HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-11-14I" RESIDEt\ - AL'" APPLICAruON/PERMIT SPRTNGHET.D - 2S Uorth |th Street- pringfield, 2regon 97477 - 'uilding Diuision _ 26-3753 tcaticn: sorc llaP il a uision: ?s9.' NeI) .q,dditicn 1 Remol.e ?cz Lot ll 6A a/fi ?/2? I Phone: Describe h'ot'k: ft-p77<- 4 n /+Date:.4p Value to aee that aL! incpections ate nade at the p"oPer tine' that aach cddress is readabie L 1 ,,ouurn o*" ate of APP rac r ,neral "urnb ing cha I ecEr rrDe Elec E r c]-an 't ie theatcm therguildi.W l SIT9 INSPECIION: escauationt but forne, resaonsibilitv of tlp permit hoden Btre'et. atd tlnt the penrtt catd ie- *;4,1"; approu'ed pLan slu:Ll remain Located at the frcnt of the -PrePe?tY'on the Building Sitc at aLL timea. ,!?OCSDUPE FON INSPEC"IION ,!9-QI!EST..CALL 7 .equestcd atd uhen you D,LL be Peady tor :iit be nnde the sane dcy, teqtests nade ' uour Ci,.tu Cesiqruted job nmbet, iob aCdreas' type- ;; d-;;;" *r,e "antl pwie mtnbcr. P'equesta receiu*ed26-3769 (t'ecordet ) state inspection,Conttactors after ?:00 on till be nade the nctt tnrking &Y' Iour City Desigr,a.ted Job ltunbe? f8: To naCe a rcqu'Jred oaPor ban iers are in Place of incpeclicn befcre 7:00 c:r To be prtor tc set after uP of -1 UNDER'L@ I ;'tEL'H,tilrcAI; 1ro be na.de before any -) 6;F7;a'ouened. - MarrNG t F)\NDATT1N: To be nPCe ) after tnenches are elcatdted' ana - fbrns are erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrete. - uNDsRCPoullD PL!M2!!9-9!9!-#W ) onnfnref;=;t;nace Pnior to fil- Lirq trenches. -1 rJ,,| r, *o,r, r_l.qE rrg 1n!:fhl\llt*' . f -) To be nade Pntot floor inaulction ot decking' a Posr AND BEAM: To be nade Prtot to ) ffi;;Aof floon insulation on deckiry. i- R\t-tcil Pr,ulBIttC. =Er:EOnlgAL e iE:i-lJF I I ZffiAu No uon - is to be cot:ered ' ' ffiTthcse insPections harJe beet nwde and. aPProrsei. FMEPLACE: Pt"ior to plccir4 faeing ^c;;ii; and befote frurring insPec- tion. PRAI:IIIG: l4ust be requected aftet 6ffit of rough Plwrbing, 3lectni-itl a ^octunieal. - AL'|, toofing braeing C chimeYs, etc' mtst be cowlelcd. lto ucrk is to be con- .nilnd untit this insPection las 'been made anC appro-ued. IE DRYWALL INSPEC?ION: TC bE MAdE AFer;TTAy,atf;s .in P?-ace' but Pnior to cnY taPlng. MASONR!: Steel location, bond tffiilgrouting or oerticals in accorddtce Ltith u.B.c. section 24 1.5. |,\IIDSTOYE: After installation is entpT;iA, ffi,!;!,i,1r1,8ry concr'ete. '. '#W##;",12;,"t.ln:03' o-f-tnu'. to .be tnde aften aL?' etca' iLUiL: carPlete & for,a t'sork & sub' fuse l,ntertal in Place' bui be|ore any la rnLl, @ty . cortering is 'inaul,ation is th, gypswn boat4 ot applied, and before concealed. FIIIAL PLUNBTIIC FIIIAL I4ECIIANICAT, FINAL ELECTSICAL IENCE: l{hen eonPlate -- tuooiCe ffi-o" iuable' sections through P,A.E. Za,rt P7E#ry€ fr>7 _ .- --: ALLprojectconclit.ions,suchastl.tei,nat.allationofa!,,eettrees.-conpletionofthe required tands""prng,'Lt..-,-irot te sottrfiZi*U"fZ'""" t'i-builotn-c FIliaL can be requected' FINAL DUILDINI: The Final Building Inapcction tuat be requect'ed'afgs\ lhe ltnal Plwnbing (J ,:;-"2"r;z;1:'ffi yi"ii",ilii li'p""tions'hauc been made atd approvee' OR Sanilary ee"tet capped at proparty Line r , ..r rtIir,r,.il'l$a lrli/Irlr,,r,irl i.rrl[,], tr, Septie tork p:trrVed atd fi'Lled vith gra:tel Final - l{hen abcrte itens are corpleted and uhen Cqolition is canplete o? stmil' ture notteC and ptenrises cleaneC up. Btocking atd Set-:tP Plwnbing connecttons '- aa.ile? atd ualer Electrical Cc'nneetion - Blocking' let'u? - "iiilit;"s conneettons mtst be apprcted t; ;io:n " requ-ea ting elec"ri cal insp e c liotl AcceasorY BuilCing Fitlr,l - Aften pctehes, ekirting, decks' ete. are canPleted' Pqte ! of ! a tA[,[,IIAIIIrcT,ES AND CT'NANOUT! IIII::T NT AC(:E:;STBT'E'AD,ilts;Tltlttt To gE t'l./,DE !'T llo cgsT T0 crlv i,. tr L-COG+ "soLAR A-QC ESS REQ.-JOB NO 7 of Lot Cooeraga t of Stoties - Building Permtt' Total Clangea Totdl Bedroofits: c TNT IYPE _ Interior Cornef Panlandle - Cul'de-sac tat Faces - cant. llea TL '4. I Date Paid: il Signed * the do L1,- bg an Electt'ical be ualiC until Electricol Permit t{here State Lans tequires tlut the electrical uork be done contraetor, the etecttiZ"i';;'t:'i;"- "f this.permit alall ro ";;;" ;i;1' t- "' L " "" u i giZa- {v- tn" E L e c * i c aL c o n t r ac t o P' Mechqnicql Permit ?$- /'zrt ,2d->u D I HAVE CAREFULL1 ilXANINED 7!@ sonqleted aoolication fot permit' and do herebu eertifv *o{'1i-i'io"'Lttbn t'"'niT ie true attd cotncct' dn'c r ftt,rtier centify that'aiv-aid all ao1k parfomted alall be dote in ac'or- -do.nce tith the ordi;;:;0""-irlnn c1ly.L1.bpri)irirta, ."d _!.\",ta;e of tha . stabe of [regon p.";;;;,;;1;s-',to- iin- w'rt, a""zrtaLa here'Jn, ?nd :hat No cccu' pANc! witl be nnde #-;;:;'"i;";;;;'-;;it7;;1' p-'itu't^ of the suitdins D'i.' oision. I further h"iifu thet- -only con,trac'tora ar'd' enplcyeee uho are ttt canpl'!.ance u;t'n cnil'oi'b"ss 'itt be- used on thie pnoiect /' v Signzd a Aacesallou6eL llattNorth East South I l,lest VaLuexSQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x 4 CHARGEl,o.FEE Fbtutea Resi.denti-al (1 bath) SanitcrY Seoen l,lcter Plumbing Penrit State Na,t/tutend Circuits Senttce , CIIARCEFSENC. ar+6II bhanst HooC Vent For Y;4 a.>2 'Pz,.-€ 12e llechanictL Pemrit Perwit Issucnee ENCROACHMENT -- Seeari Pcrmit Total Curbcu! Sida,talk L tlobile llone TO?AL AIIOUNT DUE:.?6-25 * Ca"aae rTEI'l thin a?race AcceaSora Stdte fTEM Total Cltatgqe - CITARGEE Pas- Sa. fta. Taipotaru ?t; 4 /#t+-