -ENEEGY- .STAT5.. HEAT 1- ?. ELT'IJ ZONEH3O_ STOR IE$ FTOOTIPLA INRANIJE- BET'RI.I OCC ERP UN ITS SII TEET CONST TYPH -CONTRAf,TORS- GENL- CONTAACTOft PHONE. PL},IB - ELECT- l,tEcH- IrU SGN - RHrT riAT *ri01 SEN-RENU IRET' PER},IITS*_----FEE---5URII{AEEE.t'ATE-REI]E IPT--.PERI,I IT*----.-UALUE--- 35.03 rforrJL,l 1S.00 ')? Er1 15.00 J0I5:r r0Ns:r. 0.00 g I.54 * 0.60 s 0.90 E 0.60 I 703 I 7032 7033 i711 ?a 7033, 7gt7 801 I s01 I 801 Ig0t 1 0 3r000 0 0 n 06 76 fl) 7676 $HN-}4IN IHUI'I IN$FHIT IONIJ + ftEffIJ IREHENTS-* _EXP T'ATE---AI]T TIATE- sEa*- INSPECT I0N5---*-*-C0MHENTS----- -----nATE----RESULT-- INSP---- 0r{ 0l{ 0l( OH 0l{ 0|( UEE UfiE UfiE UISE Uf: E 0t( UIJE OH ol{ 0l{ i.. RESl^. .{TlAL.. 22s North stlt streeaPPLrcAru1N/PERMrr Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 BuLldi,ng aiuision 7 26-37 53 Constmtctiotl Lender SPRINGFIELD- I tl'l* OL Date Job Locaticn: 1703Aeoeeaota Map #.a t#3cne Subdiuiston: A)ne?o 4.i/a-Adfuess: .'Z Pl.,one: --)) -,r/3J /city: 7 zip: Date of Appli.atian DeserLbe Notk: 6lt;t*;-Adliticn 85,cCIo t9L Uil,L a n,vgnl Va'!.ue Ilobile Eone 7o zsn' Generat, tl.t+t ".a /4utQlcn- t /1dme/-zLt.r-- It is the reeponsibility of the permit hoder. to aee tlut aLL inspections ae naile at the plope? tin€, t\dt ecch ,;d4ress 'is vsa)ai'ii fran tle at?eet, ard that the penrit eatd ia located at the frcnt of tlle ptope?ty.*BuiUing D.Suicion a rot;ed plan slcll vemain on tlp Building Site at aLL times. P?)1EDURE FoR JNSPECTT1il RgquESr:CALL726-3769(tecotdet) Etate you" Citg Cesignated job ntoxbet, job aCitess, type of inspeelicn "equested ard uken gou uiLL be ready for irspection, Cont?aetc?s o? Anters nane end plone nutber. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 cn;,vill be ttade the sone dcy, ?eqtests ncd.e after ?:00 on tLLl, be nnde tke nest aorkitti day. Iou" CitA Desigr,ated Job Mttnber Is:X?c /,6z Paatt'toi T*cnoa+i nnq qT4? T^lQDDanf4it. &.aodtl;L but ?o be nade after pz.ior tc set up of forms. aNDERSLAB PLU\4BING. ELEE|EICtL e WCHLilfCAL: ?o be nade before ang wot,k eotsered. UNDIRGRCAIID PLUI4DINC. SEWEP. W.4TER, DRAMGE: To be made p"Lor to fil-7fi'66nehee. floor insuktion or decking. P1S! lNL pE4I4: Io be nade prLor to fistaT@Gio| floon insu?.ation ot decking, *ru hhrrrr. rrrlrhro, ui,Au- ANICAL: No aork is to be couet'ed ffillthese inspections haue been mad.e and. approoed.. FLPEPLACE: Prtor to placirq facing natet tals and before franing inspee- tion. , La?RAIIIilG: ltust be requested aften appz,oual of rough plunbing, electri- eal & neclnnieal, ALL roofing btactrq & chinmeys, etc. rrust be ' sompleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lus 'been mad.e anC approued. 2A FTilAL PLUMBITIC \c1 FINAL MECHANICAL 1,,,,,,,^, IN suLAr r)N /v4I,oR 3488-rE8 tlqEElll9l!DEIIOLTTIAT OR !.:OWD BUILDI|]CS ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. t,equired oqor bavie?a @e in pla.ce but before oty lath, Wpsun baarC or rnLL couering is applied, otd before ory insulation is concealed. )l DRYWALL INSPECIION: ?c be nade a*bl\A PCOTING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCeV\ After t"ffi;; ar;-*eatsated and forms ate erected, but prior to pou"ing ccncret€. after aLL CaguaLL is in place, but ptiot, to anA taping. 1.146Q!RY: Steel Location, bond Gffilgrouting or tserticals in accondotce LlLth u.B.C. Section 24L5. W)ODST)VE: After installation ia arnpleted. CURB & MPR1ACE APPON: Aftet fornsee ev,eeteC but prion to pouz'Lng cofle"ete. SLDE\IALK & DRf\EilAI: For all con- creteVifuAtffi etreet right- ef-txtl, to be made after aLL etea- oating softplete & forn Ltoz,k & sub- base rm.tertal in place. Sardtary saser eapped ct ptoperfii Litce Septic totk p;,a:tped and. filled ttth gra;sei ?inal - l{hen abcue itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cqnclition is conplete ov struc- ture moted and. premLses cleaneC up. llobile Hcmes Blocking od, Set-up Plunbing eonnectione -- a€t)e? otd. aatet Eleetrieal Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uD and plunbing eonnections m;st be apryca^ec before requesting eleclrical inspectiott Accessory BuilCang Piral - After pctekes, skirting, decks, ete. are conple"ed. V unnsnproonirilmnc & MECIIANrGAL:(Jr o1 ?ENCE: gates P, U,E. ilhen conplate -- ProuiCe or mooable sectians through t4 ALL project condttions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of the requ.tred Landsecping, etc., nilat be satisfied before the BULLDINC FINAL can be requested. PINAL BU7LDING: The Einal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbittg Electrical, and, l'leclurical Inspeetions haoe been nade atd appt'ooeC. FINAL AALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEI\T ?O BE I,L4DE IT NO C1S? TO CI?Y Page 1 of 2 (/ tr tl .1--OCo //1. ', f -rl - Lisc.# E;.n Addzess *JOB NO.SOLAR A -ESS REQ.-L-CO Bedxoons: lleat toxe t Df House Lot Faees - % of Lct Caserage_ # of Ston-es Iotal Height LCT ?WE _ Interict _ Corne" _ Panltand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ptg. Topography -- Fees -- I!E14 tfu x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the ecptess cond.ition tlat the said-eonsttaction shall, in all respects, confonn to the Ordinarce adopted $iy the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regzlathtg the ecnstructicn and. use of buildirqs, and may be suspended or retsokeC at cny time upon uic-'La.tion of any ptcoisions of said 1rdirances. TOTAL VALUE 3ao o S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permit 3 o State ) 0 Reeeipt #:?otal Chatges ,Siyed NEM NO,FEE LrufrUL Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll conshuct, instal!., alter ot clange anA neu cr existing plunbitrg or drainage systan in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunbet,'s License, ezcept that a pe?son natl do plwnbing uork to prope?ty ulvteh is ormed, Leased or operated by the qppli- cant. Ei.rhtres Resi^d.enti.al ( 1 bath) Seuer Plutnbing Pemit @ State Electricql Permit Whet,e State Lan requiz,es th,at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Cont?acto", the eleetz"Lcal portion of this pernit sTnLL not be oalil, until the LabeL has been siyted by the Electrical Cont"actor. ?otal 531d -qo t'l eu / Ect erd. C ir cui t s Sezoiee 2Z5a /5ao I?!M NC FEE v Mechonicql Permit khanet EooC llcodstoue Vent For PezmLt fssucnee Meclnnical Permtt ao do /5. -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sec"r'ttlt Deposit Storage Maintenance, Perwi,t Cvabcut SideuaLk Penee Eleetrieal LabQT Mobile Hcnte s/z s /szDaty' / I EAW CAREPULLY EXA]LfNED the cotnpleted application fot permit, and do hereby certifg that aLL infomation hereon is ttue ard eorreet, anC f futtket, certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned shall be done in accor- dance trith the Otdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the wtk Cescribed herein, cnd. tlnt NO OCCa- PANCy ttill be nad.e of ang sttucttue uithout permission of the Buildi.ng DL-uision. f further eertifg that otly conttactot,s and enplcyees uho arb in eonpliance dith 2RS 701.055 aiLL be used on this projeet 227+1 L TOTAL AMOUII? DUE:'q4GL Signed Date