HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Mechanical 2002-09-16.JJii Ilclr I I t -L'I SPRINGFIELD 0b MEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS RE: 2818 &2760 Wayside Lane Springfield OP.97477 Donna J Goles I am writing to respond to your letter to the City of Springfield Dated June 13 2014 Please find the attached NEC : Code references that I have included . In response to your question about Spoiled food . I Did not request SUB to disconnect power at either address The NEC: code Violations I have cited and included are not Trumped by a agreement With SUB . The Proof that the Mains need grouped together is clearly stated in the code references that I have included NEC :230 .2 and 230.72 . A remotely Readable Meter would not Satisfy the mentioned Code violations I have not seen your control Panel or Stated that your brand of meter causes fires . My Correction notices For this Project were Issued to the Electrical Contractor Bear Mountain Electric On permit SPR 811-2014-987 . Bear mountain Electric also purchased Permit SPR 8ll-2014-1091 For grouping the Meter Mains. Please work [-ith your Electrical Contractor To bring your project into compliance with The current Electrical code . If your Electrical Contractor Does not agree with the correction notices I have issued There is a set procedure for their company to Make an appeal. Please contact mountain Electric to resolve this issue Thank you Guy Dixon City s4r 726 3663 225 TIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.720.3753 FAX: 511.726.3676 www - s p ri n gfi e ld-o r. g ov 7124114 Electrical Inspector O REGON 230.1 ARTICLE 230 _ SERVICES frw".6i.al H;r}&f ao,** F i,rir *rrrrlu..giiiei ililierE?Bur.g Scfltcc t :rsal f,cnrii(iff: l*, ti(i -=t' lt;rfiQe Er;r'fi-"::,:{ t €+rr':cc E qutarncnl.-Ger+-rl f.#eicE, E{il!a$al!t,.,i]E lxfinnclrlf tlsant,'. :Ierr:t e: Eituirq u I ti- *qtg rfli tlrj rii 6'r€t"Ff ,i €r4e(af EiccedinE EEti \?xit- i{eilnrd Fait t Frit'a Fiit ii} 'F*rt 1' Fn{I.iri F.{:l'{lt I4;ia'"rfl{t [-iit$cilirr;+Cgiri*: firi-t €":rs-+e t4l rair<reea. trr" ioir"*i"e ri;p;'ihJi'b. t k.n *her. the poslibil ity of backfeed exists: (s)d Pari ii :.Jiiltii Fari lll ii{n_t ,{t fiY{+$d L=l Fi:lo gertlr* i;rii E-'rr'$.r.rn6B5i fr+:r1,1 ;,i *. - riir, $.ti!;irit ili.irlli simra.trml: $':r ;;:,:. uIir;:,:I* :niJ{r-,Ji:: Exr r"i:i* sTii}*lfiil-.rlei:€d li=-rrr_dir:E! Ef, :1. irf;-}itFf J Lilr-:crYr* tti [: lr tst'* I}:er:i:m:f :I rf,lildii5 t !: Et;ffr:ir: rxiil:rii: F.r.&la:!I Filnt'iI "*:l.i.iB +t{: Hdr: !-.'t Frit Yli l.flctl* =10,II5Aici*i l:!f.3I5 230.1 Scope. This article covers seryice conductors and equipment for control and protection of services and their installation requirements. Informational Note; See Figure 230.1. Figure 230.1 Services. I. General Jrro.rNumber of Services. il A buitding or otler structure served shall be supplied by only one service unless permitted in 230.2{A) through @). For the purpose of 230.40, Exception No. 2 only, , underground sets of conductors, 1/0 AWG and larger, , running to the same location and connected together at ; their supply end but not connected together at their load end shall be considered to be supplying one service. (A) Special Conditions. Additional seryices shall be permitted to supply the following: (l) Fire pumps (2) Emergency systems (3) Legaliy required standby systems (4) Optional standby systems (5) Parallel power production systems (6) Systems designed for connection to multiple soluces of supply for the purpose of enhanced reliability 70-78 NATIoNAL ELECTRICAL CoDE 2011 Oregon Edition Hl Fiiflr llC 7*n-Y.iir:,{i E6'; .lwra,:srclFd< ir,'iEl1iurrrl ARTICLE 230 - SERViCES 230.23 (B) Special Occupancies. By special permission, additional services shall be permitted for either of the following: (l) Multiple-occupancy buildings where there is no available space for service equipment accessible to all occupants (2) A single building or other structure sufficiently large to make two or more services necessary (C) Capacity Requirements. Additional services shall be permitted under any ofthe following: (1) Where the capacity requirements are in excess of 2000 amperes at a supply voltage of 600 voits or less (2) Where the load requirements of a single-phase installation are greater thau the serving agency normally supplies through one service (3) By special permission @) Different Characteristics. Additional services shall be permitted for different voltages, frequencies, or phases, or for different uses, such as for different rate schedules- (E) Identification. Where a building or structure is supplied by more than one service, or any combination of branch circuits, feeders, and services, a permanent plaque or directory shall be installed at each service disconnect location denoting all other services, feeders, and branch circuits supplying that building or structure and the area served by each. See 225.37 . 230.3 One Building or Other Structure Not to Be Supplied Through Auother. Service conductors supplying a building or other structure shall not pass through the interior of another building or other structure. 230.6 Conductors Considered Outside the Building. Conductors shall be considered outside of a building or other structure under any ofthe following conditions: (i) Where installed undet not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete beneath a building or other structure (2) Where installed within a building or other structure in a raceway that is encased in concrete or brick not lqss than 50 mm (2 in.) thick (3) Where installed in any vault that meets , the construction requirements of Article 450, Part III (4) Where installed in conduit and under not less'than 450 mm (18 in.) of earth beneath a building or other structure (s) 230.7 Other Conductors in Raceway or Cable' Conductors other than service conductors shall not be installed in the same service raceway or service cable. Exception No. l: Grounding conductors and bonding jumpers. Exception No. 2: Load management control conductors having ov er c urr ent pr of e c ti on. 230.8 Raceway Seal, Where a service raceway enters a building or structure from an underground dishibution system, it shall be sealed in accordance with 300.5(G). Spare or unused raceways shall also be sealed. Sealants shall be identified for use with the cable insulation, shield, or other components. 230.9 Clearances on Buildings. Service conductors and final spans shall comply with 230.9(A), (B), and (C). (A) Clearances. Service conductors installed as open conductors or multiconductor cable without an overall outer jacket shall have a clearance of not less than 900 mm (3 ft) from windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, balconies, ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations. Exception: Conductors run above the top let,el of a window shall be permitted to be less than the 900-mm (3' fi) requirement. (B) Vertical Clearance. The vertical clearance of final spans above, or within 900 mm (3 ft) measured horizontally of, platforms, projections, or surfaces from which they might be reached shall be maintained in accordance with 23 0.24@). (C) Building Openings. Overhead service conductors shall not be installed beneath openings through which materials may be moved, such as openings in farm and commercial buildings, and shall not be installed where they obstruct entrance to these building openings. 230.10 Yegetation as Support. Vegetation such as trees shall not be used for support of overhead service conductors. II. Overhead $ivice Conductors 230.22 Insulation or Covering. Individual conductors shall be insulated or covered' Exception: The grounded conductor ofa multiconductor cable shall be permitted to be bare. 230.23 Size and Rating. (A) General. Conductors shall have sufficient ampacity to carry the current for the load as calculated in accordance with Article 220 and shall have adequate mechanical strength. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CoDE 2011 Oregon Edition mifr 70-79 230.56 ARTICLE 230 - SERVICES @) Secured. Si#.r.#riiaii"it cables shall be held securely in place. (E) Separately Bushed Openings. Service heads shall have conductors ofdifferent potential brought out tkough separately bushed openings. Excepti on : For j ac keted multic onductor cable without splice. (F) Drip Loops. Drip loops shall be formed on individual conductors. To prevent the entrance of moisture, service- entrance conductors shall be connected to the service- drop or:loi'e-ifi-6ad s-i*ice conductors either (1) below the level of the service head or (2) below the level of the termination of the service-entrance cable sheath. (G) Arranged That Water Will Not Enter Service IOI Readily Accessible Location. The s.*i"tr 1 disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily arranged so that water will not er-rter service raceway or equipment. 230.56 Service Conductor rvith the Higher Voltage to Ground. On a 4-wire, delta-connected service where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, the service conductor having the higher phase voltage to ground shali be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color, or by other effective means, at each termination or junction point. V. Service Equipment - General 230.62 Service Equipment - Enclosed or Guarded. Energized parts ofservice equipment shall be enclosed as specified in 230.62(1r) or guarded as specified in 230.62@). (A) Enclosed. Energized parts shall be enclosed so that they will not be exposed to accidental contact or shall be guarded as in 230.62@). (B) Guarded. Energized parts that are not enclosed shall be installed on a switchboard, paneiboard, or control board and guarded in accordance with 1 10. 1 8 and 770.27 . Where energized parts are guarded as provided in 110.27(AX1) and (A)(2), a means for locking or sealing doors providing access to energized parls shall be provided. 230,66 Marking. Service equipment rated at 600 volts or less shall be marked to it as suitable for use as servlce equipment. uitla:Individual meter socket enclosures shall not be considered service equipment. YI. Service Equipment - Disconnecting Means 230.70 General. Means shall be provided to disconnect all conductors in a building or other structure from the seryice-entrance conductors, (A) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed in accordance with 230.70(AX1), (A)(2), and (A)(3). accessible location either outside of a building or sfucture or inside nearest the point of enfoance of the service conductors. Exception: In existing iwtallatiow where onl:/ the service pgryef pt-ttebr bsse is changed and the existine service conductors meet the ampaciDt requirements, or the existing conduit is oJf s4ficient size to install netv conductors, the panel ma:t remain at the present location oroviding all requirements qf Section 110.26 and 240.24 are met. This exceotion does not require a main disconnect located nearesl lhe point qf entry. (2) Bathrooms. Service disconnecting means shall not be installed in bathrooms. (3) Remote Control. Where a remote control device(s) is used to acfuate the seruice disconnecting means, the service disconnecting means shall be located in accordance with 230.7O(AX1). (B) Marking. Each service disconnect shall be permanently marked to identify it as a service disconnect. (C) Suitable for Use. Each service disconnecting means shall be suitable for the prevailing conditions. Service equipment installed in hazardous (classified) locations shall comply with the requirements ofArticles 500 through 5i7.*;l t|H"":iil TIf ;i H::ffi ";eans ror "*ilservice permitted by 230.2, or for each set of service- entrance conductors permitted by 230.40, Exception No. 1, 3,4, or 5, shall consist of not more than six switches or sets of circuit breakers, or a combination of not more than six switches and sets of circuit breakers, mounted in a single enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a switchboard. There shall be not more than six sets of disconnects ffi"il service grouped in any one location. For the purpose of this section, discorurecting means installed as part of listed equipment and used solely for the following shall not be considered a service disconnecting , means: (1) Power monitoring equipment (2) Surge-protective device(s) (3) Control circuit ofthe ground-fault protection system (4) Power-operable service disconnecting means @) SinglePole Units. Two or three single-pole switches or breakers, capable of individual operation, shall be permitted on multiwire circuits, one pole for each ungrounded conductor, as one multipole disconnect, provided they are equipped with identified handle ties or a master handle to disconnect all conductors of the service with no more tlan six operations of the hand. Informational Note: See 408.36, Exception No. I and Exception No. 3, for service equipment in crrtain panelboards, and see 430.95 for service equipment in motor contol centers. o R o R o R o R o R $ageyay or Equipment. service conductors shall be 70-84 NATIoNAL ELECTRICAL coDE 201 1 Oregon Edition Hl ARTICLE 230 _ SERVICES 230.82 230.72Grouping of Disconnects. * (A) General. The two to six disconnects as permitted in 230.71 shall be grouped. Each disconnect shall be marked to indicate the load served. Exception: One of the two to six service disconnecting means permitted in 230.7 1, where used only for a water pump also intended to provide fire protection, shall be permitted to be located remote the other means. (B) Additional Service Disconnecting Means. The one or more additional seryice disconnecting means for fire pumps, emergency systems, legally required standby, or optional standby services permitted by 230.2 shall be installed remote from the one to six serice disconnecting means for normal service to minimize the possibilify of simultaneous intemrption of supply. (C) Access to Occupants. In a multiple-occupancy building, each occupant shali have access to the occupant's service disconnecting means. Exception: In a multiple-occupancy building where electric service and electrical maintenance are provtded by the building management and where these are under continuous building management superttision, the service disconnecting means supplying more than one occupancy shall be permitted to be accessible to authorized management personnel only. 230.74 Simultaneous Opening of Poles. Each service disconnect shall simuitaneously disconnect all ungrounded service conductors that it controls from the premises wiring system. 230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. Where the service disconnecting means does not disconnect the grounded conductor from the premises wiring, other means shall be provided for this purpose in the service equipment. A terminal or bus to which all grounded conductors can be attached by means of pressrlre connectors shall be permitted for this purpose. In a multisection switchboard, disconnects for the grouhded conductor shall be permitted to be in any section of the switchboard, provided any such switchboard section is marked. 230.76 Manually or Porver Operable. The service disconnecting means for ungrounded service conductors shall consist of one of the foliowing: (1) A manually operable switch or circuit breaker equipped with a handle or other suitable operating means (2) A power-operated switch or circuit breaker, provided the switch or circuit breaker can be opened by hand in the event of a power supply failure 230.77 Indicating. The service disconnecting means shall pJainly indicate whether it is in the open'(6ffl1 or closed (o-ni position. 230.79 Rating of Servlce Disconnecting Means. The service disconnecting means shall have a rating not less than the calculated load to be carried, determined in accordance with Part m, IV, or V of Article 220, as applicable. In no case shall the rating be lower than specified in230.79(A), G), (C), or (D). (A) One.Circuit Installations. For installations to suppiy only limited loads of a single branch circuit, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 15 amperes. (B) Two-Circuit Installations. For installations consisting of not more than two 2-wire branch circuits, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating ofnot less than 30 amperes. (C) One.Family Dwellings. For a one-family dwelling, the service disconnecting means shali have a rating ofnot less than 100 amperes, 3-wire. (D) All Others. For all other installations, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 60 amperes. 230.80 Combined Rating of Disconnects. Where the service disconnecting means consists of more than one switch or circuit breaker, as permitted by 230.71, the combined ratings of all the switches or circuit breakers used shall not be less than the rating requiredby 230.19' 230.81 Connection to Terminals. The service conductors shall be connected to the service disconnecting means by pressure connectors, clamps, or other approved means. Connections that depend on solder shall not be used. 230.82 Equipment Connected to the Supply Side of Service Disconnect. Only the following equipment shall be permitted to be connected to the supply side of the service disconnecting means : (1) Cable limiters or other current-limiting devices' (2) Meters and meter sockets nominally rated not in excess of 600 volts, provided all metal housings and service enclosures are grounded in accordance with Part VII and bonded in accordance with Part V of Article 250. (3) Meter disconnect switches nominaily rated not in excess of 600 volts that have a short-circuit current rating equai to or greater than the available short- circuit current, provided ail metal housings and service enclosures are grounded in accordance with NATIoNAL ELECTRICAL coDE 2011 Oregon Edition Hi 70-85 dL SPRINGFIELD Job# 02-01 108-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Gommunity Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 Job Number: 02-01 108-01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 03100 Subdivision: h, 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 2B1B Wayside Ln Spr AssessorsMap#: 17032244 Lot: Block: Addition: PT crTY oF SPRTNGFIELD, OREGON Owner: Donna Goles Address: 2818 Wayside Lane Scope Of Work: Mechanical Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541-741-8866 Springfield, OR97477 Value: $O Contractor Type MechanicalContr Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: install gas fireplace Contractor Geoffrey Alan Beals PO Box 3193, Albany, OR 97321 Registration # 92824 1-465-3900 Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required lnspections Mechanical Rough Gas Rough Mechanical Gas Service FinalGas Final Mechanical Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Area (Sq. Feet) Main: -After line is installed -Prior to cover. -After line is installed -When all gas work is -When allmechanical Pressure tes # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units Census Code: Does not apply Accessory Total .i ltsl* Job# 02-01108-01 Page2of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Mechanical One to Four Outlets Minimum Mechanical Permit 8% Administrative Fee - Mechanical Gas Fireplace Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge - Mechanical Total Mechanical 0911612002 0911612002 0911612002 09t16t2002 0911612002 09116t2002 10612 10612 10612 10612 10612 10612 1 1 Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS will be used on this req at the proper time the I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are project address is readable from the street. $61.7s / Date $4.00 $32.00 $3.60 $9.00 $10.00 $3.15 $61.75 4-t6- d 2-